Eleven Children Found On A Ranch In New Mexico.

From Taos News-
Siraj Ibn Wahhaj may be related Siraj Wahhaj, a well-known Muslim imam of the Masjid Al-Taqwa Mosque in Brooklyn, New York. A Facebook page claiming to be that of the imam had several posts in January related to the disappearance of the family.
One posted Jan 4. reads, “Dear Brothers and Sisters, please make duas for the safe return of my children and grandchildren; Siraj, Hujrah, Subhanah Wahhaj, son in law Luqman (Lucas) Morton, and daughter in law Maryam (Jany) Leveille and their children (my 12 grandchildren). We believe they may be traveling together. If you have any information or knows their whereabouts please call the Clayton County Police Department.”

The Taos News had not yet confirmed the relationship between Wahhaj and the imam as of press time Sunday (Aug. 5). Reached by phone in New York, another relative Sadiqa A. Wahhaj, confirmed the little boy who is still missing is her nephew. She declined to comment on the relationship between Imam Wahhaj and Siraj Wahhaj who was arrested Friday. "I am not in a position to comment at this time," she said. "As you can imagine this is a difficult time for our family."
Mysterious lives upended

Sure appears to be a link between he and the Imam.

NM is a 'Libertarian' Paradise. There are probably many more freak show 'compounds' in the Land Of See-No-Evil. Seems to have named himself after this clown:

Siraj Wahhaj - Wikipedia

11 kids rescued from armed ‘extremists’ at buried compound, New Mexico sheriff says

11 children found in "filthy" New Mexico compound with little food, authorities say - CBS News

CBS and other news outlets seem to omit all the facts about this piece of shit; don't even mention his racist scumbag affiliations. CBS doesn't even use his title as an 'imam'. lol

Domestic nutjob. Thomas Jefferson knew we should make no distinctions between a 'native' citizen and a foreign nutjob when it came to deportations of undesirables.

Not the same guy.

I didn't say it was. Try learning to read. It might help you get through 5th grade quicker.

Actually no you didn't. You assume he is an imam. So where did Jefferson say citizens should be deported to? do you have a link to that?

True, but we wanted for Penelope to keep posting her clueless drivel, for the comedy value.

Now you ruined it.
By the way, they ended up arresting the women they found, as well, even though initially let go after questioning. The FBI had been following them for months, yet had felt they didn’t have enough to arrest them.

Yes. apparently starving children aren't an issue for them.
From Taos News-
Siraj Ibn Wahhaj may be related Siraj Wahhaj, a well-known Muslim imam of the Masjid Al-Taqwa Mosque in Brooklyn, New York. A Facebook page claiming to be that of the imam had several posts in January related to the disappearance of the family.
One posted Jan 4. reads, “Dear Brothers and Sisters, please make duas for the safe return of my children and grandchildren; Siraj, Hujrah, Subhanah Wahhaj, son in law Luqman (Lucas) Morton, and daughter in law Maryam (Jany) Leveille and their children (my 12 grandchildren). We believe they may be traveling together. If you have any information or knows their whereabouts please call the Clayton County Police Department.”

The Taos News had not yet confirmed the relationship between Wahhaj and the imam as of press time Sunday (Aug. 5). Reached by phone in New York, another relative Sadiqa A. Wahhaj, confirmed the little boy who is still missing is her nephew. She declined to comment on the relationship between Imam Wahhaj and Siraj Wahhaj who was arrested Friday. "I am not in a position to comment at this time," she said. "As you can imagine this is a difficult time for our family."
Mysterious lives upended

Sure appears to be a link between he and the Imam.

NM is a 'Libertarian' Paradise. There are probably many more freak show 'compounds' in the Land Of See-No-Evil. Seems to have named himself after this clown:

Siraj Wahhaj - Wikipedia

11 kids rescued from armed ‘extremists’ at buried compound, New Mexico sheriff says

11 children found in "filthy" New Mexico compound with little food, authorities say - CBS News

CBS and other news outlets seem to omit all the facts about this piece of shit; don't even mention his racist scumbag affiliations. CBS doesn't even use his title as an 'imam'. lol

Domestic nutjob. Thomas Jefferson knew we should make no distinctions between a 'native' citizen and a foreign nutjob when it came to deportations of undesirables.

Not the same guy.

I didn't say it was. Try learning to read. It might help you get through 5th grade quicker.

Actually no you didn't. You assume he is an imam. So where did Jefferson say citizens should be deported to? do you have a link to that?

True, but we wanted for Penelope to keep posting her clueless drivel, for the comedy value.

Now you ruined it.
By the way, they ended up arresting the women they found, as well, even though initially let go after questioning. The FBI had been following them for months, yet had felt they didn’t have enough to arrest them.

Yes. apparently starving children aren't an issue for them.
Another case of their not acting. Obviously they were following him for reasons other than the children...
11 kids found on 'filthy' New Mexico compound during search for missing 3-year-old boy, sheriff says

How horrible! What I wonder is if there are 11 parents who filled out missing children reports!

Authorities hoping to end a monthslong search for a missing 3-year-old boy raided a New Mexico compound Friday to look for the toddler — but instead found 11 other children who were malnourished and living in filthy conditions, authorities said.

Taos County Sheriff’s deputies stormed a makeshift compound in Amalia and removed the children, ranging from ages 1 to 15, and turned over to state child-welfare workers. Police were initially at the compound to look for Abdul-Ghani Wahhaj and a 39-year-old man, Siraj Wahhaj, accused of abducting the boy last December. Wahhaj was located on the property and arrested. The child that sparked the initial search was not found.

Nothing like a little stateside Mogadishu to complement our American culture. Yes, my knee jerking is a reaction to this article. Load the little tykes up with 7.62x54R bandoliers and scowls and it'll be like you're almost there.

Yes. But hey, according to the left wingers, we can stop such crimes by merely legalizing Shariah law, and embracing 'Diversity' n stuff. Just ask Lewdog, the pro-slavery and slave child prostitute 'realist' Democrat on this board on how to deal with this lack of cross-cultural understanding.
Go ahead and name anyone here who says to legalize Shariah law. Besides those who support christer sharia law, that is.

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