Donald Trump Can Win New York State and All Working-Class America


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2014
Waiting on the Cowardly Dante!!
The Blaze ^
Trust me, Hillary Clinton is scared. Smart Democrats are panicking. Leading Democrats keep saying in the media that Donald Trump can’t win the general election. Really? That may be what they’re saying out loud, but it’s not what they are whispering in private. I think leading Democrats know exactly what I know. Donald Trump can win New York State. And if he does, Hillary’s goose is cooked. If the GOP wins New York, Democrats have no electoral path to the White House. Donald Trump is the consummate New Yorker. Donald Trump is New York. Hillary was a carpetbagger from Arkansas....

If you look at the majority of his audience.....its sorry ass white women who haven't sampled a black man yet and pissed off angry white boys, still baffled by the fact, the world is changing and times have changed and their days of dominating the planet is coming to an end.......tally that shit up and you have a local election......on the big way in hell is Donald Dumb gonna win anything UNLESS IS PROVIDE SPECIFICS....SOMETHING HE HAS YET TO DO......because a snake oil salesman can only provide pipe dreams to the ignorant, ie whites

I suggest you actually watch a 1 hour interview rather than a sound bite.
Seriously, anyone living off cheap labor and/or their Portfolio is gonna sh!t in their pants when Trump wins.
If you look at the majority of his audience.....its sorry ass white women who haven't sampled a black man yet and pissed off angry white boys, still baffled by the fact, the world is changing and times have changed and their days of dominating the planet is coming to an end.......tally that shit up and you have a local election......on the big way in hell is Donald Dumb gonna win anything UNLESS IS PROVIDE SPECIFICS....SOMETHING HE HAS YET TO DO......because a snake oil salesman can only provide pipe dreams to the ignorant, ie whites

I suggest you actually watch a 1 hour interview rather than a sound bite.
Seriously, anyone living off cheap labor and/or their Portfolio is gonna sh!t in their pants when Trump wins.

I feel so sorry for suckers like you, I really really really really really poor poor sap!! You do know that your messiah, ie Trump makes a living offshoring his and his family's products that he sell to chumps like you, you do know this, yes?
Adolph Hitler did the exact same shit that took him to power.....promised ignorant whites the land of plenty......and ended up rippin their souls to shreds.....when will white people ever learn....times change and nothing you can hold onto or vote for will stop that matter how much you wish for it.
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  • Trump draws record DeltaPlex crowd: 'We love Michigan'
    Fox 17 ^ | December 21, 2015 10:41pm | Josh Sidorowicz
    WALKER, Mich.- A record-setting crowd packed into the DeltaPlex Monday night to see Republican front runner Donald Trump take the stage. "We love Michigan, we love it!" Trump said as he first entered the arena for his first campaign stop in West Michigan and second in the state since announcing his presidential run. ... At least 10 people were escorted out of the building by security during the hour-long speech for heckling Trump, shouting various and usually inaudible things at the candidate. Trump didn't miss a beat, calling the protesters sad and staged. ... Expectedly, Trump also hit hard against...
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    theguardian ^ | December 21, 2015 | Michele McManmon
    On the cusp of retirement, the country legend talks about his plans for a theme park, his prediction for the next Hank Williams and why he admires Trump (snip) How do you feel about Donald Trump? I really like him. I think his problem is that he says what everyone wants to hear, but he doesn't say it well. I love what he says, I have to admit. He can be president and not owe anybody anything; he's one of the few people has the money to do it, and has the guts to do it. You're biting off a...
Trump does nothing but egg his mindless minions on with racist bs and tough shit talk....and yaw eat it up. Yes, he's an outsider, yes he draws huge crowds, and yes he says things that we're all thinking....and on that note, I give the guy high marks....but Trump is also a liar....he's never going to be able to convince his greedy boys on Wall Street to bring all these jobs back to this country and them taking a profit hit. Never gonna happen, not ever. Illegals ain't going no where, fence is never gonna be built and us partnering with Russia?? Seriously? I mean the guy is selling you nuts a bunch of hot air fucked up dreams and it breaks my heart to see so many ignorant white people....once again believing in shit like dat....yaw need some serious brain transfusion or Hitler Jr. is gonna fuck this country up even more.
He says what businesses want to hear too, and folks who are deeply concerned about the state and future of America's economy and global financial standing...

I think Trumps biggest problem is that he doesn't have "writers" like the other's, he says what he thinks and feels without asking if it's PC first. Damaging in some ways, but I'm not sure its as damaging as the media wants to portray it as. Like the whole making fun of that disabled reporter - no one I know, not even the lefties, got that impression from watching the clip; they just got that he was mocking someone for back-tracking; and a good number of them didn't even make the connection /after/ the media put forward the idea... I suppose the lefties in my circle aren't as "sensitive" as others out there ~shrug~

Tiger, so your idea is to just let the jobs go then and fuck even trying to bring them back to America? It's not like any Dem's have a "plan" to bring them back... On illegals... I have no issue with folks coming in to work and better their lives, but they should do it legally, if they don't then I consider them as abusing the system and thus not worth allowing. I'd be happy with just a change back to a statement that we'll be enforcing our immigration laws and deporting any illegals found - that in itself is going to stem at least some of the flagrant trespasses. I also don't get the problem with "partnering" with Russia, the cold war ended, we've /been/ partnering with Russia for many, many things (from the space program to joint troop training missions,) there is almost no reason, at this time, to /not/ consider Russia an ally EXCEPT that Obama decided that the "moderate" terrorists who are against Assad are our allies... I find the resistance to encouraging peace with Russia absolutely baffling when we're encouraging peace with known terrorists... Baffling...
Of course Trump will win New York, he's the favorite son of all favorite sons. He's built parks, playgrounds, he gave the city a carousel and a huge ice skating rink. He's used his jet to transport sick children.

There isn't another person in New York as well thought of as Donald Trump.

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