Election 2020: Trump Vs. Mark Cuban


Diamond Member
Sep 30, 2019
I've seen Mark Cuban interviewed on Hannity several times...always about political issues. Cuban comes across as a moderate democrat (Kennedy democrat).

I've seen him on other "news" channels as well...This morning it was another 15 minute interview with cavuto and it dawned on me...Democrats are going to run CUBAN FOR PRESIDENT.

Joe dementia will be kicked out at the last minute for whatever reason (dementia) and Cuban will be in.

There will be no time for vetting or debates (Trump would beat him to a bloody pulp in a debate)...but they WILL HAVE all the sound bites from old interviews to play & replay.

It will be an election campaign run on old sound bites.

Why else would cuban be getting all these interviews? Who made him king of political discussion all of a sudden?

Add to that more riots...because they let the cop who killed george floyd walk free. That's when cuban will step in.
If Cuban won...he'd be a puppet. It would not be HIM running the country.

But it would be the same with biden.
I've seen Mark Cuban interviewed on Hannity several times...always about political issues. Cuban comes across as a moderate democrat (Kennedy democrat).

I've seen him on other "news" channels as well...This morning it was another 15 minute interview with cavuto and it dawned on me...Democrats are going to run CUBAN FOR PRESIDENT.

Joe dementia will be kicked out at the last minute for whatever reason (dementia) and Cuban will be in.

There will be no time for vetting or debates (Trump would beat him to a bloody pulp in a debate)...but they WILL HAVE all the sound bites from old interviews to play & replay.

It will be an election campaign run on old sound bites.

Why else would cuban be getting all these interviews? Who made him king of political discussion all of a sudden?

Add to that more riots...because they let the cop who killed george floyd walk free. That's when cuban will step in.
Thanks for the post. One COULD say Democrats are running A Cuban for president. Those bastards!
Democrats are going to run CUBAN FOR PRESIDENT.
Trump will easily smoke him.

Rodney Dangerfield_2004-10-13.jpg
Obviously, this thread is fantasy-based, but...

He would do no better than Biden against Trump.

Neither has a single policy position that can be pinned down - which is basically the Democrat strategy every time.

To the person who said he would not run the Executive Branch, I disagree. A wealthy businessman will not be bulldozed by government buffoons who think they know everything. If they weren't basically mediocre they would not be working for government.
Trump will easily smoke him.

With no time to vet him or debate him...and he comes across as a kennedy democrat...and democrats vote on emotion...and he's not senile...He could give Trump a real run!

The Trump campaign better be ready for this...start digging into cubans past RIGHT NOW...and have commercials at the ready!
I've seen Mark Cuban interviewed on Hannity several times...always about political issues. Cuban comes across as a moderate democrat (Kennedy democrat).

I've seen him on other "news" channels as well...This morning it was another 15 minute interview with cavuto and it dawned on me...Democrats are going to run CUBAN FOR PRESIDENT.

Joe dementia will be kicked out at the last minute for whatever reason (dementia) and Cuban will be in.

There will be no time for vetting or debates (Trump would beat him to a bloody pulp in a debate)...but they WILL HAVE all the sound bites from old interviews to play & replay.

It will be an election campaign run on old sound bites.

Why else would cuban be getting all these interviews? Who made him king of political discussion all of a sudden?

Add to that more riots...because they let the cop who killed george floyd walk free. That's when cuban will step in.

Mark Cuban wants to force his NBA players to kneel during the national anthem.

I'm not sure if that's what we want to see in a president
Keep this in mind when you see cuban on a news interview...I'll bet you'll see it too!

Why else would cuban be doing all these interviews on politics all of a sudden? He's never been the karl rove type before now

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