Donald Trump repeats that Obama spied on his campaign


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2014
Donald Trump repeats false claim that Obama spied on his campaign

  • Multiple independent investigations, including a bipartisan Senate report, determined that Russia interfered in the 2016 election to benefit Trump.
  • A Justice Department review found the FBI had sufficient evidence to investigate Russian contacts with four Trump campaign associates.
  • No investigation found any Obama White House influence over the FBI’s work.
  • Multiple reports confirm that Obama did not initiate or attempt to influence the FBI’s work.
See the sources for this fact-check

The Potus repeats false claims.
Donald Trump repeats false claim that Obama spied on his campaign

  • Multiple independent investigations, including a bipartisan Senate report, determined that Russia interfered in the 2016 election to benefit Trump.
  • A Justice Department review found the FBI had sufficient evidence to investigate Russian contacts with four Trump campaign associates.
  • No investigation found any Obama White House influence over the FBI’s work.
  • Multiple reports confirm that Obama did not initiate or attempt to influence the FBI’s work.
See the sources for this fact-check

The Potus repeats false claims.
Well, the bullet points are outright lies. In addition, we're still waiting on Durham for the final word on this.

We already know that Obama was in the loop on the spying on Trump's Campaign.

You need a more honest and trustworthy source.
Politifarce... that is false facts.
Check the sources out:

Donald Trump, tweet, Aug. 19, 2020

U.S. Justice Department Office of the Inspector General, Review of Four FISA Applications and Other Aspects of the FBI’s Crossfire Hurricane Investigation, December 2019

U.S. Senate Committee on Intelligence, Russian active measures campaigns and interference in the 2016 U.S. election: Vol. 5, August, 2020

U.S. Senate Committee on Intelligence, U.S. Senate Committee on Intelligence, Russian active measures campaigns and interference in the 2016 U.S. election: Vol. 3, accessed Aug. 20, 2020

Just Security, Timeline of Carter Page’s Contacts with Russia, Feb. 5, 2018

The Federalist, Explosive New FBI Notes Confirm Obama Directed Anti-Flynn Operation, June 24, 2020

PolitiFact, Did ex-intelligence chief Clapper say FBI spied on Trump campaign? No, May 23, 2018

Email exchange, Jennifer Daskal, professor of law, American University, Aug. 20, 2020

Email exchange, Robert Litt, former general counsel, Director of National Intelligence, Aug. 20, 2020

Email exchange, White House press office, Aug. 20, 2020
They don't care. When Trump does what they allege Obama did it will be all good, even justified. They count on democrats to follow rules they break everyday.
Trump is correct

The FBI did “spy” on members of his campaign. Those who were engaged in illegal contacts with a foreign government and put our country at risk
Donald Trump repeats false claim that Obama spied on his campaign

  • Multiple independent investigations, including a bipartisan Senate report, determined that Russia interfered in the 2016 election to benefit Trump.
  • A Justice Department review found the FBI had sufficient evidence to investigate Russian contacts with four Trump campaign associates.
  • No investigation found any Obama White House influence over the FBI’s work.
  • Multiple reports confirm that Obama did not initiate or attempt to influence the FBI’s work.
See the sources for this fact-check

The Potus repeats false claims.
Barry The Fairy AND Traitor Obama DID spy on then-presidential hopeful, Donald J. Trump's campaign. The spying obviously did NOT help, and our wonderful president defeated the Hildebeast in November of 2016, winning 30 of 50 states AND 306 Electoral College votes to the Beast's 232. Thank you.
There is no evidence that Obama spied, none!!

There was no evidence of a Quid Pro Quo with Ukraine but that didn't stop Democrats from impeaching Trump. There was no REAL(well known fake dossier) evidence that cost the taxpayers millions in appointing a special council to investigate Trump/Russia collusion. Since when has actual evidence been required? Wait, I know the answer to that, it only matters if Obama or any other Democrat is in the cross-hairs.
Donald Trump repeats false claim that Obama spied on his campaign

  • Multiple independent investigations, including a bipartisan Senate report, determined that Russia interfered in the 2016 election to benefit Trump.
  • A Justice Department review found the FBI had sufficient evidence to investigate Russian contacts with four Trump campaign associates.
  • No investigation found any Obama White House influence over the FBI’s work.
  • Multiple reports confirm that Obama did not initiate or attempt to influence the FBI’s work.
See the sources for this fact-check

The Potus repeats false claims.
Well, the bullet points are outright lies. In addition, we're still waiting on Durham for the final word on this.

