Election Taking Shape After S.C.


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
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Barring something extreme happening, and happening soon, it looks like Trump will take the GOP nomination.
- Some are suggesting the ticket will be Trump / Cruz or Trump / Rubio, but if Trump wins the nomination his running mate will be up to him, which means it may be neither. (I can not see Anti-Illegal Trump with Pro-Amnesty Rubio as his running mate, though.)

Hillary looks to be extending her lead over Bernie, and his window of opportunity to 'de-throne' Hillary is narrowing. It looks like The DNC Establishment is going to be able to do what the GOP Establishment can not - get their Establishment candidate to win the nomination.

(I have heard some say the only thing that can stop Hillary is her indictment. It's a fool's hope - the longer the race for the nomination, the closer Hillary gets to securing the nomination, the less likely any Grand Jury or Indictments will be allowed. There is no way Obama / the DOJ will snatch a victory / Presidential nomination from Hillary.)

Trump Vs Hillary 2016 is starting to take shape.
Funny that the Republicans haven't thought of running Powell. Maybe he's too smart to do it.
I was hoping Cruz would be the GOP nominee...but it is looking to be Trump or Rubio. My fingers are crossed for Trump. Rubio would give Hillary a run for her money, but I still think she'd mop the floor with him...especially on foreign policy.
Funny that the Republicans haven't thought of running Powell. Maybe he's too smart to do it.
Colin Powel had been asked before, and he flat out said 'No' because he and his wife had decided they did not want to subject themselves to the personal attacks and politics of personal destruction our election / political system has evolved into.

That's the problem with our system now - there are far better candidates on both sides than who are running that will not run due to the rabid partisan attacks not designed to defeat one's opponent but instead are meant to destroy the person.
What passes for important and serious in America is seriously and importantly grotesque.
I was hoping Cruz would be the GOP nominee...but it is looking to be Trump or Rubio. My fingers are crossed for Trump. Rubio would give Hillary a run for her money, but I still think she'd mop the floor with him...especially on foreign policy.

Don't know about that. While Hillary has more experience in foreign matters it isn't necessary experience she can brag about. Rubio stands a better chance at winning than Trump though. Trump appeals to the GOP crazy base but Trump isn't going to gather the independents needed to win IMO.
I was hoping Cruz would be the GOP nominee...but it is looking to be Trump or Rubio. My fingers are crossed for Trump. Rubio would give Hillary a run for her money, but I still think she'd mop the floor with him...especially on foreign policy.

Don't know about that. While Hillary has more experience in foreign matters it isn't necessary experience she can brag about. Rubio stands a better chance at winning than Trump though. Trump appeals to the GOP crazy base but Trump isn't going to gather the independents needed to win IMO.

Of course it's experience she can brag about...and she's got plenty of GOP members on tape praising her job as Senator and as Sec of State.

Rubio has less experience than Barack Obama did...the Democrats can just keep playing tape of everyone on the GOP side tearing at their hair and beating their chests over Obama's lack of experience.
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