Don't Blame Obozo


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
He merely reflects the idiocy of the American voter. We have become a nation of self-centered, lazy bums who think they are owed a living by someone else. Just wait until we require everyone (dead or alive) to vote. Then we can elect characters from our favorite TV shows. Most Americans can't differentiate that from Shinola.
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Sadly what you say is true. Or we would have never had someone like Obama elected in the first place
He merely reflects the idiocy of the American voter. We have become a nation of self-centered, lazy bums who think they are owed a living by someone else. Just wait until we require everyone (dead or alive) to vote. Then we can elect characters from our favorite TV shows. Most Americans can't differentiate it from Shinola.
I've never blamed Obama, I've always blamed the voters. And, the voters have no one to blame except themselves.
He merely reflects the idiocy of the American voter. We have become a nation of self-centered, lazy bums who think they are owed a living by someone else. Just wait until we require everyone (dead or alive) to vote. Then we can elect characters from our favorite TV shows. Most Americans can't differentiate it from Shinola.
I've never blamed Obama, I've always blamed the voters. And, the voters have no one to blame except themselves.

except the thing you both are not mentioning is that we dont elect these people and put them in office. the establishment puts these people in office.whoever they want in,they make sure he is elected through rigged elections. Thats something you already knew though so Im surprised you posted that myth that the voters elected him.

Steph here always ignores facts on how Reagan ran the most corrupt administration ever of any president at that time and denys that reality so I would expect her to believe the american people put him in

you should know better though Bub.;)
He merely reflects the idiocy of the American voter. We have become a nation of self-centered, lazy bums who think they are owed a living by someone else. Just wait until we require everyone (dead or alive) to vote. Then we can elect characters from our favorite TV shows. Most Americans can't differentiate it from Shinola.
I've never blamed Obama, I've always blamed the voters. And, the voters have no one to blame except themselves.

except the thing you both are not mentioning is that we dont elect these people and put them in office. the establishment puts these people in office.whoever they want in,they make sure he is elected through rigged elections. Thats something you already knew though so Im surprised you posted that myth that the voters elected him.

Steph here always ignores facts on how Reagan ran the most corrupt administration ever of any president at that time and denys that reality so I would expect her to believe the american people put him in

you should know better though Bub.;)
FYI - No one holds a gun to the head of voters, and makes them vote for professional politicians. Voters do that on their own, willingly. Yes, the wealthy, the powerful, and the influential place the names on the ballots, very true. But, voters do have the right to write-in a candidate of their choice, as I do every election. No one forces me to aid and abet the damn egotistical self-serving crooks. Voters are directly responsible for putting every elected official into office. They do have a choice not to play the game where the results is already determined. They have the right to write-in a candidate of their choice. But, they choose to play the game, and then complain for the next four years. Professional politicians don't just waltz into Washington and take a seat, the voters put them there.
He merely reflects the idiocy of the American voter. We have become a nation of self-centered, lazy bums who think they are owed a living by someone else.

Please... speak for yourself.

I never voted for the kenyan, and I'm not the person who Gruber referred to as stupid. DEM VOTERS are.
He merely reflects the idiocy of the American voter. We have become a nation of self-centered, lazy bums who think they are owed a living by someone else. Just wait until we require everyone (dead or alive) to vote. Then we can elect characters from our favorite TV shows. Most Americans can't differentiate that from Shinola.

THAT ^^^^^^^^^ is Obama's fault too.
He merely reflects the idiocy of the American voter. We have become a nation of self-centered, lazy bums who think they are owed a living by someone else. Just wait until we require everyone (dead or alive) to vote. Then we can elect characters from our favorite TV shows. Most Americans can't differentiate that from Shinola.

So who did you vote for? And why?
Reagan ran the most corrupt administration ever of any president at that time and denys that reality so I would expect her to believe the american people put him in

Interesting how you qualify your absurd Perhaps you have glimpsed Clinton and Obama through your foggy lens?
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He merely reflects the idiocy of the American voter. We have become a nation of self-centered, lazy bums who think they are owed a living by someone else. Just wait until we require everyone (dead or alive) to vote. Then we can elect characters from our favorite TV shows. Most Americans can't differentiate that from Shinola.

So who did you vote for? And why?

I voted for Romney on the basis of personal character and integrity. How about you?
after 7 years of constant, irrelevant blame thrown at Obama, isn't it a little NUTS not to blame him for everything under the sun AND the sun too?
He merely reflects the idiocy of the American voter. We have become a nation of self-centered, lazy bums who think they are owed a living by someone else. Just wait until we require everyone (dead or alive) to vote. Then we can elect characters from our favorite TV shows. Most Americans can't differentiate that from Shinola.

So who did you vote for? And why?

I voted for Romney on the basis of personal character and integrity. How about you?

