Donald Trump Just Killed Off The TPP....


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2014
Waiting on the Cowardly Dante!!
One of his top priorities, and Obomanation CAVES with an hour and a quarter meeting....old boss, meets New and BETTER Boss!

YouTube ^

Probably not a coincidence that shortly after President-elect Donald Trump's first official visit to the White House & extended private sit-down with Obama, the Internet exploded with excitement over news that Obama has declared the TPP (Trans-Pacific Partnership) dead, reversing his earlier plan to push for TPP passage before leaving the White House in January. Awesome first deal for us, Mr. Trump. Almost everybody - honest Republicans, honest independents, honest American workers, and honest policy analysts - thought the TPP was a bad idea.

First 100 days.... Yeah, barely 48 hours post Election in and I see:

1. Putin reaching out to build relationship
2. Netanyahu reaching out to build relationship
3. Libs losing their minds
4. Philippines reaching out to build new relationship.
5. TPP now officially dead

All good.
Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov, speaking in New York, said he saw incredible similarities between the two men's foreign policy ideas, and this meant there was a solid basis to start a meaningful dialogue between Moscow and Washington.

Peskov said he was struck by how similar parts of Trump's victory speech were to a speech Putin gave in southern Russia last month.

Both men said they would put their own country's national interests first, but that they would be ready to develop ties with other nations, depending on how ready other countries were to deepen relations themselves.

"They (Putin and Trump) set out the same main foreign policy principles and that is incredible," Peskov said

"It is phenomenal how close they are to one another when it comes to their conceptual approach to foreign policy. And that is probably a good basis for our moderate optimism that they will at least be able to start a dialogue to start to clear out the Augean stables in our bilateral relations."

Trump's foreign policy approach almost same as that of Putin: Kremlin

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