Don't Ignore Ben Carson's Rant About Gun Control and the Holocaust

He is an insect and typical of rightiwng white Christian , a shame that these "people" were allowed to hi jack the republican party
The party that freed the slaves, as opposed to your party that fought to keep slavery legal and shot black republicans on the floor of congress. Slandering little coward.
So why do republicans fly the flag of slavery and glorify the confederacy these days? And why do all those former confederate states vote overwhelmingly republican now?
Slavery was legal under the United States flag until the Emancipation Proclamation.
Actually until the 13th amendment dummy.

So why do modern republicans fly the confederate flag? Why do they defend the confederacy? How do you explain the huge number of elected Democrat African-Americans in office at the national and state level? How do you explain the glaring lack of elected republican African-Americans at the national and state level?

Could it be racist Democrats who vote for blacks just because of skin color? both ways.

I doubt many GOP voters care about the confederate flag. That's not what they support. The RIGHT to fly it...however...they do. red as they come...has an Indian female GOP governor and a black GOP US Senator. Suck it racist.
Your state South Carolina has an overwhelmingly white and republican state government dumbass. And your senator who was just elected is the first black republican Senator from the South in a million years. Nice try Tank 2.
None of them were random acts of mass murder. Which makes it very different. And you specifically targeted black people, for no other reason than to demean and insult them. You are exactly the same as steve_mcgarrett.

How do you know they werent? You assume because they were blacks that it was an intended target? You fuckin racist.

What difference does it make when kids get shot on campus? Shouldn't the result still be outrage?
There was outrage at all of them. The Oregon shooter, that inspired your racist thread, was black and the left showed as much outrage as any other random mass murderer. You then took the opportunity to scour the internet for stories about black people for the sake of insulting them. Maybe I'll call you Tank 2 from now on.

Where was the outrage?
Where was Obama's speech....on any of the dozens that happened at HBCUS under his watch?
Where were the lib threads demanding black gun nuts be reigned in?

Where? Right over the outrage over Chicago's weekly dozen or so blacks murdered.
So you want us to treat mass murder the same as any other type of murder?

Guess what dumbass, every time a liberal demands gun control it's also for the sake of reducing all shootings, including in Chicago and black shootings.

Did you know that Chicago is not in the top 100 cities for murder rate in the U.S.? Of course not. Did you know that you only obsess over Chicago because Obama is from Chicago, and right wing media shovels that shit down your throat in order to hurt Obama?

Hey Bucs you asshole, why don't you make threads about every crime that happens outside of Chicago? Those don't deserve outrage?

Are all lives of equal worth?

And yes...I know that about Chicago. Chicago is a HUGE city. Funny....90% of those massive numbers of murders....only happen in a tiny portion of that massive city (hence the smaller murder rate)
Did you know that over 99.9% of black people in Chicago have not murdered anyone you ignorant racist fuck?
He is an insect and typical of rightiwng white Christian , a shame that these "people" were allowed to hi jack the republican party
The party that freed the slaves, as opposed to your party that fought to keep slavery legal and shot black republicans on the floor of congress. Slandering little coward.
So why do republicans fly the flag of slavery and glorify the confederacy these days? And why do all those former confederate states vote overwhelmingly republican now?
Slavery was legal under the United States flag until the Emancipation Proclamation.
Actually until the 13th amendment dummy.

So why do modern republicans fly the confederate flag? Why do they defend the confederacy? How do you explain the huge number of elected Democrat African-Americans in office at the national and state level? How do you explain the glaring lack of elected republican African-Americans at the national and state level?
The democrats have abused and neglected blacks long enough. Dr. Carson scares the crap out of you filthy corrupt liars. That's why you're trying to destroy his character. Your losing.
Good job dodging every single question. Remember this, Carson won't finish in the top 3 for the nomination. Of all the republican candidates, he's the one I want to win most, because I know the GOP base will stay home in 2016.
The democrats are desperate. Obama hasn't done one thing to improve the lives of the plantation slaves. Dr. Carson gives hope and inspiration. He's dangerous.
The party that freed the slaves, as opposed to your party that fought to keep slavery legal and shot black republicans on the floor of congress. Slandering little coward.
So why do republicans fly the flag of slavery and glorify the confederacy these days? And why do all those former confederate states vote overwhelmingly republican now?
Slavery was legal under the United States flag until the Emancipation Proclamation.
Actually until the 13th amendment dummy.