I voted for Obama twice because his opponents were pushing policies I didn't agree with.
after 7 years of constant, irrelevant blame thrown at Obama, isn't it a little NUTS not to blame him for everything under the sun AND the sun too?

After 7 years of constant, irrelevant blame thrown at Bush, aren't YOU a little nuts?
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He merely reflects the idiocy of the American voter. We have become a nation of self-centered, lazy bums who think they are owed a living by someone else. Just wait until we require everyone (dead or alive) to vote. Then we can elect characters from our favorite TV shows. Most Americans can't differentiate it from Shinola.
I've never blamed Obama, I've always blamed the voters. And, the voters have no one to blame except themselves.

except the thing you both are not mentioning is that we dont elect these people and put them in office. the establishment puts these people in office.whoever they want in,they make sure he is elected through rigged elections. Thats something you already knew though so Im surprised you posted that myth that the voters elected him.

Steph here always ignores facts on how Reagan ran the most corrupt administration ever of any president at that time and denys that reality so I would expect her to believe the american people put him in

you should know better though Bub.;)
FYI - No one holds a gun to the head of voters, and makes them vote for professional politicians. Voters do that on their own, willingly. Yes, the wealthy, the powerful, and the influential place the names on the ballots, very true. But, voters do have the right to write-in a candidate of their choice, as I do every election. No one forces me to aid and abet the damn egotistical self-serving crooks. Voters are directly responsible for putting every elected official into office. They do have a choice not to play the game where the results is already determined. They have the right to write-in a candidate of their choice. But, they choose to play the game, and then complain for the next four years. Professional politicians don't just waltz into Washington and take a seat, the voters put them there.

Yeah I do the same thing you do as well and vote in a write in candidate but thats what I am saying.It does no good whatsoever.If elections were not rigged and we actually had honest elections,Ron Paul would be president now but the establishment sabotogoged him wheter people around here want to believe it or not.they changed the rules at the last minute at the primarys to make sure he did not get the republican nomination.

there is not a single difference between obozo and mittens.they are one in the same,they did not care if either of those clowns got elected as long as one of them did because they are part of the establishment.Paul was the only one running who wasnt.

the only way we can be a free country again instead of this facist dictatership we live in is for the american people to get off their lazy asses and fight to take our country back from these criminals in washington. thats how we became a free country in the first place.

there is a better chance of me becoming president first before that happens though sadly.the sheep are so brainwashed and stupid here in america and so much in denial.
after 7 years of constant, irrelevant blame thrown at Obama, isn't it a little NUTS not to blame him for everything under the sun AND the sun too?

After 7 years of constant, irrelevant blame thrown at Bush, aren't you a little NUTS?

just had to bring up Bush didn't you?

I did not see anybody mention the name Bush but since you did,uh he is only pointing out FACTS that Obozo is just continuing the policys that Bushwacker got started so he had a very good reason to do so.

you mentioned how it is dumb to blame everything under the sun on Obama which is true because Bush is just as guilty for the country and the world being the way it is.

as long as we have this corrupt ONE PARTY SYSTEM we have,it will remain that way as well whether people like the OP here want to believe it or not.
He merely reflects the idiocy of the American voter. We have become a nation of self-centered, lazy bums who think they are owed a living by someone else. Just wait until we require everyone (dead or alive) to vote. Then we can elect characters from our favorite TV shows. Most Americans can't differentiate it from Shinola.
I've never blamed Obama, I've always blamed the voters. And, the voters have no one to blame except themselves.

except the thing you both are not mentioning is that we dont elect these people and put them in office. the establishment puts these people in office.whoever they want in,they make sure he is elected through rigged elections. Thats something you already knew though so Im surprised you posted that myth that the voters elected him.

Steph here always ignores facts on how Reagan ran the most corrupt administration ever of any president at that time and denys that reality so I would expect her to believe the american people put him in

you should know better though Bub.;)
"The Establishment"???

Haven't heard that BS since the '60's.

Those who used it then, run the government now.
The blame first and foremost should go to any idiot that voted for the cummunity organizer.
He merely reflects the idiocy of the American voter. We have become a nation of self-centered, lazy bums who think they are owed a living by someone else. Just wait until we require everyone (dead or alive) to vote. Then we can elect characters from our favorite TV shows. Most Americans can't differentiate it from Shinola.
I've never blamed Obama, I've always blamed the voters. And, the voters have no one to blame except themselves.

except the thing you both are not mentioning is that we dont elect these people and put them in office. the establishment puts these people in office.whoever they want in,they make sure he is elected through rigged elections. Thats something you already knew though so Im surprised you posted that myth that the voters elected him.

Steph here always ignores facts on how Reagan ran the most corrupt administration ever of any president at that time and denys that reality so I would expect her to believe the american people put him in

you should know better though Bub.;)
"The Establishment"???

