Elderly Palestinian woman severely beaten by Haredim men in Jerusalem


Feb 6, 2010
Early Sunday afternoon, 75-year old Fatahia Azzaz was severely beaten by three young Jewish men outside a hospital in West Jerusalem.

Azzaz, of the Jabal Al-Mukabar neighborhood in East Jerusalem, had just finished a visit with her son who is currently receiving psychiatric treatment at the Givat Sha’ul Psychiatric Hospital. She was about five meters from the building when three Haredi (the most conservative from of ultra-orthodox Judaism) men in their twenties attacked.

"They asked her if she was Arab," says Abu Jamal, Fatahia’s son who was not present at the time of the attack.

"The answer to their question was obvious, and within a few seconds they were punching and kicking her. They threw her down on the ground and continued to hit her in the head until she lost consciousness," says Abu Jamal.
Elderly Palestinian woman severely beaten by Haredim men in Jerusalem :: www.uruknet.info :: informazione dal medio oriente :: information from middle east :: [gd]

Nothing would come from the police investigation.
If true...

In Israel, the attackers go to jail.

If the same thing happened in reverse...

In the West Bank or Gaza, the attackers get a parade.
first, the Palestinian woman was the attacker, not the attacked one. She was called into questioning after she was caught lying about it

Second, this is trash-talk and bashing of Haredim, because the guys involved were not Haredim at all.

Third, this incident happened like a gazillion days ago!
The Zionist way to deal witb Palestinians is increasingly turning to treating the victims of hate crimes of settlers as criminals. An illustration of the disastrous effects Occupation is having on Israeli society.
The Zionist way to deal witb Palestinians is increasingly turning to treating the victims of hate crimes of settlers as criminals. An illustration of the disastrous effects Occupation is having on Israeli society.

This is the poster's malignant fantasy and has no relationship to the incident in question.
The OP addresses what happened in the incident. Jews attacked a Palestinian woman. But Zionists are blaming the victim for the attack upon her. That is messed up, its like blaming slaves for slavery or Holocaust victims for the Holocaust. This is the behavior of a sick society.
The OP addresses what happened in the incident. Jews attacked a Palestinian woman. But Zionists are blaming the victim for the attack upon her. That is messed up, its like blaming slaves for slavery or Holocaust victims for the Holocaust. This is the behavior of a sick society.

And you 'know' the article in the OP is truthful how, exactly?
The OP addresses what happened in the incident. Jews attacked a Palestinian woman. But Zionists are blaming the victim for the attack upon her. That is messed up, its like blaming slaves for slavery or Holocaust victims for the Holocaust. This is the behavior of a sick society.
Actually it's quite typical. Nothing surprising about it.

I only saw ONE poster suggesting that the woman was the attacker - and that was the person who has the most direct access to 'local' reporting of such incidents. What reason is there to not believe the local press?
It's true that blaming the victim is a game that sick SOB's like the KKK play....if hey can only remember to stay on topic!
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The OP addresses what happened in the incident. Jews attacked a Palestinian woman. But Zionists are blaming the victim for the attack upon her. That is messed up, its like blaming slaves for slavery or Holocaust victims for the Holocaust. This is the behavior of a sick society.

And you 'know' the article in the OP is truthful how, exactly?

There was no identification of the picture in the article: if there had been a photo taken of an actual attack, there'd be all kinds of articles about that in the press. Oh, and does that woman look like she's anywhere near 75 years old????

I know there have been issues before with uruknet using 'simulation' pictures without identifying them as such. I suspect that's what the case is here, or about 3 of the "attackers" would already be in police custody.

We had a 'case' here in MA just the other day, where a woman claimed to have ben kidnapped and locked in the trunk of her car.
Woman admits story was a hoax » Local News » SalemNews.com, Salem, MA
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The picture taken is of an incident that took place at least 6 months ago in Jerusalem.

I would expect that before SOMEONE posts something they would check there is a CONNECTION between the photo and what actually happened.

The woman in the photo is Anaa Amtir, and it turned out that she was the attacker in that case.

Not my fault that you don't follow your own OPs.

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We have run into this before, this phenomenon of photos used in articles of similar events. It certainly does not prove the woman just attacked whose story is recounted in the article was the attacker. Amazing is watching Zionist posters intentionally tell lies that they are doing here in their posts to call a victim of a Zionist crime a criminal.
in other words, you turned out to be the stupid one, MikeK

No, you remain the poster telling lies. The OP is about an elderly woman attacked by JEWS. Probably, the incident in the photo was yet another incident where a victim was falsely labellled as the aggressor. That is the manner Israels Zionists deal with Palestinian victims of crimes.
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So you have no photo of the incident, but I am the one who lies.

Why no photo? what is the source? it sounds to me like people can just make stuff up and expect us to buy it.

doesn't work that way.

this whole story is probably a lie.
I believe the news report, your words have no credibility. I did not write the news story or make up the incident recounted.

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