Don't forget that when a real dictator comes around in 15 years no one will believe the media about it because of their calling wolf on Pres. Trump.

Don't forget that when a real dictator comes around in 15 years no one will believe the media about it because of their calling wolf on Pres. Trump.
America has never had a dictator.
Stop drinking.
why is America now ripe for dictatorship in "15" years? Who's fault is that?

Former CEO of Twitter
Don't forget that when a real dictator comes around in 15 years no one will believe the media about it because of their calling wolf on Pres. Trump.
This is how all republics end. The push for ever greater "democracy" always reduces society and politics to its lowest common denominator, after which a "strong man" takes control by promising to restore order. This requires one-party rule, which is the dream of all leftists.
“Man’s capacity for justice makes democracy possible, but man’s inclination to injustice makes democracy necessary.” - Reinhold Niebuhr

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