Donald Trump v. The Nattering Nabobs Of Negativism


Sep 23, 2010
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An article by Jarod Paul Young is a MUST READ for everyone who is watching the Left’s assault on Donald Trump. Any number of Hollywood producers filming a remake of a classic movie can easily recreate the ambiance found in the original. That is exactly what the Left is doing to Donald Trump by using the same technique they used on Spiro T. Agnew:

As he dug in for ideological warfare with the establishment media, anarchists, Marxist terrorists, anti-war protesters, and other militants in 1969, Vice President Spiro T. Agnew said he felt as though he were "involved in a crusade" (1).

It was a fitting analogy, given that the groups then arrayed against the American sociopolitical system had adopted a kind of missionary zeal in their adherence to a variety of delusional, as well as deadly, causes.

They would become the Alinskyites, social justice warriors, multicultural indoctrinators, rabid environmentalists, and similarly aligned disciples of what author Lloyd Billingsley described as a "mishmash of conventional leftisms," waging "jihad" against those who dare challenge their views (2). Confrontation and demonization under the banner of political correctness are favored tactics.

De facto GOP presidential nominee Donald J. Trump has been combating P.C. fanaticism in a blunt, counterpunching style that's a throwback to Agnew, who unhesitatingly unloaded on provocateurs resorting to disinformation, obstructionism, and even harsher methods to stifle debate and subvert constitutional authority.

June 4, 2016
Spiro Agnew: Donald Trump's Doppelganger from Forty Years Ago
By Jarod Paul Young

Articles: Spiro Agnew: Donald Trump's Doppelganger from Forty Years Ago

Young’s article pretty much covers it. There is one other example of history repeating itself that I want to point out in closing:

There is not much chance Hillary will do the perp walk. If it does comes to an arrest and trial, I suspect that she will pull a Spiro T:​

Washington, Oct, 10--Spiro T. Agnew resigned as Vice President of the United States today under an agreement with the Department of Justice to admit evasion of Federal income taxes and avoid imprisonment.


. . . Mr. Agnew stood before United States District Judge Walter E. Hoffman in a Baltimore courtroom, hands barely trembling, and read from a statement in which he pleaded nolo contendere, or no contest, to a Government charge that he had failed to report $29,500 of income received in 1967, when he was Governor of Maryland. Such a plea, while not an admission of guilt, subjects a defendant to a judgment of conviction on the charge.​

Agnew Quits Vice Presidency And Admits Tax Evasion In '67; Nixon Consults On Successor
Judge Orders Fine, 3 Years' Probation Agnew Resigns the Vice Presidency and Admits He Evaded Taxes on 1967 Income U. S. Judge Imposes Fine, Orders 3-Year Probation
Special to The New York Times

Agnew Quits Vice Presidency And Admits Tax Evasion In '67; Nixon Consults On Successor

Frankly, the media, and every liberal of the day, was out to get something on anybody in Nixon’s Administration. They eventually got Spiro T. for something he did when he was Maryland’s governor. Nobody is out to get Hillary Clinton whose offenses were committed while she was an official of the federal government.

NOTE: Agnew’s ‘crime’ harmed no one except the XVI Amendment. The parasite class was much smaller back then. Today’s parasite class is only harmed by conservatives who fudge on their taxes.

Clinton’s offense is must worse than was Agnew’s because she harmed every American not to mention the country, yet few people in the government appear to be offended. That is why she deserves some time in the cooler, even it only amounts to a token sentence. At the very least nola contendere should be taken off the table.

Hillary Clinton’s Personal Gatekeeper

p.s. Note that the America-haters in the media removed one vice president, and one president, while those Americans trying to protect this country cannot put known-criminals in jail, or remove them from office, if the miscreants happen to be Democrats.
Spiro Agnew! Resigned in disgrace. :laugh2:

We'll save Lyin' Don the trouble and not elect him in the first place.
"De facto GOP presidential nominee Donald J. Trump has been combating P.C. fanaticism..."


