Don't monkey up the election!

Holy shit, you can't make this up:

DeSantis warns Floridians not to "monkey this up"

DeSantis' opponent:

DeSant is simply an honest guy who calls a spade a spade.
Funny Chit. I guess you think you are being clever? I have news, you are just another ignorant racist fuck.

bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaa now don't go and get your panties in a wad lil boyo. hehheh

Racism is funny to ignorant people.

What is rather funny but actually more stupid is how leftwingers always want to play the race card....especially when they have no other card to play. Pathetic.
This thread is about race baiting. It is the topic. We both choose to post in this thread.

So, your little lefty games, where you try to make me the topic to avoid discussing your vile positions on the issues?

Save them for someone who can't see through your shit.

"His lefty opponent's agenda", is an obvious reference to his opponent as a PERSON with an AGENDA.

This thread is about how a Republican candidate used a racial slur when talking about his black opponent and the pathetic asswipes that defend the use of racial slurs.

This thread is about a bunch of race baiters lying about what a Republican said.

I sorry. I meant to say, VILE RACEBAITERS.
This thread is about racists defending racists. I'm sorry, I meant stupid, ignorant, uneducated, Trump lovin', raccists that protect the use of racial slurs.

Ridiculous.....'monkey up' was in the dictionary long before DeSantis used it....never had a racial connotation before....yet with todays politics of playing the race card anytime and everytime if you have nothing else to play is getting very tiresome for most as the democrats can rarely have a conversation about politics without accusing someone of being a waycist, a bigot or a misogynist. hehheh

Nice try. Referring to black people as monkeys is racist. Referring what they do to monkeying up is racist. Defending the use of racial slurs is racist.

If you had read what DeSantis actually said you should know(unless you have a i.q. lower than a monkey) that he was not referring to any people or person as a monkey....he was talking about socialism and how Floridians should not monkey up the election by going socialistic at the polls.

DeSantis’ office dismissed claims that his remarks had a racial dimension as “absurd.”

“Ron DeSantis was obviously talking about Florida not making the wrong decision to embrace the socialist policies that Andrew Gillum espouses,” spokesman Stephen Lawson said in a statement. “To characterize it as anything else is absurd.”

“Florida’s economy has been on the move for the last eight years and the last thing we need is a far-left Democrat trying to stop our success,” the statement said.

Here again the actual statement by Desantis: "“Let’s build off the success we’ve had under Gov. Scott. The last thing we need to do is to monkey this up by trying to embrace a socialist agenda with huge tax increases, and bankrupting the state,” DeSantis told Fox. “That’s not going to work.

Anyone who has even a 4th grade reading level should be able to discern he is talking about socialism...not the African-American in a personal sense.
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Simply because you do not get it. Not even to mention you refuse to give your analysis of what Desantis actually said. You want to muddy the waters by talking about irrelevant stuff and what others have said. I asked you plain and simple....give this board your analysis of what Desantis actually said. You refused.

That is very telling.

I started giving my analysis back in post 11, Creamcheese. That's 880 posts ago. The fact that you're oblivious to it is what's "telling" here.
800 posts ago? And you're acting like something in wrong with him for not catching it? LOL!!
Does it not give you pause that you don't WANT to give your analysis?

It ain't my job to go cut and paste dozens of readily-available posts from several days ago --- days when that klown was already HERE. It *IS* however his job to back up his bullshit claim that I haven't done it.

So in other words, fuck him. I'm not here to enable somebody's "letta's play stupid" game. That's toddler shit. I don't "owe" him squatterooni, let him get off his ass and go find them.

Like you are unable to repeat your opinion on what he actually said, except by cutting and!!You are playing evasive and silly games.You lose.

Actually I just did it, yet again, without a cut/paste at all. I did that because there was a new poster afoot and he wasn't playing little child's games.

You get out what you put in.

So you say. Yet, you don't actually say what it is.

Regardless, it is obvious, for anyone who reads the entire sentence, it was a reference to the socialist agenda of his opponent's.

ONly liberals could look at that, and see race.
Dude. Seriously. You are just embarrassing yourself now.

Not an answer to either, is it.

This thread is about race baiting. It is the topic. We both choose to post in this thread.

So, your little lefty games, where you try to make me the topic to avoid discussing your vile positions on the issues?

Save them for someone who can't see through your shit.

"His lefty opponent's agenda", is an obvious reference to his opponent as a PERSON with an AGENDA.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand now we're back to the person again. The original answer and the correct one.

