Duckworth vows to block over 1,000 military confirmations until Pentagon proves Vindman will be promoted


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Duckworth vows to block over 1,000 military confirmations until Pentagon proves Vindman will be promoted
Vindman was a key witness in the Dem-led Trump impeachment hearings

2 July 2020 ~~ By Louis Casiano
Sen. Tammy Duckworth, D-Ill., on Thursday announced her intention to block Senate confirmations for 1,123 senior U.S. Armed Forces promotions until Defense Secretary Mark Esper confirms he will not block the "expected and deserved" promotion of Army Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman.
In a statement, Duckworth, also an Iraq War veteran who served as a helicopter pilot, accused Trump of trying to politicize the armed forces.
"Our military is supposed to be the ultimate meritocracy," she said. "It is simply unprecedented and wrong for any Commander in Chief to meddle in routine military matters at all, whether or not he has a personal vendetta against a Soldier who did his patriotic duty and told the truth-a Soldier who has been recommended for promotion by his superiors because of his performance.”
Duckworth said she will back off her promise if Esper confirms in writing that he will not block Vindman's promotion to Colonel.

Ms. Duckworth..., No need to blackmail Mark Esper. You should know that Mark Esper doesn't have to do a thing and Vindman will be passed over in any case. He's shown political bias previously and his testimony was his death noll for promotion.

Duckworth vows to block over 1,000 military confirmations until Pentagon proves Vindman will be promoted
Vindman was a key witness in the Dem-led Trump impeachment hearings

2 July 2020 ~~ By Louis Casiano
Sen. Tammy Duckworth, D-Ill., on Thursday announced her intention to block Senate confirmations for 1,123 senior U.S. Armed Forces promotions until Defense Secretary Mark Esper confirms he will not block the "expected and deserved" promotion of Army Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman.
In a statement, Duckworth, also an Iraq War veteran who served as a helicopter pilot, accused Trump of trying to politicize the armed forces.
"Our military is supposed to be the ultimate meritocracy," she said. "It is simply unprecedented and wrong for any Commander in Chief to meddle in routine military matters at all, whether or not he has a personal vendetta against a Soldier who did his patriotic duty and told the truth-a Soldier who has been recommended for promotion by his superiors because of his performance.”
Duckworth said she will back off her promise if Esper confirms in writing that he will not block Vindman's promotion to Colonel.

Ms. Duckworth..., No need to blackmail Mark Esper. You should know that Mark Esper doesn't have to do a thing and Vindman will be passed over in any case. He's shown political bias previously and his testimony was his death noll for promotion.

So now Democrats are adding BLACKMAIL / EXTORTION of the US Military on top of all of their other proven crimes in attempting to affect yet another coup attempt...


Duckworth vows to block over 1,000 military confirmations until Pentagon proves Vindman will be promoted
Vindman was a key witness in the Dem-led Trump impeachment hearings

2 July 2020 ~~ By Louis Casiano
Sen. Tammy Duckworth, D-Ill., on Thursday announced her intention to block Senate confirmations for 1,123 senior U.S. Armed Forces promotions until Defense Secretary Mark Esper confirms he will not block the "expected and deserved" promotion of Army Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman.
In a statement, Duckworth, also an Iraq War veteran who served as a helicopter pilot, accused Trump of trying to politicize the armed forces.
"Our military is supposed to be the ultimate meritocracy," she said. "It is simply unprecedented and wrong for any Commander in Chief to meddle in routine military matters at all, whether or not he has a personal vendetta against a Soldier who did his patriotic duty and told the truth-a Soldier who has been recommended for promotion by his superiors because of his performance.”
Duckworth said she will back off her promise if Esper confirms in writing that he will not block Vindman's promotion to Colonel.

Ms. Duckworth..., No need to blackmail Mark Esper. You should know that Mark Esper doesn't have to do a thing and Vindman will be passed over in any case. He's shown political bias previously and his testimony was his death noll for promotion.

Tell her to go to hell
Duckworth was issued a perfectly good Blackhawk helicopter in Iraq and failed to return it in the same condition. She also received very expensive training and when she crashed her Blackhawk made her training useless and wasted since she lost her flying skills when she lost her legs in her crash.
My Senator! Trump couldn't carry that woman's handbag.

Hmm...., Your blackmailing Senator. It makes you wonder how she made rank.... She didn't do it flying copters that for sure....
Duckworth vows to block over 1,000 military confirmations until Pentagon proves Vindman will be promoted
Vindman was a key witness in the Dem-led Trump impeachment hearings

2 July 2020 ~~ By Louis Casiano
Sen. Tammy Duckworth, D-Ill., on Thursday announced her intention to block Senate confirmations for 1,123 senior U.S. Armed Forces promotions until Defense Secretary Mark Esper confirms he will not block the "expected and deserved" promotion of Army Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman.
In a statement, Duckworth, also an Iraq War veteran who served as a helicopter pilot, accused Trump of trying to politicize the armed forces.
"Our military is supposed to be the ultimate meritocracy," she said. "It is simply unprecedented and wrong for any Commander in Chief to meddle in routine military matters at all, whether or not he has a personal vendetta against a Soldier who did his patriotic duty and told the truth-a Soldier who has been recommended for promotion by his superiors because of his performance.”
Duckworth said she will back off her promise if Esper confirms in writing that he will not block Vindman's promotion to Colonel.

Ms. Duckworth..., No need to blackmail Mark Esper. You should know that Mark Esper doesn't have to do a thing and Vindman will be passed over in any case. He's shown political bias previously and his testimony was his death noll for promotion.


There should have been an Article 32 hearing to determine if the slime ball leaked the classified call to someone with no need to know. His clearance should have been suspended pending the outcome. Without a clearance he can't serve as an Army officer.

Vindman is a piece of shit commie traitor. I don't know why Trump hasn't stripped his commission and had him investigated for his crime.
Vindman reported a crime, using legal whistleblower procedures.
He was also legally obligated to testify, because he was subpoena'd.

No he didn't, he leaked a classified call to someone with no need to know, they filed the illegal complaint.

My Senator! Trump couldn't carry that woman's handbag.
She is a Democrat! That makes her military service suspect at best!
What a stupid thing to say considering that she lost both legs flying in combat while every republican president in this century were draft dodgers.

So were the democrats you stupid fuck. BTW GWB served.

GWB "served"?

Jesus, you are a special kind of stupid, aren't you?
Vindman is a piece of shit commie traitor. I don't know why Trump hasn't stripped his commission and had him investigated for his crime.
Vindman reported a crime, using legal whistleblower procedures.
He was also legally obligated to testify, because he was subpoena'd.

Vindman testified that he cared about Ukraine more than the President’s policy. He is a traitor.
I can't imagine ANY of BLM, Antifa, the statues coming down, the American Taliban love affair with Xi and the CCP, etc. had all of the Coup Plotters and backers been put in front of a firing squad already.

It's because they got away with the Coup that the American Taliban feels emboldened

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