Ebola worst than HIV/Aids ?


Diamond Member
Nov 28, 2011
Both are killers right ? Both have no cure right ? I ask why wasn't HIV-AIDS not treated the same as Ebola is being looked at today ? I mean hasn't HIV-AIDS killed hundreds of thousands now across America and far more throughout the world, and so isn't this maybe even worse of a disease than Ebola ? Was HIV-AIDS left to freely wonder through society (using society as a guinea pig so to speak), as such to study the disease in hopes for a cure to come out of the carnage over time ?

It almost appears that with all the stupidity that is going on in concerns of Ebola, it's as if their are those who hope that it takes hold here in the US, and hmm maybe this is so in order to hope that we will throw all our efforts and resources in finding a cure for it, and then at it, just so the cure can be taken back to the country of origin in order to save those who are dying by the thousands over there with it. Are the U.S. citizens being set up to test drive Ebola now against their understanding of this, and is it being done all in hopes to find a cure if it gets going wild here maybe ? I mean look at how many are still being infected by HIV-AIDS by those who are infecting people with the knowledge that they have the disease, but are doing it anyway. Are their people who think that if these diseases kill Americans by the hundreds, and then by the tens of thousands, then of course we will be the ones to find the way or cure if we are being affected or afflicted with these deadly viruses now ?

I mean with the stupidity that has been going on, how can one draw any other conclusions to the madness being found in it all ? Look at this woman who is complaining about the quarantine imposed on her for this nations safety, and how she is reacting to that concern. It's sickening how these people think, and is this nations citizens ready to be continually used in this way, or is it ready to get it's head out of the sand finally, and to see it in the right way in which seems to be the exact way that this is all going down. Could these Doctors who are returning from over there, be thinking in these terms in which I have covered in this OP maybe (spread the virus in order to get a cure for it somehow) ? I mean the one doc road the subway and went bowling, the other nurse was told it was OK to take a plane after calling the CDC with symptoms. Hey last I checked 2+2 was still 4 right ? I thought so..
Great news, but are we willing to entertain Ebola for years in order to get a cure for that one also ? How about lets keep it to a small number through quarantining here, and hopefully then keep the larger numbers of cases away from the United States until we can do our part for the world on this front in the means of a cure! The way these people are acting so ignorant and stupid about this situation, it's as if they want the U.S. to come down with this thing in order to hunt for a cure that way. The U.S. is no guinea pig, and the world needs to know this, as well as the dummies like this woman complaining about 21 days until she is cleared.
Both are killers right ? Both have no cure right ? I ask why wasn't HIV-AIDS not treated the same as Ebola is being looked at today ? I mean hasn't HIV-AIDS killed hundreds of thousands now across America and far more throughout the world, and so isn't this maybe even worse of a disease than Ebola ? Was HIV-AIDS left to freely wonder through society (using society as a guinea pig so to speak), as such to study the disease in hopes for a cure to come out of the carnage over time ?

It almost appears that with all the stupidity that is going on in concerns of Ebola, it's as if their are those who hope that it takes hold here in the US, and hmm maybe this is so in order to hope that we will throw all our efforts and resources in finding a cure for it, and then at it, just so the cure can be taken back to the country of origin in order to save those who are dying by the thousands over there with it. Are the U.S. citizens being set up to test drive Ebola now against their understanding of this, and is it being done all in hopes to find a cure if it gets going wild here maybe ? I mean look at how many are still being infected by HIV-AIDS by those who are infecting people with the knowledge that they have the disease, but are doing it anyway. Are their people who think that if these diseases kill Americans by the hundreds, and then by the tens of thousands, then of course we will be the ones to find the way or cure if we are being affected or afflicted with these deadly viruses now ?

I mean with the stupidity that has been going on, how can one draw any other conclusions to the madness being found in it all ? Look at this woman who is complaining about the quarantine imposed on her for this nations safety, and how she is reacting to that concern. It's sickening how these people think, and is this nations citizens ready to be continually used in this way, or is it ready to get it's head out of the sand finally, and to see it in the right way in which seems to be the exact way that this is all going down. Could these Doctors who are returning from over there, be thinking in these terms in which I have covered in this OP maybe (spread the virus in order to get a cure for it somehow) ? I mean the one doc road the subway and went bowling, the other nurse was told it was OK to take a plane after calling the CDC with symptoms. Hey last I checked 2+2 was still 4 right ? I thought so..

