Elder-Pain and What do do about it


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
I am 71 years old and have led a fairly active life. I was a runner for 35 years (without major injuries), played weekly tennis, bowled, lifted weights, golfed, rode my bike, did more than my share of mini-construction and landscaping projects, and, of course, did everything necessary outside to maintain my suburban "estate." But aside from the occasional minor injury, pain has never been an issue for me. No chronic bad back, no nagging knees, none of that.

But in the past two years, my life has been transformed into a steady campaign to avoid or minimize various forms of pain. I always use a banister going down stairs, for fear that my right knee will give out. I can't raise my right arm at all without pain, let alone lift anything heavy. When I can't avoid lifting I just live with the pain. Bending over or stooping down, turning to reach something - hell, even rolling over in bed are all done slowly in order to minimize the inevitable pain that comes with these movements. The only time when I'm not in pain is when I'm sitting still.

There are no actual "injuries" to be resolved. It's just aging, arthritis, bursitis, and whatever else is part of the mix of getting old. Stretching helps a little bit, but only makes the pain more tolerable, temporarily.

For years I have been listening to advertisements on the radio for a product called, "Relief Factor," which, taken daily, promises to remove the pain of aging. I don't know if that is the exact wording they use, but that's basically it. A few years ago I called in and ordered their product, just to see if it would have any effect (my pain wasn't all that bad at the time). Their pricing is a little bit devious. They charge you $20 for a "three-week supply," then if you want to keep taking it, they send you a month at a time (maybe more), but the ongoing cost after the first three weeks is NINETY DOLLARS A MONTH. That is significant cash, to me. But the claim is that if it is going to work for you, you will know it by the end of the three week trial period.

Well, the stuff doesn't have any actual taste - it is a small pile of capsules - but it smells like industrial waste. In the split second before you place it in your mouth, your brain tells you, This is the last thing you want to be consuming. So I took it for a couple days, but the foul smell and the high cost convinced me to just forget about it and live with my little bit of pain.

Parenthetically I will mention that my sister-in-law swears by the stuff. She is the odd combination of a hypochondriac who actually does have several serious medical issues (she is 75-ish). She has been known to cut short a vacation because she forgot her Relief Factor pills and wants to get back home to get back on them.

Now, with my increased levels of chronic pain, I think I understand why people would be willing to spend more than a thousand dollars a year on what is surely nothing more than a pile of strategically-chosen dietary supplements. So with a couple weeks supply remaining in my starter-pack, I've started holding my nose and taking them again. Three packets a day to start. If it works I will go ahead and order the stuff. It will be worth it to get rid of this pain.

Has anyone else out there tried it? They claim that 80% of the people who buy the three-week starter pack continue it. But for how long? I know my sister-in-law is still taking it after a couple years of use. My first day was Tuesday, January 5th.
The only real pain I have is the absolute ignorance and arrogance of the ignorant and arrogant- well, except one of the guitars I play at playin has the action a little too high which hurts my calloused finger tips a bit too soon-

It does take me a bit longer to stand up after sitting a while- but, it doesn't hurt. I am getting a bit hard of hearing, but, having spent years around really loud engines I ain't complainin- my kids complain about it though- I noticed, years ago, I wasn't as confident in my balance as I had been my whole life-

LOL- I had an incident a couple weeks ago with my cat getting bit too playful and he made me bleed, which isn't that unusual as my skin has pretty much turned to crepe- but, anyway, I cleaned the bleeding areas and put some neosporin on them and a new to me, Band-aid brand band aid that was clear and would keep out water when showering- I left it on a couple of 3 days before I took it off- man, that sucker was stuck! Pulled the skin off and made me bleed there!? I won't use those anymore- LOL
Yes, wounds are a problem when you get really old. My brother (78) had an open wound for 18 months...had a nurse come to his home to re-dress it every other day (imagine the cost of that), and it is FINALLY good enough to ignore. No solution that I can see.
Inflammation cause a lot of the pain that people suffer from.
Try an anti inflammation drug.
Open wounds? LOL- I can't even get close to a door jam without bruising- hell, I bruise my hands when wearing blue jeans getting into the pockets-
After one week on Relief Factor, no apparent improvement.

Would you buy a used car from this fellar?

I am 71 years old and have led a fairly active life. I was a runner for 35 years (without major injuries), played weekly tennis, bowled, lifted weights, golfed, rode my bike, did more than my share of mini-construction and landscaping projects, and, of course, did everything necessary outside to maintain my suburban "estate." But aside from the occasional minor injury, pain has never been an issue for me. No chronic bad back, no nagging knees, none of that.