Countdown to full 180 in four.... three... two....

What point, do you think you are making?

In that case ---- your continuous waffling. I lost count of how many times you contradicted yourself on the same point just to avoid admitting you had it right. You must work at Waffle House.

Wtf are you raving about? Seriously. He was referring to his opponent, in the context of his socialist agenda.

You are searching for something that is not there.
What we see in regards to this thread is something akin to a Rorsach test fpr the liberals....wherin ink blots are shown to the subject taking the test and asked what he sees. Thus revealing his inner thoughts and mental disorders.

The term 'monkey' is like a ink blot and the liberals obviously see something that is not there...aka waycism.

Similar to how a child looks at a cloud and sees an ice cream cone.

Medical diagnostics

Above is an ink blot.....would any liberal care to say what they see? hehheh
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Yes, racists do use monkey as a derogatory term for black people, it’s not debatable. That doesn’t mean DeSantis was referring to Gillum as a monkey.

He, contextually, was talking about the election in regards to electing a socialist. You have to make assumptions, without relevant evidence, in order to accuse him of being a racist.

Correct. None of us can know what he meant. Only DeSantis knows that.

But he did go out of his way to invent the term and appeared to do so deliberately. Whether that means he's "a racist" himself, whether it means he's simply alerting his potential base to appeal for the racist vote, or whether he just wanted attention with a plausible deniability, only he knows and he doesn't have to tell us. But it's at least one of those three. And none of those motivations look good.

Bullshite...........most understand what 'monkey up' means aka....screw up, fuck up etc. As has been pointed out the phrase 'monkey up' was in the dictionaries long before DeSantis used it. I mean who in their lives have never used such a is just a colorful way of saying don't screw up, don't fuck up.

Thus DeSantis did not make up the term as you claim. Are you ever right about anything? Why must I always have to correct you?

Desantis: “The last thing we need to do is to monkey this up by trying to embrace a socialist agenda with huge tax increases and bankrupting the state.”
Not an answer to either, is it.

This thread is about race baiting. It is the topic. We both choose to post in this thread.

So, your little lefty games, where you try to make me the topic to avoid discussing your vile positions on the issues?

Save them for someone who can't see through your shit.

"His lefty opponent's agenda", is an obvious reference to his opponent as a PERSON with an AGENDA.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand now we're back to the person again. The original answer and the correct one.

Countdown to full 180 in four.... three... two....

What point, do you think you are making?

In that case ---- your continuous waffling. I lost count of how many times you contradicted yourself on the same point just to avoid admitting you had it right. You must work at Waffle House.

Wtf are you raving about? Seriously. He was referring to his opponent, in the context of his socialist agenda.

You are searching for something that is not there.

Yes....he was referring to how opting to voting democratic would be a fuck up because of their socialistic agenda...not because of the color of their candidate....color or race had absolutelly nothing to do with it. It was all about what a disaster socialism in Florida would be.

After all that has been said I think most now get it ...even if they did not before....the few hardheads simply will not admit the truth or they are so burdened by their agenda they cannot see the truth of the matter.

What 10 yr. old child could not tell you exactly what the following says?

DeSantis....“The last thing we need to do is to monkey this up by trying to embrace a socialist agenda with huge tax increases and bankrupting the state.”

Yet Pogo seems unable to...he refers us back some 800 posts ago hehheh. He specifically mentioned post # 11 where he claims to have given his understanding of the DeSantis statement.

Suprise, Suprise...I checked post # ll it is not there. So he is either mixed up or lying or some combination thereof.

I posted post number 11 earlier....I challenge Pogo to post it now for all to see.
And no one would since "monkey around" is a common phrase we probably all heard as kids from our parents and/or teachers. It was directly in the lyrics of the Monkees theme song fifty years ago. It's a known phrase. "Monkey up" is not "monkey around".

Again you're trying to equate two disparate and very different expressions based solely on the fact that they contain one common word. Language just doesn't work like that; never did, never will.

And finally I have no political party. Nor does racism. Sooner or later you've gotta grow up and mature past that all-is-dichotomy childish bullshit.

why didn't you say any of that when Bush was called "chimp"? answer: because you are a hypocrite.
Nope. Bush is white. The slur is he use of terms like chimp, monkey , gorilla etc in reference to black people.

Oh, now I see. Its ok to call a white person a monkey, chimp, or ape, but if you do it to a black guy its racist. Do you even understand how stupid that is?

