Election Fraud Gone Wild - Courts Will Stop It


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
Democrats thought they could impose unprecedented levels of election fraud on our 2020 election, and get away with it. Many in the leftist media are foolishly denying it has occured, when multiple cases galore are showing on internet videos, and massive amounts of Biden vote counts have been suddenly appeared out of nowhere, in a number of states, changing big Trump leads into losses for him. Nothing could have been more obvious. It looks like Democrats weren't even trying to hide it.

Fortunately, Trump lawyer are already on top of all this lunacy, with lawsuits filed in Michigan, Pennsylvania, Georgia, and a recount in Wisconsin. Arizona and Virginia, are also being challenged. Instances of election fraud are all over the place. In one case, in Luzerne County, PA, 9 military ballots (all voting for Trump) were found discarded., and the DOJ/FBI are already on the case.


BREAKING: Trump Campaign Files Suit in Michigan After Massive Dump of Ballots For Biden Suddenly Appear Overnight
The Trump campaign on Wednesday announced it filed suit in Michigan after a massive dump of ballots for Joe Biden appeared overnight. “As votes in Michigan continue to be counted, the presidential race in the state remains extremely tight as we always knew it would be. President Trump’s campaign...
Some might say what’s the big deal – it’s just 9 ballots. Note that the statement indicates that it is 9 ballots “at this time,” indicating that the investigation is still ongoing. Also note that we are very early on in the early voting process, with hundreds of thousands more votes to be cast by mail in Pennsylvania.

With the Pennsylvania courts having recently ruled that the Democrats can continue collecting ballots for days after Election Day – a decision the state GOP has appealed to the federal courts – and with millions of ballots having been mailed to people who did not request them, the state’s voting process is almost certain to be rife with fraud and abuse. What the DOJ/FBI discovered in this situation is no doubt the result of Democrat officials conducting a trial run to see what they can get away with as the process plays itself out

The PA supreme court made a decision to allow ballots to be submitted without signatures, without dates, and in a slipshod fashion that appears to be an invitation to fraud. This is unconstututional in itself , since the US constitution mandates that only state legislatures can determine voting procedures. On thi lone, Pennsylvania's whole election will be overturned in the courts.

The Democrat Party is mounting a highly-organized effort to steal this election. What we see here is just the tip of a very large iceberg. The good news is that William Barr’s DOJ appears intent on policing the situation. Check the links for videos of shameless Democrats thinking they can do anything they want with our democracy, as long as it helps their candidate. Incredible audacity and stupidity.

Some might say what’s the big deal – it’s just nine ballots. Note that the statement indicates that it is 9 ballots “at this time,” indicating that the investigation is still ongoing. Also note that we are very early on in the early voting process, with hundreds of thousands more votes to be cast by mail in Pennsylvania.

With the Pennsylvania courts having recently ruled that the Democrats can continue collecting ballots for days after Election Day – a decision the state GOP has appealed to the federal courts – and with millions of ballots having been mailed to people who did not request them, the state’s voting process is almost certain to be rife with fraud and abuse. What the DOJ/FBI discovered in this situation is no doubt the result of Democrat officials conducting a trial run to see what they can get away with as the process plays itself out.

The Democrat Party is mounting a highly-organized effort to steal this election. What we see here is just the tip of a very large iceberg. The good news is that William Barr’s DOJ appears intent on policing the situation.

Types of Voter Fraud

Fraudulent Use Of Absentee Ballots

Requesting absentee ballots and voting without the knowledge of the actual voter; or obtaining the absentee ballot from a voter and either filling it in directly and forging the voter’s signature or illegally telling the voter who to vote for.

Ineligible Voting
Illegal registration and voting by individuals who are not U.S. citizens, are convicted felons, or are otherwise not eligible to vote.

Impersonation Fraud At The Polls
Voting in the name of other legitimate voters and voters who have died, moved away, or lost their right to vote because they are felons, but remain registered.

Buying Votes
Paying voters to cast either an in-person or absentee ballot for a particular candidate.

Ballot Petition Fraud
Forging the signatures of registered voters on the ballot petitions that must be filed with election officials in some states for a candidate or issue to be listed on the official ballot

Duplicate Voting
Registering in multiple locations and voting in the same election in more than one jurisdiction or state.