We already know that Obama was in the loop on the spying on Trump's Campaign.

You need a more honest and trustworthy source.
Trump isn't credible or reliable.
The FBI did “spy” on members of his campaign. Those who were engaged in illegal contacts with a foreign government and put our country at risk

Still living in fantasy land. Recently released documents show that when the FBI learned that Russia was trying to infiltrate Hillary's campaign, she was immediately alerted, not surveilled. When the same exact thing happened with Trump(unsolicited contact attempts to people in the campaign by Russian operatives), instead of alerting the campaign, they decided to surveil them with the hope that something may turn up. They even went so far as to use the dirty dossier as their primary impetus to open a full fledged investigation and ultimately appointing a special council. This dossier was funded by the Hillary campaign via Fusion GPS who hired Christopher Steele only AFTER Hillary picked up the tab for the "opposition research". Weird that Fusion GPS didn't find any such damning information on Trump prior to Hillary picking up the tab, huh?

Democrats don't care, but the FBI and CIA was/is stacked with Obama/left-wing partisans who used their power in an attempt to interfere in an election and then an attempt to remove a sitting President which they don't like from power. Sick, but Democrats are unpatriotic, ignorant, gullible, stubborn and just flat out evil.
Donald Trump repeats false claim that Obama spied on his campaign

  • Multiple independent investigations, including a bipartisan Senate report, determined that Russia interfered in the 2016 election to benefit Trump.
  • A Justice Department review found the FBI had sufficient evidence to investigate Russian contacts with four Trump campaign associates.
  • No investigation found any Obama White House influence over the FBI’s work.
  • Multiple reports confirm that Obama did not initiate or attempt to influence the FBI’s work.
See the sources for this fact-check

The Potus repeats false claims.
He did clapper said Obama told us to
Donald Trump repeats false claim that Obama spied on his campaign

  • Multiple independent investigations, including a bipartisan Senate report, determined that Russia interfered in the 2016 election to benefit Trump.
  • A Justice Department review found the FBI had sufficient evidence to investigate Russian contacts with four Trump campaign associates.
  • No investigation found any Obama White House influence over the FBI’s work.
  • Multiple reports confirm that Obama did not initiate or attempt to influence the FBI’s work.
See the sources for this fact-check

The Potus repeats false claims.

Need a tissue?

I am sorry the TRUTH, substantiated fact beyond the shadow of a doubt, triggers your butt-hurt and causes a severe flare-up of your terminal TDS.

1. 'Multiple sources ...blah, blah, blah...determined Russia interfered in the 2016 election'

Do you mean when the Russian Intel Service fed proven propaganda passed through Steele to both Hillary and the FBI, propaganda OBAMA'S FBI and administration (DOJ, NSA, CIA, & FBI) knowingly used to attempt to affect the 2016 election outcome and when that failed used to attempt a political coup. Agreed - the evidence supports this.

Obama himself declared that foreign nations / our enemies attempting to interfere in our elections is nothing new at all, that it happens all the time. he should know - he interfered in other nations' elections multiple times, even used our military to help Al Qaeda take over their own country.

The fact that Russia interfered in the election was never the claim by Democrats - it was tat Trump illegally colluded with them. Evidence shows the only ones to have done that are the DEMOCRATS - FAIL, snowflake.

2. 'The FBI had sufficient evidence to investigate 4 Trump campaign associates.'
- Carter Page: Evidence shows the FBI KNEW Page was an informant on the Russians for the State Department and ignored it, refused to mention THAT fact - they KNEW Page wasn't 'colluding' with the Russians.

- Papadapoulos: Evidence shows that shit was a set-up, just like with Flynn. The Obama administration used what they knew was fake Russian BS propaganda and lies to go after Trump and his team.

- Manafort: The Obama administration went back DECADES to go after Manafort, simultaneously protecting Hillary Campaign manager John Podesta, who was Manafort's business partner at the time and who was as guilty as Manafort. They also protected Fat Tony Podesta who was working for the Russians without having legally filed the required documents to do so legally. John Podesta's company, the 'Podesta Group' or something, folded -collapsed - when the word got out it / the Podesta's were working for the Russians.

