Either the economy has recovered or it hasn't. Which is it libs?

So if you take more out of the recovery in taxes or borrow more to pay for more spending and more red tape, the poverty rate would be better??


Well if you had any understanding of economics you would get it. The stimulus cost tax payers 10 billion a month but it generated 16.7 billion a month in economic stimulus.

Tax cuts for the wealthy only help the wealthy. It only stimululates the supply side. It does very little to generate demand. The problem with the wealthy is that studies show they hoard their money more than they do invest. The amount of money they actually do invest does very little.

Also, despite what Fox News and republicans tell you, tax cuts aren't free. Every dollar lost in revenue is one more dollar the government needs to borrow. The Bush tax cuts greatly contributed to our national debt.

Not this freaking myth again.. that government spending stimulates after taking funding away and funneling it thru multiple layers of red tape and agencies

No.. tax cuts do not cost anything.. it is a lowering of income.. just as if you take a $10000 a year pay cut and it hurts you more to keep buying organic milk, the change in your salary did not cause a raise in cost to buy the milk

Every dollar less in taxes does NOT mean we have to borrow more, idiot... it SHOULD mean that we spend LESS.. SPENDING contributed to our increased debt... under Bush and especially under the overload spending of Obamalama

You do realize that taxes pay for our governments expenses right? This isn't hard to figure out. Less revenue means more borrowing money the government doesn't have.

Enough of this red tape non sense. It shows you are completely ignorant of this subject. A great deal of the stimulus went to the unemployed. The money they received was spent on basic essentials. That created a ripple effect in the market, i.e stimulus. This is economics 101.
So if you take more out of the recovery in taxes or borrow more to pay for more spending and more red tape, the poverty rate would be better??


Well if you had any understanding of economics you would get it. The stimulus cost tax payers 10 billion a month but it generated 16.7 billion a month in economic stimulus.

Tax cuts for the wealthy only help the wealthy. It only stimululates the supply side. It does very little to generate demand. The problem with the wealthy is that studies show they hoard their money more than they do invest. The amount of money they actually do invest does very little.

Also, despite what Fox News and republicans tell you, tax cuts aren't free. Every dollar lost in revenue is one more dollar the government needs to borrow. The Bush tax cuts greatly contributed to our national debt.

I have to laugh at the way you criticized someone for not understanding economics....and then you go ahead and state a theory as economic fact without even MENTIONING the opposing theory.

Economics is based on theory and there are two sides....two opposing theories....and both make sense or they would no longer be deemed as credible theories...yet both are.

There are many factors to take into consideration when determining which theory is applicable.....and in our complicated economy it is difficult to have all forces in place to allow either theory to prove to be the best.

But one thing we know for sure right now.....

Despite pumping billions into the economy, and cutting taxes for the middle class and increasing taxes for the upper 2%, our unemployment rate is still pathetic and we have less people employed now than we did 5 years ago....so it sure as hell aint working.

And if you say "yeah, but look at the markets! They are booming"....then I can say one thing for sure...

You are not qualified to criticize anyone's knowledge of economics.

Lol I did explain the theory of the opposing side. Tax cutting is supply side economics.
Talk to Bush. His administration put in place the UE benefits extension that extended benefits as long as the UE rate was above 6% (if I remember correctly).

But I'll take it from this thread that YOU believe the economy has recovered. President Obama appreciates your confidence in his leadership.

You don't remember correctly since the President does not have the authority to extend UE benefits. Only Congress can pass a bill to do that, and the President can sign or veto the bill.

And Bush signed it. Your point?

Bush signs law extending unemployment insurance | Reuters

President George W. Bush on Friday signed into law an extension of unemployment benefits, the White House said.

It gives seven more weeks of unemployment payments to workers who have exhausted their current jobless benefits. For those in states with the highest unemployment rates, an additional 20 weeks will be allowed.

You wrote:

Talk to Bush. His administration put in place the UE benefits extension that extended benefits as long as the UE rate was above 6% (if I remember correctly).

The bill Bush signed gave seven more weeks of unemployment payments to workers who have exhausted their current jobless benefits. For those in states with the highest unemployment rates, an additional 20 weeks will be allowed.

Not a word in the link you posted about the UE rate being above 6%. I just read what you post, do you?
One more question libs....

You keep talking about economists & their opinions so...... Do those opinions or charts pay your bills? Buy your food? Supply your jobs?

Either way all the stats that matter are bad. Unemployment, welfare recipients, prices on food & fuel, obamacare is only getting the sick & elderly to sign up etc...

The only tangible rise you can point to is Wallstreet and that must really pain you since any other time they are considered the villain.

