Down-ballot Republicans watch with glee as Crazy Bernie Sanders gains steam


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
Down-ballot Republicans watch with glee as Sanders gains steam

Bernie is a godsend to the GOP

From the article:

"Arizona Sen. Martha McSally launched a TV ad titled “Bernie Bro” likening her Democratic opponent, retired astronaut Mark Kelly, to the Vermont senator. North Carolina Sen. Thom Tillis held a news conference last week linking his Democratic rivals to the Sanders-backed “Green New Deal.” In Michigan, a conservative group has aired a series of commercials that go after Democratic Sen. Gary Peters by invoking Sanders and his support for “Medicare for All.”

digital ads asking whether down-ballot Democrats in more than a half-dozen states are “feeling burned yet” — a take on the Sanders mantra, “Feel the Bern.”

The effort is especially pronounced in right-of-center battlegrounds that have drifted away from the party under Trump’s tenure. McSally, who is running for reelection in a traditionally Republican state that is increasingly regarded as competitive, has derided her opponent as the “51st vote for all of Bernie’s wildest Soviet-style fantasies.”

Her newest commercial is based on Kelly’s contention that he would support whomever wins the Democratic nomination. The spot zeroes in on Sanders’ support for tax hikes and for providing government-funded health insurance to undocumented immigrants — positions that McSally’s team contends are anathema to suburbanites they’re trying to woo.
Is the democratic party's lousy line up an accident or has Trump chessed them in 4D again?

Weakest line up ever. Half the party trying to rely on promising free shit to the people democrats have imported, while other half is trying to buy the election from Americans. The party is as divided as America under far left ideology, same vision they have for the country.

Meanwhile the Trump train is faster and with more people than ever before.
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Down-ballot Republicans watch with glee as Sanders gains steam

Bernie is a godsend to the GOP

From the article:

"Arizona Sen. Martha McSally launched a TV ad titled “Bernie Bro” likening her Democratic opponent, retired astronaut Mark Kelly, to the Vermont senator. North Carolina Sen. Thom Tillis held a news conference last week linking his Democratic rivals to the Sanders-backed “Green New Deal.” In Michigan, a conservative group has aired a series of commercials that go after Democratic Sen. Gary Peters by invoking Sanders and his support for “Medicare for All.”

digital ads asking whether down-ballot Democrats in more than a half-dozen states are “feeling burned yet” — a take on the Sanders mantra, “Feel the Bern.”

The effort is especially pronounced in right-of-center battlegrounds that have drifted away from the party under Trump’s tenure. McSally, who is running for reelection in a traditionally Republican state that is increasingly regarded as competitive, has derided her opponent as the “51st vote for all of Bernie’s wildest Soviet-style fantasies.”

Her newest commercial is based on Kelly’s contention that he would support whomever wins the Democratic nomination. The spot zeroes in on Sanders’ support for tax hikes and for providing government-funded health insurance to undocumented immigrants — positions that McSally’s team contends are anathema to suburbanites they’re trying to woo.

Yeah, if I were a Republican, I wouldn't get my hopes up. McSally is desperate right now. Her support for Trump isn't yielding much in the way of dividends.
Mark Kelly is up 6.7 points over Sen. Martha McSally in new poll despite Trump's support

Bernie did well in his Fox Town hall and his messages align with a lot of voters in Trump won states. The only thing righties can do is keep shouting "SOCIALISM!!"...and hope it's enough.
Down-ballot Republicans watch with glee as Sanders gains steam

Bernie is a godsend to the GOP

From the article:

"Arizona Sen. Martha McSally launched a TV ad titled “Bernie Bro” likening her Democratic opponent, retired astronaut Mark Kelly, to the Vermont senator. North Carolina Sen. Thom Tillis held a news conference last week linking his Democratic rivals to the Sanders-backed “Green New Deal.” In Michigan, a conservative group has aired a series of commercials that go after Democratic Sen. Gary Peters by invoking Sanders and his support for “Medicare for All.”

digital ads asking whether down-ballot Democrats in more than a half-dozen states are “feeling burned yet” — a take on the Sanders mantra, “Feel the Bern.”

The effort is especially pronounced in right-of-center battlegrounds that have drifted away from the party under Trump’s tenure. McSally, who is running for reelection in a traditionally Republican state that is increasingly regarded as competitive, has derided her opponent as the “51st vote for all of Bernie’s wildest Soviet-style fantasies.”

Her newest commercial is based on Kelly’s contention that he would support whomever wins the Democratic nomination. The spot zeroes in on Sanders’ support for tax hikes and for providing government-funded health insurance to undocumented immigrants — positions that McSally’s team contends are anathema to suburbanites they’re trying to woo.