False Registrations
Voting under fraudulent voter registrations that either use a phony name and a real or fake address or claim residence in a particular jurisdiction where the registered voter does not actually live and is not entitled to vote.

Altering The Vote Count
Changing the actual vote count either in a precinct or at the central location where votes are counted.

Illegal "Assistance" At The Polls
Forcing or intimidating voters—particularly the elderly, disabled, illiterate, and those for whom English is a second language—to vote for particular candidates while supposedly providing them with “assistance.”


US Election Fraud Is Real—and Its Impact Is Being Ignored
A well-known liberal law professor says individual acts of election fraud are “not calculated to change election outcomes.”

The Heritage Foundation maintains a database of hundreds of cases of voter fraud (by no means does it cover all). One can click on a state on the map and see individual cases with names of defendants, the type of fraud charges against them, and a detailed description.


Voter Fraud Map: Election Fraud Database | The Heritage Foundation
Explore a sampling of recent proven instances of election fraud from across the country. The database is intended to demonstrate the vulnerabilities in the election system and the many ways in which fraud is committed.



Voter Fraud Map: Election Fraud Database | The Heritage Foundation
Explore a sampling of recent proven instances of election fraud from across the country. The database is intended to demonstrate the vulnerabilities in the election system and the many ways in which fraud is committed.

In Texas, four people, including a Gregg County commissioner, were arrested last month in connection with their alleged involvement in a vote-harvesting scheme that was uncovered by the state Attorney General’s Office.


Gregg County commissioner, 3 others arrested in 'vote-harvesting scheme'
After an investigation lasting more than two years, Gregg County Pct. 4 Commissioner Shannon Brown and three other people were arrested Thursday in connection with what the Texas Attorney General’s


Man Caught on Video Stealing Mail, Voting Ballots in California
Surveillance cameras from a local resident in Escondido, California, capture a man stealing mail containing voting ballots from his home and houses nearby.

Another case out of the Lone Star State involves a mayoral candidate for the city of Carrollton. Zul Mirza Mohamed is alleged to have forged at least 84 voter registration forms for unwitting residents of Denton County, and then obtained absentee ballots in their names without their knowledge using a virtual mailbox and a false identity.

The Texas Attorney General’s Office states that at the time of his arrest, Mohamed was completing more fraudulent mail-in ballot applications.
Here's a video on Republican poll watchers being denied access to the vote counting tables. Incredible! >>

republican poll watchers banned - Bing video

Watch how Gary Feldman, a Republican poll watcher, with Philadelphia city certificate, is denied entrance to the building to do his job, by Democrat fraudsters. And listen how they tell him to call the police. Oh yeah right, in a city with a Democrat mayor. We've seen how that goes >>

Philadelphia City Commissioners Say They Are Investigating After Video Allegedly Shows GOP Poll Watcher Getting Kicked Out Of Polling Place
Philadelphia City Commissioners said that they are investigating after a Wednesday video showed a GOP poll watcher being kicked out of a polling place.

More Examples of Election Fraud Show How the Left Is in Denial About It
Though the left downplays threats to the security and integrity of the electoral process, election fraud does occur, jeopardizing free and fair elections.
In one of Joe Biden's typically bizarre video gaffes, he openly admits that >> “We’re in a situation where we have put together, and you guys did it for our administration…President Obama’s administration before this. We have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics,” he said. Don't believe he said that ?

Watch him say it on the video >>
Trump: Fraud Is Underway. 'Frankly We Did Win This Election... We'll Be Going to the Supreme Court'

There are also multiple reports of problems being caused by election officials using inaccurate, error-filled voter registration lists to mail out absentee ballots.

Those include:

A German journalist who reports that he received three ballots at his residence in Washington, D.C., for the previous tenant, who moved five years ago; the landlady, who now lives in Puerto Rico; and the landlady’s deceased husband.

New Jersey residents across the state reporting that they have received absentee ballots for their deceased relatives.

Clerical errors that sent 1,400 Virginia voters two mail-in ballots for the general election.

