Dynamiting the Mountains to Fill the Valleys


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Dynamiting the Mountains to Fill the Valleys

The goal is simply a world of and for leftists.​
18 Sep 2021 ~~ By Joseph Mackinnon
Brussels will not tolerate conservative Christianity, particularly when expressed as pro-family values and a rejection of sexual deviancy in Viktor Orbán’s Hungary and Andrzej Duda’s Poland. London will not tolerate little Englanders’ resistance to the destructive hedonistic cosmopolitanism of the kind criticized by both G. K. Chesterton and recently by Victor Davis Hanson. Ottawa will not tolerate the western Canadian provinces’ industrious, independent spirit and their antipathy for ecosocialist interventionism or for Quebec-favoring redistribution schemes. Washington will not tolerate Texas’ refusal to sanction the murder of unborn children with Down syndrome by predatory eugenicists or its fight to defend its own borders. The mainstream media will not tolerate the speech of the duly elected president of the United States, but will extol the virtues of a treasonous general who usurped civilian powers over the military, and behind closed curtains, formed a military dictatorship.
The same people who argue that diversity is our strength, that hate has no home here, that love trumps hate, and favor greater tolerance in Western nations, tend to be the same who will not tolerate any ideology but their own; the same who see democracy as functional only if it is achieving their ends. These people reject as authoritarian or insurrectionist any democratic effort, institution, or person advancing an alternate view to the Left’s.
Contradictions abound. The intolerant Left calls for tolerance. The conformist Left calls for pluralism. Those leftist, global elites ruling by fiat call for more democracy. The Left, and members of their statist subset, appear to be contradicting themselves or are at the very least guilty of hypocrisy, assuming they mean what they say or that they intend to act in accordance with their prescribed behavioral norms. Alas, they don’t and they won’t.
If men and women of conscience are keen on preserving diversity of thought, liberty, and the greatest civilization ever to grace this planet, then they must recognize that the only equality the Left can or will ever produce is equality of vision, and that’s tantamount to mental slavery and submission. Furthermore, they must recognize that the leftist pressure to live by lies and to conform can come from anywhere: from Big Government, from Big Tech, from Big Business, from Big Pharma, and from your neighbors. You are unique and made in the image of God. You have inestimable value, not as a node on some dehumanized collective, but as an individual. Your voice is worth being heard and your ideas engaged, not policed or censored.
The world is better with essential—not incidental—diversity. Therefore, you cannot allow yourself to become the cement for some unholy monolith of undifferentiated flesh. Don’t aid the Left in dynamiting mountains to fill up the valleys such that there are only plains left. Resist sameness sought for the sake of sameness, and when you see good people making a positive difference, thereby differentiating an institution, a city, a country or a state, question and or combat Leftist efforts to stop them.

The Left continually spouts 'The Big Lie'. There is no question that whatever they accuse others of doing is what they are doing themselves.
Trump was a dictator! The deluded of the Progressive Marxist/DSA Left believe it despite watching Joey Xi Bai Dung issue edicts that control our lives more tightly. The list goes on.
What is missing is some practical, successful means to combat PM/DSA Commie Leftist dogma, and of course, Commies themselves.
There are cracks beginning to show in the Party of Tyranny:
  • The FDA votes 16-2 against requiring booster shots for everyone.,
  • College football games are packed, and chants of "F Joe Biden" are heard loud and clear.
  • The Left is freaking out over the disobedience of Nicki Minaj to toe the Covid jab line. With 157M followers on Instagram she is posing a threat to the narrative by refusing to back down.
  • Parents of all colors are fighting back against CRT in schools.
  • Employees are walking off the job rather than be forced to get the jab. Double whammy--many are doctors and nurses,
  • A majority of Americans view the Afghanistan hasty retreat as dishonorable.
  • Biden's approval rating dipping below that of Donald Trump with less than a year into his administration.
These are a few of the snowballs starting roll downhill and getting bigger as they go.
And overseas, resistance to Covid-19 tyranny is growing. People are taking it to the streets. The failure to produce a media event at yesterday's Jan 6 rally in DC showed that people are no longer going to be fooled or entrapped. Demonstrations need to be local and loud.
The Left will never stop their quest for domination and control. It is no longer just political tension between two parties. It is a fight to retain our freedom and existence as a People's Republic, and defeat the Communist/Globalist ideology of tyranny and control.

