Drudge Poll last night...WHO Won the Debate.... LOL..Who do you think?

Fox is dead wrong on fact checking Trump, there should not be one God damn illegal jumping our border let alone half a million of them a year. Hey Fox there's over 10 million illegals camped in our country running drugs and doing all manner of crimes does that sound like the fucking border is under control? Pull your head out of your ass Fox.
Cruz stood out pretty well I think. Rubio tried to tangle with him, but Rand joined in with Cruz and exposed Rubio as the statist puke he is.

I am thinking that the real winners in any of the debates are those who didn't watch them. But I did see a snippet of Trump and Bush going at it and found it entertaining. Trump didn't take his crap and Bush tried to be a bully. He is trying to bully the wrong guy.
Fox is dead wrong on fact checking Trump, there should not be one God damn illegal jumping our border let alone half a million of them a year. Hey Fox there's over 10 million illegals camped in our country running drugs and doing all manner of crimes does that sound like the fucking border is under control? Pull your head out of your ass Fox.

I have to laugh when bed wetters run on about the people they're programmed to hate being Fox junkies, as if that would even be as bad as a vacuous MSLSD zombie.

Fox does not universally represent the opinions of conservatives. It just happens to provide a wide variety of opinions and thought, but since it's not %100 pure neo-bolshevik agitprop, then it is to be reviled.

I don't think Trump won the debate. Cruz likely won. Rubio did well. Christie was very good...I want to like the guy...but he's anti- Second Amendment...so I will not vote for him. Rand Paul did well.

Trump did exactly what he needed to do...defend himself and not screw up. He did that...so in effect, he won the debate. He'll maintain his substantial lead going into Iowa.

My list:

The podiums
Fox is dead wrong on fact checking Trump, there should not be one God damn illegal jumping our border let alone half a million of them a year. Hey Fox there's over 10 million illegals camped in our country running drugs and doing all manner of crimes does that sound like the fucking border is under control? Pull your head out of your ass Fox.

I have to laugh when bed wetters run on about the people they're programmed to hate being Fox junkies, as if that would even be as bad as a vacuous MSLSD zombie.

Fox does not universally represent the opinions of conservatives. It just happens to provide a wide variety of opinions and thought, but since it's not %100 pure neo-bolshevik agitprop, then it is to be reviled.

As a conservative Fox does not represent my views they are FAR to cozy with the Republican establishment.
I don't think Trump won the debate. Cruz likely won. Rubio did well. Christie was very good...I want to like the guy...but he's anti- Second Amendment...so I will not vote for him. Rand Paul did well.

Trump did exactly what he needed to do...defend himself and not screw up. He did that...so in effect, he won the debate. He'll maintain his substantial lead going into Iowa.

My list:

The moderators
The cameramen
The podiums

You nailed Christie's major flaw. His position on the 2nd amendment is damn strange. He goes on and on about his experience as a federal prosecutor, as having to deal with the threats of terrorism and violence as governor. He knows the dangers, he knows better. Yet he's okay with gun control laws that leave the people defenseless? He knows full well that the police are not going to magically appear and save people from killers, rapists, crazy fucks, and terrorists. He needs to be called out on this during a debate because his tough guy act doesn't jive with his gun control support.
As Trump pointed out, prefacing most of the questions with quotes from the other candidates was highly inappropriate.

Hugh Hewitt was a big loser for his stupid attempts at "gotcha" questions like prioritizing our Nuclear Triad.
I don't think Trump won the debate. Cruz likely won. Rubio did well. Christie was very good...I want to like the guy...but he's anti- Second Amendment...so I will not vote for him. Rand Paul did well.

Trump did exactly what he needed to do...defend himself and not screw up. He did that...so in effect, he won the debate. He'll maintain his substantial lead going into Iowa.

My list:

People who fell asleep watching <---(Me)
The podiums
The parking lot attendants
The lonely guy at the Jeb Debate Watching Party.

My list:

People who fell asleep watching <---(Me)
The podiums
The parking lot attendants
The lonely guy at the Jeb Debate Watching Party.

The really nice thing about 2015 over 2007?

In 2007, there was only one candidate I truly supported, and once he was out all that was left were bad choices and worse choices. This time around, I could enthusiastically support the top two candidates, and be relatively pleased with at least three more.

Trump, Cruz and Rubio...Paul, Carson and Fiorina...I could live with any of these as the party standard bearer.

Kasich and Bush...a moldy turd would be a better choice.

And like a said...Christie I could support if it weren't for his gun control tainted record.
Cruz clearly won if you consider not shutting your mouth when your allotted podium time has expired .. WINNER !
You nailed Christie's major flaw. His position on the 2nd amendment is damn strange. He goes on and on about his experience as a federal prosecutor, as having to deal with the threats of terrorism and violence as governor. He knows the dangers, he knows better. Yet he's okay with gun control laws that leave the people defenseless? He knows full well that the police are not going to magically appear and save people from killers, rapists, crazy fucks, and terrorists. He needs to be called out on this during a debate because his tough guy act doesn't jive with his gun control support.

