Election Officials Play Death Threats From trump Followers

This is terrorism.
Maybe you ought to turn your venom on these guys, eh?
Dem Threats.jpg
BLM isn't the Democratic party and the Democratic party isn't BLM.

The mob at the capitol was Trump's mob. There's no doubt.
Really? So the fantasy world you live in, does it have unicorns and flying horses or just unicorns. Democratic Party funds BLM. If you don’t know that you’re very ignorant
Yea it was. You go back and prove me wrong you fat little twat
How many charged with theft, looting and murder when compared to the BLM riots? How many charged with burning down a police station? How many charged with creating an autonomous zone and rape? Your outrage is comical, you leftist zombie.
Really? So the fantasy world you live in, does it have unicorns and flying horses or just unicorns. Democratic Party funds BLM. If you don’t know that you’re very ignorant
More whataboutism. The Trump mob is unlike anything we’d seen. The Trump mob was whipped into a fury to fulfill a political gain for that leader. That’s not what BLM or Antifa does. They don’t act on behalf of the DNC, for the benefit of the DNC. Your comparison is weak and desperate.
People who have years of experience working as election officials are now leaving their jobs because of the threats.

This is terrorism.

The trump people have been stalking, harassing, threatening and just terrorizing election workers.

I wish there was a way to put a stop to this.

So what else would you expect from the dregs of American society?
More whataboutism. The Trump mob is unlike anything we’d seen. The Trump mob was whipped into a fury to fulfill a political gain for that leader. That’s not what BLM or Antifa does. They don’t act on behalf of the DNC, for the benefit of the DNC. Your comparison is weak and desperate.
Wow. You actually believe this nonsense. I feel sorry for you. I voted for Trump. Am I part of his “mob”? LOL
Wow. You actually believe this nonsense. I feel sorry for you. I voted for Trump. Am I part of his “mob”? LOL
Where did I imply you’re part of his mob?

This isn’t about you. It’s about the fact that Trump was capable of leading a large group of people to violence on his behalf and collectively his supporters shrug it off. This is a problem that none of you want to talk about but it’s really serious.
Where did I imply you’re part of his mob?

This isn’t about you. It’s about the fact that Trump was capable of leading a large group of people to violence on his behalf and collectively his supporters shrug it off. This is a problem that none of you want to talk about but it’s really serious.
He was? He was of course convicted of this. It could not be the news media suppressing negative stories about the Bidens and the numerous mail in votes that were unconfirmed? You really blame one person for this? Amazing. Your ignorance is truly amazing. That is something very serious. Our news and social media platform divide us for ratings and you’re too naive to see it.
As long as you persist in using phrases like "Trump's mob", characterizing people as some sort of Trump zombies, incapable of exercising their own free will, there is no point in talking to you.
Not "Trump's Mob"?

They came DIRECTLY from a TRUMP rally in which they were INCITED to DO SOMETHING! STOP the STEAL?! FIGHT LIKE HELL!

And they marched directly to the Capitol and assaulted it.
Not "Trump's Mob"?

They came DIRECTLY from a TRUMP rally in which they were INCITED to DO SOMETHING! STOP the STEAL?! FIGHT LIKE HELL!

And they marched directly to the Capitol and assaulted it.
Your leaving out the pitchforks and torches, drama queen.
But you call Jan 6th an insurrection when not one person arrested has been charged with insurrection.
Yes that's right, all the evidence is on video. It doesn't matter that they are not charged with insurrection. the video shows what it shows. They said they were there to stop the certification and to keep their orange pile of shit in power. Just ask them.

Let's compare that to this VERY extensive list of evidence you have for you election fraud fantasies:
Yes that's right, all the evidence is on video. It doesn't matter that they are not charged with insurrection. the video shows what it shows. They said they were there to stop the certification and to keep their orange pile of shit in power. Just ask them.

Let's compare that to this VERY extensive list of evidence you have for you election fraud fantasies:
Video? Like the 1000s of hours of video of the mostly peaceful protests by BLM and Antifa. My evidence is outrage and mistrust of many voters. What I believe is irrelevant. The numerous videos of dumped ballots, of people not being allowed to supervise, the fact that a potted plant received more votes than anyone in history. The fact that our news media has a 36% approval rating. In the court of public opinion there is great distrust for our politicians, our voting process and our media. You keep playing that race card though.
Yes, the video showing them violently storm the Capitol in search of our elected officials, and for the purpose of stopping certification of the election to keep your orange lard and master in power.

All of your pathetic whataboutism isn't going to change that. And your outrage over BLM ids pretty much just a little act. Everyone knows this. I think you know everyone knows this. But Trumpism insists that you persist anyway. because, what else ya got, really? Nuttin'.
Yes, the video showing them violently storm the Capitol in search of our elected officials, and for the purpose of stopping certification of the election to keep your orange lard and master in power.

All of your pathetic whataboutism isn't going to change that. And your outrage over BLM ids pretty much just a little act. Everyone knows this. I think you know everyone knows this. But Trumpism insists that you persist anyway. because, what else ya got, really? Nuttin'.
Idiot that’s not what I meant. Stop fucking cutting off my posts. Last fucking warning. You do it again. I get Personal and don’t care if I get banned. You fucking Jew hating pig.

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