Dow Hits 36,000! Profits soaring!!

Bank of New York already has a mortgage default percent of 30% of loans given in last 3 years.

What. The. Fuck. Have a link to that?!

You use statistics to hide facts, Gator. You know as well as I do that it's been Biden's policies that have increased the price of fossil fuels here in the US and that he did that intentionally.

I don't think so. I do not think Slow Joe has the mental faculties to do much "intentionally" now.

How is Biden crippling the world?

View attachment 700404

You realize the "8%" inflation number is as real as a three-dollar bill...right?
Great time to buy shares at a reduced cost, thus when the market comes back you are better off than before.

Your buy buy buy moment has arrived. Be Bold be brave......I suspect ya might be good thru the election and shortly after

I recently doubled contributions to my retirement-yes, thank you, I WILL buy stocks on sale!
AP News several weeks ago.
Google "2022 Mortgage Defaults" and view the results...not promising.

What. The. Fuck. Have a link to that?!

He never has a link for anything, he just makes shit up with his every post

Doing a google search of BNY and mortgage defaults does not provide the lies that he told.

Also, this story cannot be found on the AP News website.
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What. The. Fuck. Have a link to that?!

I don't think so. I do not think Slow Joe has the mental faculties to do much "intentionally" now.

You realize the "8%" inflation number is as real as a three-dollar bill...right?
Worldwide inflation is higher than the US. Thank Biden.
Two thoughts: Berkshire Hathaway is trading near book value and the market is nowhere near a bottom
What. The. Fuck. Have a link to that?!

I don't think so. I do not think Slow Joe has the mental faculties to do much "intentionally" now.

You realize the "8%" inflation number is as real as a three-dollar bill...right?
Joe does what his "handlers" tell him to! He's surrounded by ideologues that don't have a clue about economics...and couldn't care less if their policies hurt everyday Americans! Joe just eats ice cream and wanders around stages after butchering another teleprompter speech!
Worldwide inflation is higher than the US. Thank Biden.
/-----/ I'll thank biden if he stops destroying the economy.
Òscar Jordà, Celeste Liu, Fernanda Nechio, and Fabián Rivera-Reyes
Inflation rates in the United States and other developed economies have closely tracked each other historically. Problems with global supply chains and changes in spending patterns due to the COVID-19 pandemic have pushed up inflation worldwide. However, since the first half of 2021, U.S. inflation has increasingly outpaced inflation in other developed countries. Estimates suggest that fiscal support measures designed to counteract the severity of the pandemic’s economic effect may have contributed to this divergence by raising inflation about 3 percentage points by the end of 2021.
Worldwide inflation is higher than the US. Thank Biden.

Countries with the Lowest Inflation​

South Sudan (not to be confused with Sudan) had massive deflation with prices actually falling by -8.52% over the year. Bolivia had less than 1% annual inflation and the Maldives and Macau had just over 1% inflation. But beware, many of the low inflation countries on this list haven’t reported since last December (or earlier) so their actual inflation rate could be much higher by now.

South Sudan-8.52December 2021
Bolivia0.87April 2022
Vanuatu0.9September 2021
Maldives1.05March 2022
Macau1.07March 2022
New Caledonia1.2December 2021
Liechtenstein1.5December 2021
Afghanistan1.56June 2021
Hong Kong1.7March 2022
Benin2April 2022
China2.1April 2022
Brunei2.2December 2021
Malaysia2.2March 2022
Seychelles2.2April 2022
Saudi Arabia2.3April 2022
Cameroon2.37September 2021
Bermuda2.5February 2022
Japan2.5April 2022
Switzerland2.5April 2022
United Arab Emirates2.5December 2021
Eritrea2.6December 2021
Vietnam2.64April 2022
Oman2.67April 2022
Central African Republic2.7December 2021
Ecuador2.89April 2022
Equatorial Guinea2.9December 2021
Gabon2.9March 2022
Swaziland3.3February 2022
Taiwan3.38April 2022
Indonesia3.47April 2022

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