Down Goes New Hampshire?- Republican Brown in Dead Heat


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
The liberal shithole NH is being contested by Mr Brown. Take a look lefties, not so safe now are you?


Scott Brown, Jeanne Shaheen in dead heat

The US Senate race in New Hampshire has narrowed, and Republican Scott Brown is now in a dead heat with incumbent Democrat Jeanne Shaheen, according to a new poll.

The Granite State Poll, released Thursday evening, found Brown trailing Shaheen, 44 percent to 46 percent among likely voters, with 9 percent not knowing or undecided in a hypothetical general election matchup. The narrow gap between the two contenders was within the margin of error of the poll, which was sponsored by WMUR-TV and conducted by the University of New Hampshire Survey Center.

A WMUR survey released early last month and reporting similar numbers to other polls during that period, found Shaheen leading Brown, 50 percent to 38 percent.

Pollster Andrew E. Smith, a political science professor at UNH, said he thought the shift was a result of national trends and had little to do with the candidates’ campaigns.

I think it’s an Obama drag,” he said. The new WMUR poll found only 38 percent of New Hampshire adults approve of the way President Obama was handling his job, a 7 percentage point drop from about a month earlier, while 55 percent disapprove.

Jeanne Shaheen, Scott Brown in dead heat, new poll finds - Metro - The Boston Globe

Thank those liberals.

Not that Scott Brown will do anything special.

He simply takes away a liberal vote against the conservatives.
New Hampshire traditionally is a pretty conservative state. Scott Brown is a two faced piece of shit who occasionally can be coerced to vote with the party. He bombed so bad in his last campaign he had to move his state. But anything that makes the Dems look bad is OK in my book.
There will be fewer dems for Lizzy Warren to blow come next January.

She might have to start sucking on some of the House.
I lived in NH twenty years ago. At that time the State was Republican.

Still can't figure out how it became a Dem State.

Hope Brown succeeds.

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