Dr Martin Luther King saved this country

"distribution of wealth" ? who do you propose that we give the authority to distribute wealth to? The same people who run the VA? the same people who have put our country 20 trillion in debt?
the government already has that authority...that is how wealth has been redistributed to the top -- that is why 10% of the people own over half of the wealth......but you dic suckers don't mind that kind of government welfare....which brings me to another King quote

View attachment 301077
That same 10% pays 90% of the federal income taxes, and 50% pay nothing. If you want equality then everyone should pay the same tax rate.

How do you propose that the government redistribute the wealth? by taking it by force from those who have earned it and handing it to those who have done nothing? If thats your plan, then why would anyone work in your system? If your system is designed to punish success and reward failure, what kind of country do you think that will create? Please actually think before answering.
You know the idea of privatizing gains of the wealthy while privatizing the risks isn't working when even they start to admit how unsustainable it is....but you continue on with your wealth worship...

Hedge-fund billionaire Ray Dalio says capitalism needs urgent reform

I happen to agree that many CEOs are making obscene amounts of money and that the gap between the CEO and the people who do the work has gotten ridiculous in the last decade or so.

But the answer is not more government regulations or tax policy. The answer is to stop buying the products of those companies. I bet you have an apple phone running microsoft software, right? You just helped Gates and the Cook make billions, why are you doing that? I also bet that you envy those who have more than you do, drive better cars, take better vacations, and have bigger houses. Like all liberals, you do not live the life you want to force on everyone else. Are you happy that the Obama's live in a multi million $ mansion overlooking the ocean, or that Gore has a 20,000 sq ft home?

liberalism = hypocrisy. it is proven every day.
No, I don't have an Apple product...

But speaking of Apple and other large companies who have near industry monopolies....who do you think enabled them to have those monopolies?? Government...

and who are the main ones against anti-trust regulations?? Not liberals....

But I like how you claim CEO's make obscene amounts of money -- because when people like Bernie say it -- dic suckers like you attack him...which further lets me know you are full of shit

Apple hardly has a "monopoly" not even close, apparently you are unfamiliar with what the definition of the word is.

Apple faces huge competition from outfits like Samsung and others in the manufacture of phones and computers and other devices.
No, he wasn't a republican.....

Can you tell me what republicans during the times of MLK's life were advocating for democratic socialism??

I'll wait....

mlk was a registered republican - Bing

His father was, not MLK Jr

this thread is about the MLK who was shot in Memphis after giving a great speech on the national mall. If you want to discuss his kids, start a new thread.
No, he was shot in Memphis after he gave a speech at the Mason Temple Church of Christ...

He was in Memphis in regards to his poor people's campaign, that involved economic boycotts, labor solidarity among the poor whites, blacks and Hispanics...solidarity is the greatest threat to any oppressive government or regime...that is why he was killed..because there is nothing you dic suckers fear most than solidarity against you and your bullshit racist ideology....

"Go out and tell your neighbors not to buy Coca-Cola in Memphis. Go by and tell them not to buy Sealtest milk. Tell them not to buy – what is the other bread? Wonder Bread. And what is the other bread company, Jesse? Tell them not to buy Hart's bread. As Jesse Jackson has said, up to now, only the garbage men have been feeling pain; now we must kind of redistribute the pain"

funny, solidarity is what made the USA the most successful country in history, and its that solidarity that you libs are trying to destroy. Why do you want to follow the example of Venezuela?

The solidarity I speak of is the solidarity of those who are NOT in the wealth class....the solidarity I speak of are strong labor unions, strong collective bargaining rights, strong regulations -- the shit you dic suckers despise....

and what is it with you morons and Venezuela??

Why do you not mention:


Venezuela isn't failing because of socialism you dumb ass....Venezuela is failing due to corruption, NOT because people get universal healthcare....but I expect dishonesty from you morons when facts aren't on your side
the government already has that authority...that is how wealth has been redistributed to the top -- that is why 10% of the people own over half of the wealth......but you dic suckers don't mind that kind of government welfare....which brings me to another King quote

View attachment 301077
That same 10% pays 90% of the federal income taxes, and 50% pay nothing. If you want equality then everyone should pay the same tax rate.