This is nothing more than an inane euphemism intended to deflect from Trump’s bigotry and hate.
This is nothing more than an inane euphemism intended to deflect from Trump’s bigotry and hate.
Opposed to the liberals bigotry and hate violence against Trump supporters which you detract from. You lbs have become Trump phobic and allowed your intolerance to fester into assaults against free speech.
"De facto GOP presidential nominee Donald J. Trump has been combating P.C. fanaticism..."


This is nothing more than an inane euphemism intended to deflect from Trump’s bigotry and hate.
trump's bigotry and hate are just reasons to vote for him, it's worth it to watch the liberals squirm.
Spiro Agnew! Resigned in disgrace.
To konradv: Only by the standards of the America-hating Left.

Spiro T. will always be a hero to Americans because of the fight he waged against:

the Alinskyites, social justice warriors, multicultural indoctrinators, rabid environmentalists, and similarly aligned disciples of what author Lloyd Billingsley described as a "mishmash of conventional leftisms," waging "jihad" against those who dare challenge their views (2). Confrontation and demonization under the banner of political correctness are favored tactics.
Incidentally, the army of liberalism’s freaks would not have succeeded in removing Agnew in today’s world thanks to social media.

And how does this one grab you? President Spiro T. Agnew succeeding President Nixon.

Happily, indicting Hillary Clinton would be the pièce de rÊsistance to the battle Agnew began 47 years ago.

trump's bigotry and hate are just reasons to vote for him, it's worth it to watch the liberals squirm.
To Ozone: Beautiful sentiment. Beautifully expressed.
An article by Jarod Paul Young is a MUST READ for everyone who is watching the Left’s assault on Donald Trump. Any number of Hollywood producers filming a remake of a classic movie can easily recreate the ambiance found in the original. That is exactly what the Left is doing to Donald Trump by using the same technique they used on Spiro T. Agnew:

As he dug in for ideological warfare with the establishment media, anarchists, Marxist terrorists, anti-war protesters, and other militants in 1969, Vice President Spiro T. Agnew said he felt as though he were "involved in a crusade" (1).

It was a fitting analogy, given that the groups then arrayed against the American sociopolitical system had adopted a kind of missionary zeal in their adherence to a variety of delusional, as well as deadly, causes.

They would become the Alinskyites, social justice warriors, multicultural indoctrinators, rabid environmentalists, and similarly aligned disciples of what author Lloyd Billingsley described as a "mishmash of conventional leftisms," waging "jihad" against those who dare challenge their views (2). Confrontation and demonization under the banner of political correctness are favored tactics.

De facto GOP presidential nominee Donald J. Trump has been combating P.C. fanaticism in a blunt, counterpunching style that's a throwback to Agnew, who unhesitatingly unloaded on provocateurs resorting to disinformation, obstructionism, and even harsher methods to stifle debate and subvert constitutional authority.

June 4, 2016
Spiro Agnew: Donald Trump's Doppelganger from Forty Years Ago
By Jarod Paul Young

Articles: Spiro Agnew: Donald Trump's Doppelganger from Forty Years Ago

Young’s article pretty much covers it. There is one other example of history repeating itself that I want to point out in closing:

There is not much chance Hillary will do the perp walk. If it does comes to an arrest and trial, I suspect that she will pull a Spiro T:​

Washington, Oct, 10--Spiro T. Agnew resigned as Vice President of the United States today under an agreement with the Department of Justice to admit evasion of Federal income taxes and avoid imprisonment.


. . . Mr. Agnew stood before United States District Judge Walter E. Hoffman in a Baltimore courtroom, hands barely trembling, and read from a statement in which he pleaded nolo contendere, or no contest, to a Government charge that he had failed to report $29,500 of income received in 1967, when he was Governor of Maryland. Such a plea, while not an admission of guilt, subjects a defendant to a judgment of conviction on the charge.​

Agnew Quits Vice Presidency And Admits Tax Evasion In '67; Nixon Consults On Successor
Judge Orders Fine, 3 Years' Probation Agnew Resigns the Vice Presidency and Admits He Evaded Taxes on 1967 Income U. S. Judge Imposes Fine, Orders 3-Year Probation
Special to The New York Times

Agnew Quits Vice Presidency And Admits Tax Evasion In '67; Nixon Consults On Successor

Frankly, the media, and every liberal of the day, was out to get something on anybody in Nixon’s Administration. They eventually got Spiro T. for something he did when he was Maryland’s governor. Nobody is out to get Hillary Clinton whose offenses were committed while she was an official of the federal government.

