Dylan Mulvaney - probably an unpopular opinion…

You are 100% correct, this is capitalism, and I’m not knocking that. I really was just trying to understand the outrage. Honestly, from the articles I read, I didn’t realize that AB was attempting a nationwide campaign and this was just the primer for that. I really did think this is a one off, and for that, I thought the outrage was a bit too much.

I guess im just different than other people like that. I agree, people don’t like things being shoved in their faces, no issues with them voicing their concerns, but, if it’s just a small thing, I don’t get bent out of shape for it. I mean, corporations are always going to do things people don’t like, as long as they are not trying to force it on other people, I don’t care.

Take for example, the Dixie chicks…yeah, what they did was crappy, but, I still like some of their music. Same with Elton John, people don’t like his lifestyle, but I like some of his music. There are many singers and actors who’s politics I disagree with, but, I like their work, so I don’t let it bother me.

I guess as long as the company…or entertainer, isn’t trying to force their lifestyle on me, I don’t care what they do, I’ll consume their product if it’s something I like.

Again, at the outset, I thought AB was just doing a small one off nod to Dylan, and I just didn’t see the issue with it.

But, you are right, everyone is free to do as they choose with their money.
You're Walking It Back With Shaved Legs
The mistake is the left have some very loud voices which make them look bigger than they really are. Loud mouths do not increase the vote total. One loud mouth only gets one vote. But, they believe the louder the mouths they have the more they can influence other voters.

That's a bold statement from a guy whose party is bleeding support by the minute.

Guns, abortions, and minority rights show how out of step Y0U are.
You're Walking It Back With Shaved Legs

Why do right wingers demand compliance with their ideas of how other people should live?

You hate trannies, so no one can be a transgender. If you insist on being transgendered, you must wait until you've over 21. If you try to change your gender before you're an adult, we will arrest your parents and put you in foster care, and that will be the end of that nonsense, you little perv.

You think abortion is "murder" so now women are dying because they can't get treatment for pregnancy complications past 15 weeks. As long as a fetal heart beats, the woman can't be treated.

You're banning books which celebrate minorities and their various cultures. Banning the teaching of black history, native American history, slavery, or any mention of racism. All the things that Y0U refuse to acknowledge or discuss.

Gun violence is now the leading cause of death for children under the age of 18, but you like guns, so let the kids die. You only care about the babies before they're born. It's mostly black kids anyway.
That's a bold statement from a guy whose party is bleeding support by the minute.

Guns, abortions, and minority rights show how out of step Y0U are.
Ummmmmmmmmmmm, that's not even true. If you look at registered voters, Democrats are actually bleeding more than Republicans are.

Party identification among registered voters hasn’t changed dramatically over the past 25 years, but there have been some modest shifts. One such shift is that the Democratic Party’s advantage over the Republican Party in party identification has become smaller since 2017

Well, again, how much of this is what they believe, and how much of it is pressure? I mean, I know a lot of companies are introducing all these new “woke” policies, but I question how many of them are REALLY on board, and not just doing them because they know that society demands it.

I just don’t know if I believe that CEO’s of companies are sitting around thinking, “how can we introduce new policies to benefit x group?”. Rather, maybe it’s that they feel they have to because their bottom line will suffer if they don’t.

I think most CEO’s sit around thinking “how can I improve production and quality to make the company more money, and then I can get a bigger bonus”.

Granted, I’m not a ceo so maybe I don’t know what they think.

They put it out there. No, if they don’t believe it, just say so.

They won’t. And sales will continue their nosedive
They put it out there. No, if they don’t believe it, just say so.

They won’t. And sales will continue their nosedive

I suppose they could have just done nothing…that is true. But, eventually, like coke, the leftist mob will demand that they take a stand on something.
You know what I mean. People are seeing it as another “in your face” action by another corporation caving to the leftist machine.
I don't know what you mean unless you mean the people crying about having things shoved in their faces are a bunch of bitches. In reality everyone else is just going about their lives unconcerned about your face because your face is your problem.
As far as the boycott, that’s your right, but honestly, if you are going to boycott every company that has their hands in something you don’t like….you are going to be having a hard time buying anything, as pretty much most companies donate money to leftists/gay/trans corporations, so if you are boycotting because of political reasons…you’re going to be boycotting a lot of companies.
Unfortunately the boycott was a failure. Too many switched to another beer made by the same company. Plus successful Republicans drink hard liquor and wine.
Why do right wingers demand compliance with their ideas of how other people should live?
We were a moral country once. Back in the fifties people knew their butt needed to be in the pew on Sunday morning. Television was pure, as it should be. Same with music.