How do you propose that the government redistribute the wealth? by taking it by force from those who have earned it and handing it to those who have done nothing? If thats your plan, then why would anyone work in your system? If your system is designed to punish success and reward failure, what kind of country do you think that will create? Please actually think before answering.
You know the idea of privatizing gains of the wealthy while privatizing the risks isn't working when even they start to admit how unsustainable it is....but you continue on with your wealth worship...

Hedge-fund billionaire Ray Dalio says capitalism needs urgent reform

I happen to agree that many CEOs are making obscene amounts of money and that the gap between the CEO and the people who do the work has gotten ridiculous in the last decade or so.

But the answer is not more government regulations or tax policy. The answer is to stop buying the products of those companies. I bet you have an apple phone running microsoft software, right? You just helped Gates and the Cook make billions, why are you doing that? I also bet that you envy those who have more than you do, drive better cars, take better vacations, and have bigger houses. Like all liberals, you do not live the life you want to force on everyone else. Are you happy that the Obama's live in a multi million $ mansion overlooking the ocean, or that Gore has a 20,000 sq ft home?

liberalism = hypocrisy. it is proven every day.
No, I don't have an Apple product...

But speaking of Apple and other large companies who have near industry monopolies....who do you think enabled them to have those monopolies?? Government...

and who are the main ones against anti-trust regulations?? Not liberals....

But I like how you claim CEO's make obscene amounts of money -- because when people like Bernie say it -- dic suckers like you attack him...which further lets me know you are full of shit

the difference is that I want to attack that gap through the free market and Bernie wants to attack it by nationalizing all industry.

but you continue to display your stupidity with coarse insults much like those heard on a 8th grade play ground.
The free market doesn't exist moron...

Can you tell me anywhere in the world where a "free market" exists outside of government...

I'll wait....

this thread is about the MLK who was shot in Memphis after giving a great speech on the national mall. If you want to discuss his kids, start a new thread.
No, he was shot in Memphis after he gave a speech at the Mason Temple Church of Christ...

He was in Memphis in regards to his poor people's campaign, that involved economic boycotts, labor solidarity among the poor whites, blacks and Hispanics...solidarity is the greatest threat to any oppressive government or regime...that is why he was killed..because there is nothing you dic suckers fear most than solidarity against you and your bullshit racist ideology....

"Go out and tell your neighbors not to buy Coca-Cola in Memphis. Go by and tell them not to buy Sealtest milk. Tell them not to buy – what is the other bread? Wonder Bread. And what is the other bread company, Jesse? Tell them not to buy Hart's bread. As Jesse Jackson has said, up to now, only the garbage men have been feeling pain; now we must kind of redistribute the pain"

funny, solidarity is what made the USA the most successful country in history, and its that solidarity that you libs are trying to destroy. Why do you want to follow the example of Venezuela?

The solidarity I speak of is the solidarity of those who are NOT in the wealth class....the solidarity I speak of are strong labor unions, strong collective bargaining rights, strong regulations -- the shit you dic suckers despise....

and what is it with you morons and Venezuela??

Why do you not mention:


Venezuela isn't failing because of socialism you dumb ass....Venezuela is failing due to corruption, but because people get universal healthcare....but I expect dishonesty from you morons when facts aren't on your side

Big Labor is too strong in this country. Didn't you see what they did to the Steel Industry? Were you around during the Carter Era Steel Collapse? I've drank in the Italian club, I've spoken with Union business agents, and I guess its a nice gig if you can get it. But it doesn't help anyone who isn't in on it.
the government already has that authority...that is how wealth has been redistributed to the top -- that is why 10% of the people own over half of the wealth......but you dic suckers don't mind that kind of government welfare....which brings me to another King quote

View attachment 301077
That same 10% pays 90% of the federal income taxes, and 50% pay nothing. If you want equality then everyone should pay the same tax rate.

How do you propose that the government redistribute the wealth? by taking it by force from those who have earned it and handing it to those who have done nothing? If thats your plan, then why would anyone work in your system? If your system is designed to punish success and reward failure, what kind of country do you think that will create? Please actually think before answering.
You know the idea of privatizing gains of the wealthy while privatizing the risks isn't working when even they start to admit how unsustainable it is....but you continue on with your wealth worship...

Hedge-fund billionaire Ray Dalio says capitalism needs urgent reform

I happen to agree that many CEOs are making obscene amounts of money and that the gap between the CEO and the people who do the work has gotten ridiculous in the last decade or so.

