Donald Trump is Going to Get a Journalist Killed

The "Muller Investigation" is nothing but an outrageous lie. The MSM didn't instigate it.....the DNC did, but the desperate, pro-liberal Democrat, MSM keeps the story on the front burner even after nearly two years of fruitless investigation.
There are a lot of good things happening....the GDP, jobs market, defeat of ISIS, etc. that doesn't make the news. They can't report anything that would interfere with their blatant campaigning for Democrats.
It's not as simple as just's a failure to report the truth. The MSM is unable to even pretend to be neutral so they can't do the job the Founders set out for them. They've lost their credibility and Trump is right to say they have become the enemy of the people.
Trump I said behaving like a rat in a corner, and the analogy is a fitting one.

You realize that the holiest part of our democracy is under attack by the Russians, right? And you realize that this huckster buffoon who calls himself thempresident has had an abnormally high number of contacts with the Russians, right? And you realize that rat in a corner with the bad blond toupee has his head so far up Putin's ass he can taste Brylcreem, right?

High treason. That's what he must be charged with. Immediately.

Trump was a businessman and there is no law against dealing with Russia. Obviously you are using big words like Treason without looking it up first.
Trump and his surrogates continued,to contact Russia as a candidate and as a nominee.

I'm setting out the dots. It's up to you to connect them. If your Trump blinders keep you from doing just that, the Mueller report will do it for all Americans.

And I can hardly wait for it.

Trump's son met with some Russian broad as a setup stating she had dirt on Hillary. Nothing wrong with that. The others dealt with Russia unassociated with the Trump campaign or organization.

The only actual Russian collusion with evidence was the DNC and Hillary Clinton. They are the ones who got information from Russia about some phony BS on Trump which led to the surveillance warrant. It was a lie because they never told the court where the information came from or who funded it.
Actually, there's plenty wrong with that. An American political campaign must not solicit, accept or otherwise obtain stolen documents from a foreign nation with the goal of aiding that campaign or otherwise interfering with the electoral process.

What stolen documents are you talking about here? And what interfering in an electoral process are you talking about?

That's besides the fact the woman had nothing to offer. It was a phony claim she made to meet with him.
Trump I said behaving like a rat in a corner, and the analogy is a fitting one.

You realize that the holiest part of our democracy is under attack by the Russians, right? And you realize that this huckster buffoon who calls himself thempresident has had an abnormally high number of contacts with the Russians, right? And you realize that rat in a corner with the bad blond toupee has his head so far up Putin's ass he can taste Brylcreem, right?

High treason. That's what he must be charged with. Immediately.

Trump was a businessman and there is no law against dealing with Russia. Obviously you are using big words like Treason without looking it up first.
Trump and his surrogates continued,to contact Russia as a candidate and as a nominee.

I'm setting out the dots. It's up to you to connect them. If your Trump blinders keep you from doing just that, the Mueller report will do it for all Americans.

And I can hardly wait for it.

Trump's son met with some Russian broad as a setup stating she had dirt on Hillary. Nothing wrong with that. The others dealt with Russia unassociated with the Trump campaign or organization.

The only actual Russian collusion with evidence was the DNC and Hillary Clinton. They are the ones who got information from Russia about some phony BS on Trump which led to the surveillance warrant. It was a lie because they never told the court where the information came from or who funded it.
Actually, there's plenty wrong with that. An American political campaign must not solicit, accept or otherwise obtain stolen documents from a foreign nation with the goal of aiding that campaign or otherwise interfering with the electoral process.

Tell that to Hilary!

Oh wait it was ok for Hilary because you far left drones voted for her.
Hillary Hillary Hillary!

Ya know what? If my party held majority (that means subpoena power), and my boy was in the White House and controlled the Department of Justice, I'd be pretty pissed that neither branch of the federal government I controlled didn't open investigations!

But having Hillary as a whipping post might serve more red meat to my base.

What's it gonna be? A full throated call to your legislators and,president to get her behind bars, or use her as talking points while playing the victim card?
Trump I said behaving like a rat in a corner, and the analogy is a fitting one.

