Donald Trump’s chances of winning are approaching zero

Guno, as much as I'd like to believe the headlines, the polls....I don't trust the American Stupid one damned bit. When I see conservative governor's win states that are suffering beyond belief with cuts etc and still get votes, I'm not convinced at all that we got this. I won't believe it until the broad is sworn lets not smile with glee, after all, we're in America...where people like Trump still have supporters dispite all the shit that he's said and done.
Even texas is in play

The election is in 15 days. And the electoral map just keeps looking grimmer and grimmer for Donald Trump.

Donald Trump’s chances of winning are approaching zero

That from a paper that openly admits they unleashed 30 reporters to discredit Trump anyway they could. It is a strategy, nothing more, designed to discourage voters. Not going to work. They should worry about the apathy of Democratic voters stuck with Hillary.

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