And who's fault is that? Which side made economic stimulus a dirty word?
The economy is recovering but the labor market isn't. This is bad for long term economic growth and stability.
It won't be long now. Nutters will begin to take credit for the improving economy. Nutter Congrescritters and Governors are already doing that in their home states and districts. They talk about America.....it is baaaaaad news. They talk about their own backyard, the economy is booming with opportunity. Amazing.
Dow: 7949 to 16480 in the last five years
UE: 7.8 to 7.0% (need a lot of improvement here, although it has fallen more than 30% from 10.2%)
GDP: -5.4 to 4.1
Deficit: 9.8 to 3.3
Consumer Confidence: 37.4 to 70.4

Overall, much better in five years but with plenty of room to improve. The key is jobs creation legislation by Congress.

Congress doesn't create jobs. They can incentivize it but Reid won't let that happen.

Actually, it is both parties refusing to work together, and, yes, Congress does create jobs and their markets: think Defense industry.
Dow: 7949 to 16480 in the last five years
UE: 7.8 to 7.0% (need a lot of improvement here, although it has fallen more than 30% from 10.2%)
GDP: -5.4 to 4.1
Deficit: 9.8 to 3.3
Consumer Confidence: 37.4 to 704

Overall, much better in five years but with plenty of room to improve. The key is jobs creation legislation by Congress.

Congress doesn't create jobs. They can incentivize it but Reid won't let that happen.

It does -- government can create jobs at will when economy is depressed. But cons would never hear of it because it goes against their religion of small government.
The economy is recovering but the labor market isn't. This is bad for long term economic growth and stability.

I will anxiously be awaiting your examples of how this "economy" is getting"better".

Interest rates are being held artificially low by the Fed. Bonds are being purchased (again, by the Fed) to prop up an economy which would otherwise be in depression.

QE WILL stop at some point (probably after the communist-in-chief is gone) and then we will see how "well" this economy is doing. Right now (and for the past 5-6 years) we have seen a modern day version of the "Wizard of Oz" by our government. Nothing but smoke and mirrors by an administration that despises the private sector and has done everything possible to DISCOURAGE private sector growth.

Jobs? Are you kidding me!?!
Dow: 7949 to 16480 in the last five years
UE: 7.8 to 7.0% (need a lot of improvement here, although it has fallen more than 30% from 10.2%)
GDP: -5.4 to 4.1
Deficit: 9.8 to 3.3
Consumer Confidence: 37.4 to 704

Overall, much better in five years but with plenty of room to improve. The key is jobs creation legislation by Congress.

Congress doesn't create jobs. They can incentivize it but Reid won't let that happen.

It does -- government can create jobs at will when economy is depressed. But cons would never hear of it because it goes against their religion of small government.

What? Picking up litter on the sides of the road? Working in soup kitchens? Government DESTROYS - it does not build.

Wake the hell up.
TARP AND the stimulus saved the economy, which the Bushies wrecked. Got it yet duh...

TARP was Bushes. And it was as stupid as the stimulus money that wasted billions with nothing to show for it except some campaign donors being paid back.

According to the Obama administration, the money loaned out on TARP has ALL been repaid to the government.

A lot of the so-called stimulus money was wasted on failed green companies, but it did keep a lot of government employees working so they could keep paying those union dues.

Some did pay the TARP money back, but then many didn't really want it. Detroit is a great example of how successful the auto bailout was.

Stim money was supposed to go for infrastructure, but the worst roads and bridges remain dilapidated and big money was spent to put fences on fairly new bridges and some roads were re-done even though they weren't that bad. I suspect it was a matter of enhancing some cities by using certain companies and not actually addressing the things that really needed fixing.

Yea, the green companies wasted billions without a damn thing to show for it. In Solyndra's bankruptcy filing, the California Democrats were named, so they would have gotten any money left. I lost count of how many companies went under really quick. They spent money to build and furnish office buildings, but no indication that money was spent on actual research. I think it was a money laundering scheme. How many billions of dollars disappeared into thin air?

Bush signed off on TARP, but the Obama administration had the responsibility of overseeing how the money was spent. Some dealerships were saved and others forced to close. And it was such an amazing coincidence that the ones closed were not liberal campaign donors. Imagine that.

TARP was the first hit to the economy. The 'too big to fail' companies were just getting pay back for helping get people elected. Small businesses in the service industry took an immediate hit when Obama vilified companies for treating employees and clients to nice annual events. Most of the events were planned and paid for long before the TARP money was thrown around, yet the administration made it sound like they were using the money for fun. The events got cancelled, which hurt the resorts and other places that relied on them. Other companies cancelled, too, even though they didn't even take TARP money. It's like they were all afraid to spend money for fear of having ACORN round up angry mobs and come harass them at their homes, the way they did to the AIG execs.