The reality is one cannot discuss reality regarding African-Americans, all that is permissable without being called a waycist is to praise them to high heaven.

Anyhow....this controversy would not exist if people had good reading abilities....if you read the Desantis statement it is plain to see he is referring to socialism in general not to his opponent in particular.

What Desantis actually said......"“The last thing we need to do is to monkey this up by trying to embrace a socialist agenda with huge tax increases and bankrupting the state.”

Now contrast that with how the fake news has twisted and spun the statement.....thus very few even know what Desantis actually said.

Nobody disputes what he said. It's on video. But you're jumping through way too many hoops to pretend he wasn't talking about his opponent directly. It's what the entire interview was ABOUT.

exactly would they "monkey this up" with a "socialist agenda"? WHOSE " socialist agenda"? Does it, I dunno, just suddenly start raining agendas in Florida out of nowhere? Do agendas just suddenly form like a big bang with no creator? And how would the voters of the state "do" that or any other agenda if not via election?
Only idiots think he was talking about his opponent directly.
why didn't you say any of that when Bush was called "chimp"? answer: because you are a hypocrite.
Nope. Bush is white. The slur is he use of terms like chimp, monkey , gorilla etc in reference to black people.

Oh, now I see. Its ok to call a white person a monkey, chimp, or ape, but if you do it to a black guy its racist. Do you even understand how stupid that is?

The reality is one cannot discuss reality regarding African-Americans, all that is permissable without being called a waycist is to praise them to high heaven.

Anyhow....this controversy would not exist if people had good reading abilities....if you read the Desantis statement it is plain to see he is referring to socialism in general not to his opponent in particular.

What Desantis actually said......"“The last thing we need to do is to monkey this up by trying to embrace a socialist agenda with huge tax increases and bankrupting the state.”

Now contrast that with how the fake news has twisted and spun the statement.....thus very few even know what Desantis actually said.

Nobody disputes what he said. It's on video. But you're jumping through way too many hoops to pretend he wasn't talking about his opponent directly. It's what the entire interview was ABOUT.

exactly would they "monkey this up" with a "socialist agenda"? WHOSE " socialist agenda"? Does it, I dunno, just suddenly start raining agendas in Florida out of nowhere? Do agendas just suddenly form like a big bang with no creator? And how would the voters of the state "do" that or any other agenda if not via election?
Only idiots think he was talking about his opponent directly.

Yep.....he was merely pointing out in a indirect manner that his opponent was a proponent of socialism....the last thing Florida needs. Had nothing to do with the Tallahassee Mayor's suntan who BTW is under investigation by the FBI for corruption.

I have a question for Liberals since they are such experts on race, racism and all dat b.s. Why is it Negroes can use the infamous n woid but white folk are not allowed to do so?

There was a case down here in Florida...not that long ago of a black bus driver threatening scaring to death a young 10 yr. old boy for using the n woid. The boy had some black friends and they used the n woid all the time so to be 'cool' when he was around them he used it too....him and his black friends got on the schoolbus but when the black Bus Driver heard the white kid use the n-woid he went ballistic.
Holy shit, you can't make this up:

DeSantis warns Floridians not to "monkey this up"

DeSantis' opponent:

DeSant is simply an honest guy who calls a spade a spade.
Funny Chit. I guess you think you are being clever? I have news, you are just another ignorant racist fuck.

bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaa now don't go and get your panties in a wad lil boyo. hehheh

Racism is funny to ignorant people.

Dont go ape on us now.
Holy shit, you can't make this up:

DeSantis warns Floridians not to "monkey this up"

DeSantis' opponent:

DeSant is simply an honest guy who calls a spade a spade.
Funny Chit. I guess you think you are being clever? I have news, you are just another ignorant racist fuck.

bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaa now don't go and get your panties in a wad lil boyo. hehheh

Racism is funny to ignorant people.

This guy is always so quick to attack but he is quite niggardly with his praise.
Holy shit, you can't make this up:

DeSantis warns Floridians not to "monkey this up"

DeSantis' opponent:

DeSant is simply an honest guy who calls a spade a spade.
Funny Chit. I guess you think you are being clever? I have news, you are just another ignorant racist fuck.

bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaa now don't go and get your panties in a wad lil boyo. hehheh

Racism is funny to ignorant people.

This guy is always so quick to attack but he is quite niggardly with his praise.

Regardless, it is obvious, for anyone who reads the entire sentence, it was a reference to the socialist agenda of his opponent's.