You realize that the holiest part of our democracy is under attack by the Russians, right? And you realize that this huckster buffoon who calls himself thempresident has had an abnormally high number of contacts with the Russians, right? And you realize that rat in a corner with the bad blond toupee has his head so far up Putin's ass he can taste Brylcreem, right?

High treason. That's what he must be charged with. Immediately.

Trump was a businessman and there is no law against dealing with Russia. Obviously you are using big words like Treason without looking it up first.
Trump and his surrogates continued,to contact Russia as a candidate and as a nominee.

I'm setting out the dots. It's up to you to connect them. If your Trump blinders keep you from doing just that, the Mueller report will do it for all Americans.

And I can hardly wait for it.

Trump's son met with some Russian broad as a setup stating she had dirt on Hillary. Nothing wrong with that. The others dealt with Russia unassociated with the Trump campaign or organization.

The only actual Russian collusion with evidence was the DNC and Hillary Clinton. They are the ones who got information from Russia about some phony BS on Trump which led to the surveillance warrant. It was a lie because they never told the court where the information came from or who funded it.
Actually, there's plenty wrong with that. An American political campaign must not solicit, accept or otherwise obtain stolen documents from a foreign nation with the goal of aiding that campaign or otherwise interfering with the electoral process.

What stolen documents are you talking about here? And what interfering in an electoral process are you talking about?

That's besides the fact the woman had nothing to offer. It was a phony claim she made to meet with him.
Who is Gucifer 2.0? It turns out, 'he' is a Russian spy! Emails to Stine, stone in the campaign, emails used as election dirt and hey Presto! A crime as defined by the federal code!
Trump was a businessman and there is no law against dealing with Russia. Obviously you are using big words like Treason without looking it up first.
Trump and his surrogates continued,to contact Russia as a candidate and as a nominee.

I'm setting out the dots. It's up to you to connect them. If your Trump blinders keep you from doing just that, the Mueller report will do it for all Americans.

And I can hardly wait for it.

Trump's son met with some Russian broad as a setup stating she had dirt on Hillary. Nothing wrong with that. The others dealt with Russia unassociated with the Trump campaign or organization.

The only actual Russian collusion with evidence was the DNC and Hillary Clinton. They are the ones who got information from Russia about some phony BS on Trump which led to the surveillance warrant. It was a lie because they never told the court where the information came from or who funded it.
Actually, there's plenty wrong with that. An American political campaign must not solicit, accept or otherwise obtain stolen documents from a foreign nation with the goal of aiding that campaign or otherwise interfering with the electoral process.

Tell that to Hilary!

Oh wait it was ok for Hilary because you far left drones voted for her.
Hillary Hillary Hillary!

Ya know what? If my party held majority (that means subpoena power), and my boy was in the White House and controlled the Department of Justice, I'd be pretty pissed that neither branch of the federal government I controlled didn't open investigations!

But having Hillary as a whipping post might serve more red meat to my base.

What's it gonna be? A full throated call to your legislators and,president to get her behind bars, or use her as talking points while playing the victim card?

See how the far left reacts when you point out facts about their GOD's..
Trump and his surrogates continued,to contact Russia as a candidate and as a nominee.

I'm setting out the dots. It's up to you to connect them. If your Trump blinders keep you from doing just that, the Mueller report will do it for all Americans.

And I can hardly wait for it.

Trump's son met with some Russian broad as a setup stating she had dirt on Hillary. Nothing wrong with that. The others dealt with Russia unassociated with the Trump campaign or organization.

The only actual Russian collusion with evidence was the DNC and Hillary Clinton. They are the ones who got information from Russia about some phony BS on Trump which led to the surveillance warrant. It was a lie because they never told the court where the information came from or who funded it.
Actually, there's plenty wrong with that. An American political campaign must not solicit, accept or otherwise obtain stolen documents from a foreign nation with the goal of aiding that campaign or otherwise interfering with the electoral process.

Tell that to Hilary!

Oh wait it was ok for Hilary because you far left drones voted for her.
Hillary Hillary Hillary!

Ya know what? If my party held majority (that means subpoena power), and my boy was in the White House and controlled the Department of Justice, I'd be pretty pissed that neither branch of the federal government I controlled didn't open investigations!

But having Hillary as a whipping post might serve more red meat to my base.

