Drunk driving 18 year old DREAMER kills three year old, flees

Come on now. You and I both know that laws are meant to be broken. Illegals, rapists, murderers, and thieves are people too and are simply victims of their circumstances. If we're to blame anyone it should be law-abiding, natural born, taxpaying Americans. They're the bad guys in all of this.
Come on now. You and I both know that laws are meant to be broken. Illegals, rapists, murderers, and thieves are people too and are simply victims of their circumstances. If we're to blame anyone it should be law-abiding, natural born, taxpaying Americans. They're the bad guys in all of this.
Only in a fantasy world you create to make your arguments seem easier.
Come on now. You and I both know that laws are meant to be broken. Illegals, rapists, murderers, and thieves are people too and are simply victims of their circumstances. If we're to blame anyone it should be law-abiding, natural born, taxpaying Americans. They're the bad guys in all of this.
Only in a fantasy world you create to make your arguments seem easier.

But I thought we need to "legalize" all of those undocumented criminals -- oops -- I mean neighbors to the south.
He would be welcomed by Obama. Nowhere in his great plan are police records mentioned as non-qualifier for a green card or job. He cannot be deported after Obama's plan goes into effect.

Well at the end of the day he will get....
A green card
Social security number
Free housing
Guaranteed employment
Health Care
College tuition
back pay for all the jobs he did for far below minimum wage
A hefty fine and imprisonment for all the evil rich scumbag employers who paid him shit wages.

And an apology from a grateful President and nation for being so patient for waiting so long
for what he should have been given years ago.
Last edited:

Well at the end of the day he will get....
A green card
Social security number
Free housing
Guaranteed employment
Health Care

And an apology from a grateful President and America for being so patient for waiting so long
for what he should have been given years ago.

What happened to the washer and dryer behind curtain #1?
This is good news to liberals. Call it a beneficial post birth abortion. This illegal, as a new American had a right to have a good time and party a little. This three year old girl interfered with his Constitutional right.
If caught can he really be charged with anything?
Doesn't he get sent back and told don't come back here again....
To which he replies....


See You Next Tuesday.
This is good news to liberals. Call it a beneficial post birth abortion. This illegal, as a new American had a right to have a good time and party a little. This three year old girl interfered with his Constitutional right.
Before you know what is good news to liberals you`ll have to develop an IQ far greater than room temperature.
Every thread now goes like this:

"Liberal Woman wears underwear outside her pants. Its ok Liberals because you support this. Thats why I hate liberals because of their underwear fashion choices."

And the best part of it....there is never any mention of the persons political affiliation or any liberals supporting it
Ah, here we come Badlands!

This thread is pathetic.

Liberals had nothing to do with this you jack-off. It would be like saying that every time there is a gun crime, that Republicans SUPPORTED it.


Well at the end of the day he will get....
A green card
Social security number
Free housing
Guaranteed employment
Health Care

And an apology from a grateful President and America for being so patient for waiting so long
for what he should have been given years ago.

What happened to the washer and dryer behind curtain #1?

It's the dream act after all...
You can't give them everything.
That's for Lizzie or Hillary to decide.

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