Hey, thanks for starting a conspiracy theory thread on the 'ol Ebola.

I have to admit, either the government/corporate state REALLY wants Ebola to get into the nation so it can spread to LOTS of folks so there will be a huge potential market when they finally develop an effective vaccine.

Or the second thing that crosses my mind is that the Africans that are at ground zero of this mess are really correct, THERE IS NO EPIDEMIC!

Either way, there is a conspiracy going on, and I would kind of feel like a fool for being duped.

What are the two possible outcomes?

Well, if the first conspiracy theory is true, we can expect a lot more people to be infected in the US, and then manditory vaccinations once the Corporatocracy has the cure.

Or, what seems more likely from all the footage and journalistic research, it appears the whole outbreak is a hoax. There appears to be some other illness that has been subbed in for Ebola. Where are the masses of bodies, the numbers and numbers of grieving loved ones? Why is there a huge propaganda campaign and a hit song in Africa TRYING to convince the population that it is real?

Rather than send in tons of medical personnel, we instead get a non-medical Ebola czar and thousands of troops going to Africa?
Ebola hoax: the “boomslang snake effect”
Ebola hoax the 8220 boomslang snake effect 8221 Jon Rappoport s Blog
How difficult would it be to collect and intentionally deploy boomslang venom to produce “the Ebola effect” here and there?

In fact, how difficult would it be to use high doses of run-of-the mill anticoagulant medicines, such as Warfarin, which is basically rat poison, to produce the Ebola bleeding effect?

For the people who knowingly utilize absurd diagnostic tests to label patients with Ebola, who thereby invent case numbers, who want to engender as much public fear as possible, who want to promote and sell yet another vaccine, who want to lock down West Africa in order to drain even more natural resources from those countries, who want to institute quarantines in America,…the idea of seeding people with a chemical that causes bleeding is a simple proposition.

“Let’s see… we’ve got these West African who are already dying from severe malnutrition, poverty, lack of basic sanitation, contaminated water supplies, and their basic symptoms are indistinguishable from ‘Ebola’…and then we have those US and European patients who are being diagnosed with Ebola because the tests routinely turn up false positives…and now we create some frightening patients who are bleeding and vomiting blood…and poof, we’ve invented an epidemic. Let’s have lunch…”
The Ebola hoax: questions, answers, and the false belief in the “One It”
The Ebola hoax questions answers and the false belief in the 8220 One It 8221 Jon Rappoport s Blog

Of course, if it is a plot to control West Africa, then that would explain why medical professionals and air commerce professionals are chaffing under the unknowing public's insistence on greater security measures. It's quite possible those two nurses that tested positive never even had Ebola, but, of course, if you're doing the adequate back ground reading, you would see how terrible the tests are. So, if they flew over a fake patient, claiming he had Ebola, the unwitting staff who treated him were all going to test themselves, and of course, SOME false positives were bound to show up.

So it is either a conspiracy to sell vaccines, or a conspiracy to control the vital resources of West Africa before the Chinese can get in there. . . . Hmmmmm. . . . :eusa_think:

Otherwise, you would think this government would be sane and rational.

This is a good video history of the governments handling of the outbreak to date. Good chronology.

Who knows, maybe it's real, maybe it's not. But they way the elites have been acting, with Obama getting all cozy with everyone that's "had it?" Yeah, it would make perfect sense if he knew the whole thing were a hoax. .. . :badgrin:

If you follow this, it doesn't seem like the government has been taking things very seriously, or they know something that the public doesn't know. Almost as if, there really IS NO Ebola, or they WANT Ebola to spread. I just can't figure out which.

You will notice, in the MSM, they only show you a few dozen bodies at a time in each photo and video clips. I have been searching for footage/photos of mass graves, haven't come up with anything verifiable evidence though.
AIDS has killed 663,000 Americans and 2,000,000 more are infected. The per capita incidence of AIDS is higher in the US than in any other Western country; four times higher than Germany. It's still a significant killer in the US, but it's almost dropped off the radar screen since it isn't a major killer of white queers now. When it was, the cacophony of screaming, bitching, and moaning was ear-piercing, but now that it mostly affects Hispanic and black intravenous drug users, queers could give a shit. They’re busy contracting and spreading other STD’s instead.