Close to 100,000 New York City voters receiving mail-in ballots with incorrect names and addresses.

An acquaintance of one of the writers living in Washington, D.C., who received five ballots in the mail—two for him, one for his roommate, and two for individuals who haven’t lived at his address for years. Those ballots can be seen here:

This summary of recent cases doesn’t even cover the 1,000 voters referred to law enforcement officials in Georgia for voting twice in that state’s June primary (once in person and a second time with an absentee ballot); or the former Democratic congressman and erstwhile political consultant indicted in Philadelphia on charges of bribing an election official to stuff the ballot box with fraudulent votes in multiple elections; or the illegal aliens indicted in North Carolina for illegally registering and voting.
It doesn't matter how this plays out, our Republic is dead.

When a major political party resorts to illegal tactics to gain power, our Republic is dead.

We have seen this happen in other countries, and the result is always tyranny.

But before this happens, patriots will be the last defense of our freedoms, as our Founding Fathers intended when they enacted the Second Amendment.

It's time to load up on guns and bullets, my friends.
Democrats thought they could impose unprecedented levels of election fraud on our 2020 election, and get away with it. Many in the leftist media are foolishly denying it has occured, when multiple cases galore are showing on internet videos, and massive amounts of Biden vote counts have been suddenly appeared out of nowhere, in a number of states, changing big Trump leads into losses for him. Nothing could have been more obvious. It looks like Democrats weren't even trying to hide it.

Fortunately, Trump lawyer are already on top of all this lunacy, with lawsuits filed in Michigan, Pennsylvania, Georgia, and a recount in Wisconsin. Arizona and Virginia, are also being challenged. Instances of election fraud are all over the place. In one case, in Luzerne County, PA, 9 military ballots (all voting for Trump) were found discarded., and the DOJ/FBI are already on the case.


BREAKING: Trump Campaign Files Suit in Michigan After Massive Dump of Ballots For Biden Suddenly Appear Overnight
The Trump campaign on Wednesday announced it filed suit in Michigan after a massive dump of ballots for Joe Biden appeared overnight. “As votes in Michigan continue to be counted, the presidential race in the state remains extremely tight as we always knew it would be. President Trump’s campaign...
Some might say what’s the big deal – it’s just 9 ballots. Note that the statement indicates that it is 9 ballots “at this time,” indicating that the investigation is still ongoing. Also note that we are very early on in the early voting process, with hundreds of thousands more votes to be cast by mail in Pennsylvania.

With the Pennsylvania courts having recently ruled that the Democrats can continue collecting ballots for days after Election Day – a decision the state GOP has appealed to the federal courts – and with millions of ballots having been mailed to people who did not request them, the state’s voting process is almost certain to be rife with fraud and abuse. What the DOJ/FBI discovered in this situation is no doubt the result of Democrat officials conducting a trial run to see what they can get away with as the process plays itself out

The PA supreme court made a decision to allow ballots to be submitted without signatures, without dates, and in a slipshod fashion that appears to be an invitation to fraud. This is unconstututional in itself , since the US constitution mandates that only state legislatures can determine voting procedures. On thi lone, Pennsylvania's whole election will be overturned in the courts.

The Democrat Party is mounting a highly-organized effort to steal this election. What we see here is just the tip of a very large iceberg. The good news is that William Barr’s DOJ appears intent on policing the situation. Check the links for videos of shameless Democrats thinking they can do anything they want with our democracy, as long as it helps their candidate. Incredible audacity and stupidity.

Some might say what’s the big deal – it’s just nine ballots. Note that the statement indicates that it is 9 ballots “at this time,” indicating that the investigation is still ongoing. Also note that we are very early on in the early voting process, with hundreds of thousands more votes to be cast by mail in Pennsylvania.

With the Pennsylvania courts having recently ruled that the Democrats can continue collecting ballots for days after Election Day – a decision the state GOP has appealed to the federal courts – and with millions of ballots having been mailed to people who did not request them, the state’s voting process is almost certain to be rife with fraud and abuse. What the DOJ/FBI discovered in this situation is no doubt the result of Democrat officials conducting a trial run to see what they can get away with as the process plays itself out.