Again, FAIL, snowflake.

3. No investigation found Obama influence over the FBI'

BS - Strzok told of how Obama Cabinet members and Agency personnel attended Coup meetings in the Oval Office, already proven to have happened. The Deputy CIA Director told how Obama was a micromanager, that no decision was made without his approval, to include who was investigated / spied on. The evidence says 'YOU LIE'.

FAIL again, snowflake.

Enough of the BS.

Are you trying to say that Obama was so clueless and incompetent that he had no idea his DOJ, NSA, CIA, and FBI were illegally spying on a Presidential candidate and then tried to affect a political coup and Barry knew nothing about any of it, that he was the 'shell' president whose administration was running rogue without his knowledge?

Last edited:
Donald Trump repeats false claim that Obama spied on his campaign

  • Multiple independent investigations, including a bipartisan Senate report, determined that Russia interfered in the 2016 election to benefit Trump.
  • A Justice Department review found the FBI had sufficient evidence to investigate Russian contacts with four Trump campaign associates.
  • No investigation found any Obama White House influence over the FBI’s work.
  • Multiple reports confirm that Obama did not initiate or attempt to influence the FBI’s work.
See the sources for this fact-check

The Potus repeats false claims.
Well, the bullet points are outright lies. In addition, we're still waiting on Durham for the final word on this.

We already know that Obama was in the loop on the spying on Trump's Campaign.

You need a more honest and trustworthy source.
Trump isn't credible or reliable.
Sure, but the problem you and the left have is that he is far more credible than ANY source you can produce.
Donald Trump repeats false claim that Obama spied on his campaign

  • Multiple independent investigations, including a bipartisan Senate report, determined that Russia interfered in the 2016 election to benefit Trump.
  • A Justice Department review found the FBI had sufficient evidence to investigate Russian contacts with four Trump campaign associates.
  • No investigation found any Obama White House influence over the FBI’s work.
  • Multiple reports confirm that Obama did not initiate or attempt to influence the FBI’s work.
See the sources for this fact-check

The Potus repeats false claims.
Well, the bullet points are outright lies. In addition, we're still waiting on Durham for the final word on this.

We already know that Obama was in the loop on the spying on Trump's Campaign.

You need a more honest and trustworthy source.
Trump isn't credible or reliable.
Sure, but the problem you and the left have is that he is far more credible than ANY source you can produce.
Hardly can anyone rely on Trump, you folks licking his shoes don't care about truth. Biden is no better yet I can admit it.
Donald Trump repeats false claim that Obama spied on his campaign

  • Multiple independent investigations, including a bipartisan Senate report, determined that Russia interfered in the 2016 election to benefit Trump.
  • A Justice Department review found the FBI had sufficient evidence to investigate Russian contacts with four Trump campaign associates.
  • No investigation found any Obama White House influence over the FBI’s work.
  • Multiple reports confirm that Obama did not initiate or attempt to influence the FBI’s work.
See the sources for this fact-check

The Potus repeats false claims.
Leftwingers lie and you'll swear to it, right?
Donald Trump repeats false claim that Obama spied on his campaign

  • Multiple independent investigations, including a bipartisan Senate report, determined that Russia interfered in the 2016 election to benefit Trump.
  • A Justice Department review found the FBI had sufficient evidence to investigate Russian contacts with four Trump campaign associates.
  • No investigation found any Obama White House influence over the FBI’s work.
  • Multiple reports confirm that Obama did not initiate or attempt to influence the FBI’s work.
See the sources for this fact-check

The Potus repeats false claims.
Leftwingers lie and you'll swear to it, right?

Of course she will. Seems to me that I've read Obama did spy on the Trump campaign.
Hardly can anyone rely on Trump....
It was the 'mountain' of undeniable, iron-clad evidence of Obama's treason and the FISA Court-abusing DOJ, CIA, & FBI, evidence that has 1 conspirator already pleading Guilty and giving up other conspirators to save his own ass, that has proven the illegal spying and failed coup attempt. Trump has not / has not had to do anything.

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