What's it gonna be? A full throated call to your legislators and,president to get her behind bars, or use her as talking points while playing the victim card?

See how the far left reacts when you point out facts about their GOD's..
In case you have been paying attention, and clearly you haven't been, Hillary is nobody's Gos. The Democrat party is not the party of Hillary Clinton. But the Republican Party is the party of Trump.

God status has a bad blind toupee and is morbidly obese.
And I can hardly wait for it.

Trump's son met with some Russian broad as a setup stating she had dirt on Hillary. Nothing wrong with that. The others dealt with Russia unassociated with the Trump campaign or organization.

The only actual Russian collusion with evidence was the DNC and Hillary Clinton. They are the ones who got information from Russia about some phony BS on Trump which led to the surveillance warrant. It was a lie because they never told the court where the information came from or who funded it.
Actually, there's plenty wrong with that. An American political campaign must not solicit, accept or otherwise obtain stolen documents from a foreign nation with the goal of aiding that campaign or otherwise interfering with the electoral process.

Tell that to Hilary!

Oh wait it was ok for Hilary because you far left drones voted for her.
Hillary Hillary Hillary!

Ya know what? If my party held majority (that means subpoena power), and my boy was in the White House and controlled the Department of Justice, I'd be pretty pissed that neither branch of the federal government I controlled didn't open investigations!

But having Hillary as a whipping post might serve more red meat to my base.

What's it gonna be? A full throated call to your legislators and,president to get her behind bars, or use her as talking points while playing the victim card?

See how the far left reacts when you point out facts about their GOD's..
In case you have been paying attention, and clearly you haven't been, Hillary is nobody's Gos. The Democrat party is not the party of Hillary Clinton. But the Republican Party is the party of Trump.

God status has a bad blind toupee and is morbidly obese.

Of course she is, you voted for her in the last election and she should be in jail for all the crimes she has committed, yet you idiots have set her up again in 2020 (with your debunked Russian narrative). And you will vote for her again. And yet you drones still defend her to the last. She is your GOD just like Obama, just like Bill, just like FDR.
Actually, there's plenty wrong with that. An American political campaign must not solicit, accept or otherwise obtain stolen documents from a foreign nation with the goal of aiding that campaign or otherwise interfering with the electoral process.

Tell that to Hilary!

Oh wait it was ok for Hilary because you far left drones voted for her.
Hillary Hillary Hillary!

Ya know what? If my party held majority (that means subpoena power), and my boy was in the White House and controlled the Department of Justice, I'd be pretty pissed that neither branch of the federal government I controlled didn't open investigations!

But having Hillary as a whipping post might serve more red meat to my base.

What's it gonna be? A full throated call to your legislators and,president to get her behind bars, or use her as talking points while playing the victim card?

See how the far left reacts when you point out facts about their GOD's..
In case you have been paying attention, and clearly you haven't been, Hillary is nobody's Gos. The Democrat party is not the party of Hillary Clinton. But the Republican Party is the party of Trump.

God status has a bad blind toupee and is morbidly obese.

Of course she is, you voted for her in the last election and she should be in jail for all the crimes she has committed, yet you idiots have set her up again in 2020 (with your debunked Russian narrative). And you will vote for her again. And yet you drones still defend her to the last. She is your GOD just like Obama, just like Bill, just like FDR.
I'll make this wager. If Hillary gets nominated in 2020, I'll make your September 2020 mortgage payment! The one right after the nominating convention.
Tell that to Hilary!

Oh wait it was ok for Hilary because you far left drones voted for her.
Hillary Hillary Hillary!

Ya know what? If my party held majority (that means subpoena power), and my boy was in the White House and controlled the Department of Justice, I'd be pretty pissed that neither branch of the federal government I controlled didn't open investigations!

But having Hillary as a whipping post might serve more red meat to my base.

What's it gonna be? A full throated call to your legislators and,president to get her behind bars, or use her as talking points while playing the victim card?

See how the far left reacts when you point out facts about their GOD's..
In case you have been paying attention, and clearly you haven't been, Hillary is nobody's Gos. The Democrat party is not the party of Hillary Clinton. But the Republican Party is the party of Trump.

God status has a bad blind toupee and is morbidly obese.