The Democrat Party is mounting a highly-organized effort to steal this election. What we see here is just the tip of a very large iceberg. The good news is that William Barr’s DOJ appears intent on policing the situation.

Types of Voter Fraud

Fraudulent Use Of Absentee Ballots

Requesting absentee ballots and voting without the knowledge of the actual voter; or obtaining the absentee ballot from a voter and either filling it in directly and forging the voter’s signature or illegally telling the voter who to vote for.

Ineligible Voting
Illegal registration and voting by individuals who are not U.S. citizens, are convicted felons, or are otherwise not eligible to vote.

Impersonation Fraud At The Polls
Voting in the name of other legitimate voters and voters who have died, moved away, or lost their right to vote because they are felons, but remain registered.

Buying Votes
Paying voters to cast either an in-person or absentee ballot for a particular candidate.

Ballot Petition Fraud
Forging the signatures of registered voters on the ballot petitions that must be filed with election officials in some states for a candidate or issue to be listed on the official ballot

Duplicate Voting
Registering in multiple locations and voting in the same election in more than one jurisdiction or state.

False Registrations
Voting under fraudulent voter registrations that either use a phony name and a real or fake address or claim residence in a particular jurisdiction where the registered voter does not actually live and is not entitled to vote.

Altering The Vote Count
Changing the actual vote count either in a precinct or at the central location where votes are counted.

Illegal "Assistance" At The Polls
Forcing or intimidating voters—particularly the elderly, disabled, illiterate, and those for whom English is a second language—to vote for particular candidates while supposedly providing them with “assistance.”


US Election Fraud Is Real—and Its Impact Is Being Ignored
A well-known liberal law professor says individual acts of election fraud are “not calculated to change election outcomes.”

The Heritage Foundation maintains a database of hundreds of cases of voter fraud (by no means does it cover all). One can click on a state on the map and see individual cases with names of defendants, the type of fraud charges against them, and a detailed description.


Voter Fraud Map: Election Fraud Database | The Heritage Foundation
Explore a sampling of recent proven instances of election fraud from across the country. The database is intended to demonstrate the vulnerabilities in the election system and the many ways in which fraud is committed.



Voter Fraud Map: Election Fraud Database | The Heritage Foundation
Explore a sampling of recent proven instances of election fraud from across the country. The database is intended to demonstrate the vulnerabilities in the election system and the many ways in which fraud is committed.

In Texas, four people, including a Gregg County commissioner, were arrested last month in connection with their alleged involvement in a vote-harvesting scheme that was uncovered by the state Attorney General’s Office.


Gregg County commissioner, 3 others arrested in 'vote-harvesting scheme'
After an investigation lasting more than two years, Gregg County Pct. 4 Commissioner Shannon Brown and three other people were arrested Thursday in connection with what the Texas Attorney General’s


Man Caught on Video Stealing Mail, Voting Ballots in California
Surveillance cameras from a local resident in Escondido, California, capture a man stealing mail containing voting ballots from his home and houses nearby.

Another case out of the Lone Star State involves a mayoral candidate for the city of Carrollton. Zul Mirza Mohamed is alleged to have forged at least 84 voter registration forms for unwitting residents of Denton County, and then obtained absentee ballots in their names without their knowledge using a virtual mailbox and a false identity.

The Texas Attorney General’s Office states that at the time of his arrest, Mohamed was completing more fraudulent mail-in ballot applications.


It doesn't matter how this plays out, our Republic is dead.

When a major political party resorts to illegal tactics to gain power, our Republic is dead.

We have seen this happen in other countries, and the result is always tyranny.

But before this happens, patriots will be the last defense of our freedoms, as our Founding Fathers intended when they enacted the Second Amendment.

It's time to load up on guns and bullets, my friends.

You guys said that in 2008. And 1992.

And probably in 1976.
It looks like Democrats weren't even trying to hide it.

That's correct. Today pam bondi got a court order to force them into the counting room in PA so they could observe the count...the filth got violent. They are now in contempt of court & nothing will be done...the local sheriff refused to enforce the court order.

