An article by Jarod Paul Young is a MUST READ for everyone who is watching the Leftâs assault on Donald Trump. Any number of Hollywood producers filming a remake of a classic movie can easily recreate the ambiance found in the original. That is exactly what the Left is doing to Donald Trump by using the same technique they used on Spiro T. Agnew:
Youngâs article pretty much covers it. There is one other example of history repeating itself that I want to point out in closing:
p.s. Note that the America-haters in the media removed one vice president, and one president, while those Americans trying to protect this country cannot put known-criminals in jail, or remove them from office, if the miscreants happen to be Democrats.
As he dug in for ideological warfare with the establishment media, anarchists, Marxist terrorists, anti-war protesters, and other militants in 1969, Vice President Spiro T. Agnew said he felt as though he were "involved in a crusade" (1).
It was a fitting analogy, given that the groups then arrayed against the American sociopolitical system had adopted a kind of missionary zeal in their adherence to a variety of delusional, as well as deadly, causes.
They would become the Alinskyites, social justice warriors, multicultural indoctrinators, rabid environmentalists, and similarly aligned disciples of what author Lloyd Billingsley described as a "mishmash of conventional leftisms," waging "jihad" against those who dare challenge their views (2). Confrontation and demonization under the banner of political correctness are favored tactics.
De facto GOP presidential nominee Donald J. Trump has been combating P.C. fanaticism in a blunt, counterpunching style that's a throwback to Agnew, who unhesitatingly unloaded on provocateurs resorting to disinformation, obstructionism, and even harsher methods to stifle debate and subvert constitutional authority.
It was a fitting analogy, given that the groups then arrayed against the American sociopolitical system had adopted a kind of missionary zeal in their adherence to a variety of delusional, as well as deadly, causes.
They would become the Alinskyites, social justice warriors, multicultural indoctrinators, rabid environmentalists, and similarly aligned disciples of what author Lloyd Billingsley described as a "mishmash of conventional leftisms," waging "jihad" against those who dare challenge their views (2). Confrontation and demonization under the banner of political correctness are favored tactics.
De facto GOP presidential nominee Donald J. Trump has been combating P.C. fanaticism in a blunt, counterpunching style that's a throwback to Agnew, who unhesitatingly unloaded on provocateurs resorting to disinformation, obstructionism, and even harsher methods to stifle debate and subvert constitutional authority.
June 4, 2016
Spiro Agnew: Donald Trump's Doppelganger from Forty Years Ago
By Jarod Paul Young
Articles: Spiro Agnew: Donald Trump's Doppelganger from Forty Years Ago
Spiro Agnew: Donald Trump's Doppelganger from Forty Years Ago
By Jarod Paul Young
Articles: Spiro Agnew: Donald Trump's Doppelganger from Forty Years Ago
Youngâs article pretty much covers it. There is one other example of history repeating itself that I want to point out in closing:
There is not much chance Hillary will do the perp walk. If it does comes to an arrest and trial, I suspect that she will pull a Spiro T:
Washington, Oct, 10--Spiro T. Agnew resigned as Vice President of the United States today under an agreement with the Department of Justice to admit evasion of Federal income taxes and avoid imprisonment.
. . . Mr. Agnew stood before United States District Judge Walter E. Hoffman in a Baltimore courtroom, hands barely trembling, and read from a statement in which he pleaded nolo contendere, or no contest, to a Government charge that he had failed to report $29,500 of income received in 1967, when he was Governor of Maryland. Such a plea, while not an admission of guilt, subjects a defendant to a judgment of conviction on the charge.
. . . Mr. Agnew stood before United States District Judge Walter E. Hoffman in a Baltimore courtroom, hands barely trembling, and read from a statement in which he pleaded nolo contendere, or no contest, to a Government charge that he had failed to report $29,500 of income received in 1967, when he was Governor of Maryland. Such a plea, while not an admission of guilt, subjects a defendant to a judgment of conviction on the charge.
Agnew Quits Vice Presidency And Admits Tax Evasion In '67; Nixon Consults On Successor
Judge Orders Fine, 3 Years' Probation Agnew Resigns the Vice Presidency and Admits He Evaded Taxes on 1967 Income U. S. Judge Imposes Fine, Orders 3-Year Probation
Special to The New York Times
Agnew Quits Vice Presidency And Admits Tax Evasion In '67; Nixon Consults On Successor
Judge Orders Fine, 3 Years' Probation Agnew Resigns the Vice Presidency and Admits He Evaded Taxes on 1967 Income U. S. Judge Imposes Fine, Orders 3-Year Probation
Special to The New York Times
Agnew Quits Vice Presidency And Admits Tax Evasion In '67; Nixon Consults On Successor
Frankly, the media, and every liberal of the day, was out to get something on anybody in Nixonâs Administration. They eventually got Spiro T. for something he did when he was Marylandâs governor. Nobody is out to get Hillary Clinton whose offenses were committed while she was an official of the federal government.
NOTE: Agnewâs âcrimeâ harmed no one except the XVI Amendment. The parasite class was much smaller back then. Todayâs parasite class is only harmed by conservatives who fudge on their taxes.
Clintonâs offense is must worse than was Agnewâs because she harmed every American not to mention the country, yet few people in the government appear to be offended. That is why she deserves some time in the cooler, even it only amounts to a token sentence. At the very least nola contendere should be taken off the table.
Hillary Clintonâs Personal Gatekeeper
NOTE: Agnewâs âcrimeâ harmed no one except the XVI Amendment. The parasite class was much smaller back then. Todayâs parasite class is only harmed by conservatives who fudge on their taxes.
Clintonâs offense is must worse than was Agnewâs because she harmed every American not to mention the country, yet few people in the government appear to be offended. That is why she deserves some time in the cooler, even it only amounts to a token sentence. At the very least nola contendere should be taken off the table.
Hillary Clintonâs Personal Gatekeeper
p.s. Note that the America-haters in the media removed one vice president, and one president, while those Americans trying to protect this country cannot put known-criminals in jail, or remove them from office, if the miscreants happen to be Democrats.