But the answer is not more government regulations or tax policy. The answer is to stop buying the products of those companies. I bet you have an apple phone running microsoft software, right? You just helped Gates and the Cook make billions, why are you doing that? I also bet that you envy those who have more than you do, drive better cars, take better vacations, and have bigger houses. Like all liberals, you do not live the life you want to force on everyone else. Are you happy that the Obama's live in a multi million $ mansion overlooking the ocean, or that Gore has a 20,000 sq ft home?

liberalism = hypocrisy. it is proven every day.
No, I don't have an Apple product...

But speaking of Apple and other large companies who have near industry monopolies....who do you think enabled them to have those monopolies?? Government...

and who are the main ones against anti-trust regulations?? Not liberals....

But I like how you claim CEO's make obscene amounts of money -- because when people like Bernie say it -- dic suckers like you attack him...which further lets me know you are full of shit

Apple hardly has a "monopoly" not even close, apparently you are unfamiliar with what the definition of the word is.

Apple faces huge competition from outfits like Samsung and others in the manufacture of phones and computers and other devices.
and Samsung also has labor issues...most large corporations do....the larger they are -- the more they are able to get away with it.....and boycotting them doesn't fix the problem does it?

Which is why dic suckers are still triggered by Nike -- even tho you "boycotted" them.....which is why you dic suckers are still triggered by the NFL -- even tho you "boycotted" them

Now again....who are the ones against anti-trust laws.....
His father was, not MLK Jr

this thread is about the MLK who was shot in Memphis after giving a great speech on the national mall. If you want to discuss his kids, start a new thread.
No, he was shot in Memphis after he gave a speech at the Mason Temple Church of Christ...

He was in Memphis in regards to his poor people's campaign, that involved economic boycotts, labor solidarity among the poor whites, blacks and Hispanics...solidarity is the greatest threat to any oppressive government or regime...that is why he was killed..because there is nothing you dic suckers fear most than solidarity against you and your bullshit racist ideology....

"Go out and tell your neighbors not to buy Coca-Cola in Memphis. Go by and tell them not to buy Sealtest milk. Tell them not to buy – what is the other bread? Wonder Bread. And what is the other bread company, Jesse? Tell them not to buy Hart's bread. As Jesse Jackson has said, up to now, only the garbage men have been feeling pain; now we must kind of redistribute the pain"

funny, solidarity is what made the USA the most successful country in history, and its that solidarity that you libs are trying to destroy. Why do you want to follow the example of Venezuela?

The solidarity I speak of is the solidarity of those who are NOT in the wealth class....the solidarity I speak of are strong labor unions, strong collective bargaining rights, strong regulations -- the shit you dic suckers despise....

and what is it with you morons and Venezuela??

Why do you not mention:


Venezuela isn't failing because of socialism you dumb ass....Venezuela is failing due to corruption, but because people get universal healthcare....but I expect dishonesty from you morons when facts aren't on your side

Big Labor is too strong in this country. Didn't you see what they did to the Steel Industry? Were you around during the Carter Era Steel Collapse? I've drank in the Italian club, I've spoken with Union business agents, and I guess its a nice gig if you can get it. But it doesn't help anyone who isn't in on it.
Just stop typing to me...all you do is say dumb shit....

You are the same one who still can't name me one prominent conservative who was marching along side of King....don't say shit else to me until you can answer that question
the government already has that authority...that is how wealth has been redistributed to the top -- that is why 10% of the people own over half of the wealth......but you dic suckers don't mind that kind of government welfare....which brings me to another King quote

View attachment 301077
That same 10% pays 90% of the federal income taxes, and 50% pay nothing. If you want equality then everyone should pay the same tax rate.

How do you propose that the government redistribute the wealth? by taking it by force from those who have earned it and handing it to those who have done nothing? If thats your plan, then why would anyone work in your system? If your system is designed to punish success and reward failure, what kind of country do you think that will create? Please actually think before answering.
You know the idea of privatizing gains of the wealthy while privatizing the risks isn't working when even they start to admit how unsustainable it is....but you continue on with your wealth worship...

Hedge-fund billionaire Ray Dalio says capitalism needs urgent reform

I happen to agree that many CEOs are making obscene amounts of money and that the gap between the CEO and the people who do the work has gotten ridiculous in the last decade or so.

