Driver Update Screwed Up My Windows Desktop


Diamond Member
Aug 5, 2009
Duke City
Did a driver update earlier today, corrupted my system so I couldn't even get it to boot into Safe Mode. Going through a fresh reinstall now. Probably been about a year so it was time to do a clean reinstall of the OS anyway. Once that's done I might just upgrade to Win 11.
Did a driver update earlier today, corrupted my system so I couldn't even get it to boot into Safe Mode. Going through a fresh reinstall now. Probably been about a year so it was time to do a clean reinstall of the OS anyway. Once that's done I might just upgrade to Win 11.
Why did you need to update?
Did a driver update earlier today, corrupted my system so I couldn't even get it to boot into Safe Mode. Going through a fresh reinstall now. Probably been about a year so it was time to do a clean reinstall of the OS anyway. Once that's done I might just upgrade to Win 11.
I keep getting popups damn near insisting I go to 11. Have you heard anything about it? Is it much different?
I keep getting popups damn near insisting I go to 11. Have you heard anything about it? Is it much different?
I've been waiting to do Win 11 until they get most if not all the bugs out of it following the initial release. As for how it is, it's really just another Win 10 upgrade they decided to call Windows 11 for marketing purposes...........
I keep getting popups damn near insisting I go to 11. Have you heard anything about it? Is it much different?
If you do go to 11 clean up your storage. One of my desktops had issues before hand and I won't dare run it on one of my older Dell laptops. Read up first on known 11 issues.
Just wondering why the need. That's all.
I like to keep my drivers up to date. In this case it was a video driver that I believe corrupted my system, maybe didn't load properly or had a corrupted file in it. Happens sometimes.
Installing and configuring operating systems is no big deal for me, I typically do a fresh install once a year, It cleans out all the accumulated crap.
I like to keep my drivers up to date. In this case it was a video driver that I believe corrupted my system, maybe didn't load properly or had a corrupted file in it. Happens sometimes.
Installing and configuring operating systems is no big deal for me, I typically do a fresh install once a year, It cleans out all the accumulated crap.
I see. Blue screens. I heard audio drivers can be iffy with 11. Good luck.
I still miss XP.
I see. Blue screens. I heard audio drivers can be iffy with 11. Good luck.
I still miss XP.
After I upgraded to Win 7 for many years I loaded an older laptop with XP........... Hated it, it just seemed so clunky to me. I wiped it and stuck some Linux distribution on it and gave it away.
Win 11 installed with only one hiccup, it rebooted a couple of times when I was putting in my pin number during setup then locked up. Hard booted it and it work properly from that point. Gonna take a little bit of getting used to the new layout. At least there's no more G** D***** Tiles to deal with. :thup:
Honest opinion.... I believe there is something to the theory that has been repeated even now by top industry magazines and sites - Windows 11 was developed in part, to drive people to buy new computers.
The CPU can't be older than 3 years, a few higher end systems a little older will still work.
The motherboard must have TPM. Which is fairly new technology.
For the 1st time the CPU must use secureboot.
Of those three things, at least one will thwart some folks from being able to upgrade.
With the real objective, to force people to buy new PCs/Laptops more often.
After I upgraded to Win 7 for many years I loaded an older laptop with XP........... Hated it, it just seemed so clunky to me. I wiped it and stuck some Linux distribution on it and gave it away.

I hated XP as well. I had a botched reinstall of it and had to partition my hard drive just to be able to reinstall around the botched one. It was something I had to do much more often with that version of windows as it would randomly do weird crap that would break programs, especially games.
I hated XP as well. I had a botched reinstall of it and had to partition my hard drive just to be able to reinstall around the botched one. It was something I had to do much more often with that version of windows as it would randomly do weird crap that would break programs, especially games.
I think you're misreading what I posted so I will clarify. When XP was the OS of the time I loved it, never had a problem with it, it was well after I'd been using Win 7 that I loaded the XP on the old laptop and found it clunky. Even now I still think Win 7 was the best version Microsoft put out, I even had my Win 10 machines configured to look and act like Win 7.
So far I'm not greatly impressed by Win 11 but we'll see.
Uuuuummmm, Not sure I like this new Windows version mainly because it's not playing well with at least one of my favorite games but also a few other minor but annoying issues. May go back to Win 10.
I rebooted Win 7 maybe 3 times over 8 years, and never had any problems.Best Os I ever used. Win 10 is okay, but I hate all the app crap and the security sucks. After years and years of screwing around with PCs I no longer care about screwing with them any more.
I rebooted Win 7 maybe 3 times over 8 years, and never had any problems.Best Os I ever used. Win 10 is okay, but I hate all the app crap and the security sucks. After years and years of screwing around with PCs I no longer care about screwing with them any more.
Win 7 was my favorite and I made Win 10 look and act like Win 7 with Winaero Tweaker (free), among many other settings it allows users to completely disable telemetry. I also added StartisBack to get back to the Win 7 Start Menu.
Right now I'm rolling back to Win 10.

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