Double affirmative action as dems pick BLACK WOMAN for new DNC chair

Why do you think this position wasn't achieved on merit?
Because affirmative action is everywhere and the default position has to be that's how all black women get hired. If you're gonna say she got this job on merit then the burden of proof is on you!! So show it to us. I bet marcia can't even read.
You've gone way beyond stupid. Since you're making the assertion, the burden of proof is on you. At least that's how logic works in the normal world.

Nope. If you make the absurd statement that the moon is made of cheese, then the burden of proof is on you. Likewise with saying black women are equal to white men. THINK
Two reasons for Shoot speeder to hate her
a) she is black
b) she is a woman.
Pretty much any person who Shoot Speeder accuses of benefiting from affirmative action he thinks is sub human by race or gender anyway.

I don't hate blacks or women and i support equal opportunity for them. But you obviously hate white men since you support affirmative action and want white men discriminated against. THINK maggot sucker.

Stop projecting your sexual practices on me (maggot sucker? why do you suck maggots?)

Your threads are a festival of attacks against blacks and women.

It is what you do.
Can black women accomplish anything on merit??

Marcia Fudge To Replace Wasserman Schultz As Chair Of Democratic National Convention

july 25 2016 In the wake of Democratic National Committee (DNC) Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz stepping down, Ohio Rep. Marcia Fudge will serve as the permanent chair of the Democratic National Convention set to take place in Philadelphia, Pa., July 25-28.

The DNC rules committee decided Saturday Fudge would take over following a massive leak of nearly 20,000 DNC emails attempting to derail former Democratic presidential hopeful Sen. Bernie Sanders’s campaign in favor of presumed nominee Hillary Clinton.

Speedy is the first bigot out of the gate.

Your mommy and daddy must be proud.
What "dems" elected her to her new position? Was there a democratic vote? Or did Obama and Mrs. Tuzla anoint her?
Speedy is the first bigot out of the gate.

Your mommy and daddy must be proud.

You're the bigot since you support affirmative action, the govt mandated persecution of white men and the biggest hate crime in america.

I want equal opportunity.

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