NOTE: Agnew’s ‘crime’ harmed no one except the XVI Amendment. The parasite class was much smaller back then. Today’s parasite class is only harmed by conservatives who fudge on their taxes.

Clinton’s offense is must worse than was Agnew’s because she harmed every American not to mention the country, yet few people in the government appear to be offended. That is why she deserves some time in the cooler, even it only amounts to a token sentence. At the very least nola contendere should be taken off the table.

Hillary Clinton’s Personal Gatekeeper

p.s. Note that the America-haters in the media removed one vice president, and one president, while those Americans trying to protect this country cannot put known-criminals in jail, or remove them from office, if the miscreants happen to be Democrats.

I would say it started with the Democratic Convention and the Humphrey campaign, wherein the venal little self-centered Commie brownshirts pretty much handed the White House to Nixon and paved the way for the brie and chardonnay scum to take over the Party and implement the 'super-delegate rule', i.e. shooting their own feet off out of mindless spite. They were then and still are mentally ill and dumber than rocks to boot.
"De facto GOP presidential nominee Donald J. Trump has been combating P.C. fanaticism..."


This is nothing more than an inane euphemism intended to deflect from Trump’s bigotry and hate.

There's the truth Trump's spoken that's been twisted by knaves to set a trap for fools. Good luck surviving in a future America if the hillary gets to the white house. The protests in San Jose after the Trump rally is a picture into the future of what America is becoming due to our insane immigration policies. Mexican flags all over the place and not a peep about that from the confederate flag haters. The bigotry and hate were on the part of the protesters. They know there may be a new sheriff in town soon.
There's the truth Trump's spoken that's been twisted by knaves to set a trap for fools. Good luck surviving in a future America if the hillary gets to the white house. The protests in San Jose after the Trump rally is a picture into the future of what America is becoming due to our insane immigration policies. Mexican flags all over the place and not a peep about that from the confederate flag haters.
To jasonnfree: I could not agree more.
The bigotry and hate were on the part of the protesters. They know there may be a new sheriff in town soon.
To jasonnfree: Exactly why disarming law-abiding Americans is there number one priority. For decades the violent Left was secure in the knowledge they would not get more than a slap on the wrist, if punished at all, by judges they appointed. The police (sheriffs) are punished more than violent criminals. Luckily for the 2nd Amendment, a well-armed population is close to becoming the ". . . new sheriff in town . . .”.

Incidentally, the 2nd Amendment was put there so a free people had the means to protect themselves from a tyrannical government. Gun-grabbers claim that the 2nd Amendment has been abused by criminals; so everybody has to be disarmed in order to stop the gun violence.

In a twist of poetic justice, the Left’s stated reason for abolishing the 2nd Amendment proves why the Founders put it in the original Bill of Rights in the first place: PROTECTION FROM TYRANNICAL GOVERNMENT. Nothing could be more tyrannical than the government the American Left has implemented so far. The 2nd Amendment enforced by men and women who know how to defend themselves is the only thing that stops the Left from accomplishing their goal —— Totalitarian Government for the common good, for equality, for eliminating poverty, and all of the rest of the garbage they spew:

What has mattered is millions of people who’ve been force-fed nonsense by self-proclaimed academics and out-of-touch Harvard elites have rallied to a candidate who isn’t afraid to call out BS as BS without using the initials, just like they do when talking to the people they know.​


These rioting goons are organized by people who know what they’re doing; they’ve been conditioned to hate anyone “not on their team.” And just like the Sturmabteilung, blind loyalty to their righteous cause crowds out their dignity and basic humanity.​

Hillary’s Goon Squad
Derek Hunter
Posted: Jun 05, 2016 12:01 AM

Hillary’s Goon Squad

Taking a wack at the very location of liberalism’s historical sausage maker never hurt anybody. Every freedom-loving American who disavows Harvard’s political values isolates Massachusetts. Bottom line: Harvard grads did more to harm this country than did all of university grads from all of the other universities combined.

