Duck Dynasty doesn't know if gay is a choice

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
'Duck Dynasty' Star Willie Robertson Is 'Trying To Figure Out' If Being Gay Is A Choice

"Duck Dynasty" star Willie Robertson sounded off on the media firestorm that ensued after his father, Phil, argued that being gay is a sin in a 2013 GQ interview.

"Some of the things he said in that interview, I didn't agree with -- and I've even said so," Robertson tells Larry King in a Dec. 15 chat. "We love everybody ... In this business, there are a lot of people who are gay."

As to whether or not he thought that being gay or lesbian was a choice, Robertson added, "Larry, I'm trying to figure that out right now, I really am."

He went on to note, "I'm not the judge. God's going to be the judge, so it's not my job to convince people to change their lives ... if I just introduce them to Jesus, He'll do that."

Last year, Phil Robertson made headlines when he opened up about "modern immorality" and the gay community.

“It seems like, to me, a vagina -- as a man -- would be more desirable than a man’s anus," Phil Robertson told GQ at the time. "That’s just me. I’m just thinking: There’s more there! She’s got more to offer. I mean, come on, dudes! You know what I’m saying? But hey, sin: It’s not logical, my man. It’s just not logical.”

Willie Robertson previously came to his father's defense during an appearance on CNN.

"I believe what the Bible says," he said at the time. "That's what he says to put those in. Now, you have to read the Bible and make up your own mind. You have to decide and God will ultimately decide that. We don't profess to be God and we certainly don't profess to be perfect at all because we have our own sins that we deal with."

More at the link.

He's a fraud. We all know that. But, at least he admits his ignorance. That's a start, right?
Can a Christian claim that he believes sodomy is a sin without low information lefties getting their panties in a bunch? The Robertsons have the right to their opinion about homosexuality and apparently there isn't enough outrage among sodomites to impact sponsorship for the program. I guess the Robertsons will be high on the list for IRS scrutiny but maybe the new Republican majority can reign in criminal behavior by federal bureaucracies.
Can a Christian claim that he believes sodomy is a sin without low information lefties getting their panties in a bunch? The Robertsons have the right to their opinion about homosexuality and apparently there isn't enough outrage among sodomites to impact sponsorship for the program. I guess the Robertsons will be high on the list for IRS scrutiny but maybe the new Republican majority can reign in criminal behavior by federal bureaucracies.

He's a fraud who has lied to make his fortune off of low-info trailer trash but sure, he and his family can believe/preach any crock of crap they want.

Can a christian preach that men should "marry" 14-15 yo girls so they can raise them the way they want? But, maybe he disagrees with daddy about that too.
Let it go lefties. Maybe American lefties can convince the North Korean hackers to shut down Duck Dynasty like they shut down Sony pictures.
Can a Christian claim that he believes sodomy is a sin without low information lefties getting their panties in a bunch? The Robertsons have the right to their opinion about homosexuality and apparently there isn't enough outrage among sodomites to impact sponsorship for the program. I guess the Robertsons will be high on the list for IRS scrutiny but maybe the new Republican majority can reign in criminal behavior by federal bureaucracies.

He's a fraud who has lied to make his fortune off of low-info trailer trash but sure, he and his family can believe/preach any crock of crap they want.

Can a christian preach that men should "marry" 14-15 yo girls so they can raise them the way they want? But, maybe he disagrees with daddy about that too.

So you juxtapose sodomy and child rape? Maybe so...

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