Education purposely creating idiots


Diamond Member
May 20, 2014
Why do blacks buy into this crap? Sheeple me this, how does this help them or the nation? When they get out what will they be able to do besides stir more hate?
It's the CIA who are running Project Chaos , not me in my mind
Seems that's a step too far for Gullibles . Or several .

Same people who probably think Deep State does not exist and October 7 was not a False Flag in a million years.

Never mind . Price of bananas should fall soon
The irony of higher education is that it attempts to deprive students of education in the real world, to wit, the student loan program that detours students from early work experience into full time study. Their immaturity and naivete is taken advantage of by the schools. Ideally, they would work their way through college thus gaining valuable experience at the same time. Work greatly helps the maturing process, which in turn helps one take their studies more seriously.
Why do blacks buy into this crap? Sheeple me this, how does this help them or the nation? When they get out what will they be able to do besides stir more hate?
College courses are sometimes silly.

YOu do realize that sometimes it's OK not to care what other folks spend their time and money on, right?
Get enough trannies, fags, enemy communist into K-12 and an American enemy will rise up as America dies.

Exactly the same thing is going on in the FED GOVT. The MSM, the Police state (new) will absolutely make it so no one above room temp IQ will be willing to fight them to get into any GOVT office. Look at the silly little AZ GOV or the US President lol!

We are doomed short of a miracle or collapse and rebuild.
A lot of students are ignorant assholes when they go in and after they come out. Sure, we can blame the education system, but, it is the parents and the culture.
A lot of students are ignorant assholes when they go in and after they come out. Sure, we can blame the education system, but, it is the parents and the culture.
I have seen a very negative change in students in just the past decade or so. They seem unhappy, unfriendly, and resist authority.
A lot of students are ignorant assholes when they go in and after they come out. Sure, we can blame the education system, but, it is the parents and the culture.

Why would a beaver tounged rabid animal like you care? You voted for even more decline you SICK POS that ought to know better. Steady decline, due to your kind.
Why do blacks buy into this crap? Sheeple me this, how does this help them or the nation? When they get out what will they be able to do besides stir more hate?
I appreciated this quote from your linked article:
". . .Jerry Coyne, a biologist and professor emeritus at Chicago University, said that the course might as well have been advertised as “The Study of Black Lives Matter,” and denounced the class as an example of how the field of science has become poisoned by racial identity politics and “progressive activism.”. . ."

It is a fact the Marxist minded leftists have been infiltrating scientific institutions and educational institutions for decades now and have been forcing out the conservatives and moderates or make it so uncomfortable for them that they quit. That has been happening for decades now.

Real subjects teaching math, history, geography, language, literature, sociopolitics/government/government systems, all the scientific fields, etc. are being replaced with propaganda and social engineering dogma/indoctrination to the point little educating is happening in higher education. I suspect in those 'woke' science groups, little serious science is happening either.

And it is definitely dumbing down the people as well as a form of brain washing to the point they refuse to even look at any different point of view.
I have seen a very negative change in students in just the past decade or so. They seem unhappy, unfriendly, and resist authority.
If you are talking about college age, have seen this before. Did you live in the 60s and 70s, you know, back in the good old days?
Why would a beaver tounged rabid animal like you care? You voted for even more decline you SICK POS that ought to know better. Steady decline, due to your kind.
Don't be a dick. My kids didn't turn out like that. If yours did, it is on you, no matter what the education or government did or does.
You no longer believe in parental responsibility? It is all, the government and elected officials. They made you the person you are today and are responsible for how you live and raise your kids?
I guess I am old-fashioned and still believe in personal responsibility. I guess people like you, just throw up their hands and feel better to have government to blame, as depending on government, even to raise your kids. Good luck with that.
If you are talking about college age, have seen this before. Did you live in the 60s and 70s, you know, back in the good old days?
Those were crazy times, especially on liberal campuses, war protests, women's lib, drug use.
It's the CIA who are running Project Chaos , not me in my mind
Seems that's a step too far for Gullibles . Or several .

Same people who probably think Deep State does not exist and October 7 was not a False Flag in a million years.

Never mind . Price of bananas should fall soon
If wages continue to rise prices won't come down much.
who signs up for this moronic class? is it solely for black kids or can stupid white kids get in the class too.
College courses are sometimes silly.

YOu do realize that sometimes it's OK not to care what other folks spend their time and money on, right?

The problem is it's not necessarily their money anymore, particularly with Biden illegally forgiving all of this student loan debt.

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