AG bill barr has now advised attorneys to take an armed FBI agent with them.
Democrats thought they could impose unprecedented levels of election fraud on our 2020 election, and get away with it. Many in the leftist media are foolishly denying it has occured, when multiple cases galore are showing on internet videos, and massive amounts of Biden vote counts have been suddenly appeared out of nowhere, in a number of states, changing big Trump leads into losses for him. Nothing could have been more obvious. It looks like Democrats weren't even trying to hide it.

Fortunately, Trump lawyer are already on top of all this lunacy, with lawsuits filed in Michigan, Pennsylvania, Georgia, and a recount in Wisconsin. Arizona and Virginia, are also being challenged. Instances of election fraud are all over the place. In one case, in Luzerne County, PA, 9 military ballots (all voting for Trump) were found discarded., and the DOJ/FBI are already on the case.


BREAKING: Trump Campaign Files Suit in Michigan After Massive Dump of Ballots For Biden Suddenly Appear Overnight
The Trump campaign on Wednesday announced it filed suit in Michigan after a massive dump of ballots for Joe Biden appeared overnight. “As votes in Michigan continue to be counted, the presidential race in the state remains extremely tight as we always knew it would be. President Trump’s campaign...
Some might say what’s the big deal – it’s just 9 ballots. Note that the statement indicates that it is 9 ballots “at this time,” indicating that the investigation is still ongoing. Also note that we are very early on in the early voting process, with hundreds of thousands more votes to be cast by mail in Pennsylvania.

With the Pennsylvania courts having recently ruled that the Democrats can continue collecting ballots for days after Election Day – a decision the state GOP has appealed to the federal courts – and with millions of ballots having been mailed to people who did not request them, the state’s voting process is almost certain to be rife with fraud and abuse. What the DOJ/FBI discovered in this situation is no doubt the result of Democrat officials conducting a trial run to see what they can get away with as the process plays itself out

The PA supreme court made a decision to allow ballots to be submitted without signatures, without dates, and in a slipshod fashion that appears to be an invitation to fraud. This is unconstututional in itself , since the US constitution mandates that only state legislatures can determine voting procedures. On thi lone, Pennsylvania's whole election will be overturned in the courts.

The Democrat Party is mounting a highly-organized effort to steal this election. What we see here is just the tip of a very large iceberg. The good news is that William Barr’s DOJ appears intent on policing the situation. Check the links for videos of shameless Democrats thinking they can do anything they want with our democracy, as long as it helps their candidate. Incredible audacity and stupidity.

Some might say what’s the big deal – it’s just nine ballots. Note that the statement indicates that it is 9 ballots “at this time,” indicating that the investigation is still ongoing. Also note that we are very early on in the early voting process, with hundreds of thousands more votes to be cast by mail in Pennsylvania.

With the Pennsylvania courts having recently ruled that the Democrats can continue collecting ballots for days after Election Day – a decision the state GOP has appealed to the federal courts – and with millions of ballots having been mailed to people who did not request them, the state’s voting process is almost certain to be rife with fraud and abuse. What the DOJ/FBI discovered in this situation is no doubt the result of Democrat officials conducting a trial run to see what they can get away with as the process plays itself out.

The Democrat Party is mounting a highly-organized effort to steal this election. What we see here is just the tip of a very large iceberg. The good news is that William Barr’s DOJ appears intent on policing the situation.

Types of Voter Fraud

Fraudulent Use Of Absentee Ballots

Requesting absentee ballots and voting without the knowledge of the actual voter; or obtaining the absentee ballot from a voter and either filling it in directly and forging the voter’s signature or illegally telling the voter who to vote for.

Ineligible Voting
Illegal registration and voting by individuals who are not U.S. citizens, are convicted felons, or are otherwise not eligible to vote.

Impersonation Fraud At The Polls
Voting in the name of other legitimate voters and voters who have died, moved away, or lost their right to vote because they are felons, but remain registered.

Buying Votes
Paying voters to cast either an in-person or absentee ballot for a particular candidate.

Ballot Petition Fraud
Forging the signatures of registered voters on the ballot petitions that must be filed with election officials in some states for a candidate or issue to be listed on the official ballot

Duplicate Voting
Registering in multiple locations and voting in the same election in more than one jurisdiction or state.