We've got to find the politicians who will take us back there.
Unfortunately the boycott was a failure. Too many switched to another beer made by the same company. Plus successful Republicans drink hard liquor and wine.

Wrong. According to the local bar owners, local brews are the hot sellers and people are abandoning AB brands all together.
Wrong. According to the local bar owners, local brews are the hot sellers and people are abandoning AB brands all together.
---Among the prominent conservatives who have said they changed beer brands to Coors Light is GOP Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene---

---As part of the joint venture, Anheuser Busch holds a 50 percent ownership stake in the company, giving it indirect control over Coors. Thus, while Anheuser Busch does not directly own Coors, it has a substantial (financial) stake in Coors---

I don't know what you mean unless you mean the people crying about having things shoved in their faces are a bunch of bitches. In reality everyone else is just going about their lives unconcerned about your face because your face is your problem.

Well, think of it like this…imagine if your favorite product decided to put trumps face on the packaging. I’m sure the leftist outrage would be quite similar.
Well, think of it like this…imagine if your favorite product decided to put trumps face on the packaging. I’m sure the leftist outrage would be quite similar.
Okay I've imagined it, so what. They still wouldn't be shoving it in my face.
So, I’m not really intending this post to be confrontational, and I’m not being snide or have any kind of agenda here, I’m just wanting someone to explain it to me, for real, because I don’t understand. Let me explain…

So, Anheuser-Busch sent Dylan a personalized can of beer…from what I understand this was a one off, personalized thing sent to Dylan, they didn’t mass produce this can, so it wasn’t sent out to the country as a whole.

Yeah, some may not agree with Dylan and his lifestyle, but I don’t see what that has to do with anyone else, it’s not like Anheuser-Busch was trying to force this down anyone’s throat by making a big ad campaign about it, they just send one can of beer to Dylan. Someone please explain the outrage there.

As far as the boycott, that’s your right, but honestly, if you are going to boycott every company that has their hands in something you don’t like….you are going to be having a hard time buying anything, as pretty much most companies donate money to leftists/gay/trans corporations, so if you are boycotting because of political reasons…you’re going to be boycotting a lot of companies.

Anheuser-Busch has over 100 brands, including all their Budweiser lines, plus Stella Artois, modelo, and corona, they also own eagle brand that makes snack foods.

The point is, for all of the companies that do something you disagree with, there’s going to be a lot of boycotting.

And lastly…I’m not sure I blame Anheuser-Busch here. I think they are a victim off the woke agenda, which means that companies feel they have to get involved or risk the cancel culture. Kind of like coke…they probably didn’t want to get involved in that, but the left pretty much demanded that they did. I mean, any business doesn’t want to alienate 50% if their market, they prefer everyone buy their products, so, I would imagine that they would just like to remain silent, but wokeism says they can’t.

So anyway..I’m just really trying to understand why the big fuss over this. Unless I’m not seeing something, it just doesn’t seem like this is that big a deal.

Someone help me understand.
Bud Light now has the reputation of being Tranny Beer.

Real men don't like to be associated with shit queer crap like that. Anheuser Bush did a very stupid thing a week after a Tranny shot up a school of kids by kissing the ass of a despicable piece of shit Tranny.

Now they are paying the price.

Leave people alone...

Leave Mulvaney alone - 'it' got a job offer and took it.

Leave Bud Light / Bud Light CEO alone - if they want to run a transgender beer campaign, let them

Leave consumers alone - let them buy whatever products they want to ... and NOT buy whatever products they DON'T want to - its their right.

Congress has its 'power of the purse'

Consumers have their own 'power of the purse'.

Bud Light played its hand ... consumers responded. The proverbial ball is in Bud Light's proverbial court now.

Adapt or 'stay woke, go broke'.

Freedom of CHOICE doesn't make anyone the 'bad guy'.

The only way to change that is to go full-authoritarian socialist / communist and take that freedom of choice away.

Until then it is what it is. Everyone stay in your lanes, do what you want, and don't attack anyone for THEIR exercising of their freedom of choice.

Have a nice weekend.
I think Anheuser-Busch made the cans for Mulvaney and when he made the video, hoped it would stir up interest in order to create mass production. It backfired because their publicity department didn't do more research. When a company, say Aldi, wants to expand to a location, they spend months investigating and if they don't like the results they don't build.
They made her a commemorative can. They do that for a lot of people, never expecting to run it.

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