ELECTION 2016: Why is climate change a non-issue?

The Importance of and Concerns about Climate Change

Americans rank climate change last on a list of important issues. Only five percent of Americans say climate change is the most important issue facing the U.S. today. The issue of climate change ranks behind the lack of jobs (22%), the increasing gap between rich and poor (18%), health care (17%), the budget deficit (13%), immigration reform (10%), and the rising cost of education (9%).

Survey | Believers, Sympathizers, and Skeptics: Why Americans are Conflicted about Climate Change, Environmental Policy, and Science

Hmmmm....spend a few minutes in this forum, and read some threads posted by 3 or 4 board members who tell us "climate change" is the most important issue facing voters!!

Ummm..............note exactly!!:2up:

But is anybody else surprised it is basically a non-issue this election season??:dunno:
Democrats know it's a silly issue to most voters......so they want us to forget about it and worry about the way Trump talks. They don't want us to focus on how damaging and destructive their idiotic policies are. To Democrats, Global Warming is the greatest threat to the planet.....not terrorism. They want us to think that Republicans are more evil than a terrorist bomber willing to murder innocent women and children in our malls, schools, work places, and movie theaters.
:2up:Poll: 91% Of Americans Aren’t Worried About Global Warming:2up:

Only the emotional hemophiliacs of our society obsess about global warming. We meet them out in society every so often, like the waiter guy who waited my table the other night on my daughters birthday. Said about 4 words when introducing himself to us..........said he be waiting our table and providing us with "entertainment"....:eek-52:.... and said to myself, "Holy Mother of God.....heres somebody like the limpwristers on the USMB!!". Yep......the people who view life as if a house is about to fall out of the sky onto their head at any moment. We all know them................real nice guy but.........you know!!!:eusa_dance:

The rest of us have faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar more things to worry about!!:coffee:
Whatever started the fire is irrelevant


The nutters claim everything is related to climate change, they are unreasonable and idiotic. More rain, less rain, colder weather, warmer weather, snow, no snow, cold weather, warm weather, hot weather, fires, no fires, winds, lack of wind, more hurricanes, less hurricanes, more tornados, less tornados, El Niño, La Niña. More pregnancy, less pregnancy, higher mortality rate, lesser mortality rates, cow producing more milk, less milk and on and on.

Now the nutters have Climate Refugees, no proof, just more BS.
88,000 or more climate refugees in Canada right now. Damn near had the same thing in Washington state last year. Now if we get another hot dry summer in the Pacific Northwest, we may not be as lucky as last year. And were a town of equal size as Fort MacMurray to burn on the East Coast, you would see a real change in the voters concerns involving climate change.

The changes are there to see for those not blinded by their idiotic ideology.

"Climate refugees"?

Explain. Be advised that the cause of the fire has not been determined.
LOL. Another Silly Billy we have here.

Of course a couple of decades of increasing warm and dry winters, same for spring, and 90+ in the first week of May, in Northern Alberta has nothing to do with the fires, now does it?. Increasingly fierce wild fires were among the predictions for the results of the global warming. And we have been seeing that on all the continents.

Whatever started the fire is irrelevant, the last two decades have set up our western and northern forests for conflagations, just as predicted, and those do not stop at the city limits. We saw that here in Oregon and Washington last summer. Only some very heroic efforts on the part of our firefighters saved several towns in those states. If we get another dry hot windy summer, we are not likely to be so lucky.

Yeah but very few people are paying attention.......its just a fact. I mean.....just look at this forum. Thousands of members and the same 4 or 5 people are posting up the alarmist view. Nobody cares.....been consistent for the 7 years Ive been in here. In fact, there are far, far more skeptics venturing into these pages than AGW obsessed people.

I could go down into my local town, strip down to nakedness and walk down the street with a banana in my hand raised over my head and claim myself the mayor of the town and a hero to the county.:spinner:Likely wont resonate with many!!:dunno:

It is indeed very rare that something fringe becomes mainstream anywhere but particularly in this country.:up:
Ive said it many times before and its never been more true than 2016.......

When will people care about climate change?

