Edward Bernays and our last presidential election.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
Many Americans are losing trust in government. Permanent Washington has been in the process of selling them out for decades. It has control of the media and even worse, it has corrupted the education of our youth to an extent that life expectancy in the world’s foremost first world country began declining long before the Covid-19 pandemic. A lot of what is going in the US educational system was learned from the Nazis in the 1930’s and the work of Edward Bernays who published the book Propaganda in 1928.

Bernays saw that entire societies could be controlled with an invisible agency of government tricking the people into believing that true democracy could only be attained by central oppression dispensed by a tiny nucleus of self-enriching aristocrats stealing the freedoms and liberties of the people with elaborate and carefully planned public relations campaigns. In other words, Bernays concluded that top tier government existed solely to dumb the people down to exploit them for power. After the recent brazen theft of a US presidential election in 2020 by US intelligence and a federal postal service, it is obvious to any reasonable observer that Bernays was way ahead of his time.

Sadly, many people in the US swallowed the government-advertised explanation of how a candidate that cannot articulate sentences any better than a common drunk and did not campaign, got more votes than any politician in the history of the world. These are the same kinds of Madison Avenue suckers that watch the Super Bowl with bated breath waiting for the best commercials. The fact that about half the US population has been turned into morons is not an optimistic commentary on our times.

Those with normal brain function could see that Donald Trump was an “existential” threat not to democracy but to government. He was just not a government team player willing to “play ball” with lowering the intelligence of the people to sell the shop-worn product of propaganda that had worn out its welcome here. There was so much money and power at stake that the government had no option but to step in and force-feed that election down the throats of the people.

Bernays really knew his stuff and his embracing of “propaganda’ and its cousin, “public relations”, was seen as a good thing for capitalism. The Nazis liked it too. Now we see it might not be all that good for democracy, but probably too late.

After the Trump administrations policy of being the dumbest I can agree with you on this one...Don't stop learnin' that Patriot Education.
I think you are a very good writer, Ray.

I appreciate your intelligence.
I can write. Intelligence? My wife beats me at Wheel of Fortune and Jeopardy every time!
Mine did too -- at least when we were married. She has an amazing gift for being able to take up most anything she wants and be good at it.

I might have more intuitive intelligence, though.
So much going on in the USA today is a mirror of what happened in Germany leading up to Nazi control and WW2

Just as Leftists today are unknowingly supporting authoritarianism, so did Europeans before WW2

watching this video from

Cancel culture, the attack on free speech, agitprop turnspeak, growing antisemitism -- it's all there.
So much going on in the USA today is a mirror of what happened in Germany leading up to Nazi control and WW2

Just as Leftists today are unknowingly supporting authoritarianism, so did Europeans before WW2

watching this video from

Cancel culture, the attack on free speech, agitprop turnspeak, growing antisemitism -- it's all there.

What's also there is the painful lack of resistance to all of it.
So much going on in the USA today is a mirror of what happened in Germany leading up to Nazi control and WW2

Just as Leftists today are unknowingly supporting authoritarianism, so did Europeans before WW2

watching this video from

Cancel culture, the attack on free speech, agitprop turnspeak, growing antisemitism -- it's all there.

What's also there is the painful lack of resistance to all of it.


Even an attempt to articulate the actual issue is becoming increasingly verboten as any attempt to combat the obvious authoritarianism elicits calls that the person who objects to the fascism is the actual fascist. We see this turnspeak on the forum all the time, as the true believers use it in exactly that way. It is especially apparent in the discussions revolving around covid where these uneducated twits accuse anybody who thinks people should have the right to run a small business the fascist while they are the ones wanting to grind them under their jack boot.
After the Trump administrations policy of being the dumbest I can agree with you on this one...Don't stop learnin' that Patriot Education.
"I know you are but what am I? Brilliant! Maybe we could try a little harder?

No, moonie is a retarded troll. That's the best you will get.

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