Electric ferries

More unicorn chasing!!!:113:

Future generations will look back and laugh about the ignorance of people like you.

Observation says that future generations will look back and wonder what the hell alarmists were thinking...holding a quasi religious belief in climate models when observation has shown them to be wrong for 40 years now.

Never mind believing in man made climate change when there isn't a single piece of observed, measured evidence which supports the AGW hypothesis over natural variability, or a single piece of observed, measured evidence which establishes a coherent link between the absorption of IR by a gas and warming in the atmosphere...or a single peer reviewed published paper in which the claimed warming due to mankind activities has been empirically measured, quantified, and blamed on so called greenhouse gasses.

No...history is going to look back on climate alarmists with the same scorn it has for all people who have believed in, and pushed agendas based on false information. One side has the actual science in support of its position and the other side has "consensus" and no actual empirical science...there is a reason that skeptics are constantly presenting peer reviewed published literature in support of their positions while alarmists offer up opinion pieces, and blogs as if they were evidence of anything more than their gullibility.

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