When in mid-January, we see 75 degree weather in northern Alaska for 3 weeks straight with photos of babes in bikini's waterskiing on a big old lake..........and not a moment sooner.:boobies::boobies::2up:

Lets face it.........for 25 years, the AGW k00ks have been doing the dink and dunk flood, hurricane and forest fire crap and haven't moved the ball towards the goal line even a single yard.
National Wildland Fire Situation Report | Canadian Wildland Fire Information System | Natural Resources Canada

National Wildland Fire Situation Report

Archived reports

Current as of: May 11, 2016

Current active fires
Uncontrolled Controlled Modified Response
14 100 10
(to date)
10-yr avg
(to date)
% normal Prescribed U.S.
1,429 1,070 134 23 16,604
426,421 10,374 4,110 3,684 596,661
Fires of note

  • BC – 4 fires (58,414+ ha) - evacuation alerts in place
  • AB – 2 fires (229,000+ ha) - several evacuation events in progress with additional communities on evacuation alert
  • ON – 2 fires (45,000+ ha) – emergency area order in place
  • Now this is the present situation in Canada. However, given what we saw last year, if we once again get low precipitation and high temperatures on the West Coast, then we may see the same here by July. That might just make a differance in people's attitude in this election, at least on the West Coast. Should that happen on the East Coast, gonna be much whining and bitching, and it will make a national differance.
You idiotic deniers and your bogus bullshit.....LOLOLOLOL......grasping at straws regarding the election......so funny.

In the real world....on top of the record high temperatures and severe heat waves that both America and the rest of the world are going to experience this summer, the new record lows in Arctic sea ice extent that will be seen this September are going to go a long ways towards demonstrating how utterly insane those climate change denying stooges for the fossil fuel industry who are infesting Congress really are....right before the election. T'Rump will lead the Repukingcons to a crushing defeat and their global warming denial will cost them the House and Senate.

U.S. Concern About Global Warming at Eight-Year High
MARCH 16, 2016

Sixty-four percent of U.S. adults say they are worried a "great deal" or "fair amount" about global warming, up from 55% at this time last year and the highest reading since 2008. Mirroring this, the March 2-6 survey -- conducted at the close of what has reportedly been the warmest winter on record in the U.S. -- documents a slight increase in the percentage of Americans who believe the effects of global warming have already begun. Nearly six in 10 (59%) today say the effects have already begun, up from 55% in March 2015. Another 31%, up from 28% in 2015, believe the effects are not currently manifest but will be at some point in the future. That leaves only 10% saying the effects will never happen, down from 16% last year and the lowest since 2007.

A third key indicator of public concern about global warming is the percentage of U.S. adults who believe the phenomenon will eventually pose a serious threat to them or their way of life. Forty-one percent now say it will, up from 37% in 2015 and, by one point, the highest in Gallup's trend dating back to 1997. Americans' clear shift toward belief in global warming follows a winter that most described in the same poll as being unusually warm. Sixty-three percent say they experienced an unusually warm winter, and the majority of this group ascribes the warm weather pattern to human-caused climate change. That finding relates to another record broken in the new poll -- the 65% of Americans now saying increases in the Earth's temperature over the last century are primarily attributable to human activities rather than natural causes. This represents a striking 10-percentage-point increase in the past year and is four points above the previous high of 61% in 2007.

Concern about global warming has increased among all party groups since 2015, although it remains much higher among Democrats than Republicans and independents. For example, 40% of Republicans say they worry a great deal or fair amount about global warming, up from 31% last year. The percentage of independents expressing concern has also increased nine points, from 55% to 64%. Democrats' concern is up slightly less, from 78% to 84%. Democrats and independents also show double-digit increases in the percentages attributing warmer temperatures to human activities. Republicans show a more modest uptick of four points on this question. Americans are now expressing record- or near-record-high belief that global warming is happening, as well as concern about the issue. Several years of unseasonably warm weather -- including the 2011-2012, 2012-2013 and 2015-2016 winters -- has potentially contributed to this shift in attitudes. If that's true, continuation of such weather patterns would likely do more than anything politicians and even climate-change scientists can to further raise public concern.
You idiotic deniers and your bogus bullshit.....LOLOLOLOL......grasping at straws regarding the election......so funny.

