Dossier, Dossier, Dossier


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. Central to the Mueller Farrago is the 'dossier.'

Without it, no FISA warrants to surveil Trump, et al......

No Comey leaks

No special prosecutor

Soooo....the dossier cannot be ignored.

And here's what it implies:

Russia is a dictatorship.
Nothing emanates from Moscow without Putin's imprimatur....
The 'information' in the infamous 'dossier' came from Russia.

Now.....if Putin wanted Trump to win.......would there have ever.......ever.....been a dossier?????

QED......the candidate of Vladimir Putin was Hillary Clinton and the Democrats.

If any collusion occurred, it was through Democrats, the only folks for whom we have actual evidence of collusion.

2. As of this moment:
"FBI Couldn’t Find Trump-Russia Collusion, and Neither Could Bob Woodward
Justice turned on its head: “imposing the presumption of guilt upon a probe whose own originators had reason to doubt the strength of their evidence”

3. Buried amid all the anti-Trump “Russia, Russia, Russia” derangement are a couple of potentially explosive revelations.

Lisa Page, former FBI lawyer and mistress of former FBI agent Peter Strzok, admitted that the FBI couldn’t prove collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia at the time Robert Mueller took over the investigation, and Bob Woodward admits that after searching “hard” for two years, he found no evidence of collusion, either.

In response to questioning during a congressional interview, Page told Representative John Ratcliffe (R-TX) that as of May, 2017, the FBI had found no connection between Trump and Russia that pointed to collusion."
FBI Couldn't Find Trump-Russia Collusion, and Neither Could Bob Woodward

4. "To date, Lisa Page’s infamy has been driven mostly by the anti-Donald Trump text messages she exchanged with fellow FBI agent Peter Strzok as the two engaged in an affair while investigating the president for alleged election collusion with Russia.

Yet, when history judges the former FBI lawyer years from now, her most consequential pronouncement may not have been typed on her bureau-issued Samsung smartphone to her colleague and lover.

Rather, it might be eight simple words she uttered behind closed doors during a congressional interview a few weeks ago.

“It’s a reflection of us still not knowing,” Page told Rep. John Ratcliffe (R-Texas) when questioned about texts she and Strzok exchanged in May 2017 as Robert Mueller was being named a special prosecutor to take over the Russia investigation.

With that statement, Page acknowledged a momentous fact: After nine months of using some of the most awesome surveillance powers afforded to U.S. intelligence, the FBI still had not made a case connecting Trump or his campaign to Russia’s election meddling.

Page opined further, acknowledging “it still existed in the scope of possibility that there would be literally nothing” to connect Trump and Russia, no matter what Mueller or the FBI did.

“As far as May of 2017, we still couldn’t answer the question,” she said at another point." Lisa Page bombshell: FBI couldn’t prove Trump-Russia collusion before Mueller appointment

5. Everything the Democrats/Liberals touch turns to ....mud.

They have altered the reputation of a once great institution, the FBI, to political backstabbers, no more than 'the gang that couldn't shoot straight,' and treacherous goons.

No more than handmaidens of the Democrats.


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Does any one on the right understand how an investigation works?

If something can already be proven it doesn't need to be investigated.

Also... the Mueller investigation is not exclusively about collusion. The main focus is on Russian interference in the election. If collusion is a part of that, then it will be investigated.

so, Woodward is simultaneously a slanderous liar and a reliable source at the same time? Woodward wasnt in a position to see that.
Woodward isn't a prosecutor, and doesn't have subpoena power, search warrants, or the ability to extract plea deals.

legal insurrection is far right with mixed record on factual reporting.
Manafort is going to squeal.
The Steele Dossier claims Putin has compromising information on Trump

Seems right to me
i'll wait for proof. speculation is fine and all but not when you then move your "speculation" to fact and make judgements around it.
The Steele Dossier claims Putin has compromising information on Trump

Seems right to me
i'll wait for proof. speculation is fine and all but not when you then move your "speculation" to fact and make judgements around it.

"i'll wait for proof."

How long?

Is the impending Ice Age a factor in your plan?
The FISA warrant consisted of more evidence than the dossier .

Have Trump release the whole thing if it’s all just lies !
The Steele Dossier claims Putin has compromising information on Trump

Seems right to me
i'll wait for proof. speculation is fine and all but not when you then move your "speculation" to fact and make judgements around it.

"i'll wait for proof."

How long?

Is the impending Ice Age a factor in your plan?
if you were the accused, how long would you want people to wait for facts?

look, i already think this lady is a painted picture and nothing to do with reality. her scrubbed profiles says enough for me to the point where i don't need to know why she did it in order to create a *need* to speculate.
Does any one on the right understand how an investigation works?

If something can already be proven it doesn't need to be investigated.

Also... the Mueller investigation is not exclusively about collusion. The main focus is on Russian interference in the election. If collusion is a part of that, then it will be investigated.

so, Woodward is simultaneously a slanderous liar and a reliable source at the same time? Woodward wasnt in a position to see that.
Woodward isn't a prosecutor, and doesn't have subpoena power, search warrants, or the ability to extract plea deals.

legal insurrection is far right with mixed record on factual reporting.
Manafort is going to squeal.

