CDZ Donald Trump asserts that he knows nothing about David Duke and white supremacists

320 Years of History

Gold Member
Nov 1, 2015
Washington, D.C.
David Duke endorsed Donald Trump. Mr. Trump, eventually "disavowed" the endorsement, but later, in an interview with Jake Tapper (CNN), Mr. Trump said he doesn't know anything about David Duke or white supremacists. He even asked, "Did he endorse me?"

Well just so you understand, I don't know anything about David Duke, OK? I don't know anything about what you're even talking about with white supremacy or white supremacists. So, I don't know. I don't know, did he endorse me, or what's going on? Because, you know, I know nothing about David Duke. I know nothing about white supremacists. And so you're asking me a question that I'm supposed to be talking about people that I know nothing about.​

Really, Mr. Trump, come this morning -- 28-Jan-2016 -- you don't know, presumably forgot, that Mr. Duke endorsed you? It didn't just hit the news this morning. He did it at least three days ago and your disavowal (via Twitter and one of your own campaign events) of it was last Friday. Yet this morning you "don't know anything about David Duke and white supremacists? BS! How could you have last Friday, when prompted with a question at one of your own campaign rallies had enough awareness of him to disavow Mr. Duke's endorsement and today not know anything about Mr. Duke or white supremacists?

Mr. Trump is just so "full of sh*t" that, as noted by many folks, the man will say, not damn near anything, literally anything in his attempts to curry favor with voters, regardless of whether it's true; this just another deplorable example of that. And if it's not BS and Mr. Trump truly doesn't know anything about David Duke, why the hell does anyone other than Mr. Duke and his white supremacist friends think Mr. Trump should be President?

Why do I say that? Because in 2000, Mr. Trump said, "As you know, the Reform Party has got some pretty big problems, not the least of which is Pat Buchanan, David Duke, Fulani, and it’s a problem.” I guess, Mr. Trump doesn't see David Duke as being so much of a problem today.

Mr. Tapper asked him if he'd unequivocally condemn endorsements of white supremacist groups (and by extension, the groups themselves and their ideas and principles) by saying that he doesn't want their support. Mr. Trump did not say, "Yes, I condemn them, and no, I do not want the support of white supremacist groups or individuals." He didn't even say something close to or similar to that. (the exchange is in the video linked above with Jake Tapper's name)

Did Mr. Trump merely have a "brain fart" during a globally televised interview with Jake Tapper on CNN that he'd known about in advance? Might it be that in addition to being a poor speller, Mr. Trump is a "chocker" [choker] just like he asserts Mr. Rubio is?

The Republican Party even is incredulous that Mr. Trump equivocated on the matter and that his waffling may be viewed as the Party's welcoming and encouraging white supremacist ideas. Sean Spicer, the RNC Communications Director and Chief Strategist, this morning tweeted, "Are you kidding. Of course the ...[Republican Party denounces] these hate groups/people."

Lastly, in citing why he supports Mr. Trump, David Duke specifically pointed to Mr. Trump's stance on immigration. Wonder of wonders! How did Mr. Trump "come out of the gate" on immigration and Latinos?
  • Mexican undocumented immigrants are “rapists” and they are “bringing drugs and crime.”
  • The man wants to build a wall on our border with Mexico. I suppose he hasn't been to the border.


    Nevermind that the evidence shows that a wall would be not only useless, but also counterproductive.

In closing, I'll just say that while I don't want to believe that Mr. Trump is an outright racist or that he actively espouses racist principles, I'm just not certain. That's like everything else about the man. He has shown time and time again that at one point he said/says "A," later he says "B," and after that he will say the complete opposite of "A." There is simply no way to rely upon a damn thing that man says yet he has the temerity to ask for our votes. Worse still, he's the frontrunner in the GOP primary races.
His number one principle is, don't be politically corrected. I'm loving it.

