Ellison - Libs Backing Another Traitor / Terrorist Supporter


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Arabia Trip Included Meetings With Radical Cleric, Bank That Funds Suicide Bombings
-- Trip was funded by Muslim Brotherhood-tied organization

"Rep. Keith Ellison (D., Minn.) during a 2008 trip to Saudi Arabia met with a radical Muslim cleric who endorsed killing U.S. soldiers and with the president of a bank used to pay the families of Palestinian suicide bombers.

Ellison, now a leading candidate to head the Democratic National Committee, was brought to Saudi Arabia for a two-week trip by the Muslim American Society (MAS), a group founded by members of the Muslim Brotherhood to act as its “overt arm” in the United States."

Arabia Trip Included Meetings With Radical Cleric, Bank That Funds Suicide Bombings
-- Trip was funded by Muslim Brotherhood-tied organization

"Rep. Keith Ellison (D., Minn.) during a 2008 trip to Saudi Arabia met with a radical Muslim cleric who endorsed killing U.S. soldiers and with the president of a bank used to pay the families of Palestinian suicide bombers.

Ellison, now a leading candidate to head the Democratic National Committee, was brought to Saudi Arabia for a two-week trip by the Muslim American Society (MAS), a group founded by members of the Muslim Brotherhood to act as its “overt arm” in the United States."


Link? Credible proof? Context? BTW, Rep. Keith Ellison seems like an honorable man.
Arabia Trip Included Meetings With Radical Cleric, Bank That Funds Suicide Bombings
-- Trip was funded by Muslim Brotherhood-tied organization

"Rep. Keith Ellison (D., Minn.) during a 2008 trip to Saudi Arabia met with a radical Muslim cleric who endorsed killing U.S. soldiers and with the president of a bank used to pay the families of Palestinian suicide bombers.

Ellison, now a leading candidate to head the Democratic National Committee, was brought to Saudi Arabia for a two-week trip by the Muslim American Society (MAS), a group founded by members of the Muslim Brotherhood to act as its “overt arm” in the United States."


Link? Credible proof? Context? BTW, Rep. Keith Ellison seems like an honorable man.

The link is in the OP, fool. You need to stop with the "Link? Credible proof? Context?" then running away when it's provided, jackass ...that and you sound like a redundant dope
seems that way eh Sassy . It needs to be advertised that this guy is a muslim and I think that he took his oath of office on a 'koran' .
Arabia Trip Included Meetings With Radical Cleric, Bank That Funds Suicide Bombings
-- Trip was funded by Muslim Brotherhood-tied organization

"Rep. Keith Ellison (D., Minn.) during a 2008 trip to Saudi Arabia met with a radical Muslim cleric who endorsed killing U.S. soldiers and with the president of a bank used to pay the families of Palestinian suicide bombers.

Ellison, now a leading candidate to head the Democratic National Committee, was brought to Saudi Arabia for a two-week trip by the Muslim American Society (MAS), a group founded by members of the Muslim Brotherhood to act as its “overt arm” in the United States."


Didn't he call himself Keith X for awhile, or was that a red herring?
Arabia Trip Included Meetings With Radical Cleric, Bank That Funds Suicide Bombings
-- Trip was funded by Muslim Brotherhood-tied organization

"Rep. Keith Ellison (D., Minn.) during a 2008 trip to Saudi Arabia met with a radical Muslim cleric who endorsed killing U.S. soldiers and with the president of a bank used to pay the families of Palestinian suicide bombers.

Ellison, now a leading candidate to head the Democratic National Committee, was brought to Saudi Arabia for a two-week trip by the Muslim American Society (MAS), a group founded by members of the Muslim Brotherhood to act as its “overt arm” in the United States."


Link? Credible proof? Context? BTW, Rep. Keith Ellison seems like an honorable man.
c'mon , smarten up , I half way like you Lakhota but smarten up . ------------- by the way , this Ellison guy is a muslim koran obeying and koran loving infiltrator of USA Government and that's not a good thing Lakhota !! islam is not compatible with the USA and its Constitution Lakhota .
Picking & rigging their Primary to give corrupt Hillary the nomination demonstrated the DNC is still the party of old, white, crooked, power-hungry elitisys who are still not intereted in providing representative govt.

Staying with Nancy Pelosi demonstrated the DNC learned NOTHING from teir 2nd straigjt historic,reord-setting ass-kickig,adthey still reward their rich, elitist globalist failures with leadership and power.

And supporting Ellison demonstrates the DNC is the new 'Pro- Muslim Extremist / Radical / Terrorist Party. Barry brought them 'out of the closet', openly supporting, financing, arming, etc Al Qaeida and ISIS... Ellison seems to be following in Barry's footsteps.

'A free Koran for everyone who registers to vote...and promises to vote DNC!'
Arabia Trip Included Meetings With Radical Cleric, Bank That Funds Suicide Bombings
-- Trip was funded by Muslim Brotherhood-tied organization

"Rep. Keith Ellison (D., Minn.) during a 2008 trip to Saudi Arabia met with a radical Muslim cleric who endorsed killing U.S. soldiers and with the president of a bank used to pay the families of Palestinian suicide bombers.

Ellison, now a leading candidate to head the Democratic National Committee, was brought to Saudi Arabia for a two-week trip by the Muslim American Society (MAS), a group founded by members of the Muslim Brotherhood to act as its “overt arm” in the United States."



The congressman's curious theory on the root causes of terrorism.

"America is the root cause of violent extremism, Congress's foremost apologist for Islamic terrorism told a White House conference last week.

In rambling remarks Feb. 18 at President Obama's so-called Summit on Countering Violent Extremism, U.S. Rep. Keith Ellison (D-Minn.) used the opportunity to smear America, downplay Muslim violence, and urge law enforcement to go easy on suspected Muslim terrorists.

Ellison accused the U.S. of breeding terrorists by somehow persecuting Muslims.

"The reason that we are susceptible to violent extremism is because we have not deepened opportunity in our country enough. Now it's true that, certainly, economic deprivation makes people susceptible to being lured and seduced. That's a fact. But it's also true that not only is it economic deprivation, although it is certainly part of it. The other part of it is social deprivation as well and legal deprivation as well," he said.

- Snip -

"That Muslim terrorism is America's fault is a frequent theme in Ellison's speeches.

In 2009 he said that “violent extremism with a Muslim veneer is essentially a post-colonial reaction” (i.e., a reaction to Western colonialism of the past) and a manifestation of a “political environment rooted in grievance.”

- Snip -

"In 2000 Ellison delivered a speech at a fundraising event sponsored by the Minnesota chapter of the National Lawyers Guild. Former Weather Underground leader Bernardine Dohrn was in attendance at the event which was a fundraiser for former Symbionese Liberation Army terrorist Kathleen Soliah after her arrest in St. Paul for the attempted murder of Los Angeles police officers in 1975. Ellison demanded Soliah's release and described her as someone who had been “fighting for freedom in the '60s and '70s.” Ellison also spoke favorably of cop killer and leftist icon Mumia Abu Jamal.

When Ellison won his first congressional election on Nov. 7, 2006, at his victory party several of his supporters shouted “Allahu Akbar!" which is the traditional battle cry of jihadists."

Here's the full article.

Rep. Keith Ellison: Apologist for Jihad

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