Of course she is, you voted for her in the last election and she should be in jail for all the crimes she has committed, yet you idiots have set her up again in 2020 (with your debunked Russian narrative). And you will vote for her again. And yet you drones still defend her to the last. She is your GOD just like Obama, just like Bill, just like FDR.
I'll make this wager. If Hillary gets nominated in 2020, I'll make your September 2020 mortgage payment! The one right after the nominating convention.

If Hilary runs you will have no choice but to vote for her, like we saw in 2016.

So just admit you will vote for Hilary no matter what..
The Democrat party is not the party of Hillary Clinton.
It was in 2016...and if she has her way in 2020 it will be again...
It's a lead pipe cinch Hillary won't run.

You far left drones have paved the way for her to run, that is what you far left drones do not understand..

Even the far left hack sites are paving the way for her:

Here’s your leftover turkey: The case for Hillary Clinton 2020
As if Trump hasn't brought alol this on himself. What constitutes an "outrageous" lie? Doesn't The Donald set the benchmark?

The "Muller Investigation" is nothing but an outrageous lie. The MSM didn't instigate it.....the DNC did, but the desperate, pro-liberal Democrat, MSM keeps the story on the front burner even after nearly two years of fruitless investigation.
There are a lot of good things happening....the GDP, jobs market, defeat of ISIS, etc. that doesn't make the news. They can't report anything that would interfere with their blatant campaigning for Democrats.
It's not as simple as just's a failure to report the truth. The MSM is unable to even pretend to be neutral so they can't do the job the Founders set out for them. They've lost their credibility and Trump is right to say they have become the enemy of the people.
Trump I said behaving like a rat in a corner, and the analogy is a fitting one.

You realize that the holiest part of our democracy is under attack by the Russians, right? And you realize that this huckster buffoon who calls himself thempresident has had an abnormally high number of contacts with the Russians, right? And you realize that rat in a corner with the bad blond toupee has his head so far up Putin's ass he can taste Brylcreem, right?

High treason. That's what he must be charged with. Immediately.

Trump was a businessman and there is no law against dealing with Russia. Obviously you are using big words like Treason without looking it up first.
Trump and his surrogates continued,to contact Russia as a candidate and as a nominee.

I'm setting out the dots. It's up to you to connect them. If your Trump blinders keep you from doing just that, the Mueller report will do it for all Americans.

And I can hardly wait for it.

Trump's son met with some Russian broad as a setup stating she had dirt on Hillary. Nothing wrong with that. The others dealt with Russia unassociated with the Trump campaign or organization.

The only actual Russian collusion with evidence was the DNC and Hillary Clinton. They are the ones who got information from Russia about some phony BS on Trump which led to the surveillance warrant. It was a lie because they never told the court where the information came from or who funded it.
You don't know what happened in that meeting and you don't know what Trump's involvement is, if any. There is only speculation, leaks, and opinion. Only when the investigation is done will information be release. Of course, if Trump shuts the investigation down, he can seal all the findings which could happen if the investigation came upon evidence against Trump of a really serious legal infraction.
The "Muller Investigation" is nothing but an outrageous lie. The MSM didn't instigate it.....the DNC did, but the desperate, pro-liberal Democrat, MSM keeps the story on the front burner even after nearly two years of fruitless investigation.
There are a lot of good things happening....the GDP, jobs market, defeat of ISIS, etc. that doesn't make the news. They can't report anything that would interfere with their blatant campaigning for Democrats.
It's not as simple as just's a failure to report the truth. The MSM is unable to even pretend to be neutral so they can't do the job the Founders set out for them. They've lost their credibility and Trump is right to say they have become the enemy of the people.
Trump I said behaving like a rat in a corner, and the analogy is a fitting one.

You realize that the holiest part of our democracy is under attack by the Russians, right? And you realize that this huckster buffoon who calls himself thempresident has had an abnormally high number of contacts with the Russians, right? And you realize that rat in a corner with the bad blond toupee has his head so far up Putin's ass he can taste Brylcreem, right?

High treason. That's what he must be charged with. Immediately.

Trump was a businessman and there is no law against dealing with Russia. Obviously you are using big words like Treason without looking it up first.
Trump and his surrogates continued,to contact Russia as a candidate and as a nominee.