Wtf are you raving about? Seriously. He was referring to his opponent, in the context of his socialist agenda.

Fascinating. While I was away you've made two consecutive posts that instantly contradict each other, with no intervention from me or anyone else.

The all-night pretzel factory.
Nobody is defending racial slurs, because there are none.

You only want it to be a racial slur, because you got nothing else but "race card".

Using the term "monkey" in reference to black people is a racial slur.

Maybe if your racism was not so deeply inbred into your being, you would know this.

He didn't use it in reference to blacks.

Read the quote: “...we have to work hard to make sure we continue Florida going in a good direction. Let’s build off the success of Governor [Rick] Scott. The last thing we need to do is to monkey this up by trying to embrace a socialist agenda with huge tax increases and bankrupting the state. That is not going to work. That’s not going to be good for Florida."

He was talking to Floridians in reference to socialism. I believe he would use the same term if opponent is white socialist. Because people tend to monkey up the elections.

You're flopping around like a halibut on a boat deck. Just relax, there'll be peace at the fish-n-chips stand. ;-)

The flopping is in your head, since I've been firmly consistent on the subject.

What you have is a Troxler effect, where your twisted mind is creating an optical illusion by focusing too intently on a fixed point. Monsters, monsters everywhere.

Educate yourself

I see...

You looking for education in opinions. Sorry, I still base mine on facts.
Dude. Seriously. You are just embarrassing yourself now.

Not an answer to either, is it.

This thread is about race baiting. It is the topic. We both choose to post in this thread.

So, your little lefty games, where you try to make me the topic to avoid discussing your vile positions on the issues?

Save them for someone who can't see through your shit.

"His lefty opponent's agenda", is an obvious reference to his opponent as a PERSON with an AGENDA.

This thread is about how a Republican candidate used a racial slur when talking about his black opponent and the pathetic asswipes that defend the use of racial slurs.

This thread is about a bunch of race baiters lying about what a Republican said.

I sorry. I meant to say, VILE RACEBAITERS.
This thread is about racists defending racists. I'm sorry, I meant stupid, ignorant, uneducated, Trump lovin', raccists that protect the use of racial slurs.

The thread is actually about leftists lying to label someone as racists.
Yep.....he was merely pointing out in a indirect manner...

"Indirect manner" is right. No shit. That's exactly what he was doing.

And after he came back to clarify himself Fox News aired the disclaimer that they don't condone that sort of language.
What we see in regards to this thread is something akin to a Rorsach test fpr the liberals....wherin ink blots are shown to the subject taking the test and asked what he sees. Thus revealing his inner thoughts and mental disorders.

The term 'monkey' is like a ink blot and the liberals obviously see something that is not there...aka waycism.

Similar to how a child looks at a cloud and sees an ice cream cone.

Medical diagnostics

Above is an ink blot.....would any liberal care to say what they see? hehheh
Its a Demon-cwat, it's a Demon-cwat.... lol
What we see in regards to this thread is something akin to a Rorsach test fpr the liberals....wherin ink blots are shown to the subject taking the test and asked what he sees. Thus revealing his inner thoughts and mental disorders.

The term 'monkey' is like a ink blot and the liberals obviously see something that is not there...aka waycism.

Similar to how a child looks at a cloud and sees an ice cream cone.

Medical diagnostics

Above is an ink blot.....would any liberal care to say what they see? hehheh
Its a Demon-cwat, it's a Demon-cwat.... lol

Well, one must consider it is a black blot that could mean racism. I mean why not use a green dot or a yellow dot why black? Certainly suspicious...some waycist problably wanted to portray a evil satannic black personna.
Yep.....he was merely pointing out in a indirect manner...

"Indirect manner" is right. No shit. That's exactly what he was doing.

And after he came back to clarify himself Fox News aired the disclaimer that they don't condone that sort of language.

What he clarified was how the news outlets had twisted and spun what he said...they were trying to claim like you ....that he was referring to the Negro candidate as a monkey...ridiculous. being such a deep thinker had to parrot the fake news outlets. You need to learn to think for yourself and stop letting fake news control your thoughts.

The news is all about the ratings...they live or die by their ratings....the problem with that is the truth gets lost in their mad rush for higher ratings and they know controversial topics boost their ratings....follow the money boyo.

FL Gov Race: Monkey Business Tangles DeSantis Early, But Media, Democrats Are Overreacting (Again)
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