Without his money and hand picked staff, this would not work. They'd be too many sabatuers.
David Duke endorsed Donald Trump. Mr. Trump, eventually "disavowed" the endorsement, but later, in an interview with Jake Tapper (CNN), Mr. Trump said he doesn't know anything about David Duke or white supremacists. He even asked, "Did he endorse me?"

Well just so you understand, I don't know anything about David Duke, OK? I don't know anything about what you're even talking about with white supremacy or white supremacists. So, I don't know. I don't know, did he endorse me, or what's going on? Because, you know, I know nothing about David Duke. I know nothing about white supremacists. And so you're asking me a question that I'm supposed to be talking about people that I know nothing about.​

Really, Mr. Trump, come this morning -- 28-Jan-2016 -- you don't know, presumably forgot, that Mr. Duke endorsed you? It didn't just hit the news this morning. He did it at least three days ago and your disavowal (via Twitter and one of your own campaign events) of it was last Friday. Yet this morning you "don't know anything about David Duke and white supremacists? BS! How could you have last Friday, when prompted with a question at one of your own campaign rallies had enough awareness of him to disavow Mr. Duke's endorsement and today not know anything about Mr. Duke or white supremacists?

Mr. Trump is just so "full of sh*t" that, as noted by many folks, the man will say, not damn near anything, literally anything in his attempts to curry favor with voters, regardless of whether it's true; this just another deplorable example of that. And if it's not BS and Mr. Trump truly doesn't know anything about David Duke, why the hell does anyone other than Mr. Duke and his white supremacist friends think Mr. Trump should be President?

Why do I say that? Because in 2000, Mr. Trump said, "As you know, the Reform Party has got some pretty big problems, not the least of which is Pat Buchanan, David Duke, Fulani, and it’s a problem.” I guess, Mr. Trump doesn't see David Duke as being so much of a problem today.

Mr. Tapper asked him if he'd unequivocally condemn endorsements of white supremacist groups (and by extension, the groups themselves and their ideas and principles) by saying that he doesn't want their support. Mr. Trump did not say, "Yes, I condemn them, and no, I do not want the support of white supremacist groups or individuals." He didn't even say something close to or similar to that. (the exchange is in the video linked above with Jake Tapper's name)

Did Mr. Trump merely have a "brain fart" during a globally televised interview with Jake Tapper on CNN that he'd known about in advance? Might it be that in addition to being a poor speller, Mr. Trump is a "chocker" [choker] just like he asserts Mr. Rubio is?

The Republican Party even is incredulous that Mr. Trump equivocated on the matter and that his waffling may be viewed as the Party's welcoming and encouraging white supremacist ideas. Sean Spicer, the RNC Communications Director and Chief Strategist, this morning tweeted, "Are you kidding. Of course the ...[Republican Party denounces] these hate groups/people."

Lastly, in citing why he supports Mr. Trump, David Duke specifically pointed to Mr. Trump's stance on immigration. Wonder of wonders! How did Mr. Trump "come out of the gate" on immigration and Latinos?

In closing, I'll just say that while I don't want to believe that Mr. Trump is an outright racist or that he actively espouses racist principles, I'm just not certain. That's like everything else about the man. He has shown time and time again that at one point he said/says "A," later he says "B," and after that he will say the complete opposite of "A." There is simply no way to rely upon a damn thing that man says yet he has the temerity to ask for our votes. Worse still, he's the frontrunner in the GOP primary races.
Its looking more like the choice for president in the GE will be Trump or Clinton.
Well just so you understand, I don't know anything about David Duke, OK? I don't know anything about what you're even talking about with white supremacy or white supremacists. So, I don't know. I don't know, did he endorse me, or what's going on? Because, you know, I know nothing about David Duke. I know nothing about white supremacists. And so you're asking me a question that I'm supposed to be talking about people that I know nothing about.
Really, Mr. Trump, come this morning -- 28-Jan-2016 -- you don't know, presumably forgot, that Mr. Duke endorsed you? It didn't just hit the news this morning. He did it at least three days ago and your disavowal (via Twitter and one of your own campaign events) of it was last Friday. Yet this morning you "don't know anything about David Duke and white supremacists? BS! How could you have last Friday, when prompted with a question at one of your own campaign rallies had enough awareness of him to disavow Mr. Duke's endorsement and today not know anything about Mr. Duke or white supremacists?