But the answer is not more government regulations or tax policy. The answer is to stop buying the products of those companies. I bet you have an apple phone running microsoft software, right? You just helped Gates and the Cook make billions, why are you doing that? I also bet that you envy those who have more than you do, drive better cars, take better vacations, and have bigger houses. Like all liberals, you do not live the life you want to force on everyone else. Are you happy that the Obama's live in a multi million $ mansion overlooking the ocean, or that Gore has a 20,000 sq ft home?

liberalism = hypocrisy. it is proven every day.
No, I don't have an Apple product...

But speaking of Apple and other large companies who have near industry monopolies....who do you think enabled them to have those monopolies?? Government...

and who are the main ones against anti-trust regulations?? Not liberals....

But I like how you claim CEO's make obscene amounts of money -- because when people like Bernie say it -- dic suckers like you attack him...which further lets me know you are full of shit

the difference is that I want to attack that gap through the free market and Bernie wants to attack it by nationalizing all industry.

but you continue to display your stupidity with coarse insults much like those heard on a 8th grade play ground.
Have you been able to tell me where these free markets exist in nature??

Or do they need "GOVERNMENT" to exist.....I'll wait while you keep looking....
That same 10% pays 90% of the federal income taxes, and 50% pay nothing. If you want equality then everyone should pay the same tax rate.

How do you propose that the government redistribute the wealth? by taking it by force from those who have earned it and handing it to those who have done nothing? If thats your plan, then why would anyone work in your system? If your system is designed to punish success and reward failure, what kind of country do you think that will create? Please actually think before answering.
You know the idea of privatizing gains of the wealthy while privatizing the risks isn't working when even they start to admit how unsustainable it is....but you continue on with your wealth worship...

Hedge-fund billionaire Ray Dalio says capitalism needs urgent reform

I happen to agree that many CEOs are making obscene amounts of money and that the gap between the CEO and the people who do the work has gotten ridiculous in the last decade or so.

But the answer is not more government regulations or tax policy. The answer is to stop buying the products of those companies. I bet you have an apple phone running microsoft software, right? You just helped Gates and the Cook make billions, why are you doing that? I also bet that you envy those who have more than you do, drive better cars, take better vacations, and have bigger houses. Like all liberals, you do not live the life you want to force on everyone else. Are you happy that the Obama's live in a multi million $ mansion overlooking the ocean, or that Gore has a 20,000 sq ft home?

liberalism = hypocrisy. it is proven every day.
No, I don't have an Apple product...

But speaking of Apple and other large companies who have near industry monopolies....who do you think enabled them to have those monopolies?? Government...

and who are the main ones against anti-trust regulations?? Not liberals....

But I like how you claim CEO's make obscene amounts of money -- because when people like Bernie say it -- dic suckers like you attack him...which further lets me know you are full of shit

Apple hardly has a "monopoly" not even close, apparently you are unfamiliar with what the definition of the word is.

Apple faces huge competition from outfits like Samsung and others in the manufacture of phones and computers and other devices.
and Samsung also has labor issues...most large corporations do....the larger they are -- the more they are able to get away with it.....and boycotting them doesn't fix the problem does it?

Which is why dic suckers are still triggered by Nike -- even tho you "boycotted" them.....which is why you dic suckers are still triggered by the NFL -- even tho you "boycotted" them

Now again....who are the ones against anti-trust laws.....

I don't wear Nike shoes, never have. I wear strictly Ecco shoes, which doesn't hire anti-American NFL'ers to promote their wares
You know the idea of privatizing gains of the wealthy while privatizing the risks isn't working when even they start to admit how unsustainable it is....but you continue on with your wealth worship...

Hedge-fund billionaire Ray Dalio says capitalism needs urgent reform

I happen to agree that many CEOs are making obscene amounts of money and that the gap between the CEO and the people who do the work has gotten ridiculous in the last decade or so.

But the answer is not more government regulations or tax policy. The answer is to stop buying the products of those companies. I bet you have an apple phone running microsoft software, right? You just helped Gates and the Cook make billions, why are you doing that? I also bet that you envy those who have more than you do, drive better cars, take better vacations, and have bigger houses. Like all liberals, you do not live the life you want to force on everyone else. Are you happy that the Obama's live in a multi million $ mansion overlooking the ocean, or that Gore has a 20,000 sq ft home?

liberalism = hypocrisy. it is proven every day.
No, I don't have an Apple product...

