Dont think inflation is real? I just looked at Zillow, and every home in Florida has gone up roughly 10% in value in the past 30 days

9 bucks for a 2x4...nice work libtards.....
Yo Gumby. Has nothing to do with liberals or right wingnuts. Do some serious research. Ask this question: "What has caused the price of lumber to skyrocket?"
You will receive a litany of reasons, all of which contribute to the rise, none of which have to do with liberals. Just so ya know.....Trump's trade wars have driven up the price of imported lumber dramatically. American exports of lumber to CHINA.
Pandemic keeping workers on the shelf. Supply and demand. Low interest rates. Get real and smarten up.
9 bucks for a 2x4...nice work libtards.....
Yo Gumby. Has nothing to do with liberals or right wingnuts. Do some serious research. Ask this question: "What has caused the price of lumber to skyrocket?"
You will receive a litany of reasons, all of which contribute to the rise, none of which have to do with liberals. Just so ya know.....Trump's trade wars have driven up the price of imported lumber dramatically. American exports of lumber to CHINA.
Pandemic keeping workers on the shelf. Supply and demand. Get real.
The overnight rise in fuel prices...everything that you buy even your tampons bitch gets shipped by truck....get it?....
9 bucks for a 2x4...nice work libtards.....
Yo Gumby. Has nothing to do with liberals or right wingnuts. Do some serious research. Ask this question: "What has caused the price of lumber to skyrocket?"
You will receive a litany of reasons, all of which contribute to the rise, none of which have to do with liberals. Just so ya know.....Trump's trade wars have driven up the price of imported lumber dramatically. American exports of lumber to CHINA.
Pandemic keeping workers on the shelf. Supply and demand. Get real.
It has everything to do with politics.
New Yorkers are escaping New York City.
9 bucks for a 2x4...nice work libtards.....
Yo Gumby. Has nothing to do with liberals or right wingnuts. Do some serious research. Ask this question: "What has caused the price of lumber to skyrocket?"
You will receive a litany of reasons, all of which contribute to the rise, none of which have to do with liberals. Just so ya know.....Trump's trade wars have driven up the price of imported lumber dramatically. American exports of lumber to CHINA.
Pandemic keeping workers on the shelf. Supply and demand. Low interest rates. Get real and smarten up.
9 bucks for a 2x4...nice work libtards.....
Yo Gumby. Has nothing to do with liberals or right wingnuts. Do some serious research. Ask this question: "What has caused the price of lumber to skyrocket?"
You will receive a litany of reasons, all of which contribute to the rise, none of which have to do with liberals. Just so ya know.....Trump's trade wars have driven up the price of imported lumber dramatically. American exports of lumber to CHINA.
Pandemic keeping workers on the shelf. Supply and demand. Get real.
The overnight rise in fuel prices...everything that you buy even your tampons bitch gets shipped by truck....get it?....
Yo Gumby, everything was always shipped by truck, the pandemic kept fuel prices down since nobody was traveling and the Saudis stopped producing. Gas prices depend on the Saudis in case you were not aware. Now that people are traveling again, fuel prices are rising again. Get real and get smart.
Hmmmm.......10% in 30 days. Thats got to be the biggest 30 day bump in.....EVER?

Thats ridiculous.

Well, thanks Lefties, for driving people to my state. There is a bigger demand for values are going up up up.

But so is everything else!

The price of wood has skyrocketed.

I am talking anout existing homes.

The sharp increase in wood price has slowed down new home sales/builds so more people are looking for existing ones.
9 bucks for a 2x4...nice work libtards.....
Yo Gumby. Has nothing to do with liberals or right wingnuts. Do some serious research. Ask this question: "What has caused the price of lumber to skyrocket?"
You will receive a litany of reasons, all of which contribute to the rise, none of which have to do with liberals. Just so ya know.....Trump's trade wars have driven up the price of imported lumber dramatically. American exports of lumber to CHINA.
Pandemic keeping workers on the shelf. Supply and demand. Get real.
It has everything to do with politics.
New Yorkers are escaping New York City.
Everybody is escaping the northern and midwestern states and it has nothing to do with politics.
Hmmmm.......10% in 30 days. Thats got to be the biggest 30 day bump in.....EVER?

Thats ridiculous.

Well, thanks Lefties, for driving people to my state. There is a bigger demand for values are going up up up.

But so is everything else!

The price of wood has skyrocketed.

I am talking anout existing homes.

The sharp increase in wood price has slowed down new home sales/builds so more people are looking for existing ones.

