Down-ballot Republicans watch with glee as Crazy Bernie Sanders gains steam

Down-ballot Republicans watch with glee as Sanders gains steam

Bernie is a godsend to the GOP

From the article:

"Arizona Sen. Martha McSally launched a TV ad titled “Bernie Bro” likening her Democratic opponent, retired astronaut Mark Kelly, to the Vermont senator. North Carolina Sen. Thom Tillis held a news conference last week linking his Democratic rivals to the Sanders-backed “Green New Deal.” In Michigan, a conservative group has aired a series of commercials that go after Democratic Sen. Gary Peters by invoking Sanders and his support for “Medicare for All.”

digital ads asking whether down-ballot Democrats in more than a half-dozen states are “feeling burned yet” — a take on the Sanders mantra, “Feel the Bern.”

The effort is especially pronounced in right-of-center battlegrounds that have drifted away from the party under Trump’s tenure. McSally, who is running for reelection in a traditionally Republican state that is increasingly regarded as competitive, has derided her opponent as the “51st vote for all of Bernie’s wildest Soviet-style fantasies.”

Her newest commercial is based on Kelly’s contention that he would support whomever wins the Democratic nomination. The spot zeroes in on Sanders’ support for tax hikes and for providing government-funded health insurance to undocumented immigrants — positions that McSally’s team contends are anathema to suburbanites they’re trying to woo.

I think that Sanders actually brings the most voters with him, even if he cannot beat Trump I think he gives the most hope down ballot.
There was a recent Presidential election where one candidate was certain to lose according to nearly all prognostications....
And here we go with trotting out The Greatest Hits again. Why don't we get back in the Delorean and come back to 2020. I know 2016 is a comfortable time for Trump supporters. It just underlines the current state of desperation in general on the Republican side of the aisle. Happens when you don't have any policies you can point to as success stories, or just keep trotting out the same tired old bag of tricks every year, hoping people will think they are shiny and new.
Trump doesn't have any policies he can point to as success stories

What planet are you living on?

It's comforting to know that TDS morons are so delusional.

Well that's the first ring of truth I've seen posted from any Trump supporter here. Yeah, Trump is a failure. But I was referring to the Republican party as a whole.
And yes, the TDS amongst his supporters is absolutely off the charts. I've never seen in my lifetime of following politics the amount of slavish devotion and adoration for a complete fraud of a lying liberal-turned-conservative out of expedience reality game show host. Yes, it boggles my mind. :)
There was supposed to be a question mark at the end of the first sentence. That's what makes your entire post pure bullshit.

No need. Your point was made without the question mark. But say, since we're being sporting, Trump does have a success story as far as policy. He's successfully grown the deficit to almost 1.2 trillion dollars. I see he's either been taking lessons from PragerU...or Ronald Reagan. :)
The question mark changes my point by 180 degrees, shit for brains.

I see you're taking lessons from Karl Marx.

I know. I just thought it was funny...and truthful.
Karl Marx..really? that's all you got?
Why is it that right wingers don't understand the very definitions of the terms they throw about?
Weakest line up ever.

Overconfidence is an ugly and avoidable weakness. Do not underestimate the Democrats.

I absolutely won't. Their crazy is to be taken seriously.

There is overlap in the people that vote for Trump and Bernie Sanders. We could be surprised by how many votes he pulls off Trump. Just because his ideology is ridiculous to you doesn't mean it can't spread like wildfire. Bernie Sanders is a threat to Donald Trump.

I never realized Trump voters wanted socialism.

Can you find ùs the Trump voter who champions socialism?[/QUOTE

Every retired republican on social security and Medicare.
Every republican who is using social security early retirement because of injury or sickness.
Every republican who uses federal subsidized goods and services in the USA.
Bla, bla, bla.
Republicans aren’t the problem it’s trump who’s the problem.
He’s not a republican, he’s an alien.

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