Emails from Tulsi ...

as the Democrat nominee, Tulsi will GRAB THE SPOTLIGHT away from Donald Trump, and will make Trump fall in love with her and swoon over her and concede the race without having an election!

The millions she got from Wall Street most certainly played a role also.

Not really. Again, Hillary's own personal unlikeability and phoniness is what did her in. No one liked her in 2008, either.

Sanders beat Hillary in Michigan and Wisconsin. Sanders would have won those states. That only leaves Pennsylvania that Hillary took for granted. Sanders would not have. You are the reason Trump is president. You still defend a "corrupt, unlikable bitch" over a guy supported by the people.

Yeah, Commie Bernie's a great candidate if you want to sit on your ass and collect a welfare check... but eventually, you run out of other people's money. Kind of like they did in Venezuela.

We ran out of money a very long time ago.
The millions she got from Wall Street most certainly played a role also.

Not really. Again, Hillary's own personal unlikeability and phoniness is what did her in. No one liked her in 2008, either.

Sanders beat Hillary in Michigan and Wisconsin. Sanders would have won those states. That only leaves Pennsylvania that Hillary took for granted. Sanders would not have. You are the reason Trump is president. You still defend a "corrupt, unlikable bitch" over a guy supported by the people.

Yeah, Commie Bernie's a great candidate if you want to sit on your ass and collect a welfare check... but eventually, you run out of other people's money. Kind of like they did in Venezuela.

Or as a Former Soviet once remarked, "The government pretended to pay us, and we pretended to work".

Bernie won the small swath of people who bothered to vote in Democratic primaries...

Let me help you out.

Michigan, Hillary lost by a mere 11K votes out of some 4.7 million cast.

But only 1.2 million voted in the Democratic primary. That means that a lot of people who stayed home in the primary did vote in the General, and they weren't that enthused for Commie Bernie.

Now- On to Wiscconsin. In the general, Trump won by 27,000 votes ou of 2.9 million cast.

In the primary, 1.1 million people voted, of which Commie Bernie only got 570K.

Means a whole lot of people didn't want Commie Bernie in Wisconsin.

The surest way to get us four more years of Trump would be to nominate Commie Bernie.

Americans don't like standing in line for bread.
Stated like the true neocon that you are.
The hard on the right has for Gabbard is amazing, too bad she also thinks Trump is a shit stain on our history.

one more reason to like her

What are the reasons a libertarian would like Gabbard? Is it her healthcare plan? Banning offshore drilling? Putting her thumb on the scale in favor of green energy and banning fracking? Enforcing anti-discrimination laws? Her being pro-choice?

She's kind of a typical liberal who went out of her way to denounce a centrist Democrat in order to support a Democratic-Socialist, I'm not really sure what the appeal is to conservatives and libertarians.

As I've noted before anecdotal stories don't hold a lot of weight and this is one.

I attend Libertarian get togethers locally. I noted I was the official photographer for the states 2016 Libertarian Convention.

We were at a dinner before the 2016 elections and the discussion came up about the online tests you can take to see who you most align with. I acknowledge their short comings.

That said, it was discussed how many had Sanders higher up their lists than either Hillary or Trump.

Libertarians have a lot of short comings beginning with never actually governing a country before. I've found that if you ask 10 libertarians what it means to be a libertarian then you'll get 20 answers.

We are a diverse group, that is for sure.

Our common goal is smaller government and less spending.

Your common goal is to allow corporations to govern us.
one more reason to like her

What are the reasons a libertarian would like Gabbard? Is it her healthcare plan? Banning offshore drilling? Putting her thumb on the scale in favor of green energy and banning fracking? Enforcing anti-discrimination laws? Her being pro-choice?

She's kind of a typical liberal who went out of her way to denounce a centrist Democrat in order to support a Democratic-Socialist, I'm not really sure what the appeal is to conservatives and libertarians.

As I've noted before anecdotal stories don't hold a lot of weight and this is one.

I attend Libertarian get togethers locally. I noted I was the official photographer for the states 2016 Libertarian Convention.

We were at a dinner before the 2016 elections and the discussion came up about the online tests you can take to see who you most align with. I acknowledge their short comings.

That said, it was discussed how many had Sanders higher up their lists than either Hillary or Trump.

