Donald Trump + covid-19 versus the truth ... timeline

The truth is the truth.
The WHOLE truth is the WHOLE truth.

You are making a conscious decision: You are CHOOSING to only "see" the positive actions Trump is taking, and CHOOSING to only "see" any good outcomes from those actions.

You are also CHOOSING to ignore, avoid, dismiss and downplay the things he has said and done that have been negative or counter-productive in some way.

That's your choice. I can see both ends of it, loud and clear, and I wish you could too.

I know that's how the partisan game is played, and I hate to see such intellectual honesty at any time, but especially at this moment. And I don't have to participate.
What you see as counter-productive...I see as necessary. Panic was the number one enemy early on. We saw the beginnings of it early on. On day one back in late February, the wife and I were already stocking up, I told her "The virus doesn't scare me Babe...I have a 95% chance of surviving it, and those are great odds. It's the panic we have to worry about.".

Trump navigated the initial days of the outbreak masterfully...and there was very little mass panic. The outbreak itself could only ever be couldn't be stopped. I know the truth was out there, because I had my wife and my parents completely quarantined before the virus spread. Neither household has left their respective yards since before my Dad's birthday...and that was March 9th...I know because he likes to go to Golden Corral but my Mother made him Shepards Pie instead.

I'm still working. I haven't been inside my house or kissed my wife, or been within six feet of her in a I know the truth must have been out there, because I think I would remembered a burning bush scenario.
What you choose to see is up to you.

That cuts both ways. What you choose to see is up to you as we'll.

One of the guys I watch on YouTube says we are watching the same screen but seeing two different movies.
I see the good and the not-so-good, whether it's Trump or Obama or any other President or politician.

So far, I see zero indication that you can do the same. All I see is you obediently defending pretty much everything Trump has done.

and those like you obediently attacking everything he has done. What exactly is the difference?
You haven't even bothered to ask what I think of what he has done. I just finished saying -- and you just quoted me -- that I can see the good and not-so-good. You just quoted me. It's right there, on your screen.

You're dishonest. You don't even think to ask. Your ideology has robbed you of any fundamental curiosity you may have had. This is why I no longer put much effort into trying to communicate with people like you.

the dishonesty here is yours, you pretend to be an unbiased middle of the road guy, but you always side with the far left and the anti Trumpers. I think the word is disingenuous.
I've never said I'm unbiased, never, not once. I've never said I'm middle of the road, never, not once. I even address that clearly in the second line of my sig.

I've been in literally thousands of squabbles with the Regressive Lefties here, particularly on freedom of expression, PC and Identity Politics, among other things. Feel free to utilize the search engine here, type in regressive and my name. There you go.

That's three lies in your one short post. Pretty impressive!

Somehow I was also under the impression you claimed to be an unbiased centrist. You also didn't used to be so angry.
The truth is the truth.
The WHOLE truth is the WHOLE truth.

You are making a conscious decision: You are CHOOSING to only "see" the positive actions Trump is taking, and CHOOSING to only "see" any good outcomes from those actions.

You are also CHOOSING to ignore, avoid, dismiss and downplay the things he has said and done that have been negative or counter-productive in some way.

That's your choice. I can see both ends of it, loud and clear, and I wish you could too.

I know that's how the partisan game is played, and I hate to see such intellectual honesty at any time, but especially at this moment. And I don't have to participate.
What you see as counter-productive...I see as necessary. Panic was the number one enemy early on. We saw the beginnings of it early on. On day one back in late February, the wife and I were already stocking up, I told her "The virus doesn't scare me Babe...I have a 95% chance of surviving it, and those are great odds. It's the panic we have to worry about.".

Trump navigated the initial days of the outbreak masterfully...and there was very little mass panic. The outbreak itself could only ever be couldn't be stopped. I know the truth was out there, because I had my wife and my parents completely quarantined before the virus spread. Neither household has left their respective yards since before my Dad's birthday...and that was March 9th...I know because he likes to go to Golden Corral but my Mother made him Shepards Pie instead.

I'm still working. I haven't been inside my house or kissed my wife, or been within six feet of her in a I know the truth must have been out there, because I think I would remembered a burning bush scenario.
What you choose to see is up to you.

That cuts both ways. What you choose to see is up to you as we'll.

One of the guys I watch on YouTube says we are watching the same screen but seeing two different movies.
I see the good and the not-so-good, whether it's Trump or Obama or any other President or politician.

So far, I see zero indication that you can do the same. All I see is you obediently defending pretty much everything Trump has done.

and those like you obediently attacking everything he has done. What exactly is the difference?
You haven't even bothered to ask what I think of what he has done. I just finished saying -- and you just quoted me -- that I can see the good and not-so-good. You just quoted me. It's right there, on your screen.

You're dishonest. You don't even think to ask. Your ideology has robbed you of any fundamental curiosity you may have had. This is why I no longer put much effort into trying to communicate with people like you.

the dishonesty here is yours, you pretend to be an unbiased middle of the road guy, but you always side with the far left and the anti Trumpers. I think the word is disingenuous.
I've never said I'm unbiased, never, not once. I've never said I'm middle of the road, never, not once. I even address that clearly in the second line of my sig.

I've been in literally thousands of squabbles with the Regressive Lefties here, particularly on freedom of expression, PC and Identity Politics, among other things. Feel free to utilize the search engine here, type in regressive and my name. There you go.

That's three lies in your one short post. Pretty impressive!

your posting history disputes your claims, but that's fine, continue your fantasy, I really don't care
Sure, don't use the search info I provided. Avoid it. Hide from it. It's Deep State Hitler Commie Fake News. Good Trumpster.

I am not in the mood for word games this morning. Vote your conscience and I will do the same.
WaPo behind a paywall for me, but you can always find their best stuff elsewhere.

And nearly three months of dithering later, the lies continue. Sad :confused:

The Washington Post and MSNBC...two of the premiere disinformation distributors at the center of the Hate Trump universe.
In every instance, Kavanaugh hearings, Russia collusion hoax, Ukraine nonsense, war with Iran, etc. they have been out front pumping out outrageous lies and disinformation.

There is absolutely no reason to think they have suddenly decided to play fair and square with the facts.

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