Elon admits he knows people have adverse reactions to Vax.


Registered Conservative
Sep 20, 2005
Well he is finally coming out publicly about it:

He probably knows some who have died of covid also who are unvaxxed.

It will need to be studied, but won't be for years I'm sure/
Look you ignorant cretins, we've all known for 4 years that a small minority have adverse reactions to the Covid vaccines. Where the fk has Elon been all that time?

can ya'all just stop the childish nonsense peddling?
Musk's cousin, myocarditis. That would link to familial genes. DeSantis-Musk 2024
Look you ignorant cretins, we've all known for 4 years that a small minority have adverse reactions to the Covid vaccines. Where the fk has Elon been all that time?

can ya'all just stop the childish nonsense peddling?

so if a person has these adverse effects..... they should just shut up and not mention it to anyone. is that right?
Look you ignorant cretins, we've all known for 4 years that a small minority have adverse reactions to the Covid vaccines. Where the fk has Elon been all that time?

can ya'all just stop the childish nonsense peddling?
Your word is as good as Biden's or Fauci's. . You have no idea what you say is true. Neither do I, but there are hundreds of articles from medical experts, etc., who give valid reasons why the vaccine can be deadly short term and very much so long term. They give scientific evidence. Many others around the world report on how many sudden deaths have occurred with strong ties to the vaccine. ---- Fine, you can decide for yourself, but the government or companies forcing people to take the vaccine is criminal.
Your word is as good as Biden's or Fauci's. . You have no idea what you say is true. Neither do I, but there are hundreds of articles from medical experts, etc., who give valid reasons why the vaccine can be deadly short term and very much so long term. They give scientific evidence. Many others around the world report on how many sudden deaths have occurred with strong ties to the vaccine. ---- Fine, you can decide for yourself, but the government or companies forcing people to take the vaccine is criminal.
Yesterday we found the report that mentions vaxxed mRNA circulating in blood for up to 28 days.
Will someone please tell Musk that there are two coronaviruses known to cause sudden death: rabbit and pig. Baric is attached to the rabbit (1992). There is also a feline coronavirus that causes early death, a variation on the other two modus operandae.
, but there are hundreds of articles from medical experts, etc., who give valid reasons why the vaccine can be deadly short term and very much so long term. They give scientific evidence. Many others around the world report on how many sudden deaths have occurred with strong ties to the vaccine.
There are many hundreds as you suggest that condemn the vaccines, against hundreds of millions who accept it to be safe and effective.

This is true of all pharmaceuticals whose positive effect needs to be weighed against the negatives.

You people are kneejerk alarmists who are chiefly motivated by your crazy-ass politics. Grow up, shut up, or get on with the second coup attempt you clowns keep promising. The world is moving on.
I'm glad to see that the truth is beginning to come out finally!

thank you Elon!:thup:

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