Libertarians have a lot of short comings beginning with never actually governing a country before. I've found that if you ask 10 libertarians what it means to be a libertarian then you'll get 20 answers.

We are a diverse group, that is for sure.

Our common goal is smaller government and less spending.

Your common goal is to allow corporations to govern us.

What are the reasons a libertarian would like Gabbard? Is it her healthcare plan? Banning offshore drilling? Putting her thumb on the scale in favor of green energy and banning fracking? Enforcing anti-discrimination laws? Her being pro-choice?

She's kind of a typical liberal who went out of her way to denounce a centrist Democrat in order to support a Democratic-Socialist, I'm not really sure what the appeal is to conservatives and libertarians.

As I've noted before anecdotal stories don't hold a lot of weight and this is one.

I attend Libertarian get togethers locally. I noted I was the official photographer for the states 2016 Libertarian Convention.

We were at a dinner before the 2016 elections and the discussion came up about the online tests you can take to see who you most align with. I acknowledge their short comings.

That said, it was discussed how many had Sanders higher up their lists than either Hillary or Trump.

Libertarians have a lot of short comings beginning with never actually governing a country before. I've found that if you ask 10 libertarians what it means to be a libertarian then you'll get 20 answers.

We are a diverse group, that is for sure.

Our common goal is smaller government and less spending.

Your common goal is to allow corporations to govern us.


What regulations do you think should be imposed on businesses? Let's start with civil rights and we can work our way up to the environment.
one more reason to like her

What are the reasons a libertarian would like Gabbard? Is it her healthcare plan? Banning offshore drilling? Putting her thumb on the scale in favor of green energy and banning fracking? Enforcing anti-discrimination laws? Her being pro-choice?

She's kind of a typical liberal who went out of her way to denounce a centrist Democrat in order to support a Democratic-Socialist, I'm not really sure what the appeal is to conservatives and libertarians.

As I've noted before anecdotal stories don't hold a lot of weight and this is one.

I attend Libertarian get togethers locally. I noted I was the official photographer for the states 2016 Libertarian Convention.

We were at a dinner before the 2016 elections and the discussion came up about the online tests you can take to see who you most align with. I acknowledge their short comings.

That said, it was discussed how many had Sanders higher up their lists than either Hillary or Trump.

Libertarians have a lot of short comings beginning with never actually governing a country before. I've found that if you ask 10 libertarians what it means to be a libertarian then you'll get 20 answers.

We are a diverse group, that is for sure.

Our common goal is smaller government and less spending.

Your common goal is to allow corporations to govern us.

That ship has long ago set sail.
What are the reasons a libertarian would like Gabbard? Is it her healthcare plan? Banning offshore drilling? Putting her thumb on the scale in favor of green energy and banning fracking? Enforcing anti-discrimination laws? Her being pro-choice?

She's kind of a typical liberal who went out of her way to denounce a centrist Democrat in order to support a Democratic-Socialist, I'm not really sure what the appeal is to conservatives and libertarians.

As I've noted before anecdotal stories don't hold a lot of weight and this is one.

I attend Libertarian get togethers locally. I noted I was the official photographer for the states 2016 Libertarian Convention.

We were at a dinner before the 2016 elections and the discussion came up about the online tests you can take to see who you most align with. I acknowledge their short comings.

That said, it was discussed how many had Sanders higher up their lists than either Hillary or Trump.

Libertarians have a lot of short comings beginning with never actually governing a country before. I've found that if you ask 10 libertarians what it means to be a libertarian then you'll get 20 answers.

We are a diverse group, that is for sure.

Our common goal is smaller government and less spending.

Your common goal is to allow corporations to govern us.

That ship has long ago set sail.

True thanks to the idiotic mantra that any regulation is a bad regulation often times spouted by the "liberarian" wing of the GOP. A faction that hates government control of anything yet usually sells itself out and aligns with the theocratic wannabe party.
William —

Those of us on the ground know that the grassroots momentum for Tulsi is strong. It looks like yard signs springing up in every corner of the early states. It looks like lines around the block for Tulsi’s events and people spilling out of venues. It looks like you, reading this email, and deciding that today is the day you’re ready to be part of this movement.

