Emails: Looks Like Hillary Authored Benghazi Lie

You think she would say that to the families?
You don't care about the families.

No. You and your ilk don't care about the families of those four very good men.

All you care about is defending that POS who's incompetence and the incompetence of her State Department cause the deaths of those four men.

I wish the families could sue the shit out of the Govt. for those deaths. Gross incompetence is what it was.
I am going to defend Mrs. Clinton. I am not sure she knew that the riots were not over a video. I don't think she knows the time of day most times.
I am going to defend Mrs. Clinton. I am not sure she knew that the riots were not over a video. I don't think she knows the time of day most times.
“Two of our officers were killed in Benghazi by an al Qaeda-like group: The Ambassador, whom I handpicked and a young communications officer on temporary duty w a wife and two young children. Very hard day and I fear more of the same tomorrow.”
Email to her daughter hours after the attack.
You think she would say that to the families?
You don't care about the families.
I wanted her to tell them the truth, you support the lie they were told.
Libs supporting the troops = denying they were there.
ACTUALLY, supporting higher pay, better health care, AND NOT SENDING THEM INTO THE STUPIDEST WARS EVER IN THE FIRST PLACE, brainwashed functional moron.
Breaking for the dupes- CIA STILL think the video triggered the attack, like all the others at the time DUH.
What color is the sky in your world?
You calling Obama and Hillary a liar by saying it wasn't the video, it was a planned terrorist attack on 9-11?

BS, dupe. TRIGGERED, stupid. How many hours a day do you listen to Fox and Rush etc etc do get so brainwashed? Knee jerk talking points and stupid insults.
Breaking for the dupes- CIA STILL think the video triggered the attack, like all the others at the time DUH.
What color is the sky in your world?
You calling Obama and Hillary a liar by saying it wasn't the video, it was a planned terrorist attack on 9-11?


Oh he's a moron all right plus a Dem hater dupe.

The CIA knew it was a terrorist attack the minute it happened. They'd gotten warning for months about the attack. They also advised the WH immediately.

It was the WH who decided that the video bullshit would be used. After all Barry was running for re-election.

Lets face it. His re-election was way more important that four dead men, one of whom was his ambassador, and an attack on a consulate.

I just wish the families of the dead could sue the fucking shit out of the Govt. for gross negligence.
Breaking for the dupes- CIA STILL think the video triggered the attack, like all the others at the time DUH.
What color is the sky in your world?
You calling Obama and Hillary a liar by saying it wasn't the video, it was a planned terrorist attack on 9-11?


Oh he's a moron all right plus a Dem hater dupe.

The CIA knew it was a terrorist attack the minute it happened. They'd gotten warning for months about the attack. They also advised the WH immediately.

It was the WH who decided that the video bullshit would be used. After all Barry was running for re-election.

Lets face it. His re-election was way more important that four dead men, one of whom was his ambassador, and an attack on a consulate.

I just wish the families of the dead could sue the fucking shit out of the Govt. for gross negligence.
There were 20+ other attacks in the same few days in reaction to the video. Of course it was an act of terror, as Obama said within hours. You people are BRAINWASHED.

More knashing about this little tragedy than about 3000 dead on 9/11- sheer incompetence amid MANY ignored warnings...Read something.
Breaking for the dupes- CIA STILL think the video triggered the attack, like all the others at the time DUH.
What color is the sky in your world?
You calling Obama and Hillary a liar by saying it wasn't the video, it was a planned terrorist attack on 9-11?


Oh he's a moron all right plus a Dem hater dupe.

The CIA knew it was a terrorist attack the minute it happened. They'd gotten warning for months about the attack. They also advised the WH immediately.

It was the WH who decided that the video bullshit would be used. After all Barry was running for re-election.

Lets face it. His re-election was way more important that four dead men, one of whom was his ambassador, and an attack on a consulate.

I just wish the families of the dead could sue the fucking shit out of the Govt. for gross negligence.
There were 20+ other attacks in the same few days in reaction to the video. Of course it was an act of terror, as Obama said within hours. You people are BRAINWASHED.

More knashing about this little tragedy than about 3000 dead on 9/11- sheer incompetence amid MANY ignored warnings...Read something.

Dem hater dupe.
Breaking for the dupes- CIA STILL think the video triggered the attack, like all the others at the time DUH.
What color is the sky in your world?
You calling Obama and Hillary a liar by saying it wasn't the video, it was a planned terrorist attack on 9-11?

BS, dupe. TRIGGERED, stupid. How many hours a day do you listen to Fox and Rush etc etc do get so brainwashed? Knee jerk talking points and stupid insults.
Breaking for the dupes- CIA STILL think the video triggered the attack, like all the others at the time DUH.

there was one other on 9/11 and before, ONE. Of course the CIA is going with that BS they were running guns and or using the compound as a prison, they have something to hide, that is why people lie. And we know they lied.
Breaking for the dupes- CIA STILL think the video triggered the attack, like all the others at the time DUH.
What color is the sky in your world?
You calling Obama and Hillary a liar by saying it wasn't the video, it was a planned terrorist attack on 9-11?

BS, dupe. TRIGGERED, stupid. How many hours a day do you listen to Fox and Rush etc etc do get so brainwashed? Knee jerk talking points and stupid insults.
Oh hum, brainwashed by that RW CNN again.

Some of Hillary Clinton's Benghazi-related emails released -
investigate the FBI 10 times for doing the same thing the House Republicans did 10 times ...

finding nothing criminal about Clintons email scandal ...

that should keep the simpletons busy for another 5 years, and in time for Clintons 2nd term as POTUS.
Since there is no way to tell why they attacked, what DOES ALL THIS PUB BS MATTER? That was Hillary's question, a-hole brainwashed dumbasses...

Are you really asking what difference it makes at this time? What difference it makes is the difference between being honest and not honest. Between telling the TRUTH and out right making up stories.

There was ONE protest over the video on 9/11, after the President, Mrs. clinton and Rice repeatidly made their false claims there were more. My opinion those three should be held accountible for the riots after they made their untruthful remarks. But let's say they didn't know why the attack happened. Why would then then go out and talk with such surety that they did know? Yeah they are getting off scott free because congress thinks it better to keep a secret then expose liars.
“to underscore that these protests are rooted in an Internet video,

And they were.

Timeline: Protests over anti-Islam video

not a broader failure of policy

The raging hatred many Muslim have for the US is rooted in our bipartisan policy of intervention.
Sticking to the lie? Obama and Hillary now say it was not the video, so now they are liars?
You have me torn.

Saturday, September 15

Taliban fighters storm Camp Bastion, a heavily fortified airfield in Afghanistan's Helmand province where Britain's Prince Harry is deployed, killing two US Marines.

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