In the real world....on top of the record high temperatures and severe heat waves that both America and the rest of the world are going to experience this summer, the new record lows in Arctic sea ice extent that will be seen this September are going to go a long ways towards demonstrating how utterly insane those climate change denying stooges for the fossil fuel industry who are infesting Congress really are....right before the election. T'Rump will lead the Repukingcons to a crushing defeat and their global warming denial will cost them the House and Senate.

U.S. Concern About Global Warming at Eight-Year High
MARCH 16, 2016

Sixty-four percent of U.S. adults say they are worried a "great deal" or "fair amount" about global warming, up from 55% at this time last year and the highest reading since 2008. Mirroring this, the March 2-6 survey -- conducted at the close of what has reportedly been the warmest winter on record in the U.S. -- documents a slight increase in the percentage of Americans who believe the effects of global warming have already begun. Nearly six in 10 (59%) today say the effects have already begun, up from 55% in March 2015. Another 31%, up from 28% in 2015, believe the effects are not currently manifest but will be at some point in the future. That leaves only 10% saying the effects will never happen, down from 16% last year and the lowest since 2007.

A third key indicator of public concern about global warming is the percentage of U.S. adults who believe the phenomenon will eventually pose a serious threat to them or their way of life. Forty-one percent now say it will, up from 37% in 2015 and, by one point, the highest in Gallup's trend dating back to 1997. Americans' clear shift toward belief in global warming follows a winter that most described in the same poll as being unusually warm. Sixty-three percent say they experienced an unusually warm winter, and the majority of this group ascribes the warm weather pattern to human-caused climate change. That finding relates to another record broken in the new poll -- the 65% of Americans now saying increases in the Earth's temperature over the last century are primarily attributable to human activities rather than natural causes. This represents a striking 10-percentage-point increase in the past year and is four points above the previous high of 61% in 2007.

Concern about global warming has increased among all party groups since 2015, although it remains much higher among Democrats than Republicans and independents. For example, 40% of Republicans say they worry a great deal or fair amount about global warming, up from 31% last year. The percentage of independents expressing concern has also increased nine points, from 55% to 64%. Democrats' concern is up slightly less, from 78% to 84%. Democrats and independents also show double-digit increases in the percentages attributing warmer temperatures to human activities. Republicans show a more modest uptick of four points on this question. Americans are now expressing record- or near-record-high belief that global warming is happening, as well as concern about the issue. Several years of unseasonably warm weather -- including the 2011-2012, 2012-2013 and 2015-2016 winters -- has potentially contributed to this shift in attitudes. If that's true, continuation of such weather patterns would likely do more than anything politicians and even climate-change scientists can to further raise public concern.
Talk about the obsessed cult religion fanatics, with $36 Trillion being spent on Green, Clean, Renewable, Sustainable energy (how many ways do they describe a failure, wrongly) even Gallup gets a piece, and the Cabal of Climate/Energy hoodlums leave no stone untouched, they are literally a virus, infecting everything with our money, spent enriching themselves.

Thanks, Blunder, it is good to see where you spend the our money.
You idiotic deniers and your bogus bullshit.....LOLOLOLOL......grasping at straws regarding the election......so funny.

In the real world....on top of the record high temperatures and severe heat waves that both America and the rest of the world are going to experience this summer, the new record lows in Arctic sea ice extent that will be seen this September are going to go a long ways towards demonstrating how utterly insane those climate change denying stooges for the fossil fuel industry who are infesting Congress really are....right before the election. T'Rump will lead the Repukingcons to a crushing defeat and their global warming denial will cost them the House and Senate.

U.S. Concern About Global Warming at Eight-Year High
MARCH 16, 2016

Sixty-four percent of U.S. adults say they are worried a "great deal" or "fair amount" about global warming, up from 55% at this time last year and the highest reading since 2008. Mirroring this, the March 2-6 survey -- conducted at the close of what has reportedly been the warmest winter on record in the U.S. -- documents a slight increase in the percentage of Americans who believe the effects of global warming have already begun. Nearly six in 10 (59%) today say the effects have already begun, up from 55% in March 2015. Another 31%, up from 28% in 2015, believe the effects are not currently manifest but will be at some point in the future. That leaves only 10% saying the effects will never happen, down from 16% last year and the lowest since 2007.