But speaking of Apple and other large companies who have near industry monopolies....who do you think enabled them to have those monopolies?? Government...

and who are the main ones against anti-trust regulations?? Not liberals....

But I like how you claim CEO's make obscene amounts of money -- because when people like Bernie say it -- dic suckers like you attack him...which further lets me know you are full of shit

Apple hardly has a "monopoly" not even close, apparently you are unfamiliar with what the definition of the word is.

Apple faces huge competition from outfits like Samsung and others in the manufacture of phones and computers and other devices.
and Samsung also has labor issues...most large corporations do....the larger they are -- the more they are able to get away with it.....and boycotting them doesn't fix the problem does it?

Which is why dic suckers are still triggered by Nike -- even tho you "boycotted" them.....which is why you dic suckers are still triggered by the NFL -- even tho you "boycotted" them

Now again....who are the ones against anti-trust laws.....

I don't wear Nike shoes, never have. I wear strictly Ecco shoes, which doesn't hire anti-American NFL'ers to promote their wares
Ecco doesn't make football shoes.....and what would a Danish company care about you being triggered by NFL players anyway?
No, he wasn't a republican.....

Can you tell me what republicans during the times of MLK's life were advocating for democratic socialism??

I'll wait....

actually he was. WTF is democratic socialism? its an oxymoron. socialism is never democratic. its dictatorial where a tiny group of super elites control every aspect of everyone else's life under threat of death. WTF do you think the people or Hong Kong are rioting about today? They don't want to give up their successful capitalism and come under the thumb or Chinese socialism. Geez dude, are you really that dumb?

Again, why do you keep avoiding what King said??

why didn't you ask MLK, "what the fuck is democratic socialism"??

We already have democratic socialism you moron...

View attachment 301075

"distribution of wealth" ? who do you propose that we give the authority to distribute wealth to? The same people who run the VA? the same people who have put our country 20 trillion in debt?
the government already has that authority...that is how wealth has been redistributed to the top -- that is why 10% of the people own over half of the wealth......but you dic suckers don't mind that kind of government welfare....which brings me to another King quote

View attachment 301077
That same 10% pays 90% of the federal income taxes, and 50% pay nothing. If you want equality then everyone should pay the same tax rate.

How do you propose that the government redistribute the wealth? by taking it by force from those who have earned it and handing it to those who have done nothing? If thats your plan, then why would anyone work in your system? If your system is designed to punish success and reward failure, what kind of country do you think that will create? Please actually think before answering.

We do not need to redistribute wealth as much as stop an economic system built around supply side economics. It does not work. Why are we helping people who obviously don’t need it when there are so many who do?
Laughable since none of them were or would have considered being a republican.

MLK was a republican. Kennedy and Truman did not think or believe what the dems of today think and believe. Would a dem of today have dropped the bombs on Japan to end the war? Would any dem of today say "ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country"? No, they would not.
No, he wasn't a republican.....

Can you tell me what republicans during the times of MLK's life were advocating for democratic socialism??

I'll wait....

mlk was a registered republican - Bing

His father was, not MLK Jr

this thread is about the MLK who was shot in Memphis after giving a great speech on the national mall. If you want to discuss his kids, start a new thread.
Wrong again

I am talking about Dr Martin Luther King Jr who led the Civil Rights movement.

HIS father was a registered Republican who later publicly supported JFK
Dr King avoided public political affiliations
His father was, not MLK Jr

this thread is about the MLK who was shot in Memphis after giving a great speech on the national mall. If you want to discuss his kids, start a new thread.
No, he was shot in Memphis after he gave a speech at the Mason Temple Church of Christ...

He was in Memphis in regards to his poor people's campaign, that involved economic boycotts, labor solidarity among the poor whites, blacks and Hispanics...solidarity is the greatest threat to any oppressive government or regime...that is why he was killed..because there is nothing you dic suckers fear most than solidarity against you and your bullshit racist ideology....

"Go out and tell your neighbors not to buy Coca-Cola in Memphis. Go by and tell them not to buy Sealtest milk. Tell them not to buy – what is the other bread? Wonder Bread. And what is the other bread company, Jesse? Tell them not to buy Hart's bread. As Jesse Jackson has said, up to now, only the garbage men have been feeling pain; now we must kind of redistribute the pain"

funny, solidarity is what made the USA the most successful country in history, and its that solidarity that you libs are trying to destroy. Why do you want to follow the example of Venezuela?

