Drug Testing

Dr, Nurse, teacher, firemen, policemen, bus drivers truck drivers drug tested?

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Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2008






Bus Drivers

Truck Drivers

Be drug tested..

Yes? or No?

If you want to go into the whys or why knots.. it's fine with me.
I will say no, generally speaking. There's no reason, in my book, to predicate employment based on what a person does on their own time. IF some kind of accident happens, and there's a reasonable basis to suspect that said accident was due to being under the influence at the work place, then I could support an employer requiring a drug or alcohol test for the sake of workmen's comp, preserving the integrity of the profession, etc.
I will say no, generally speaking. There's no reason, in my book, to predicate employment based on what a person does on their own time. IF some kind of accident happens, and there's a reasonable basis to suspect that said accident was due to being under the influence at the work place, then I could support an employer requiring a drug or alcohol test for the sake of workmen's comp, preserving the integrity of the profession, etc.

so you are quite willing to let your loved ones go under the knife of a surgeon under the influence and if something happens then we'll test him or her?? That's good.
Personally, I am not in favor of testing anyone with good performance reviews.

However, if they are fucking up, then that might be a good way to get to the bottom of it..and get them into treatment.
Personally, I am not in favor of testing anyone with good performance reviews.

However, if they are fucking up, then that might be a good way to get to the bottom of it..and get them into treatment.

Hey..........even in the military, most of the drug testing was random. Once a month, they would call out the numbers (last digit of your SSN), and if your number was called, you took a test.

Of those that DID take the test, only around half were actually tested.

However.........if you did something against the UCMJ (such as going on unauthorized abscence), they generally test you when you get back to the command. Why? Because you brought suspicion on yourself by doing something wrong.

No. They should only be tested if they screw something up. If they've got good performance reviews and do a decent job? Leave 'em alone.
Anything that deals with Public Safety? You bet. If you don't? You better have one Hell of an insurance policy...

so it's okay to test these fine folk, let them work their asses off, pay their taxes, so the drug users can get said dollars but we won't test said drug users cause it violates they privacy.. okay.. I can see where that makes good walking around sense. can't you?
Yes because their jobs have to do with protecting the public and also being around the public all day in the case of truck drivers transporting huge loads it can be dangerous if they are doing drugs.

so drug users in the general population aren't hazards to the public? that makes good walking around sense.. I can see that.
Wiwwow doesn't understand why a fireman or doctor being drug tested is different than other forms of employment. It's sad in a funny sort of way.
Anything that deals with Public Safety? You bet. If you don't? You better have one Hell of an insurance policy...

so it's okay to test these fine folk, let them work their asses off, pay their taxes, so the drug users can get said dollars but we won't test said drug users cause it violates they privacy.. okay.. I can see where that makes good walking around sense. can't you?
One word for living in a very litigious society just waiting for a fuck up for a gravy train to commence at some one else's expense...LIABILITY.
I vote no because it violates the 4th.....

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.
I will say no, generally speaking. There's no reason, in my book, to predicate employment based on what a person does on their own time. IF some kind of accident happens, and there's a reasonable basis to suspect that said accident was due to being under the influence at the work place, then I could support an employer requiring a drug or alcohol test for the sake of workmen's comp, preserving the integrity of the profession, etc.

so you are quite willing to let your loved ones go under the knife of a surgeon under the influence and if something happens then we'll test him or her?? That's good.

I think the problem is the drug tests don't really tell if that person is intoxicated but they can tell if a person has done a certain drug in the past xx number of days or years. So saying no to drug testing is not being willing to undergo surgery with a surgeon who is wacked out on drugs.
Personally, I am not in favor of testing anyone with good performance reviews.

However, if they are fucking up, then that might be a good way to get to the bottom of it..and get them into treatment.

Hey..........even in the military, most of the drug testing was random. Once a month, they would call out the numbers (last digit of your SSN), and if your number was called, you took a test.

Of those that DID take the test, only around half were actually tested.

However.........if you did something against the UCMJ (such as going on unauthorized abscence), they generally test you when you get back to the command. Why? Because you brought suspicion on yourself by doing something wrong.

No. They should only be tested if they screw something up. If they've got good performance reviews and do a decent job? Leave 'em alone.

I can agree with that.

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