I'm setting out the dots. It's up to you to connect them. If your Trump blinders keep you from doing just that, the Mueller report will do it for all Americans.

And I can hardly wait for it.

Trump's son met with some Russian broad as a setup stating she had dirt on Hillary. Nothing wrong with that. The others dealt with Russia unassociated with the Trump campaign or organization.

The only actual Russian collusion with evidence was the DNC and Hillary Clinton. They are the ones who got information from Russia about some phony BS on Trump which led to the surveillance warrant. It was a lie because they never told the court where the information came from or who funded it.
You don't know what happened in that meeting and you don't know what Trump's involvement is, if any. There is only speculation, leaks, and opinion. Only when the investigation is done will information be release. Of course, if Trump shuts the investigation down, he can seal all the findings which could happen if the investigation came upon evidence against Trump of a really serious legal infraction.
I DO know that no information about Clinton was passed to Trump's son. It has been reported repeatedly - even the Russian lawyer said so.

I DO know that collecting opposition research, even from foreigners, is NOT illegal.

Hillary colluded with and paid foreign spies and Russians to obtain a report consisting of 2nd and 3rd hand accounts and Russian propaganda. Election law says you can't PAY for foreign data and use it in a US election...which is what HILLARY did.
Trump I said behaving like a rat in a corner, and the analogy is a fitting one.

You realize that the holiest part of our democracy is under attack by the Russians, right? And you realize that this huckster buffoon who calls himself thempresident has had an abnormally high number of contacts with the Russians, right? And you realize that rat in a corner with the bad blond toupee has his head so far up Putin's ass he can taste Brylcreem, right?

High treason. That's what he must be charged with. Immediately.

Trump was a businessman and there is no law against dealing with Russia. Obviously you are using big words like Treason without looking it up first.
Trump and his surrogates continued,to contact Russia as a candidate and as a nominee.

I'm setting out the dots. It's up to you to connect them. If your Trump blinders keep you from doing just that, the Mueller report will do it for all Americans.

And I can hardly wait for it.

Trump's son met with some Russian broad as a setup stating she had dirt on Hillary. Nothing wrong with that. The others dealt with Russia unassociated with the Trump campaign or organization.

The only actual Russian collusion with evidence was the DNC and Hillary Clinton. They are the ones who got information from Russia about some phony BS on Trump which led to the surveillance warrant. It was a lie because they never told the court where the information came from or who funded it.
You don't know what happened in that meeting and you don't know what Trump's involvement is, if any. There is only speculation, leaks, and opinion. Only when the investigation is done will information be release. Of course, if Trump shuts the investigation down, he can seal all the findings which could happen if the investigation came upon evidence against Trump of a really serious legal infraction.
I DO know that no information about Clinton was passed to Trump's son. It has been reported repeatedly - even the Russian lawyer said so.

I DO know that collecting opposition research, even from foreigners, is NOT illegal.

Hillary colluded with and paid foreign spies and Russians to obtain a report consisting of 2nd and 3rd hand accounts and Russian propaganda. Election law says you can't PAY for foreign data and use it in a US election...which is what HILLARY did.
Correct, collecting opposition research from a foreign goverment is not illegal, unless there was a quid quo pro involved. Thinking the Russia government would provide a US candidate for president important information about his opposition without something in return is a bit naive.
Correct, collecting opposition research from a foreign goverment is not illegal, unless there was a quid quo pro involved. Thinking the Russia government would provide a US candidate for president important information about his opposition without something in return is a bit naive.
You really don't understand Counter-Intelligence operations, that is clear. A United States divided, tearing itself apart, pre-occupied with distrust, dissention, and the type of BS we have been forced to endure more than 2 years now was the goal!

Democrats, like Antifa and BLM who took Russian money to spread racial division and violence, have been all too eager to help the Russians.

'Qui Pro Quo'?!

"Thinking the Russia government would provide a US candidate for president important information about his opposition without something in return is a bit naive."

Dude, the KGB Bank gave Hillary Clinton over $100 million ... in 'donations' to her 'charity'. They paid Bill half a million. YOU SAID YOURSELF believing the Russians just GIVE money out with nothing expected in return is 'naive'.