But in the past two years, my life has been transformed into a steady campaign to avoid or minimize various forms of pain. I always use a banister going down stairs, for fear that my right knee will give out. I can't raise my right arm at all without pain, let alone lift anything heavy. When I can't avoid lifting I just live with the pain. Bending over or stooping down, turning to reach something - hell, even rolling over in bed are all done slowly in order to minimize the inevitable pain that comes with these movements. The only time when I'm not in pain is when I'm sitting still.

There are no actual "injuries" to be resolved. It's just aging, arthritis, bursitis, and whatever else is part of the mix of getting old. Stretching helps a little bit, but only makes the pain more tolerable, temporarily.

For years I have been listening to advertisements on the radio for a product called, "Relief Factor," which, taken daily, promises to remove the pain of aging. I don't know if that is the exact wording they use, but that's basically it. A few years ago I called in and ordered their product, just to see if it would have any effect (my pain wasn't all that bad at the time). Their pricing is a little bit devious. They charge you $20 for a "three-week supply," then if you want to keep taking it, they send you a month at a time (maybe more), but the ongoing cost after the first three weeks is NINETY DOLLARS A MONTH. That is significant cash, to me. But the claim is that if it is going to work for you, you will know it by the end of the three week trial period.

Well, the stuff doesn't have any actual taste - it is a small pile of capsules - but it smells like industrial waste. In the split second before you place it in your mouth, your brain tells you, This is the last thing you want to be consuming. So I took it for a couple days, but the foul smell and the high cost convinced me to just forget about it and live with my little bit of pain.

Parenthetically I will mention that my sister-in-law swears by the stuff. She is the odd combination of a hypochondriac who actually does have several serious medical issues (she is 75-ish). She has been known to cut short a vacation because she forgot her Relief Factor pills and wants to get back home to get back on them.

Now, with my increased levels of chronic pain, I think I understand why people would be willing to spend more than a thousand dollars a year on what is surely nothing more than a pile of strategically-chosen dietary supplements. So with a couple weeks supply remaining in my starter-pack, I've started holding my nose and taking them again. Three packets a day to start. If it works I will go ahead and order the stuff. It will be worth it to get rid of this pain.

Has anyone else out there tried it? They claim that 80% of the people who buy the three-week starter pack continue it. But for how long? I know my sister-in-law is still taking it after a couple years of use. My first day was Tuesday, January 5th.
Inflammation build up causes joint pain and which the Greek word for joint pain is arthritis. And GMO's and the biblical unclean foods and chemicals causes inflammation to build up in the body. But if you can stay away from those things and sugar and dairy, then you can start the healing process. Grapefruit seed extract helps to clear up inflammation in the body. And then there are other supplement like resveratrol and nattokinase tablets to help improve circulation and remove trash from the body. But you will still have to work out for six days and rest on the seventh. And there is collagen powder that helps to restore the collagen in your body. But everything must be Non GMO or organic products.
But during the Old testament's days. God appeared before them during the time of the Jubilees. And if anyone had defects of any kind like wrinkles, blemishes or poor sight. They were considered as sinners because they didn't followed god's dietary laws. That is why in the New Testament, that the cripple and the blind were asking for forgiveness, but not asking for healing.

Matthew 9:27

As Jesus went on from there, two blind men followed him, calling out, “Have mercy on us, Son of David!”

Ephesians 5:27

and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless.

I am 61, and noticed my body is engaging in an insurgency. I run 3 miles now, 5 times a week...but, I am more stiff, takes longer to bounce back. My ankles catch sometimes and one knee is starting to bitch. I decided to try yoga..stretches etc. to supplement running. Will see how that works.
I am now two weeks into my Relief Factor trial. I bought this stuff a year ago and tried it and decided not to pursue it, so I didn't have a full bag when I started two weeks ago. So rather than three bags a day to start I only used two. Fifteen days in, and I only have a couple bags left.

My pain level is noticeably reduced. It is not "amazing," but noticeable. A few examples:
  • When I was doing push-ups I could only go about halfway down due to the pain; now it's 3/4. Not all the way, but better.
  • I don't have as much pain when I get out of bed in the morning.
  • I could not reach behind my wife's set in the car to get anything on the floor in back. Could not do it. Now I can do it with tolerable pain.
So now what? I'm not completely convinced that this is working (it could be the stretching I do), but I'm basically out of stuff.

Don't tell anyone, but I convinced my wife to order a 3-week kit for herself ($20), and I will use that when it comes. THEN I will really know what's what.

P.S. I really dislike the smell of the stuff.
Open wounds? LOL- I can't even get close to a door jam without bruising- hell, I bruise my hands when wearing blue jeans getting into the pockets-
Use Arnica. It comes i a cream and gel. It will remove existing bruises and prevent new ones. Sold at any drug store.

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