Makes sense. What are your core principles? How do you want to see the country governed?
9 bucks for a 2x4...nice work libtards.....
Yo Gumby. Has nothing to do with liberals or right wingnuts. Do some serious research. Ask this question: "What has caused the price of lumber to skyrocket?"
You will receive a litany of reasons, all of which contribute to the rise, none of which have to do with liberals. Just so ya know.....Trump's trade wars have driven up the price of imported lumber dramatically. American exports of lumber to CHINA.
Pandemic keeping workers on the shelf. Supply and demand. Get real.
It has everything to do with politics.
New Yorkers are escaping New York City.
Everybody is escaping the northern and midwestern states and it has nothing to do with politics.
How many people do you know personally who left NYC?
Since the riots there has been a mass exodus which is why Cuomo and DeNauseo are raising taxes.
I just bought a truck at 1990 prices there is no inflation.

Oh, there has been a housing bubble for several years now, Oh, it's not the first time it has happened along with inflation if we had no inflation houses would still cost less than twenty grand.
Homes were at one time not an investment. Many actually declined in price. The Fiat currency has put inflation into housing for for over a half century or so.
9 bucks for a 2x4...nice work libtards.....
Yo Gumby. Has nothing to do with liberals or right wingnuts. Do some serious research. Ask this question: "What has caused the price of lumber to skyrocket?"
You will receive a litany of reasons, all of which contribute to the rise, none of which have to do with liberals. Just so ya know.....Trump's trade wars have driven up the price of imported lumber dramatically. American exports of lumber to CHINA.
Pandemic keeping workers on the shelf. Supply and demand. Get real.
It has everything to do with politics.
New Yorkers are escaping New York City.
That is not politics. That is pandemics. People are stuck inside small apartments,
entertainment centers and restaurants are closed and the weather has turned ugly due to climate change. Who wants to live under those conditions?
9 bucks for a 2x4...nice work libtards.....
Yo Gumby. Has nothing to do with liberals or right wingnuts. Do some serious research. Ask this question: "What has caused the price of lumber to skyrocket?"
You will receive a litany of reasons, all of which contribute to the rise, none of which have to do with liberals. Just so ya know.....Trump's trade wars have driven up the price of imported lumber dramatically. American exports of lumber to CHINA.
Pandemic keeping workers on the shelf. Supply and demand. Get real.
It has everything to do with politics.
New Yorkers are escaping New York City.
That is not politics. That is pandemics. People are stuck inside small apartments,
entertainment centers and restaurants are closed and the weather has turned ugly due to climate change. Who wants to live under those conditions?
People have been leaving in droves from both coasts way before covid...high taxes and filth in the streets and parts of town you can't go to even in the day....CA and NY are cesspools of filth and both are run by democrats...CA is nearly all democrat because they have fraudulated the elections there...and the cities are 3rd world....
Homeless camps everywhere...drugs being shot up in the streets.....rapes murders robberies...look at this video of the once beautiful Venice beach in CA and compare it to beach towns in Texas and and night difference...the productive people have noticed and are leaving....

9 bucks for a 2x4...nice work libtards.....
Yo Gumby. Has nothing to do with liberals or right wingnuts. Do some serious research. Ask this question: "What has caused the price of lumber to skyrocket?"
You will receive a litany of reasons, all of which contribute to the rise, none of which have to do with liberals. Just so ya know.....Trump's trade wars have driven up the price of imported lumber dramatically. American exports of lumber to CHINA.
Pandemic keeping workers on the shelf. Supply and demand. Low interest rates. Get real and smarten up.
9 bucks for a 2x4...nice work libtards.....
Yo Gumby. Has nothing to do with liberals or right wingnuts. Do some serious research. Ask this question: "What has caused the price of lumber to skyrocket?"
You will receive a litany of reasons, all of which contribute to the rise, none of which have to do with liberals. Just so ya know.....Trump's trade wars have driven up the price of imported lumber dramatically. American exports of lumber to CHINA.
Pandemic keeping workers on the shelf. Supply and demand. Get real.
The overnight rise in fuel prices...everything that you buy even your tampons bitch gets shipped by truck....get it?....
Yo Gumby, everything was always shipped by truck, the pandemic kept fuel prices down since nobody was traveling and the Saudis stopped producing. Gas prices depend on the Saudis in case you were not aware. Now that people are traveling again, fuel prices are rising again. Get real and get smart.
fuel prices did NOT depend on the Saudis during the Trump admin. We were energy independent under Trump. Get real, and get smart yourself.
9 bucks for a 2x4...nice work libtards.....
Yo Gumby. Has nothing to do with liberals or right wingnuts. Do some serious research. Ask this question: "What has caused the price of lumber to skyrocket?"
You will receive a litany of reasons, all of which contribute to the rise, none of which have to do with liberals. Just so ya know.....Trump's trade wars have driven up the price of imported lumber dramatically. American exports of lumber to CHINA.
Pandemic keeping workers on the shelf. Supply and demand. Get real.
It has everything to do with politics.
New Yorkers are escaping New York City.
That is not politics. That is pandemics. People are stuck inside small apartments,
entertainment centers and restaurants are closed and the weather has turned ugly due to climate change. Who wants to live under those conditions?
The people in Florida stuck in their mansions just moved from NYC.
Unlike the bullshit you get from CNN most Republicans living in FL are masking, distancing and eating at home.
9 bucks for a 2x4...nice work libtards.....
Yo Gumby. Has nothing to do with liberals or right wingnuts. Do some serious research. Ask this question: "What has caused the price of lumber to skyrocket?"
You will receive a litany of reasons, all of which contribute to the rise, none of which have to do with liberals. Just so ya know.....Trump's trade wars have driven up the price of imported lumber dramatically. American exports of lumber to CHINA.
Pandemic keeping workers on the shelf. Supply and demand. Low interest rates. Get real and smarten up.
9 bucks for a 2x4...nice work libtards.....
Yo Gumby. Has nothing to do with liberals or right wingnuts. Do some serious research. Ask this question: "What has caused the price of lumber to skyrocket?"
You will receive a litany of reasons, all of which contribute to the rise, none of which have to do with liberals. Just so ya know.....Trump's trade wars have driven up the price of imported lumber dramatically. American exports of lumber to CHINA.
Pandemic keeping workers on the shelf. Supply and demand. Get real.
The overnight rise in fuel prices...everything that you buy even your tampons bitch gets shipped by truck....get it?....
Yo Gumby, everything was always shipped by truck, the pandemic kept fuel prices down since nobody was traveling and the Saudis stopped producing. Gas prices depend on the Saudis in case you were not aware. Now that people are traveling again, fuel prices are rising again. Get real and get smart.

