Don't worry, we'll never run out of oil

We've ALREADY run out of oil - not because of it not existing, but because Biden doing everything he can to stop us from getting it. If he could get the price of gas at the pump up to $100/gallon, he'd do it. (except when an election is coming near)

You want to tell Dubai that? They ran out of oil until they started tapping offshore sites.
Perhaps some day they`ll invent a car that runs on electricity :rolleyes: In 2020, people were buying them at a rate of nearly 900 a day.
You would do well realize that all that lithium is dug up by large diesel sucking machines in open pit mines, evaporated in toxic pools, and requires massive amounts of water in typically arid regions.
You would do well realize that all that lithium is dug up by large diesel sucking machines in open pit mines, evaporated in toxic pools, and requires massive amounts of water in typically arid regions.
You would do well to keep up with science.
You would do well to keep up with science.
Interesting, but a long way off from market.
Perhaps some day they`ll invent a car that runs on electricity :rolleyes: In 2020, people were buying them at a rate of nearly 900 a day.
Fine and dandy, but governments may restrict you from charging your expensive EV.

To End Climate Lunacy,

Stop Treating Warming and C02 Hysterically

By David Simon

Those who oppose economically destructive “climate” policies – like those promoted by the Biden administration and at the recent United Nations COP27 conference – will continue to fail to stop the advance of these policies so long as they continue to accept the false claim that warming of the planet and carbon dioxide emissions are harmful.
They are not. On balance, global warming and CO2 emission are beneficial.
To win this argument, it is necessary to focus on the scientific facts.
  • A warming planet saves lives. Analyses of millions of deaths in recent decades in numerous countries, published in the British medical journal The Lancet, show that cooler temperatures killed nine times (July 2021 study) to seventeen times (In May 2015 study) more people than warmer temperatures. The planet’s recent modest warming (by 1.00 degree Celsius on average since 1880, as calculated by NASA) thus has been saving millions of lives.
  • CO2 emissions do not pollute and instead are environmentally beneficial. In 2017, over 300 scientists, including Richard Lindzen of MIT and William Happer of Princeton, signed a statement that made this point: “carbon dioxide is not a pollutant. To the contrary, there is clear evidence that increased atmospheric carbon dioxide is environmentally helpful to food crops and other plants that nourish all life. It is plant food, not poison.” Every one of us, indeed, also exhales carbon dioxide with every breath.
  • Since 1920, deaths each year from natural disasters have decreased by over 90 percent. And this happened, data from EM-DAT - The International Disaster Database presented by The University of Oxford show, not only as the planet has warmed, but as world population has quadrupled.
  • Global warming has not increased hurricanes. A NOAA report, updated on November 28, 2022, states that “there is essentially no long-term trend in hurricane counts. The evidence for an upward trend is even weaker if we look at U.S. landfalling hurricanes, which even show a slight negative trend beginning from 1900 or from the late 1800s.”
  • The same report sums it up in bold: “We conclude that the historical Atlantic hurricane data at this stage do not provide compelling evidence for a substantial greenhouse warming-induced century-scale increase in: frequency of tropical storms, hurricanes, or major hurricanes, or in the proportion of hurricanes that become major hurricanes.”
  • Global warming also does not increase land burned by fires. As environmental statistician Bjorn Lomberg has shown using data from the Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, Remote Sensing of Environment, and Earth’s Future, the percentage of global land burned per year in 1905-2021 has been declining.
  • Sea levels are rising – but only by a small fraction of an inch each year. An EPA report updated on August 1, 2022, states: “When averaged over all of the world’s oceans, absolute sea level has risen at an average rate of 0.06 inches per year from 1880 to 2013,” including a slightly increased rate since 1993 of “0.12 to 0.14 inches per year.”
  • The UN climate models that President Biden, John Kerry, and other climate doomsters use to predict future global temperatures are so speculative and unreliable that they have been unable even to reproduce the 20th century’s temperature changes. This is a key point in the must-read book by Obama Department of Energy Under Secretary for Science Steven Koonin, Unsettled: What Climate Science Tells Us, What It Doesn’t, and Why It Matters.

These kinds of facts should persuade the public and policymakers to stop accepting the false claim that global warming and CO2 emissions are harmful.

Maoist Democrats pretend to want to control the climate in order to control us.
it is crucial to understand why accepting the false climate claim is so harmful.<<

All part of the overall globalization movement to destroy the First World.
It only benefits the Maoist Communists, and the Biden Crime Syndicate.
We need an America First Movement.
To end all this "Global Warming" and Green New Deal bull crap that Joe Biden, Al Gore, John Kerry, AOC, Greta Thunberg and all Maoist Democrats have to be exposed for starters.
We are leaving earths' warming cycle. If you check the earth's history of temperatures for the last 500,000 years through ice core samples, it is obvious. Step back and see the big picture…
History story tells us of the Little Ice Age that lasted from the years of 14th to 19th centuries.

Earth Is An Oil-Producing Machine

We're Not Running Out

4 Nov 2015 -- By Kerry Jackson

Ever since M. King Hubbert in the 1950s convinced a lot of people with his "peak oil" theory that production would collapse and we'd eventually exhaust our crude supplies, the clock has been running. And running. And it will continue to run for some time, as technology and new discoveries show that there's still an ocean of oil under our feet.
Engineering and Technology Magazine reported this week that BP — the company that once wanted to be known as "Beyond Petroleum" rather than "British Petroleum" — is saying "the world is no longer at risk of running out of resources."
"Thanks to investment into supercomputers, robotics and the use of chemicals to extract the maximum from available reservoirs, the accessible oil and gas reserves will almost double by 2050," Engineering and Technology said.
A BP official told the magazine that "energy resources are plentiful. Concerns over running out of oil and gas have disappeared."
Things are so good, in fact, that Engineering and Technology says "with the use of the innovative technologies, available fossil fuel resources could increase from the current 2.9 trillion barrels of oil equivalent to 4.8 trillion by 2050, which is almost twice as much as the projected global demand." That number could even reach 7.5 trillion barrels if technology and exploration techniques advance even faster.
This information backs up the idea that Earth is actually an oil-producing machine. We call energy sources such as crude oil and natural gas fossil fuels based on the assumption that they are the products of decaying organisms, maybe even dinosaurs themselves. But the label is a misnomer. Research from the last decade found that hydrocarbons are synthesized abiotically.
Please note that this article was written in November 2015.
Hydrogen is the common element in the universe. Carbon is the 4th. Oxygen is 23% of earths atmosphere. They each have a ready affinity for each other and combine into chains of different lengths.
We are taught that in basic Organic Chemistry.
It’s ignorant and semi retarded to decide that crude oil and gas can only be formed from dinosaurs.
It seems logical to me the natural production of petroleum and natural as is an on-going process that takes place, maybe at different rates, but continually over time. We find that even our man-made landfills create enough methane gas to be recovered and used.
We're being told that fossil fuels will soon run out. That is a lie and modern science as proven it beyond doubt.

European Wind Turbines at a Standstill Amid an Ongoing “Wind Drought”

Like much of the world, Western Europe is in a major energy bind — but an ongoing wind drought is making things so much worse. As gas prices continue to soar, many are resorting to cleaner means of renewable energy. But as of recently, barely even a breeze has made its way through the through the winter air.

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