In 2014 the Russians got 20% of the US supply of uranium, they got the US to sit on their hands while they militarily annexed Crimea, they got TOP SECRET data off Hillary's illegal server, and they got a green light from Barry to continue their counter-Intel ops, hacking, and interfering...And Barry got Vlad-s permission to invade illegally Syria.

Again, YOU said it. The Russians give nothing for free....
Correct, collecting opposition research from a foreign goverment is not illegal, unless there was a quid quo pro involved. Thinking the Russia government would provide a US candidate for president important information about his opposition without something in return is a bit naive.
You really don't understand Counter-Intelligence operations, that is clear. A United States divided, tearing itself apart, pre-occupied with distrust, dissention, and the type of BS we have been forced to endure more than 2 years now was the goal!

Democrats, like Antifa and BLM who took Russian money to spread racial division and violence, have been all too eager to help the Russians.

'Qui Pro Quo'?!

"Thinking the Russia government would provide a US candidate for president important information about his opposition without something in return is a bit naive."

Dude, the KGB Bank gave Hillary Clinton over $100 million ... in 'donations' to her 'charity'. They paid Bill half a million. YOU SAID YOURSELF believing the Russians just GIVE money out with nothing expected in return is 'naive'.

In 2014 the Russians got 20% of the US supply of uranium, they got the US to sit on their hands while they militarily annexed Crimea, they got TOP SECRET data off Hillary's illegal server, and they got a green light from Barry to continue their counter-Intel ops, hacking, and interfering...And Barry got Vlad-s permission to invade illegally Syria.

Again, YOU said it. The Russians give nothing for free....
In which case, they would certainly not give Trump dirt on Hillary without something in return.
In which case, they would certainly not give Trump dirt on Hillary without something in return.
And the Russian lawyer did not give Trump jr. Anything on Hillary Clinton -the lawyer even said so.

So there goes your quid pro quo conspiracy theory...
The "Muller Investigation" is nothing but an outrageous lie. The MSM didn't instigate it.....the DNC did, but the desperate, pro-liberal Democrat, MSM keeps the story on the front burner even after nearly two years of fruitless investigation.
There are a lot of good things happening....the GDP, jobs market, defeat of ISIS, etc. that doesn't make the news. They can't report anything that would interfere with their blatant campaigning for Democrats.
It's not as simple as just's a failure to report the truth. The MSM is unable to even pretend to be neutral so they can't do the job the Founders set out for them. They've lost their credibility and Trump is right to say they have become the enemy of the people.
Trump I said behaving like a rat in a corner, and the analogy is a fitting one.

You realize that the holiest part of our democracy is under attack by the Russians, right? And you realize that this huckster buffoon who calls himself thempresident has had an abnormally high number of contacts with the Russians, right? And you realize that rat in a corner with the bad blond toupee has his head so far up Putin's ass he can taste Brylcreem, right?

High treason. That's what he must be charged with. Immediately.

Trump was a businessman and there is no law against dealing with Russia. Obviously you are using big words like Treason without looking it up first.
Trump and his surrogates continued,to contact Russia as a candidate and as a nominee.

I'm setting out the dots. It's up to you to connect them. If your Trump blinders keep you from doing just that, the Mueller report will do it for all Americans.

And I can hardly wait for it.

Trump's son met with some Russian broad as a setup stating she had dirt on Hillary. Nothing wrong with that. The others dealt with Russia unassociated with the Trump campaign or organization.

The only actual Russian collusion with evidence was the DNC and Hillary Clinton. They are the ones who got information from Russia about some phony BS on Trump which led to the surveillance warrant. It was a lie because they never told the court where the information came from or who funded it.
You don't know what happened in that meeting and you don't know what Trump's involvement is, if any. There is only speculation, leaks, and opinion. Only when the investigation is done will information be release. Of course, if Trump shuts the investigation down, he can seal all the findings which could happen if the investigation came upon evidence against Trump of a really serious legal infraction.

Trump will never shut the investigation down, he may give it a deadline. You, I, and Trump know what this is about, and that is drag this out long enough for the midterms. Keep it looming overhead enough for the Democrat party extension (the MSM) to repeat over and over again about Russian collusion with Trump.

After the midterms, the case will be dropped like a rock, especially if the Democrats take a real beating.

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