Yeah, if I were a Republican, I wouldn't get my hopes up. McSally is desperate right now. Her support for Trump isn't yielding much in the way of dividends.
Mark Kelly is up 6.7 points over Sen. Martha McSally in new poll despite Trump's support

Bernie did well in his Fox Town hall and his messages align with a lot of voters in Trump won states. The only thing righties can do is keep shouting "SOCIALISM!!"...and hope it's enough.

Bernie scream " SOCIALISM " every chance he get, so blame him for the word being used so much...

I prefer to call him a closet commie instead...
Down-ballot Republicans watch with glee as Sanders gains steam

Bernie is a godsend to the GOP

From the article:

"Arizona Sen. Martha McSally launched a TV ad titled “Bernie Bro” likening her Democratic opponent, retired astronaut Mark Kelly, to the Vermont senator. North Carolina Sen. Thom Tillis held a news conference last week linking his Democratic rivals to the Sanders-backed “Green New Deal.” In Michigan, a conservative group has aired a series of commercials that go after Democratic Sen. Gary Peters by invoking Sanders and his support for “Medicare for All.”

digital ads asking whether down-ballot Democrats in more than a half-dozen states are “feeling burned yet” — a take on the Sanders mantra, “Feel the Bern.”

The effort is especially pronounced in right-of-center battlegrounds that have drifted away from the party under Trump’s tenure. McSally, who is running for reelection in a traditionally Republican state that is increasingly regarded as competitive, has derided her opponent as the “51st vote for all of Bernie’s wildest Soviet-style fantasies.”

Her newest commercial is based on Kelly’s contention that he would support whomever wins the Democratic nomination. The spot zeroes in on Sanders’ support for tax hikes and for providing government-funded health insurance to undocumented immigrants — positions that McSally’s team contends are anathema to suburbanites they’re trying to woo.

Yeah, if I were a Republican, I wouldn't get my hopes up. McSally is desperate right now. Her support for Trump isn't yielding much in the way of dividends.
Mark Kelly is up 6.7 points over Sen. Martha McSally in new poll despite Trump's support

Bernie did well in his Fox Town hall and his messages align with a lot of voters in Trump won states. The only thing righties can do is keep shouting "SOCIALISM!!"...and hope it's enough.

Bernie scream " SOCIALISM " every chance he get, so blame him for the word being used so much...

I prefer to call him a closet commie instead...

Actually, the blame goes to the right wing here. With the talking parrots in conservative media throwing the term around so much without even an understanding of its basic definition, no one even blinks at the mention of it anymore.
Weakest line up ever.

Overconfidence is an ugly and avoidable weakness. Do not underestimate the Democrats.

I absolutely won't. Their crazy is to be taken seriously.

There is overlap in the people that vote for Trump and Bernie Sanders. We could be surprised by how many votes he pulls off Trump. Just because his ideology is ridiculous to you doesn't mean it can't spread like wildfire. Bernie Sanders is a threat to Donald Trump.
Weakest line up ever.

Overconfidence is an ugly and avoidable weakness. Do not underestimate the Democrats.

I absolutely won't. Their crazy is to be taken seriously.

There is overlap in the people that vote for Trump and Bernie Sanders. We could be surprised by how many votes he pulls off Trump. Just because his ideology is ridiculous to you doesn't mean it can't spread like wildfire. Bernie Sanders is a threat to Donald Trump.

I never realized Trump voters wanted socialism.

Can you find ùs the Trump voter who champions socialism?
Down-ballot Republicans watch with glee as Sanders gains steam

Bernie is a godsend to the GOP

From the article:

"Arizona Sen. Martha McSally launched a TV ad titled “Bernie Bro” likening her Democratic opponent, retired astronaut Mark Kelly, to the Vermont senator. North Carolina Sen. Thom Tillis held a news conference last week linking his Democratic rivals to the Sanders-backed “Green New Deal.” In Michigan, a conservative group has aired a series of commercials that go after Democratic Sen. Gary Peters by invoking Sanders and his support for “Medicare for All.”

digital ads asking whether down-ballot Democrats in more than a half-dozen states are “feeling burned yet” — a take on the Sanders mantra, “Feel the Bern.”

The effort is especially pronounced in right-of-center battlegrounds that have drifted away from the party under Trump’s tenure. McSally, who is running for reelection in a traditionally Republican state that is increasingly regarded as competitive, has derided her opponent as the “51st vote for all of Bernie’s wildest Soviet-style fantasies.”

Her newest commercial is based on Kelly’s contention that he would support whomever wins the Democratic nomination. The spot zeroes in on Sanders’ support for tax hikes and for providing government-funded health insurance to undocumented immigrants — positions that McSally’s team contends are anathema to suburbanites they’re trying to woo.

Yeah, if I were a Republican, I wouldn't get my hopes up. McSally is desperate right now. Her support for Trump isn't yielding much in the way of dividends.
Mark Kelly is up 6.7 points over Sen. Martha McSally in new poll despite Trump's support

Bernie did well in his Fox Town hall and his messages align with a lot of voters in Trump won states. The only thing righties can do is keep shouting "SOCIALISM!!"...and hope it's enough.