My brief chronology of how the country came to today’s mess:

Multiculturalism got it’s philosophical start in the late 19th century that led to Politically Correct Speech. Punishing Politically INCORRECT speech was inevitable regardless of the First Amendment.

1913: Woodrow Wilson.

1913: The XVI Amendment.

1913: The XVII Amendment.

1913: The Federal Reserve.

January 17, 1917: Wilson promises Peace Without Victory.

April 6, 1917: World War One.

April 12, 1917: Wilson makes the world safe for democracy.

1945: The United Nations.

NOTE: America’s Constitution would never have been written at the time had Great Britain belonged to an International ORGANIZATION similar to the United Nations.

1948: United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

1950s: The Democrat party lays the groundwork for abolishing the 1st and 2nd Amendments when Civil Rights became special privileges granted to a select few.

1950: Korean War attempts Peace Without Victory.

1955: The Air Pollution Control Act begins the era of government by omnipotent bureaucrats.

January 8, 1964: LBJ’s destructive War On Poverty creates the welfare state.

1965: Mass migrations begin and end with a loss of national sovereignty.

1968: Harvard legitimates murder with the phrase “Brain Dead.”

1970: The EPA.

1973: The American Left finalizes defeat in Vietnam.

1973: Infanticide decriminalized.

1993: The Clintons.

2009: The Chicago sewer rat.

I only touched upon the on-going train wreck that I consider the most important. You can find many more designed by the Democrat party to bring America to its destruction.
There is not much chance Hillary will do the perp walk.
Nevertheless, I cannot dispute this:

Donald Trump came up with a new insult for Hillary Clinton on Friday, calling her a “thief” and charging that she sucks up to President Obama so he will keep her out of jail over her -email scandal.​

Trump: Hillary hates Obama but sucks up to him to avoid jail
By Bob Fredericks
June 3, 2016 | 10:58pm

Trump: Hillary hates Obama but sucks up to him to avoid jail

I would add that a realistic amount of money changing hands will sweeten the pot if it is accompanied by heartfelt sucking up.

Incidentally, a lot of people expect a taste if Hillary wants to get out of an indictment and trial. A lot more money has to find the right pockets when the clock is running. The alternative is that the president is the only one with his hand out for a presidential pardon. It comes down to a simple business decision for the Clintons.

On top of everything else her surrogates have to spin this one away:

Comparing Donald Trump’s PRIVATE SECTOR business successes and failures to government successes and failures is like comparing peas to watermelons:

The choreographed, so-called “Foreign Policy Speech” of the Democrat candidate, had little foreign policy substance and thirty mentions of the opposition candidate who had not a single foreign policy failure.


Here are Hillary’s foreign policy credentials:

The “Loose Canon” Describes Herself
By Andrew G. Benjamin
June 5, 2016

The “Loose Canon” Describes Herself

Government businesses (welfare programs) are put on life support with tax dollars so they never fail —— they live forever, they become more bloated and incrementally more expensive. Democrats love mercy killing human beings, while most government bureaucracies should be put out of their misery.

A mental defective attacking Trump’s foreign policy failures, when he has none on his score card, is beyond the pale. Worse still, she asked her audience about Donald Trump:

Do we want his finger anywhere near the button?

Read Hillary Clinton's Speech on Trump and National Security

Were I in the audience, I would have shouted “Better him than an emotional basket case like you.”