False Registrations
Voting under fraudulent voter registrations that either use a phony name and a real or fake address or claim residence in a particular jurisdiction where the registered voter does not actually live and is not entitled to vote.

Altering The Vote Count
Changing the actual vote count either in a precinct or at the central location where votes are counted.

Illegal "Assistance" At The Polls
Forcing or intimidating voters—particularly the elderly, disabled, illiterate, and those for whom English is a second language—to vote for particular candidates while supposedly providing them with “assistance.”


US Election Fraud Is Real—and Its Impact Is Being Ignored
A well-known liberal law professor says individual acts of election fraud are “not calculated to change election outcomes.”

The Heritage Foundation maintains a database of hundreds of cases of voter fraud (by no means does it cover all). One can click on a state on the map and see individual cases with names of defendants, the type of fraud charges against them, and a detailed description.


Voter Fraud Map: Election Fraud Database | The Heritage Foundation
Explore a sampling of recent proven instances of election fraud from across the country. The database is intended to demonstrate the vulnerabilities in the election system and the many ways in which fraud is committed.



Voter Fraud Map: Election Fraud Database | The Heritage Foundation
Explore a sampling of recent proven instances of election fraud from across the country. The database is intended to demonstrate the vulnerabilities in the election system and the many ways in which fraud is committed.

In Texas, four people, including a Gregg County commissioner, were arrested last month in connection with their alleged involvement in a vote-harvesting scheme that was uncovered by the state Attorney General’s Office.


Gregg County commissioner, 3 others arrested in 'vote-harvesting scheme'
After an investigation lasting more than two years, Gregg County Pct. 4 Commissioner Shannon Brown and three other people were arrested Thursday in connection with what the Texas Attorney General’s


Man Caught on Video Stealing Mail, Voting Ballots in California
Surveillance cameras from a local resident in Escondido, California, capture a man stealing mail containing voting ballots from his home and houses nearby.

Another case out of the Lone Star State involves a mayoral candidate for the city of Carrollton. Zul Mirza Mohamed is alleged to have forged at least 84 voter registration forms for unwitting residents of Denton County, and then obtained absentee ballots in their names without their knowledge using a virtual mailbox and a false identity.

The Texas Attorney General’s Office states that at the time of his arrest, Mohamed was completing more fraudulent mail-in ballot applications.

I'm going to go out on limb here and predict the courts aren't going to do a damn thing ... :thup:
I mean seriously, the 156,000* isolated cases of fraud, or people reporting suspicious activity, just doesn't prove anyone was doing anything wrong.

*I just made that number up, but seeing as the crap worked so well for the pollsters, I figured what the hell?

Democrats thought they could impose unprecedented levels of election fraud on our 2020 election, and get away with it. Many in the leftist media are foolishly denying it has occured, when multiple cases galore are showing on internet videos, and massive amounts of Biden vote counts have been suddenly appeared out of nowhere, in a number of states, changing big Trump leads into losses for him. Nothing could have been more obvious. It looks like Democrats weren't even trying to hide it.

Fortunately, Trump lawyer are already on top of all this lunacy, with lawsuits filed in Michigan, Pennsylvania, Georgia, and a recount in Wisconsin. Arizona and Virginia, are also being challenged. Instances of election fraud are all over the place. In one case, in Luzerne County, PA, 9 military ballots (all voting for Trump) were found discarded., and the DOJ/FBI are already on the case.


BREAKING: Trump Campaign Files Suit in Michigan After Massive Dump of Ballots For Biden Suddenly Appear Overnight
The Trump campaign on Wednesday announced it filed suit in Michigan after a massive dump of ballots for Joe Biden appeared overnight. “As votes in Michigan continue to be counted, the presidential race in the state remains extremely tight as we always knew it would be. President Trump’s campaign...
Some might say what’s the big deal – it’s just 9 ballots. Note that the statement indicates that it is 9 ballots “at this time,” indicating that the investigation is still ongoing. Also note that we are very early on in the early voting process, with hundreds of thousands more votes to be cast by mail in Pennsylvania.