Our movement relies 100% on grassroots support — Tulsi doesn’t accept PAC money, and she’s made some powerful enemies in the foreign policy establishment, and at the DNC, by refusing to accept or uphold the status quo. Instead, she fights for you. And now she needs you to give her a fighting chance:
William —

Tulsi will be headed home early next week from a two week active duty training overseas and when she gets back, we want to surprise her by reaching 170,000 donors - and we only have 5,246 to go!

While other candidates have been holding high-dollar fundraisers in the Hamptons, Tulsi’s been away serving her country. Tulsi has dedicated her life to putting service above self, and now she needs your help to bring this spirit of service to the White House.
William —

I’ll be blunt: without your help, we may not make the third debate. It’s true that because of you, we’ve blown past the required 130,000 unique donors. And Tulsi has racked up over 26 polls at or above the 2% threshold for the third debate. But only two of those polls are deemed “certified” by the DNC’s seemingly arbitrary criteria, which they have not made public.

And get this - many of the uncertified polls are ranked by Real Clear Politics and FiveThirtyEight as more accurate than some DNC “certified” polls. After examining the list of certified and non-certified polls, Michael Tracey wrote in Real Clear Politics, “Tulsi Gabbard is on the verge of being excluded from the next Democratic presidential debate on the basis of criteria that appear increasingly absurd.”
William —

I’ll be blunt: without your help, we may not make the third debate. It’s true that because of you, we’ve blown past the required 130,000 unique donors. And Tulsi has racked up over 26 polls at or above the 2% threshold for the third debate. But only two of those polls are deemed “certified” by the DNC’s seemingly arbitrary criteria, which they have not made public.

And get this - many of the uncertified polls are ranked by Real Clear Politics and FiveThirtyEight as more accurate than some DNC “certified” polls. After examining the list of certified and non-certified polls, Michael Tracey wrote in Real Clear Politics, “Tulsi Gabbard is on the verge of being excluded from the next Democratic presidential debate on the basis of criteria that appear increasingly absurd.”

If this happens the only (D) I will consider voting for is Sanders. I am not real thrilled with Warren but I would still consider her IF the (D)'s don't pull their crap again but that is looking more increasingly unlikely.

I would love to see Gabbard run (G) if they cheat her out of what she has deserved. I'd vote for her over Sanders then.
William —

Tulsi will be back from her National Guard duty in just a few days. Will you join us in calling on the DNC to ensure fairness and transparency in the debate qualification process so we can show her how many people stand with her when she steps off the plane?
William —

I’ll be blunt: without your help, we may not make the third debate. It’s true that because of you, we’ve blown past the required 130,000 unique donors. And Tulsi has racked up over 26 polls at or above the 2% threshold for the third debate. But only two of those polls are deemed “certified” by the DNC’s seemingly arbitrary criteria, which they have not made public.

And get this - many of the uncertified polls are ranked by Real Clear Politics and FiveThirtyEight as more accurate than some DNC “certified” polls. After examining the list of certified and non-certified polls, Michael Tracey wrote in Real Clear Politics, “Tulsi Gabbard is on the verge of being excluded from the next Democratic presidential debate on the basis of criteria that appear increasingly absurd.”

If this happens the only (D) I will consider voting for is Sanders. I am not real thrilled with Warren but I would still consider her IF the (D)'s don't pull their crap again but that is looking more increasingly unlikely.

I would love to see Gabbard run (G) if they cheat her out of what she has deserved. I'd vote for her over Sanders then.

We need a female president and I could care less if it's a Democrat..

Tulsi is as special to my heart as Nikki is they will do the right thing.
William —

I’ll be blunt: without your help, we may not make the third debate. It’s true that because of you, we’ve blown past the required 130,000 unique donors. And Tulsi has racked up over 26 polls at or above the 2% threshold for the third debate. But only two of those polls are deemed “certified” by the DNC’s seemingly arbitrary criteria, which they have not made public.

And get this - many of the uncertified polls are ranked by Real Clear Politics and FiveThirtyEight as more accurate than some DNC “certified” polls. After examining the list of certified and non-certified polls, Michael Tracey wrote in Real Clear Politics, “Tulsi Gabbard is on the verge of being excluded from the next Democratic presidential debate on the basis of criteria that appear increasingly absurd.”

If this happens the only (D) I will consider voting for is Sanders. I am not real thrilled with Warren but I would still consider her IF the (D)'s don't pull their crap again but that is looking more increasingly unlikely.