Mr. Trump is just so "full of sh*t" that, as noted by many folks, the man will say, not damn near anything, literally anything in his attempts to curry favor with voters, regardless of whether it's true; this just another deplorable example of that. And if it's not BS and Mr. Trump truly doesn't know anything about David Duke, why the hell does anyone other than Mr. Duke and his white supremacist friends think Mr. Trump should be President?

Why do I say that? Because in 2000, Mr. Trump said, "As you know, the Reform Party has got some pretty big problems, not the least of which is Pat Buchanan, David Duke, Fulani, and it’s a problem.” I guess, Mr. Trump doesn't see David Duke as being so much of a problem today.

Mr. Tapper asked him if he'd unequivocally condemn endorsements of white supremacist groups (and by extension, the groups themselves and their ideas and principles) by saying that he doesn't want their support. Mr. Trump did not say, "Yes, I condemn them, and no, I do not want the support of white supremacist groups or individuals." He didn't even say something close to or similar to that. (the exchange is in the video linked above with Jake Tapper's name)

-320 word "brain fart?"
Should Trump say he doesn't want Duke's vote? I don't think so. Did Trump in a non PC way separate himself from Duke and Duke's white supremacist views? Hell Yes!
Well just so you understand, I don't know anything about David Duke, OK? I don't know anything about what you're even talking about with white supremacy or white supremacists. So, I don't know. I don't know, did he endorse me, or what's going on? Because, you know, I know nothing about David Duke. I know nothing about white supremacists. And so you're asking me a question that I'm supposed to be talking about people that I know nothing about.
Really, Mr. Trump, come this morning -- 28-Jan-2016 -- you don't know, presumably forgot, that Mr. Duke endorsed you? It didn't just hit the news this morning. He did it at least three days ago and your disavowal (via Twitter and one of your own campaign events) of it was last Friday. Yet this morning you "don't know anything about David Duke and white supremacists? BS! How could you have last Friday, when prompted with a question at one of your own campaign rallies had enough awareness of him to disavow Mr. Duke's endorsement and today not know anything about Mr. Duke or white supremacists?

Mr. Trump is just so "full of sh*t" that, as noted by many folks, the man will say, not damn near anything, literally anything in his attempts to curry favor with voters, regardless of whether it's true; this just another deplorable example of that. And if it's not BS and Mr. Trump truly doesn't know anything about David Duke, why the hell does anyone other than Mr. Duke and his white supremacist friends think Mr. Trump should be President?

Why do I say that? Because in 2000, Mr. Trump said, "As you know, the Reform Party has got some pretty big problems, not the least of which is Pat Buchanan, David Duke, Fulani, and it’s a problem.” I guess, Mr. Trump doesn't see David Duke as being so much of a problem today.

Mr. Tapper asked him if he'd unequivocally condemn endorsements of white supremacist groups (and by extension, the groups themselves and their ideas and principles) by saying that he doesn't want their support. Mr. Trump did not say, "Yes, I condemn them, and no, I do not want the support of white supremacist groups or individuals." He didn't even say something close to or similar to that. (the exchange is in the video linked above with Jake Tapper's name)

-320 word "brain fart?"

Actually, I didn't coin that phrase/term: Google .
Well that was a long and winding attempt to paint Trump as a sort of, but not really, well maybe White Supremacist. Much ado about nothing. Rubio, the GOP and the Liberals are frantically digging up mud and throwing it at Trump. Ain't American politics grand?
Should Trump say he doesn't want Duke's vote? I don't think so. Did Trump in a non PC way separate himself from Duke and Duke's white supremacist views? Hell Yes!