The solidarity I speak of is the solidarity of those who are NOT in the wealth class....the solidarity I speak of are strong labor unions, strong collective bargaining rights, strong regulations -- the shit you dic suckers despise....

and what is it with you morons and Venezuela??

Why do you not mention:


Venezuela isn't failing because of socialism you dumb ass....Venezuela is failing due to corruption, but because people get universal healthcare....but I expect dishonesty from you morons when facts aren't on your side

Big Labor is too strong in this country. Didn't you see what they did to the Steel Industry? Were you around during the Carter Era Steel Collapse? I've drank in the Italian club, I've spoken with Union business agents, and I guess its a nice gig if you can get it. But it doesn't help anyone who isn't in on it.

Republicans have destroyed Big Labor to build a subservient workforce that accepts poor treatment from employers
this thread is about the MLK who was shot in Memphis after giving a great speech on the national mall. If you want to discuss his kids, start a new thread.
No, he was shot in Memphis after he gave a speech at the Mason Temple Church of Christ...

He was in Memphis in regards to his poor people's campaign, that involved economic boycotts, labor solidarity among the poor whites, blacks and Hispanics...solidarity is the greatest threat to any oppressive government or regime...that is why he was killed..because there is nothing you dic suckers fear most than solidarity against you and your bullshit racist ideology....

"Go out and tell your neighbors not to buy Coca-Cola in Memphis. Go by and tell them not to buy Sealtest milk. Tell them not to buy – what is the other bread? Wonder Bread. And what is the other bread company, Jesse? Tell them not to buy Hart's bread. As Jesse Jackson has said, up to now, only the garbage men have been feeling pain; now we must kind of redistribute the pain"

funny, solidarity is what made the USA the most successful country in history, and its that solidarity that you libs are trying to destroy. Why do you want to follow the example of Venezuela?

The solidarity I speak of is the solidarity of those who are NOT in the wealth class....the solidarity I speak of are strong labor unions, strong collective bargaining rights, strong regulations -- the shit you dic suckers despise....

and what is it with you morons and Venezuela??

Why do you not mention:


Venezuela isn't failing because of socialism you dumb ass....Venezuela is failing due to corruption, but because people get universal healthcare....but I expect dishonesty from you morons when facts aren't on your side

Big Labor is too strong in this country. Didn't you see what they did to the Steel Industry? Were you around during the Carter Era Steel Collapse? I've drank in the Italian club, I've spoken with Union business agents, and I guess its a nice gig if you can get it. But it doesn't help anyone who isn't in on it.

Republicans have destroyed Big Labor to build a subservient workforce that accepts poor treatment from employers

Big Labor is hardly "destroyed", in fact they are very powerful. The labor bosses live high on the hog.

In actuality, its the unions who keep the employees subservient.

They rule over the staff with an iron fist.
No, he was shot in Memphis after he gave a speech at the Mason Temple Church of Christ...

He was in Memphis in regards to his poor people's campaign, that involved economic boycotts, labor solidarity among the poor whites, blacks and Hispanics...solidarity is the greatest threat to any oppressive government or regime...that is why he was killed..because there is nothing you dic suckers fear most than solidarity against you and your bullshit racist ideology....

"Go out and tell your neighbors not to buy Coca-Cola in Memphis. Go by and tell them not to buy Sealtest milk. Tell them not to buy – what is the other bread? Wonder Bread. And what is the other bread company, Jesse? Tell them not to buy Hart's bread. As Jesse Jackson has said, up to now, only the garbage men have been feeling pain; now we must kind of redistribute the pain"

funny, solidarity is what made the USA the most successful country in history, and its that solidarity that you libs are trying to destroy. Why do you want to follow the example of Venezuela?

The solidarity I speak of is the solidarity of those who are NOT in the wealth class....the solidarity I speak of are strong labor unions, strong collective bargaining rights, strong regulations -- the shit you dic suckers despise....

and what is it with you morons and Venezuela??

Why do you not mention:


Venezuela isn't failing because of socialism you dumb ass....Venezuela is failing due to corruption, but because people get universal healthcare....but I expect dishonesty from you morons when facts aren't on your side

Big Labor is too strong in this country. Didn't you see what they did to the Steel Industry? Were you around during the Carter Era Steel Collapse? I've drank in the Italian club, I've spoken with Union business agents, and I guess its a nice gig if you can get it. But it doesn't help anyone who isn't in on it.