TARP saved some big companies, but didn't do a damn thing for the rest of us. The liberals like to pretend to be for the little guy, but with TARP and the stimulus money, they bailed out the likes of Goldman Sachs and other wealthy companies. Had to save the people who fund their campaigns. It was so hypocritical to see the same people supporting the Occupoopers later on. Yea, bail out the wealthy, then say that people have a right to be angry at the 1%. Goldman Sachs is the 1%. And not only that, but it's Goldman Sachs that will clean up with Cap and Trade. We get the cap (with high prices and fines) and they get money from the trade part. Sweet deal, eh? No wonder Obama chose an EPA chief that was willing to make it happen under the radar. Of course, the liberal media wasn't about to expose that, but thankfully the non-liberals still have some freedom of speech.

As far as wealthy congress members, Dems lead the way. And it strikes me as odd that all of them, both parties, manage to become wealthy while they serve this country and bitch about how they need their salaries because of the cost of living in DC.

The talk about improving the economy is nothing more than a ruse while they destroy middle class in preparation for bringing in socialism. They can't be honest or people would revolt and they know it. That is always how it goes. No country ever voted to bring in socialism. It gets introduced little by little while the socialists lie about what they are doing. It's no different now.

Extending unemployment and raising minimum wage sounds caring. It's not. Getting out of the way of job creation and encouraging people to strive to make themselves more desirable to employers is the way out of poverty and the best way to improve the economy. More tax payers, more support of local small businesses is the ticket. The Dems are ensuring that we have less tax payers and a bigger tax burden. It's not the wealthy who will bear the burden. It's the ever-shrinking middle class. Obamacare is likely going to be the final blow that destroys middle class for good. All the talk of income inequality and yet they are creating more poor people and making the rich richer.

It's beyond comprehension how many people tend to listen to what they say despite the fact that it rarely matches what they do. Fancy speeches are more powerful than actions. Of course, the media doesn't go out of it's way to report on the actions and when some do, the feeble minded sheep dismiss it because they find it easier to take the word of their messiah and don't want to believe he lies.
Last edited:
The economy is recovering but the labor market isn't. This is bad for long term economic growth and stability.

I will anxiously be awaiting your examples of how this "economy" is getting"better".

Interest rates are being held artificially low by the Fed. Bonds are being purchased (again, by the Fed) to prop up an economy which would otherwise be in depression.

QE WILL stop at some point (probably after the communist-in-chief is gone) and then we will see how "well" this economy is doing. Right now (and for the past 5-6 years) we have seen a modern day version of the "Wizard of Oz" by our government. Nothing but smoke and mirrors by an administration that despises the private sector and has done everything possible to DISCOURAGE private sector growth.

Jobs? Are you kidding me!?!

The economy is recovering but the labor market isn't. This is bad for long term economic growth and stability.

I will anxiously be awaiting your examples of how this "economy" is getting"better".

Interest rates are being held artificially low by the Fed. Bonds are being purchased (again, by the Fed) to prop up an economy which would otherwise be in depression.

QE WILL stop at some point (probably after the communist-in-chief is gone) and then we will see how "well" this economy is doing. Right now (and for the past 5-6 years) we have seen a modern day version of the "Wizard of Oz" by our government. Nothing but smoke and mirrors by an administration that despises the private sector and has done everything possible to DISCOURAGE private sector growth.

Jobs? Are you kidding me!?!


I'm still waiting laughing boy……….
Dow: 7949 to 16480 in the last five years
UE: 7.8 to 7.0% (need a lot of improvement here, although it has fallen more than 30% from 10.2%)
GDP: -5.4 to 4.1
Deficit: 9.8 to 3.3
Consumer Confidence: 37.4 to 704

Overall, much better in five years but with plenty of room to improve. The key is jobs creation legislation by Congress.

Congress doesn't create jobs. They can incentivize it but Reid won't let that happen.

Ok Jed

Explain where this post is crying or whining as you said it was in your message to me.

Or just admit your butthurt cause I negged ya and you couldn't find a legit reason to neg me back.

Admit it son, you got nuthin chump

So Americans shouldn't help those in need. What a fucking scumbag. I never say this, but I hope you get a taste of your own medicine. Sink or swim, asshole.

16 weeks is help. 99 weeks is absurd. Fuck off dick

Typical con crybaby

I have a job with a BIG paycheck, no whining here. Just pointing out the bums in society.

Get a job or a life. Maybe lucky and find both but get the fuck out of my wallet bum
What? Picking up litter on the sides of the road? Working in soup kitchens? Government DESTROYS - it does not build. Wake the hell up.

Now you are backing off.

The defense contracts pay really well.

Randall, you should just shut up if you can't offer better than this.
Gramps, your government contracts are incentives.

Your taxes, in part, help create those opportunities.

The question is not if but how much and how long on UE.

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