Bernie scream " SOCIALISM " every chance he get, so blame him for the word being used so much...

I prefer to call him a closet commie instead...

Actually, the blame goes to the right wing here. With the talking parrots in conservative media throwing the term around so much without even an understanding of its basic definition, no one even blinks at the mention of it anymore.

You're right its the rights fault that you're getting your ass kicked, AGAIN! However to be fair and give credit where credit is due, your clowns are doing one hell of a lot of the heavy lifting. It's like racing downhill where the going is always so much easier.
Can you find us the Trump voter who champions socialism?

Some Trump voters wouldn't outright call themselves conservatives, or maybe wouldn't label themselves at all. Bernie is an outlier candidate that is also an enemy of the status quo that runs D.C. That's obvious from how they are trying to fuck him for the second time in the primaries. Bernie is a left wing populist, a fight the establishment kind of guy, like it or not. He will appeal to some people that might have voted for Trump. If he makes it through the primaries there will still be work ahead. I think it's possible that he could defeat Trump.
Can you find ùs the Trump voter who champions socialism?

Also depending on the exact definition you use Bernie isn't even a real socialist. The Scandinavian countries are capitalist. He simply wants to emulate them. He's not trying to have the government seize the private sector. Bernie represents Scandinavian style government.
Can you find ùs the Trump voter who champions socialism?

Also depending on the exact definition you use Bernie isn't even a real socialist. The Scandinavian countries are capitalist. He simply wants to emulate them. He's not trying to have the government seize the private sector. Bernie represents Scandinavian style government.

The Nordic countries are NOT democratic socialist. That is true.

Bernie IS a democratic socialist, which is not what the Nordic countries have.

The Nordic countries are not America. They don't follow the American model of maximal personal freedom. They however are, close to 100% white. Hmm...
Can you find ùs the Trump voter who champions socialism?

Also depending on the exact definition you use Bernie isn't even a real socialist. The Scandinavian countries are capitalist. He simply wants to emulate them. He's not trying to have the government seize the private sector. Bernie represents Scandinavian style government.
Sure, we have so much more in common than we have with Venezuela,
Bernie IS a democratic socialist, which is not what the Nordic countries have.

Bernie has never advocated for something they're not already doing over there. What are the differences between Bernie's ideology and that of the Scandinavian countries?
Down-ballot Republicans watch with glee as Sanders gains steam

Bernie is a godsend to the GOP

From the article:

"Arizona Sen. Martha McSally launched a TV ad titled “Bernie Bro” likening her Democratic opponent, retired astronaut Mark Kelly, to the Vermont senator. North Carolina Sen. Thom Tillis held a news conference last week linking his Democratic rivals to the Sanders-backed “Green New Deal.” In Michigan, a conservative group has aired a series of commercials that go after Democratic Sen. Gary Peters by invoking Sanders and his support for “Medicare for All.”

digital ads asking whether down-ballot Democrats in more than a half-dozen states are “feeling burned yet” — a take on the Sanders mantra, “Feel the Bern.”

The effort is especially pronounced in right-of-center battlegrounds that have drifted away from the party under Trump’s tenure. McSally, who is running for reelection in a traditionally Republican state that is increasingly regarded as competitive, has derided her opponent as the “51st vote for all of Bernie’s wildest Soviet-style fantasies.”

Her newest commercial is based on Kelly’s contention that he would support whomever wins the Democratic nomination. The spot zeroes in on Sanders’ support for tax hikes and for providing government-funded health insurance to undocumented immigrants — positions that McSally’s team contends are anathema to suburbanites they’re trying to woo.

Yeah, if I were a Republican, I wouldn't get my hopes up. McSally is desperate right now. Her support for Trump isn't yielding much in the way of dividends.
Mark Kelly is up 6.7 points over Sen. Martha McSally in new poll despite Trump's support

Bernie did well in his Fox Town hall and his messages align with a lot of voters in Trump won states. The only thing righties can do is keep shouting "SOCIALISM!!"...and hope it's enough.

Boy you are a fool for polls arent you? Hows this one from the same paper dated October 2016?

Poll: Clinton up 5 points over Trump in AZ


poll fail.png
If you want to maximize your chances of defeating Bernie you need to understand him and his platform in a realistic way.
If you want to maximize your chances of defeating Bernie you need to understand him and his platform in a realistic way.

Are you denying he is a democratic socialist?

He said it himself, can it not be made clearer? His staffers are talking about gulags and guillotines. He has a long past of playing with communist ideas.

That is the truth. It is equally as true that young and stupid people fall for this shit if left to their own devices.
Are you denying he is a democratic socialist?

I am saying if you want to cut the bullshit aside for a minute we need to recognize that he is promoting Scandinavian style politics regardless of what labels are being used. That is the truth.

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