I would love to see Gabbard run (G) if they cheat her out of what she has deserved. I'd vote for her over Sanders then.

We need a female president and I could care less if it's a Democrat..

Tulsi is as special to my heart as Nikki is they will do the right thing.

Nikki the war monger? No,
What the hell?


If you haven’t read the “Afghanistan Papers” investigation published by The Washington Post this week, I recommend you do.  It exposes the betrayal and failed leadership of successive administrations. And points to the urgent need for a commander-in-chief who has the necessary experience, understanding, and foresight to bring about a sea change in our foreign policy.

After you read it, think about what the $4 billion in American taxpayer dollars spent every MONTH in Afghanistan has gotten us...
… And who has profited and continues to profit from this war,
… And all the troops who are still there,
… And all the families who have welcomed their wife, son, daughter, or husband back home at Dover Air Force Base, in a coffin draped in an American flag.

Do you feel betrayed? Lied to? You should. But it is not enough for us to feel frustrated or angry. We need to do something about it.

I’m calling on you to join me in ending once and for all the longstanding, failed foreign policy of carrying out regime change wars, overthrowing dictators we don’t like, and spending trillions rebuilding those foreign nations instead of our own. Will you stand with me, William?

This expose should be a wakeup call to our nation. It lays bare, in excruciating detail, the insanity of the foreign policy establishment:

  • The negligence of paper pushers in the Pentagon who saw billions of dollars flow past their desk with nothing to show for it and kept signing checks.
  • The greed of the military industrial complex that kept lapping up that money - our money - while America crumbled around them, with no shame.
  • The unimaginable hubris of leaders who thought they could invade a country that has been called the “Graveyard of Empires” with no clear objective or strategy, and prevail.
Ending this insanity is why I decided to run for president: To expose the lies of the Military Industrial Complex, to bring our troops home, to only send them to fight wars worthy of their great sacrifice, to lead us away from deadly, costly, counterproductive regime change wars and nation building and towards a future where we work hand in hand for peace, human dignity and true equality. To reinvest those TRILLIONS of dollars back here, at home, on the urgent needs of our people. 

I am the only candidate in this race who has been speaking truth to power about the rot in the military industrial complex. Nobody has been listening. Now the undeniable evidence is out — and I need your help to make sure it never gets swept under the rug again.

Can you help me, William?

My personal commitment to you is that I will end these wars, and reinvest those trillions in taxpayer dollars back into the urgent needs of the American people. In housing, healthcare, education, green jobs and infrastructure and in our ailing communities. 

I will put an end to this insanity that has cost us so much. 

I hope you will join me. 

William —

I’ll be blunt: without your help, we may not make the third debate. It’s true that because of you, we’ve blown past the required 130,000 unique donors. And Tulsi has racked up over 26 polls at or above the 2% threshold for the third debate. But only two of those polls are deemed “certified” by the DNC’s seemingly arbitrary criteria, which they have not made public.

And get this - many of the uncertified polls are ranked by Real Clear Politics and FiveThirtyEight as more accurate than some DNC “certified” polls. After examining the list of certified and non-certified polls, Michael Tracey wrote in Real Clear Politics, “Tulsi Gabbard is on the verge of being excluded from the next Democratic presidential debate on the basis of criteria that appear increasingly absurd.”

Uh, bonehead, she has withdrawn from the debate even IF she qualified for it. The white flag is being prepped to be hoisted over her campaign.
William —

I’ll be blunt: without your help, we may not make the third debate. It’s true that because of you, we’ve blown past the required 130,000 unique donors. And Tulsi has racked up over 26 polls at or above the 2% threshold for the third debate. But only two of those polls are deemed “certified” by the DNC’s seemingly arbitrary criteria, which they have not made public.

And get this - many of the uncertified polls are ranked by Real Clear Politics and FiveThirtyEight as more accurate than some DNC “certified” polls. After examining the list of certified and non-certified polls, Michael Tracey wrote in Real Clear Politics, “Tulsi Gabbard is on the verge of being excluded from the next Democratic presidential debate on the basis of criteria that appear increasingly absurd.”

Uh, bonehead, she has withdrawn from the debate even IF she qualified for it. The white flag is being prepped to be hoisted over her campaign.

I am a political guy, she is going to withdraw soon, no money

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