A third key indicator of public concern about global warming is the percentage of U.S. adults who believe the phenomenon will eventually pose a serious threat to them or their way of life. Forty-one percent now say it will, up from 37% in 2015 and, by one point, the highest in Gallup's trend dating back to 1997. Americans' clear shift toward belief in global warming follows a winter that most described in the same poll as being unusually warm. Sixty-three percent say they experienced an unusually warm winter, and the majority of this group ascribes the warm weather pattern to human-caused climate change. That finding relates to another record broken in the new poll -- the 65% of Americans now saying increases in the Earth's temperature over the last century are primarily attributable to human activities rather than natural causes. This represents a striking 10-percentage-point increase in the past year and is four points above the previous high of 61% in 2007.

Concern about global warming has increased among all party groups since 2015, although it remains much higher among Democrats than Republicans and independents. For example, 40% of Republicans say they worry a great deal or fair amount about global warming, up from 31% last year. The percentage of independents expressing concern has also increased nine points, from 55% to 64%. Democrats' concern is up slightly less, from 78% to 84%. Democrats and independents also show double-digit increases in the percentages attributing warmer temperatures to human activities. Republicans show a more modest uptick of four points on this question. Americans are now expressing record- or near-record-high belief that global warming is happening, as well as concern about the issue. Several years of unseasonably warm weather -- including the 2011-2012, 2012-2013 and 2015-2016 winters -- has potentially contributed to this shift in attitudes. If that's true, continuation of such weather patterns would likely do more than anything politicians and even climate-change scientists can to further raise public concern.
Talk about the obsessed cult religion fanatics, with $36 Trillion being spent on Green, Clean, Renewable, Sustainable energy (how many ways do they describe a failure, wrongly) even Gallup gets a piece, and the Cabal of Climate/Energy hoodlums leave no stone untouched, they are literally a virus, infecting everything with our money, spent enriching themselves. Thanks, Blunder, it is good to see where you spend the our money.

The raving insanity and crackpot conspiracy theories of the hard core denier cult dumbshit, plainly exposed for all to see.

So now Gallup is a part of the 'conspiracy'?....LOLOLOLOL....
Not a single climate nutter can post up a single link displaying for us where climate change is mattering in the vote come November!!

Nobody is giving a rats ass.

It is last or next to last on every major poll.........


Because people in the real world have waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more important things to worry about than a scientific theory where they are doing it wrong all the time.:bye1::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
63-30. Denier political cultists are getting slaughtered on this issue.

Nope, it's not the top issue. But it will be enough to decide some close races. It might be what tips the senate Democratic. Thanks, skook! We're counting on you to help us win!

63-30. Denier political cultists are getting slaughtered on this issue.

Nope, it's not the top issue. But it will be enough to decide some close races. It might be what tips the senate Democratic. Thanks, skook! We're counting on you to help us win!



Who cares who would better handle voters? What a dummy.:2up: Poll is irrelevant. Only poll that matters is, what issues are people basing their votes on.....on either side? Proof? All Dums in the last mid-terms got their clocks cleaned who ran on a climate change platform.

Tens of millions spent....................

The biggest loser in this election is the climate

Only nuts place climate change on top of their list of concerns.........not some years. Every year. Every election!!:coffee:
Mod Reminder - please remember that posts in Environment must have content addressing the topic. And no, maniacal laughter is not topical.

Many thanks :)
88,000 or more climate refugees in Canada right now. Damn near had the same thing in Washington state last year. Now if we get another hot dry summer in the Pacific Northwest, we may not be as lucky as last year. And were a town of equal size as Fort MacMurray to burn on the East Coast, you would see a real change in the voters concerns involving climate change.

The changes are there to see for those not blinded by their idiotic ideology.
I hope your not as lucky, hopefully it will start in the east and work west just as a giant Tsunami hits because of a great earthquake that makes all those rumbling volcanoes erupt.

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