With the Pennsylvania courts having recently ruled that the Democrats can continue collecting ballots for days after Election Day – a decision the state GOP has appealed to the federal courts – and with millions of ballots having been mailed to people who did not request them, the state’s voting process is almost certain to be rife with fraud and abuse. What the DOJ/FBI discovered in this situation is no doubt the result of Democrat officials conducting a trial run to see what they can get away with as the process plays itself out

The PA supreme court made a decision to allow ballots to be submitted without signatures, without dates, and in a slipshod fashion that appears to be an invitation to fraud. This is unconstututional in itself , since the US constitution mandates that only state legislatures can determine voting procedures. On thi lone, Pennsylvania's whole election will be overturned in the courts.

The Democrat Party is mounting a highly-organized effort to steal this election. What we see here is just the tip of a very large iceberg. The good news is that William Barr’s DOJ appears intent on policing the situation. Check the links for videos of shameless Democrats thinking they can do anything they want with our democracy, as long as it helps their candidate. Incredible audacity and stupidity.

Some might say what’s the big deal – it’s just nine ballots. Note that the statement indicates that it is 9 ballots “at this time,” indicating that the investigation is still ongoing. Also note that we are very early on in the early voting process, with hundreds of thousands more votes to be cast by mail in Pennsylvania.

With the Pennsylvania courts having recently ruled that the Democrats can continue collecting ballots for days after Election Day – a decision the state GOP has appealed to the federal courts – and with millions of ballots having been mailed to people who did not request them, the state’s voting process is almost certain to be rife with fraud and abuse. What the DOJ/FBI discovered in this situation is no doubt the result of Democrat officials conducting a trial run to see what they can get away with as the process plays itself out.

The Democrat Party is mounting a highly-organized effort to steal this election. What we see here is just the tip of a very large iceberg. The good news is that William Barr’s DOJ appears intent on policing the situation.

Types of Voter Fraud

Fraudulent Use Of Absentee Ballots

Requesting absentee ballots and voting without the knowledge of the actual voter; or obtaining the absentee ballot from a voter and either filling it in directly and forging the voter’s signature or illegally telling the voter who to vote for.

Ineligible Voting
Illegal registration and voting by individuals who are not U.S. citizens, are convicted felons, or are otherwise not eligible to vote.

Impersonation Fraud At The Polls
Voting in the name of other legitimate voters and voters who have died, moved away, or lost their right to vote because they are felons, but remain registered.

Buying Votes
Paying voters to cast either an in-person or absentee ballot for a particular candidate.

Ballot Petition Fraud
Forging the signatures of registered voters on the ballot petitions that must be filed with election officials in some states for a candidate or issue to be listed on the official ballot

Duplicate Voting
Registering in multiple locations and voting in the same election in more than one jurisdiction or state.

False Registrations
Voting under fraudulent voter registrations that either use a phony name and a real or fake address or claim residence in a particular jurisdiction where the registered voter does not actually live and is not entitled to vote.

Altering The Vote Count
Changing the actual vote count either in a precinct or at the central location where votes are counted.

Illegal "Assistance" At The Polls
Forcing or intimidating voters—particularly the elderly, disabled, illiterate, and those for whom English is a second language—to vote for particular candidates while supposedly providing them with “assistance.”


US Election Fraud Is Real—and Its Impact Is Being Ignored
A well-known liberal law professor says individual acts of election fraud are “not calculated to change election outcomes.”

The Heritage Foundation maintains a database of hundreds of cases of voter fraud (by no means does it cover all). One can click on a state on the map and see individual cases with names of defendants, the type of fraud charges against them, and a detailed description.


Voter Fraud Map: Election Fraud Database | The Heritage Foundation
Explore a sampling of recent proven instances of election fraud from across the country. The database is intended to demonstrate the vulnerabilities in the election system and the many ways in which fraud is committed.



Voter Fraud Map: Election Fraud Database | The Heritage Foundation
Explore a sampling of recent proven instances of election fraud from across the country. The database is intended to demonstrate the vulnerabilities in the election system and the many ways in which fraud is committed.

In Texas, four people, including a Gregg County commissioner, were arrested last month in connection with their alleged involvement in a vote-harvesting scheme that was uncovered by the state Attorney General’s Office.