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Dynamiting the Mountains to Fill the Valleys

The goal is simply a world of and for leftists.​
18 Sep 2021 ~~ By Joseph Mackinnon
Brussels will not tolerate conservative Christianity, particularly when expressed as pro-family values and a rejection of sexual deviancy in Viktor Orbán’s Hungary and Andrzej Duda’s Poland. London will not tolerate little Englanders’ resistance to the destructive hedonistic cosmopolitanism of the kind criticized by both G. K. Chesterton and recently by Victor Davis Hanson. Ottawa will not tolerate the western Canadian provinces’ industrious, independent spirit and their antipathy for ecosocialist interventionism or for Quebec-favoring redistribution schemes. Washington will not tolerate Texas’ refusal to sanction the murder of unborn children with Down syndrome by predatory eugenicists or its fight to defend its own borders. The mainstream media will not tolerate the speech of the duly elected president of the United States, but will extol the virtues of a treasonous general who usurped civilian powers over the military, and behind closed curtains, formed a military dictatorship.
The same people who argue that diversity is our strength, that hate has no home here, that love trumps hate, and favor greater tolerance in Western nations, tend to be the same who will not tolerate any ideology but their own; the same who see democracy as functional only if it is achieving their ends. These people reject as authoritarian or insurrectionist any democratic effort, institution, or person advancing an alternate view to the Left’s.
Contradictions abound. The intolerant Left calls for tolerance. The conformist Left calls for pluralism. Those leftist, global elites ruling by fiat call for more democracy. The Left, and members of their statist subset, appear to be contradicting themselves or are at the very least guilty of hypocrisy, assuming they mean what they say or that they intend to act in accordance with their prescribed behavioral norms. Alas, they don’t and they won’t.
If men and women of conscience are keen on preserving diversity of thought, liberty, and the greatest civilization ever to grace this planet, then they must recognize that the only equality the Left can or will ever produce is equality of vision, and that’s tantamount to mental slavery and submission. Furthermore, they must recognize that the leftist pressure to live by lies and to conform can come from anywhere: from Big Government, from Big Tech, from Big Business, from Big Pharma, and from your neighbors. You are unique and made in the image of God. You have inestimable value, not as a node on some dehumanized collective, but as an individual. Your voice is worth being heard and your ideas engaged, not policed or censored.
The world is better with essential—not incidental—diversity. Therefore, you cannot allow yourself to become the cement for some unholy monolith of undifferentiated flesh. Don’t aid the Left in dynamiting mountains to fill up the valleys such that there are only plains left. Resist sameness sought for the sake of sameness, and when you see good people making a positive difference, thereby differentiating an institution, a city, a country or a state, question and or combat Leftist efforts to stop them.

The Left continually spouts 'The Big Lie'. There is no question that whatever they accuse others of doing is what they are doing themselves.
Trump was a dictator! The deluded of the Progressive Marxist/DSA Left believe it despite watching Joey Xi Bai Dung issue edicts that control our lives more tightly. The list goes on.
What is missing is some practical, successful means to combat PM/DSA Commie Leftist dogma, and of course, Commies themselves.
There are cracks beginning to show in the Party of Tyranny:
  • The FDA votes 16-2 against requiring booster shots for everyone.,
  • College football games are packed, and chants of "F Joe Biden" are heard loud and clear.
  • The Left is freaking out over the disobedience of Nicki Minaj to toe the Covid jab line. With 157M followers on Instagram she is posing a threat to the narrative by refusing to back down.
  • Parents of all colors are fighting back against CRT in schools.
  • Employees are walking off the job rather than be forced to get the jab. Double whammy--many are doctors and nurses,
  • A majority of Americans view the Afghanistan hasty retreat as dishonorable.
  • Biden's approval rating dipping below that of Donald Trump with less than a year into his administration.
These are a few of the snowballs starting roll downhill and getting bigger as they go.
And overseas, resistance to Covid-19 tyranny is growing. People are taking it to the streets. The failure to produce a media event at yesterday's Jan 6 rally in DC showed that people are no longer going to be fooled or entrapped. Demonstrations need to be local and loud.
The Left will never stop their quest for domination and control. It is no longer just political tension between two parties. It is a fight to retain our freedom and existence as a People's Republic, and defeat the Communist/Globalist ideology of tyranny and control.

I will refrain from doing a point-by-point rebuttal but I will give a few impressions I took from this article. It is filled with hyperbole and I suspect written in purposefully vague terms and is even dishonest, so it doesn't have to defend the specifics of the people and policies it is writing in favor of.

For instance "sexual deviancy" is homosexuality. And Europe's problem with Poland has nothing to do with conservative Christianity but rather with Poland's politicians quite literally usurping the judicial branch in breach of the charter they signed to enter the EU.

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