Crispy Creme is a statist. He believes government can do no wrong if people like him run it. The problem with that sort of "thinking" is that when you pass laws empowering government under your authority, you give that power to people like obozo and hitlary when political winds switch.

The only sane thing to do is keep the government restrained by the COTUS as the founders intended. Does that make us "less safe"?

I say it doesn't. No matter how draconian a government is it can not prevent terrorism. The greatest threat in the world is a despotic government and it has been proven over and over.

Each individual is responsible for their own safety. Turning that trust over to the government is stupid.
You nailed Christie's major flaw. His position on the 2nd amendment is damn strange.

What, exactly, is his position?

As a side note, the first ten amendment were constraints on federal (not state) powers. Doesn't a "well regulated militia" presume some state control over firearms? Just asking...
You nailed Christie's major flaw. His position on the 2nd amendment is damn strange.

What, exactly, is his position?

As a side note, the first ten amendment were constraints on federal (not state) powers. Doesn't a "well regulated militia" presume some state control over firearms? Just asking...

Nope, The RIGHT OF THE PEOPLE to keep and bear arms SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED.

The government can regulate the entity of the militia, but they can not disarm or infringe upon the possession of arms by the individuals.

You nailed Christie's major flaw. His position on the 2nd amendment is damn strange.

What, exactly, is his position?

As a side note, the first ten amendment were constraints on federal (not state) powers. Doesn't a "well regulated militia" presume some state control over firearms? Just asking...

Nope, The RIGHT OF THE PEOPLE to keep and bear arms SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED.

The government can regulate the entity of the militia, but they can not disarm or infringe upon the possession of arms by the individuals.

So what, exactly, is his position?
Here's how I'm calling last nights debate...

Trump - tied for the win with Paul, he didn't hurt himself, he made the audience laugh at Bush again. He made nice with Cruz blunting the moderators attempts to stir up shit between him and Cruz. He defused the moderators attempts to stir up shit regarding running as a independent. His from the heart line about having learned a lot in the past 6 months having never been a politician, and that he was honored to be the front runner probably the most presidential level thing he's said, it resonated with the audience. Trump continues to lead, the other candidates continue to follow. Issue by issue Trump takes risks, takes a tough position on an issue, takes the hits from the media and establishment, he defends his position. The other gutless candidates wait until Trump does all the heavy lifting then when its safe they agree with him on the issue.

Paul - tied for the win with Trump, his best debate yet, frequently he was the only adult talking. He's got the regime changers by the balls, every example of toppling some thug leader has created and even bigger mess. There's 50 other thug leaders in the world, why aren't we toppling them too? He's got Rubio's number, he's hammering him on his tough talk vs his actual voting record and he's landing punches. Rubio was pretty much Paul's punching bag last night.

Christie - His best debate yet until he walked right into a debate moderators trap. All night long the moderators were framing questions to tee up gotcha's for Democrats to use later during the general. Christie stating he would shoot Russian planes out of the sky made him look like a crazy nutter holy shit.

Rubio - He went backwards, he's getting called out on his record, records are important, its what the Democrats will attack and his voting record sucks on some important issues. He will basically have to concede on those issues just as Romney did on Obamacare. If I were Hillary's campaign strategist I'd be planning to destroy Rubio as a double talking flip flopping flake who can't reconcile his actual record with his rhetoric.

Bush - He's spent $50 million dollars and 6 months campaigning trying to convince Republican voters that he's a leader and he's at 5%, they are not buying it. That he has the stones to question the front runner's leadership credentials is laughable. At this point he's really nothing more than Trump's punching bag. He acted even more angry last night than during previous debates, its time for him to bow out.

Fiorina - Boring, she better come up with some new material and quick. She seems to be hanging back and unwilling to take any risks. Enough we what she has done in the past, she's wasting what little time they give her repeating what we already know, she needs to focus like a laser on what she will do if elected president. Points for her attacks on Hillary and Obama though.

Cruz - He had been doing so well but last night he sounded like he was making a speech on the senate floor or arguing a case before the supreme court, dull and boring. Nothing he said really stood out, just blah blah blah. I imagine that's why some judges fall asleep on the bench. He needs to stop speaking like a politician and lawyer and start speaking like a normal person. So not so much what he's saying, but how he's saying it. His one good line, he'd get Trump to pay for the wall. lol

Kasich - Why is he still on stage? I see he dropped the angry attack dog approach that failed in previous debates, mostly he just smiled and agree with others, and talked about Ohio 40 times in a row.

Carson - He mortally wounded himself by threatening to leave the party, put a fork in him. He's a nice man, a very intelligent man, but he doesn't have the chops to get down in the gutter and do battle with these politicians and media.

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