Gary Byrne, who was posted outside the Oval Office when Bill Clinton was president, portrays Hillary as too “erratic, uncontrollable and occasionally violent” to become leader of the free world, according to advance promotional materials exclusively obtained by Page Six.​

Bill, White House staff lived in fear of Hillary: Ex-Secret Service officer
By Emily Smith
June 5, 2016 | 9:54pm

Bill, White House staff lived in fear of Hillary: Ex-Secret Service officer
You wouldn't mind if they (the media) judged democrat administrations the same way they went after poor old Tricky Dick Nixon. A 3rd rate burglary pales in comparison to sexual abuse or using the IRS to attack political enemies. Obama and Clinton make Nixon look like a choir boy.
The choreographed, so-called “Foreign Policy Speech” of the Democrat candidate, had little foreign policy substance and thirty mentions of the opposition candidate who had not a single foreign policy failure.
Listen to Hillary Clinton’s ridiculous speech on foreign policy if you have the stomach for it. The only legitimate complaint she has against Donald Trump is that he refuses to accept her worldview. Very few Americans do:

This one excerpt is the best reason Hillary Clinton is dangerous:

Donald doesn’t see the complexity. He wants to start a trade war with China. And I understand a lot of Americans have concerns about our trade agreements – I do too. But a trade war is something very different. We went down that road in the 1930s. It made the Great Depression longer and more painful. Combine that with his comments about defaulting on our debt, and it’s not hard to see how a Trump presidency could lead to a global economic crisis.​

Read Hillary Clinton's Speech on Trump and National Security

Before Hillary opens her mouth again on trade policy she would do well to read Julia Hahn’s spectacular history lesson. It is so informative every American who is considering voting for Clinton will think twice about voting for a Democrat who is wrong on every major issue:

In recent decades, a revisionist history of American trade policy has developed an almost religious status in Washington D.C.​

Forgotten History: How American Presidents from Washington to Lincoln Agree with Trump on Trade
by Julia Hahn
26 Jun 2016

Forgotten History: How American Presidents from Washington to Lincoln Agree with Trump on Trade - Breitbart

Finally, should Hillary Clinton be indicted, Joe Biden —— who has been wrong about everything longer than Hillary —— will ride to the rescue:

The schedule was released at 7:31 pm, after publications began excerpting portions of the new memoir by Obama’s former defense sectary, Bob Gates.

“I think [Biden] has been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades,” Gates wrote in his book, “Duty: Memoirs of a Secretary at War.”​

‘Statesman’ Joe Biden gets everything wrong, says new tell-all book
Neil Munro
White House Correspondent
5:55 AM 01/08/2014

‘Statesman’ Joe Biden gets everything wrong, says new tell-all book
I only touched upon the on-going train wreck that I consider the most important. You can find many more designed by the Democrat party to bring America to its destruction.
Doug Hagmann expanding on the nattering nabobs of negativism is a must read for every conservative, but more than that it is required reading for American voters who still put trust in talking heads.

Parenthetically, I want to offer a slightly different take on Hagmann’s “fourth branch”:

The infamous reference of the press as the “fourth estate” by Edmund Burke has now been fully transformed into the much more accommodating “fourth branch,” a fully subservient and subjugated power that is facilitating government corruption at levels never before seen. This is particularly nefarious and readily seen by the lack of honest reporting by the media and the perpetuation of the lie that the platform of fear is nothing more than a cheap sales tactic for the GOP.​

Why Trump’s Platform of Pessimism is Loathed by the Left and Why it Matters
By Doug Hagmann
July 26, 2016

Why Trump’s Platform of Pessimism is Loathed by the Left and Why it Matters

Unlike print press throughout history, the tax code fed television enormous amounts of tax deductible advertising dollars from the beginning of its dominance. If nothing else, the power of taxation makes television the fifth branch of government:

Print press and television repeated warned us about the Right's attack on our individual liberties, while they promoted, and continue to promote, a more destructive attack from the Left. That specific free press corruption was smoothed by trivializing it as a harmless left-leaning bias.

The Fifth Estate —— TELEVISION —— is the fifth branch of government. (Whether or not print press leans Left or Right it still encourages bigger government and more control over private sector citizens.)

FOX Turning Left
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