Manafort is going to squeal about the Podestas, and that may lead to Mueller bagging Hillary. Be careful when wishing libtard, you may get what you don't want.
6. "It might take a few seconds for the enormity of Page’s statements to sink in. After all, she isn’t just any FBI lawyer. She was a lead on the Russia case when it started in summer 2016, and she helped it transition to Mueller through summer 2017.

For those who might cast doubt on the word of a single FBI lawyer, there’s more.

Shortly after he was fired, ex-FBI Director James Comey told the Senate there was not yet evidence to justify investigating Trump for colluding with Russia. “When I left, we did not have an investigation focused on President Trump,” Comey testified.

And Strzok, the counterintelligence boss and leader of the Russia probe, texted Page in May 2017 that he was reluctant to join Mueller’s probe and leave his senior FBI post because he feared “there’s no big there, there.”

The Department of Justice (DOJ) inspector general asked Strzok shortly before he was fired from the FBI what he meant by that text, and he offered a most insightful answer.

Strzok said he wasn’t certain there was a “broad, coordinated effort” to hijack the election and that the evidence of Trump campaign aides talking about getting Hillary Clinton dirt from Russians might have been just a “bunch of opportunists” talking to heighten their importance.

. . . . So, by the words of Comey, Strzok and Page, we now know that the Trump Justice Department — through Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein — unleashed the Mueller special prosecutor probe before the FBI could validate a connection between Trump and Russia.

Which raises the question: If there was no concrete evidence of collusion, why did we need a special prosecutor?

Page’s comments also mean FBI and Justice officials likely leaked a barrage of media stories just before and after Mueller’s appointment that made the evidence of collusion look far stronger than the frontline investigators knew it to be. Text messages show contacts between key FBI and DOJ players and the Washington Post, the Associated Press and the New York Times during the ramp-up to Mueller’s probe."
Lisa Page bombshell: FBI couldn’t prove Trump-Russia collusion before Mueller appointment

Anyone who claims to believe the attempted charges against Trump is either a liar or a fool.

Any questions?
The Steele Dossier claims Putin has compromising information on Trump

Seems right to me
i'll wait for proof. speculation is fine and all but not when you then move your "speculation" to fact and make judgements around it.

"i'll wait for proof."

How long?

Is the impending Ice Age a factor in your plan?
if you were the accused, how long would you want people to wait for facts?

look, i already think this lady is a painted picture and nothing to do with reality. her scrubbed profiles says enough for me to the point where i don't need to know why she did it in order to create a *need* to speculate.

Don't you understand????

There are no facts other than these:
Russia is a dictatorship.
Nothing emanates from Moscow without Putin's imprimatur....
The 'information' in the infamous 'dossier' came from Russia.

Now.....if Putin wanted Trump to win.......would there have ever.......ever.....been a dossier?????

QED......the candidate of Vladimir Putin was Hillary Clinton and the Democrats.

If any collusion occurred, it was through Democrats, the only folks for whom we have actual evidence of collusion.

Time for orange jumpsuits:

The Steele Dossier claims Putin has compromising information on Trump

Seems right to me
i'll wait for proof. speculation is fine and all but not when you then move your "speculation" to fact and make judgements around it.

"i'll wait for proof."

How long?

Is the impending Ice Age a factor in your plan?
if you were the accused, how long would you want people to wait for facts?

look, i already think this lady is a painted picture and nothing to do with reality. her scrubbed profiles says enough for me to the point where i don't need to know why she did it in order to create a *need* to speculate.

Don't you understand????

There are no facts other than these:
Russia is a dictatorship.
Nothing emanates from Moscow without Putin's imprimatur....
The 'information' in the infamous 'dossier' came from Russia.

Now.....if Putin wanted Trump to win.......would there have ever.......ever.....been a dossier?????

QED......the candidate of Vladimir Putin was Hillary Clinton and the Democrats.

If any collusion occurred, it was through Democrats, the only folks for whom we have actual evidence of collusion.

Time for orange jumpsuits:

"Rudy, you're a baby. you forget to put your diaper cant defend me" - President Trump to Giuliani after Rudy's interview with CNN
The FISA warrant consisted of more evidence than the dossier .

Have Trump release the whole thing if it’s all just lies !

Was there any FISA warrant without the dossier?



Quit bitching about the fisa process that conservatives have defended/ expanded since 911.

Y’all didn’t mind the rubber stamp warrants when it was targeting brown people .
The FISA warrant consisted of more evidence than the dossier .

Have Trump release the whole thing if it’s all just lies !

Was there any FISA warrant without the dossier?



Quit bitching about the fisa process that conservatives have defended/ expanded since 911.

Y’all didn’t mind the rubber stamp warrants when it was targeting brown people .
Quit falling down the well
A. We know that the Carter Page wasn't the basis of the FISA warrant. Parts of it were merely supporting evidence.

B. The investigation began well fore this NOT because of anything in the Dossier

C. Claiming that Putin favors Clinton is just batshit crazy. He HATES Clinton and has stated his support and preference for Trump.

D. Investigating something does not in any way mean you are in collusion with that thing. Was the FBI in collusion with Gotti when they used informants in their investigation to bring him down? That's fucking stupid

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