Gregg County commissioner, 3 others arrested in 'vote-harvesting scheme'
After an investigation lasting more than two years, Gregg County Pct. 4 Commissioner Shannon Brown and three other people were arrested Thursday in connection with what the Texas Attorney General’s


Man Caught on Video Stealing Mail, Voting Ballots in California
Surveillance cameras from a local resident in Escondido, California, capture a man stealing mail containing voting ballots from his home and houses nearby.

Another case out of the Lone Star State involves a mayoral candidate for the city of Carrollton. Zul Mirza Mohamed is alleged to have forged at least 84 voter registration forms for unwitting residents of Denton County, and then obtained absentee ballots in their names without their knowledge using a virtual mailbox and a false identity.

The Texas Attorney General’s Office states that at the time of his arrest, Mohamed was completing more fraudulent mail-in ballot applications.
That sums it up nicely. Excellent post, sir !
At this point in time.....the desperation on the DemonRats side is great ....anything is possible.... thousands of dead people are voting for them ......I've heard!:).....are dead people supposed to vote too? I hope the courts will try to resolve that!

I'm going to go out on limb here and predict the courts aren't going to do a damn thing ... :thup:
I mean seriously, the 156,000* isolated cases of fraud, or people reporting suspicious activity, just doesn't prove anyone was doing anything wrong.

*I just made that number up, but seeing as the crap worked so well for the pollsters, I figured what the hell?

So SEEING voter fraud occuring right before your eyes, multiple times, on video isn't enough to convince you of it. As far the numbers are concerned, before the magical votes appeared and all got dumped on Biden, Trump was ahead 51% to 47% in Wisconsin, 53% to 45% in Michigan, 56% to 43% in Pennsylvania and all of a sudden the sizable leads were gone, like instantly,

These involved 109,000 instantly, magically appearing Biden votes in Wisconsin, 308,000 in Michigan, and 678,000 in Pennsylvania. That ain't no 156,000 isolated cases of fraud. That is 1,095,000 votes from nowhere, packed on for Biden, obviously fraudulently. And that's without talking about the fraud counts in Georgia, Arizona, Virginia, and Nevada.
That's correct. Today pam bondi got a court order to force them into the counting room in PA so they could observe the count...the filth got violent. They are now in contempt of court & nothing will be done...the local sheriff refused to enforce the court order.

AG bill barr has now advised attorneys to take an armed FBI agent with them.
If necessary, Trump could order federal troops to escort them, like Eisenhower did in Little Rock, Arkansas.
I'm going to go out on limb here and predict the courts aren't going to do a damn thing ... :thup:
I mean seriously, the 156,000* isolated cases of fraud, or people reporting suspicious activity, just doesn't prove anyone was doing anything wrong.

*I just made that number up, but seeing as the crap worked so well for the pollsters, I figured what the hell?

So SEEING voter fraud occuring right before your eyes, multiple times, on video isn't enough to convince you of it. As far the numbers are concerned, before the magical votes appeared and all got dumped on Biden, Trump was ahead 51% to 47% in Wisconsin, 53% to 45% in Michigan, 56% to 43% in Pennsylvania and all of a sudden the sizable leads were gone, like instantly,

These involved 109,000 instantly, magically appearing Biden votes in Wisconsin, 308,000 in Michigan, and 678,000 in Pennsylvania. That ain't no 156,000 isolated cases of fraud. That is 1,095,000 votes from nowhere, packed on for Biden, obviously fraudulently. And that's without talking about the fraud counts in Georgia, Arizona, Virginia, and Nevada.

Oh please ... You missed the sarcasm.
I had no faith in our elections on the National and in some cases State level before this year, and this year is no different.

But still, you are trying to prove something that some people just won't believe.
It doesn't matter, it's been going on for as long as I can remember and to different degrees.

They can take it to court, they can create commissions to investigate, hold hearings, or do any number of things.
But in the long run, there will always be some segment that will try and preserve what faith the People may still have in the system.
These court cases you are talking about will be front and center, until it no longer serves the purpose of the people in power.

Why do you still have any faith in any of the BS?


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