Republicans have destroyed Big Labor to build a subservient workforce that accepts poor treatment from employers

Big Labor is hardly "destroyed", in fact they are very powerful. The labor bosses live high on the hog.

In actuality, its the unions who keep the employees subservient.

They rule over the staff with an iron fist.
They are weaker than they have been in the last 80 years
Republicans have destroyed collective bargaining and are further weakening labor regulations
funny, solidarity is what made the USA the most successful country in history, and its that solidarity that you libs are trying to destroy. Why do you want to follow the example of Venezuela?

The solidarity I speak of is the solidarity of those who are NOT in the wealth class....the solidarity I speak of are strong labor unions, strong collective bargaining rights, strong regulations -- the shit you dic suckers despise....

and what is it with you morons and Venezuela??

Why do you not mention:


Venezuela isn't failing because of socialism you dumb ass....Venezuela is failing due to corruption, but because people get universal healthcare....but I expect dishonesty from you morons when facts aren't on your side

Big Labor is too strong in this country. Didn't you see what they did to the Steel Industry? Were you around during the Carter Era Steel Collapse? I've drank in the Italian club, I've spoken with Union business agents, and I guess its a nice gig if you can get it. But it doesn't help anyone who isn't in on it.

Republicans have destroyed Big Labor to build a subservient workforce that accepts poor treatment from employers

Big Labor is hardly "destroyed", in fact they are very powerful. The labor bosses live high on the hog.

In actuality, its the unions who keep the employees subservient.

They rule over the staff with an iron fist.
They are weaker than they have been in the last 80 years
Republicans have destroyed collective bargaining and are further weakening labor regulations

Big Labor got B. Hussein O elected through their incredible muscle. A few years ago, they successfully even struck Fast Food joints nationwide and were able to implement their wills.
The solidarity I speak of is the solidarity of those who are NOT in the wealth class....the solidarity I speak of are strong labor unions, strong collective bargaining rights, strong regulations -- the shit you dic suckers despise....

and what is it with you morons and Venezuela??

Why do you not mention:


Venezuela isn't failing because of socialism you dumb ass....Venezuela is failing due to corruption, but because people get universal healthcare....but I expect dishonesty from you morons when facts aren't on your side

Big Labor is too strong in this country. Didn't you see what they did to the Steel Industry? Were you around during the Carter Era Steel Collapse? I've drank in the Italian club, I've spoken with Union business agents, and I guess its a nice gig if you can get it. But it doesn't help anyone who isn't in on it.

Republicans have destroyed Big Labor to build a subservient workforce that accepts poor treatment from employers

Big Labor is hardly "destroyed", in fact they are very powerful. The labor bosses live high on the hog.

In actuality, its the unions who keep the employees subservient.

They rule over the staff with an iron fist.
They are weaker than they have been in the last 80 years
Republicans have destroyed collective bargaining and are further weakening labor regulations

Big Labor got B. Hussein O elected through their incredible muscle. A few years ago, they successfully even struck Fast Food joints nationwide and were able to implement their wills.
Now you are just making shit up again
Big Labor is too strong in this country. Didn't you see what they did to the Steel Industry? Were you around during the Carter Era Steel Collapse? I've drank in the Italian club, I've spoken with Union business agents, and I guess its a nice gig if you can get it. But it doesn't help anyone who isn't in on it.

Republicans have destroyed Big Labor to build a subservient workforce that accepts poor treatment from employers

Big Labor is hardly "destroyed", in fact they are very powerful. The labor bosses live high on the hog.

In actuality, its the unions who keep the employees subservient.

They rule over the staff with an iron fist.
They are weaker than they have been in the last 80 years
Republicans have destroyed collective bargaining and are further weakening labor regulations

Big Labor got B. Hussein O elected through their incredible muscle. A few years ago, they successfully even struck Fast Food joints nationwide and were able to implement their wills.
Now you are just making shit up again

Did you already forget the 8 years of Obamunism that Big Labor rallied for, and delivered to we, the People?

And did you also forget the huge Fast Food strikes beginning in 2012, where Big Labor forced Mickey D's and other restauranteurs to force wages up?

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