Haven't heard that BS since the '60's.

Those who used it then, run the government now.

Not BS at all.the establishment I am referring to is the bankers,they are the ones behind all these phony wars.

JFK was our last REAL president we had and thats because he served the people instead of the bankers,the proof in the pudding on that was the executive order he signed 5 months before his assassination where UNITED STATES NOTES were printed out instead of federal reserve notes you see on the dollar bill we have now.

for five months back then our money was backed by something.these federal reserve notes we have now are not backed by anything,they are as worthless as monopoly money.

after his assassination,LBJ immediately stopped the printing of those notes and the fed went back to their printing of the notes we have now.

No president since then has reinstated JFK's executive order which would have eliminated the fed had he lived and been reelected.The fed is the reason why the world is in the mess it is today.they are an illegal organization.true story bub.

oh and ron paul has written in his book that we need to get rid of the fed as well.that is WHY they changed the rules at the last minute at the primarys to make sure he did not get elected.

Paul is not part of the establishment that Obozo and Mittens both are.
He merely reflects the idiocy of the American voter. We have become a nation of self-centered, lazy bums who think they are owed a living by someone else. Just wait until we require everyone (dead or alive) to vote. Then we can elect characters from our favorite TV shows. Most Americans can't differentiate it from Shinola.
I've never blamed Obama, I've always blamed the voters. And, the voters have no one to blame except themselves.

except the thing you both are not mentioning is that we dont elect these people and put them in office. the establishment puts these people in office.whoever they want in,they make sure he is elected through rigged elections. Thats something you already knew though so Im surprised you posted that myth that the voters elected him.

Steph here always ignores facts on how Reagan ran the most corrupt administration ever of any president at that time and denys that reality so I would expect her to believe the american people put him in

you should know better though Bub.;)
FYI - No one holds a gun to the head of voters, and makes them vote for professional politicians. Voters do that on their own, willingly. Yes, the wealthy, the powerful, and the influential place the names on the ballots, very true. But, voters do have the right to write-in a candidate of their choice, as I do every election. No one forces me to aid and abet the damn egotistical self-serving crooks. Voters are directly responsible for putting every elected official into office. They do have a choice not to play the game where the results is already determined. They have the right to write-in a candidate of their choice. But, they choose to play the game, and then complain for the next four years. Professional politicians don't just waltz into Washington and take a seat, the voters put them there.

Yeah I do the same thing you do as well and vote in a write in candidate but thats what I am saying.It does no good whatsoever.If elections were not rigged and we actually had honest elections,Ron Paul would be president now but the establishment sabotogoged him wheter people around here want to believe it or not.they changed the rules at the last minute at the primarys to make sure he did not get the republican nomination.

there is not a single difference between obozo and mittens.they are one in the same,they did not care if either of those clowns got elected as long as one of them did because they are part of the establishment.Paul was the only one running who wasnt.

the only way we can be a free country again instead of this facist dictatership we live in is for the american people to get off their lazy asses and fight to take our country back from these criminals in washington. thats how we became a free country in the first place.

there is a better chance of me becoming president first before that happens though sadly.the sheep are so brainwashed and stupid here in america and so much in denial.
I agree 110%. America has some dumb people that vote. Voters never learn. They completely ignore the obvious, and honestly believe that they're doing their patriotic duty by voting the damn crooks into office. Yet, they complain for the next four years, then turn around and do the same damn thing the next election. Go figure. It doesn't take an MIT graduate, nor a Philadelphia lawyer to see and understand the game. But, voters are blind to the obvious. It's so damn much fun debating with them also. They have two pat answers, and neither holds water. Their first response is, "I'm not going to waste my vote", and the other one is, "a write-in doesn't stand a chance, so I'll vote for the lesser of two evils". Now, tell me, aren't those two of the dumbest answers anyone could give?

Oh, and I love to debate with those that are die hard Democrats, or die hard Republicans. They don't understand and realize that this country has been going steadily downhill for the past 50 plus years, through both Democrat and Republican administrations. And, they never stop to think that neither party is holding rallies in the streets, leading protests and marches, and demanding pro-America legislation and policies. Neither party ask the general public to march, arm in arm ( a la MLK ) to bring this once great nation back to prosperity and equal opportunities for ALL.

What politicians do, is play politics as usual, and then shove the results down our throats. In my opinion, we're going to have to hit the proverbial rock bottom in this once great nation before voters wake up and smell the coffee. Even then, some will never allow their elevator to get out of the basement. The light never comes on for most voters, thus the sad shameful state that this country is presently in. But, try telling all of this to folks and see the pissing contest that takes place. They'll call you every name in the book, tell you that you're crazy and stupid, and slam you to the ground. I call it "Blind Patriotism", it's terrible affliction, and many are afflicted.

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