It doesn't appear to me that he did anything but talk about of not both, but three sides of his mouth:
  1. With Mr. Tapper, he di not categorically white supremacist groups views/endorsement.
  2. In his press/campaign conference/event, he disavowed Mr. Duke and his endorsement.
  3. With Mr. Tapper he denied even knowing anything about white supremacists and Mr. Duke.
What Mr. Trump has done is carefully craft and issue mixed messages, one each for differing blocks of potential/existing supporters and voters. If that's not the height of PC, I don't know what is for PC, while it may at a basic and literal level be a given set of obfuscatory and sometimes comical words and phrases, in its most sophisticated guise, it's a deft technique for equivocating and politically having one's cake and eating it too.

The thing that too many folks overlook is that the techniques of political correctness can be used by folks of any given persuasion on any given matter. All it takes for one to use PC principles is an unwillingness to be crystal clear in issuing one's remarks.

The unfortunate fact is that for as incredibly reproachable I find Mr. Duke and most of his ideas/beliefs, the fact is that he demonstrates a greater degree of integrity than does Mr. Trump. David Duke, though he is a racist, he "owns" his views on that. He's not running from them; he's not trying to present himself as anything other than what he is. There was a brief period wherein he attempted to recast himself as a reformed racist; he's since dispensed with that and returned to openly being the bigot that he is. If there's anyone who'd not PC, and who disavows its tactics and objectives, it's David Duke, not Donald Trump.
Well that was a long and winding attempt to paint Trump as a sort of, but not really, well maybe White Supremacist. Much ado about nothing. Rubio, the GOP and the Liberals are frantically digging up mud and throwing it at Trump. Ain't American politics grand?

"Paint...[Mr. Trump] as a white supremacist" with my OP? Absolutely not. Did you not read the closing paragraph? I said I don't want to believe he is a racist and that I'm not certain whether he is or isn't. Were I of a mind that he is, I would not have been "roundabout" in making that case; I'd say I think he's a racist and XYZ are the reasons I think so.

My OP's aim is to show that Mr. Trump cannot be relied upon because he will say whatever he thinks will generate votes for himself. The OP's aim is to also show that currying favor, or at least not categorically rejecting white supremacists is not beneath or beyond Mr. Trump when it comes to building a coalition of supporters from among the American electorate.
20% of Trump supporters believe slavery should have never been made illegal. White supremacists are morons and Trump loves the poorly educated. Gee, I wonder why? Could there be a connection between Trump's success and the stupidest people in the country?
Has he been medically inspected by an independent physician? I mean, he might have dementia or affluenza or something...
His number one principle is, don't be politically corrected. I'm loving it.

Without his money and hand picked staff, this would not work. They'd be too many sabatuers.

Frankly, I see PC as little other than a convenient means of articulating something other than plain, unvarnished truth. I think that if one knows one's ideas, upon being aired, are going to tick off some people, well, they just will. So be it. Integrity is saying what one believes and letting the chips fall as they may. If one isn't just an outright rude jerk, what's the problem? People can tell the difference between a hard to hear plain truth and a thinly veiled attempt not to polarize others.

I say, be polite, be honest, be neutral, and without artifice say what's on your mind. It's really not hard to do. One need not go out of one's way to hurt another's feeling, but if castigating them is one's aim, find a mature way to do it and be done.
His number one principle is, don't be politically corrected. I'm loving it.

Without his money and hand picked staff, this would not work. They'd be too many sabatuers.

Frankly, I see PC as little other than a convenient means of articulating something other than plain, unvarnished truth. I think that if one knows one's ideas, upon being aired, are going to tick off some people, well, they just will. So be it. Integrity is saying what one believes and letting the chips fall as they may. If one isn't just an outright rude jerk, what's the problem? People can tell the difference between a hard to hear plain truth and a thinly veiled attempt not to polarize others.

I say, be polite, be honest, be neutral, and without artifice say what's on your mind. It's really not hard to do. One need not go out of one's way to hurt another's feeling, but if castigating them is one's aim, find a mature way to do it and be done.

Sometimes PC police actually outright state their monstrous goals.

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