Too funny. WE haven't ben dependent on Middle Eastern since 2016.
9 bucks for a 2x4...nice work libtards.....
Yo Gumby. Has nothing to do with liberals or right wingnuts. Do some serious research. Ask this question: "What has caused the price of lumber to skyrocket?"
You will receive a litany of reasons, all of which contribute to the rise, none of which have to do with liberals. Just so ya know.....Trump's trade wars have driven up the price of imported lumber dramatically. American exports of lumber to CHINA.
Pandemic keeping workers on the shelf. Supply and demand. Get real.
It has everything to do with politics.
New Yorkers are escaping New York City.
That is not politics. That is pandemics. People are stuck inside small apartments,
entertainment centers and restaurants are closed and the weather has turned ugly due to climate change. Who wants to live under those conditions?
The people in Florida stuck in their mansions just moved from NYC.
Unlike the bullshit you get from CNN most Republicans living in FL are masking, distancing and eating at home.
That is exactly what CNN reported--most people living in Florida are masking, distancing, and staying at home. The bullshit you are getting comes from Fox News.
9 bucks for a 2x4...nice work libtards.....
Yo Gumby. Has nothing to do with liberals or right wingnuts. Do some serious research. Ask this question: "What has caused the price of lumber to skyrocket?"
You will receive a litany of reasons, all of which contribute to the rise, none of which have to do with liberals. Just so ya know.....Trump's trade wars have driven up the price of imported lumber dramatically. American exports of lumber to CHINA.
Pandemic keeping workers on the shelf. Supply and demand. Low interest rates. Get real and smarten up.
9 bucks for a 2x4...nice work libtards.....
Yo Gumby. Has nothing to do with liberals or right wingnuts. Do some serious research. Ask this question: "What has caused the price of lumber to skyrocket?"
You will receive a litany of reasons, all of which contribute to the rise, none of which have to do with liberals. Just so ya know.....Trump's trade wars have driven up the price of imported lumber dramatically. American exports of lumber to CHINA.
Pandemic keeping workers on the shelf. Supply and demand. Get real.
The overnight rise in fuel prices...everything that you buy even your tampons bitch gets shipped by truck....get it?....
Yo Gumby, everything was always shipped by truck, the pandemic kept fuel prices down since nobody was traveling and the Saudis stopped producing. Gas prices depend on the Saudis in case you were not aware. Now that people are traveling again, fuel prices are rising again. Get real and get smart.
fuel prices did NOT depend on the Saudis during the Trump admin. We were energy independent under Trump. Get real, and get smart yourself.
Fuel prices did indeed depend on the Saudis. All you have to do is read and you will
discover that gas prices are reflected in Middle East oil production. That has not changed. See? You have just learned something.

Here's why gas prices keep going up — and how high they're ... › now › why-gasoline-prices-rising-hi...

Feb 25, 2021 — Here's why gas prices keep going up — and how high they're likely to rise · 1. Crude oil prices are surging · 2. Harsh winter has been tough on ...

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