Elizabeth Warren threatens Israel with aid cutoff but slammed Trump for cutting off Palestinian aid

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
The HYPOCRISY of the lunatic left knows no bounds.....yes, let's help the warmongers of Palestine continue to murder Jews....GOOD CHOICE, Fauxahontas!!!

washingtonexaminer ^ | October 21, 2019

Sen. Elizabeth Warren has threatened that as president she would consider cutting off U.S. aid to Israel if the country moves against a two-state solution, but last year, she condemned President Trump for cutting off aid to intransigent Palestinians.

The Democratic front-runner said regarding aid to Israel, "Right now, Netanyahu says he is going to take Israel in a direction of increasing settlements. That does not move us toward a two-state solution."

She added, "It is the official policy of the United States of America to support a two-state solution, and if Israel is moving in the opposite direction, then everything is on the table."

Warren's harsh words toward Israel stand in stark contrast to her previous condemnation of Trump's cutoff of aid to Palestinians.

Trump has come under fire from the Left after making several moves to unwind aid to the Palestinians, who have consistently rejected opportunities for a two-state solution and created obstacles to a negotiated settlement while continuing their campaign of terrorism. The terrorist group Hamas controls Gaza, where missiles are fired into Israel, and the supposedly moderate Palestinian Authority has a program that pays salaries to imprisoned Palestinian terrorists and to the families of terrorists who get killed.

Trump's administration last year cut off more than $500 million in aid to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA). The agency has operated under an unprecedented definition that grants automatic refugee status to descendants of refugees rather than those who directly fled their homes as a result of a conflict, thus greatly inflating the number of Palestinians granted such status.

In September 2019, Warren joined dozens of Senate Democrats in condemning the move in a letter, stating, "We are deeply concerned that your strategy of attempting to force the Palestinian Authority to the negotiating table by withholding humanitarian assistance from women and children is misguided and destined to backfire."

Though the senators portrayed the UNRWA as nothing more than an honest provider of humanitarian aid, the reality is not so benign. The organization has long-funded textbooks in Palestinian classrooms that are littered with anti-Israel bias, a problem that has persisted despite claims the problem had been dealt with. More recently, an internal ethics report detailed a series of disturbing allegations against senior UNRWA management, including "sexual misconduct, nepotism, retaliation, discrimination and other abuses of authority, for personal gain, to suppress legitimate dissent, and to otherwise achieve their personal objectives."

It would be one thing if Warren were talking in a broader fashion about cutting foreign aid (an argument, that, say, Sen. Rand Paul might make). But instead, she is singling out Israel, even though the aid to Israel has to be spent on U.S. equipment, facilitates military cooperation, and does not involve any sort of commitment of U.S. troops.

That Warren would find it so objectionable to push the U.N. and Palestinians to change but would be so forthright about threatening aid to a close ally is an indication of how prevalent anti-Israel sentiment is within the Democratic Party. It's clear that Warren feels that to satisfy her base, she needs to signal a willingnes


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