So why do modern republicans fly the confederate flag? Why do they defend the confederacy? How do you explain the huge number of elected Democrat African-Americans in office at the national and state level? How do you explain the glaring lack of elected republican African-Americans at the national and state level?
The democrats have abused and neglected blacks long enough. Dr. Carson scares the crap out of you filthy corrupt liars. That's why you're trying to destroy his character. Your losing.
Good job dodging every single question. Remember this, Carson won't finish in the top 3 for the nomination. Of all the republican candidates, he's the one I want to win most, because I know the GOP base will stay home in 2016.
The republican base would vote for Dr Carson. He's a conservative and so is the base.
Just because something wrong was legal doesn't mean everything legal was wrong. Slavery is irrelevant. What's wrong with confederacy? Don't just think of it as pro-slavery but as the people standing up for themselves. It is a part of their history. They have a right to feel attached to it. For the sense of fighting for something even if it costs them their lives. Not for slavery itself. Separate slavery from what kind of life they pursued. Also, I thought slavery was not the only reason for that American war.
So why do republicans fly the flag of slavery and glorify the confederacy these days? And why do all those former confederate states vote overwhelmingly republican now?
Slavery was legal under the United States flag until the Emancipation Proclamation.
Actually until the 13th amendment dummy.

So why do modern republicans fly the confederate flag? Why do they defend the confederacy? How do you explain the huge number of elected Democrat African-Americans in office at the national and state level? How do you explain the glaring lack of elected republican African-Americans at the national and state level?
The democrats have abused and neglected blacks long enough. Dr. Carson scares the crap out of you filthy corrupt liars. That's why you're trying to destroy his character. Your losing.
Good job dodging every single question. Remember this, Carson won't finish in the top 3 for the nomination. Of all the republican candidates, he's the one I want to win most, because I know the GOP base will stay home in 2016.
The republican base would vote for Dr Carson. He's a conservative and so is the base.
Remember, not even top 3.
You know, Carson is actually very well educated, but, of course, knows nothing about running the government. Kind of reminds me of someone else. A guy who was a nuclear engineer and successful peanut farmer.
The party that freed the slaves, as opposed to your party that fought to keep slavery legal and shot black republicans on the floor of congress. Slandering little coward.
So why do republicans fly the flag of slavery and glorify the confederacy these days? And why do all those former confederate states vote overwhelmingly republican now?
Slavery was legal under the United States flag until the Emancipation Proclamation.
Actually until the 13th amendment dummy.

So why do modern republicans fly the confederate flag? Why do they defend the confederacy? How do you explain the huge number of elected Democrat African-Americans in office at the national and state level? How do you explain the glaring lack of elected republican African-Americans at the national and state level?

Could it be racist Democrats who vote for blacks just because of skin color? both ways.

I doubt many GOP voters care about the confederate flag. That's not what they support. The RIGHT to fly it...however...they do. red as they come...has an Indian female GOP governor and a black GOP US Senator. Suck it racist.
Your state South Carolina has an overwhelmingly white and republican state government dumbass. And your senator who was just elected is the first black republican Senator from the South in a million years. Nice try Tank 2.

So? What does skin color even matter?
It was a dumb thread that was nothing more than an excuse for you to bash black people. Pretty typical of your posts these days. You're right there with Steve_McGarrett and Tank now.

He is an insect and typical of rightiwng white Christian , a shame that these "people" were allowed to hi jack the republican party
The party that freed the slaves, as opposed to your party that fought to keep slavery legal and shot black republicans on the floor of congress. Slandering little coward.
So why do republicans fly the flag of slavery and glorify the confederacy these days? And why do all those former confederate states vote overwhelmingly republican now?
Slavery was legal under the United States flag until the Emancipation Proclamation.
Actually until the 13th amendment dummy.

So why do modern republicans fly the confederate flag? Why do they defend the confederacy? How do you explain the huge number of elected Democrat African-Americans in office at the national and state level? How do you explain the glaring lack of elected republican African-Americans at the national and state level?
They were defending the Confederate flag, flying at the confederate memorial. The memorial is still there. Why are you afraid of a piece of cloth?
Carson’s exact argument has been made by morons as disparate as Matt Drudge, Ted Nugent, Fox News commentator Andrew Napolitano, racist ex-ballplayer John Rocker (now a favorite on the Tea Party circuit), current NRA President David Keene and former NRA President Wayne LaPierre.

Carson is one of the more prominent people to have openly made this argument, but to gun nuts (and feral rightwing goyim), it’s as familiar as the muzzle velocity of an AK-47.
^ that
So why do republicans fly the flag of slavery and glorify the confederacy these days? And why do all those former confederate states vote overwhelmingly republican now?
Slavery was legal under the United States flag until the Emancipation Proclamation.
Actually until the 13th amendment dummy.

So why do modern republicans fly the confederate flag? Why do they defend the confederacy? How do you explain the huge number of elected Democrat African-Americans in office at the national and state level? How do you explain the glaring lack of elected republican African-Americans at the national and state level?

Could it be racist Democrats who vote for blacks just because of skin color? both ways.

