Dylan Mulvaney - probably an unpopular opinion…

Leave people alone...

Leave Mulvaney alone - 'it' got a job offer and took it.

Leave Bud Light / Bud Light CEO alone - if they want to run a transgender beer campaign, let them

Leave consumers alone - let them buy whatever products they want to ... and NOT buy whatever products they DON'T want to - its their right.

Congress has its 'power of the purse'

Consumers have their own 'power of the purse'.

Bud Light played its hand ... consumers responded. The proverbial ball is in Bud Light's proverbial court now.

Adapt or 'stay woke, go broke'.

Freedom of CHOICE doesn't make anyone the 'bad guy'.

The only way to change that is to go full-authoritarian socialist / communist and take that freedom of choice away.

Until then it is what it is. Everyone stay in your lanes, do what you want, and don't attack anyone for THEIR exercising of their freedom of choice.

Have a nice weekend.
Maybe "Ads Without Nads" Is What Baroke's Beer Summit Was Really About
They made her a commemorative can. They do that for a lot of people, never expecting to run it.

They sent it to an influencer. If they didn’t expect it “to be run with”, they are exceedingly stupid.
It looks like AB marketing genius. Free advertising like this is not sold in stores.

Any advertising, free or paid, that loses you customers, ain’t good.

I take it you’ve never been involved in marketing?
This is politics?

What Budweiser is doing is trying to appeal to a different market segment; anyone with two working brain cells can see that they have saturated most other demographics.

As always, you guys on the right see this as battle in some culture war you've invented. Why do you guys have to

Anytime a cause has to say to their victims, "this is our little secret dont tell mom or dad"
Were going to confront then
When I said "run it" I meant that Dylan's face was not going to be mass produced for the public.

He’s an influencer. As in influencing

Enough said.

AB simply admit they made a bonehead PR move and we all move on.
I think Anheuser-Busch made the cans for Mulvaney and when he made the video, hoped it would stir up interest in order to create mass production.

Pretty much that.

These companies rely on the so-called ''influencers.''

Stalking horse type stuff...
I think Anheuser-Busch made the cans for Mulvaney and when he made the video, hoped it would stir up interest in order to create mass production. It backfired because their publicity department didn't do more research. When a company, say Aldi, wants to expand to a location, they spend months investigating and if they don't like the results they don't build.

They thought about a potential new demographic: transgendered folk. They clearly did not anticipate the degree to which the Joe Rust Belt demographic would lose its shit.

This will be turned into a case study at Harvard Business School some day.

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