Ebola? When the AIDS epidemic was in its infancy, the CDC implored queers to QUARANTINE the disease. They wouldn’t do it. And now our ignorant president and all his fawning useful idiots, including 90% of white queers in this country, are being implored by the CDC again to QUARANTINE Ebola. Will they follow the advice of our doctors, epidemiologists, and researchers? Sure, you bet. They have such a noble history of doing that very thing.
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If dey gonna quarantine ebola patients as a public safety measure...

... shouldn't we be quarantinin' HIV/AIDS patients as well?
AIDS doesn't live on surfaces the way ebola does. Ebola can live on surfaces for 50 days. Ebola can last on surfaces for almost TWO months tests reveal Daily Mail Online
Tell that to the unsuspecting HIV-AIDS victim or patient who acquires the infection unknowingly, and where sadly the victim or patient doesn't even know where the infection came from in which has now infected him or her until it was to late. Does it matter where the germ is or where it lives, or is it better to go after the more important aspect of these things, and that is exactly how it is transferred when humans have a hand in it all? It's like a gun where as the gun doesn't kill anyone, but the human that is holding that gun can do some serious damage.
How could anyone be unsuspecting in this day and age?

If you don't know your sexual partner well, expect AIDS or some other STD.

Very simple.
How could anyone be unsuspecting in this day and age?

If you don't know your sexual partner well, expect AIDS or some other STD.

Very simple.
Not sure what planet your living on, and especially this day and age, but I have heard just this month about a man who infected his sexual encounter, and he was diagnosed way back (along time ago) with the disease. Of course charges have been brought against him, and I'd say so much for self quarantine or a respect for the lives of others as is being illustrated by these types of individuals, and then there was a Preacher who was infected, and he had been going with multiple partners as well, and he has charges being brought against him also. Now you say expect Aids or some other STD if not knowing your encounter or partner eh, but if a quarantine of say the disease Aids would have been instigated back in the day, and a huge effort put forth to stop the disease from spreading as in the case with Ebola today, then could you be making that statement in which you made today in the case with Aids like you did here or not ? If not then explain why please.. Could HIV-AIDS be held off due to a quarantine being instigated immediately back in the day or was it something that was able to just show up in people anywhere in the world at any time, therefore making the defining of borders in order to trap it behind such borders, to have been useless or could it ( a quarantine) have been actually something that would have worked looking back now ? Has HIV-AIDS been more dangerous than Ebola ?
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Still no cure though, and how many need to keep getting it by accident, and how many need to keep it going just so they can study it to find that cure finally ? How many citizens or humans need to continue to test drive these diseases for the sake of science, and this just so science can finally eradicate them for those who are afflicted and are being afflicted at alarming rates if at all possible ? I say stop the disease in it's tracks by knowing who is infected and what to do in order to keep others from getting infected, then have the ones who are infected volunteer to help science get that cure while the rest of society lives in peace together, and hopefully disease free together as well.
AIDS doesn't live on surfaces the way ebola does. Ebola can live on surfaces for 50 days. Ebola can last on surfaces for almost TWO months tests reveal Daily Mail Online
Tell that to the unsuspecting HIV-AIDS victim or patient who acquires the infection unknowingly, and where sadly the victim or patient doesn't even know where the infection came from in which has now infected him or her until it was to late. Does it matter where the germ is or where it lives, or is it better to go after the more important aspect of these things, and that is exactly how it is transferred when humans have a hand in it all? It's like a gun where as the gun doesn't kill anyone, but the human that is holding that gun can do some serious damage.

When I say that a person may not have or didn't even know where it came from until it was to late, well this is what I meant by that. It's basically saying that people are known to be liars, and they don't tell the truth when they want something they want in many cases, and so it amazes me that people are so willing to just see these things as nothing much or at least until they become afflicted by it or one of their family members become afflicted by it. Then Pride finishes them off or their loved ones off, because they are to prideful to ever say that they were wrong, and this when they finally realize that they were wrong, so they hide their hand in it all, and watch as their family member dies or they die with it themselves otherwise carrying their secrets about the truth to the grave with them, and this instead of warning others in order to save their lives or their life as it should be.
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