Dragged Kicking And Screaming.....


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. ....the Washington Post, the pet house organ of the DNC, owned by the world's richest man, had to mention that Trump was nominated for the Nobel Prize, for an actual accomplishment, unlike Hussein Obama, who received same for melanin content.

What is so amusing is that, while they felt the need to mention it......WaPo put it on the bottom of page 10, in the Digest section, usually reserved for traffic tie-ups in Uzbekistan.

2. And......check out the very first line in the article:

"An anti-immigrant Norwegian lawmaker said Wednesday that he has nominated President Trump for the Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts in the Middle East."

3. Imagine how painful it must be to mention this, for the party that hates Israel, and is running on anti-Semitism:
"... said Trump should be considered because of his work “for a peace agreement between the United Arab Emirates and Israel, which opens up for possible peace in the Middle East.”

4. A reminder: Obama with a 'peace prize?????
After accepting the Nobel Peace Prize, Obama bombed more countries than any President since WWII

“U.S. Bombed Iraq, Syria, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Libya, Yemen, Somalia in 2016” The U.S. dropped an average of 3 bombs per hour last year
The U.S. dropped an average of 3 bombs per hour last year

5. And, while Nixon had an 'enemies list,' Hussein had an actual kill list in the Oval Office.
The Disposition Matrix, informally known as a kill list, is a database of information for tracking, capturing, rendering, or killing suspected enemies of the United States.[1] Developed by the Obama administration beginning in 2010, the "Disposition Matrix" goes beyond existing kill lists and is intended to become a permanent fixture of U.S. policy.[1] The process determining criteria for killing is not public and was heavily shaped by National Counterterrorism Director and former Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Director John O. Brennan.[2]

The creation of the Disposition Matrix database is part of an effort embraced by White House counterterrorism adviser John O. Brennan to codify the targeted killing policies developed by President Barack Obama.

The database's existence was revealed in a three-part series published by The Washington Post newspaper. It noted that as of their publication, the number of civilian and militant casualties resulting from U.S. drone strikes would soon exceed the number of people killed in the September 11 attacks.

Pakistani interior minister Rehman Malik has stated that 336 U.S. drone strikes in Pakistan claimed over 2,300 victims, 80% of whom were innocent civilians.

Here's hoping for many more such painful experiences for Bezos et al.
And here's another one with the nomination stuck in their craw.....

Yahoo News attacking the guy who nominated Trump, and indirectly attacking Trump......a media two-fer:

"Who Exactly Nominated Trump For A Nobel Peace Prize? Not Anyone From America
On Wednesday, far-right Norwegian lawmaker Christian Tybring-Gjedde announced that he nominated President Donald Trump for the 2021 Nobel Peace Prize for his contributions to the new Israel-United Arab Emirates Agreement.:

Here's the funniest part......

"Former President Barack Obama was awarded the prize in 2009, only months into his first term, and even he was surprised and humbled by the honor.

The award committee said that it chose to honor Obama for his commitment to “seek the peace and security of the world without nuclear weapons.”

This about the moron who guaranteed nuclear weapons to the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism.


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