I doubt many GOP voters care about the confederate flag. That's not what they support. The RIGHT to fly it...however...they do. red as they come...has an Indian female GOP governor and a black GOP US Senator. Suck it racist.
Your state South Carolina has an overwhelmingly white and republican state government dumbass. And your senator who was just elected is the first black republican Senator from the South in a million years. Nice try Tank 2.

So? What does skin color even matter?
Lol wow it takes some serious gall to ask that after the things you have posted on this site.

Why does skin color matter? I don't know, you're the one always bringing it up.
You avoided that thread like the plague. deals with a huge number of college shootings....which has been a topic of interest to you. Sort of. When white kids get preach on it. When it's a black college? You're silent.

Hey Guno....#BlackLivesMatter.
It was a dumb thread that was nothing more than an excuse for you to bash black people. Pretty typical of your posts these days. You're right there with Steve_McGarrett and Tank now.

In other morons hate that your hypocrisy was pointed out, and you have no comment on why EVERY single black college has experienced an on campus shooting in the last few years? Most of them have had multiple incidents. Oh.....but that's different.....right?
None of them were random acts of mass murder. Which makes it very different. And you specifically targeted black people, for no other reason than to demean and insult them. You are exactly the same as steve_mcgarrett.

How do you know they werent? You assume because they were blacks that it was an intended target? You fuckin racist.

What difference does it make when kids get shot on campus? Shouldn't the result still be outrage?
There was outrage at all of them. The Oregon shooter, that inspired your racist thread, was black and the left showed as much outrage as any other random mass murderer. You then took the opportunity to scour the internet for stories about black people for the sake of insulting them. Maybe I'll call you Tank 2 from now on.
exactly bucs90 is regressing to his mouth-breathing ways that were on display when I arrived on this forum.
You know, Carson is actually very well educated, but, of course, knows nothing about running the government. Kind of reminds me of someone else. A guy who was a nuclear engineer and successful peanut farmer.
Yet he denies evolution, disqualifying him from being an option to reasonable Americans.
If obama is a christian he doesn't believe in evolution, but you worship him. Can I say hypocrite?
Ooo, ooo, let's talk about how stupid a world renowned brain surgeon is and a flag instead of real issues that matter like high oppressive taxes and lack of good jobs. Asshole democrats.
He is an insect and typical of rightiwng white Christian , a shame that these "people" were allowed to hi jack the republican party
The party that freed the slaves, as opposed to your party that fought to keep slavery legal and shot black republicans on the floor of congress. Slandering little coward.
So why do republicans fly the flag of slavery and glorify the confederacy these days? And why do all those former confederate states vote overwhelmingly republican now?
Slavery was legal under the United States flag until the Emancipation Proclamation.
Actually until the 13th amendment dummy.

So why do modern republicans fly the confederate flag? Why do they defend the confederacy? How do you explain the huge number of elected Democrat African-Americans in office at the national and state level? How do you explain the glaring lack of elected republican African-Americans at the national and state level?
They were defending the Confederate flag, flying at the confederate memorial. The memorial is still there. Why are you afraid of a piece of cloth?
They glorify the confederate rag in a multitude of ways, not just at one memorial dummy.

Afraid? No, the confederate rag is just a piece of cloth, you're right. It's when republicans fly it in the name of hostility towards fellow Americans that I get disgusted. And really, that's the only way to fly the confederate rag.
You know, Carson is actually very well educated, but, of course, knows nothing about running the government. Kind of reminds me of someone else. A guy who was a nuclear engineer and successful peanut farmer.
Yet he denies evolution, disqualifying him from being an option to reasonable Americans.
If obama is a christian he doesn't believe in evolution, but you worship him. Can I say hypocrite?
^ Dumbest post of the day
The party that freed the slaves, as opposed to your party that fought to keep slavery legal and shot black republicans on the floor of congress. Slandering little coward.
So why do republicans fly the flag of slavery and glorify the confederacy these days? And why do all those former confederate states vote overwhelmingly republican now?
Slavery was legal under the United States flag until the Emancipation Proclamation.
Actually until the 13th amendment dummy.

So why do modern republicans fly the confederate flag? Why do they defend the confederacy? How do you explain the huge number of elected Democrat African-Americans in office at the national and state level? How do you explain the glaring lack of elected republican African-Americans at the national and state level?
They were defending the Confederate flag, flying at the confederate memorial. The memorial is still there. Why are you afraid of a piece of cloth?
They glorify the confederate rag in a multitude of ways, not just at one memorial dummy.

Afraid? No, the confederate rag is just a piece of cloth, you're right. It's when republicans fly it in the name of hostility towards fellow Americans that I get disgusted. And really, that's the only way to fly the confederate rag.
You sound like you're confederophobic. Are you feeling some republicans are treating you in a hostile manner?

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