DOJ Outlines Strzok Security Violations - Strzok Sues Barr, Whining About Being a Target For 2 Years


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
"The Department of Justice released documents Monday outlining a slew of "security violations" and flagrantly "unprofessional conduct" by anti-Trump ex-FBI agent Peter Strzok — including his alleged practice of keeping sensitive FBI documents on his unsecured personal electronic devices, even as his wife gained access to his cellphone"

Proving ponce again that Obama ran the most criminal Presidential administration in US history, the DOJ's revelation that Stzok kept classified data on personal devices confirms the already proven fact that most Cabinet members, Agency Dire tors, and Deep State members regularly violated US security rules, regulations, and laws by illegally using and conducting business on personal devices to avoid FOIA & Federal Records Act compliance.

It is already recorded / proven fact that Obama set the record with his administration for criminal non-compliance with both the FOIA and FRA. The information in newly released documents continue to show exactly who was guilty of doing so.

*** Just before the 2016 Presidential election the FBI released a public statement reporting they had found THOUSANDS of official subpoenaed documents on HRC's personal server, that she had tried and failed to destroy to hide from the FBI, that Hillary had never turned in as required by the law for archival.

*** Days before the election the FBI announced the investigation of HRC had been re-opened - this was because FBI agents discovered that Hillary's aide - Huma Abedin - had ILLEGALLY downloaded copies of ALL (thousands) of HRC's e-mails and documents onto her and her convicted sex crime perv's husband's personal laptop. Comey reluctantly declared the investigation had re-opened because his field agents concerned about this forced him to....although Comey and Rosenstein quickly shut it down, ignoring the crimes that had been exposed to protect Hillary. THIS is supported by the testimony of former GBI Agent page who testified that the DOJ personally informed her and former FBI Deputy Director McCabe that the DOJ had no interest or intent of opening a criminal case against Hillary Clinton.

Even President Obama was exposed for having had a personal e-mail account and an alias with which he conducted business, to include e-mailing HRC's personal e-mail. Despite LYING to the American people and claiming he only found out about Hillary's server/e-mail from the press, evidence shows Barry had been e-mailing her for quite a while using his own e-mail/alias. Deeper investigations uncovered evidence that most of Obama's Cabinet and administration members violated / fot around the FOIA & FRA by using personal servers, e-mails, and aliases.

Strzok, the leading Counter-Intelligence Operations expert in the US, has been exposed as having been in charge of running the Counter-Intelligence Op against President Trump for Obama and his administration. Evidence shows he worked with NSA Director Clapper and FBI Director Brennan in helping to write both the Intel Community Assessment and Intel Community Report based on the known false Russian-authored Counter-Intel propaganda delivered by known Trump-hating liar and foreign spy Steele.

DOJ outlines slew of Strzok 'security violations,' says wife learned of affair through unsecured phone

This is the BIG STALL.

STALL the truth and get the GOP Traitors in the Senate to impeach....
Always accuse others of that which you are guilty.

Identity politics

There, that is the democrats and their voters. Nothing more.
"The DOJ was seeking to dismiss Strzok’s lawsuit claiming he was unfairly fired and deserves to be reinstated as chief of the counterespionage division at the FBI. In its filing, the DOJ included an August 2018 letter to Strzok from the DOJ's Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR), which said in part that Strzok had engaged in a "dereliction of supervisory responsibility" by failing to investigate the potentially classified Hillary Clinton emails that had turned up on an unsecured laptop belonging to Anthony Weiner as the 2016 election approached.

The situation became so dire,
OPR said, that a case agent in New York told federal prosecutors there that he was "scared" and "paranoid" that "somebody was not acting appropriately" and that "somebody was trying to bury this."

...which we all know unquestionably the Obama administration did, protecting Hillary from Indictment, again, supported by former FBI agent Page's testimony.

"The New York prosecutors then immediately relayed their concerns to the DOJ, effectively going over Strzok's head — and leading, eventually, to then-FBI Director James Comey's fateful announcement just prior to Election Day that emails possibly related to the Clinton probe had been located on Weiner's laptop.

Too bad Comey / the FBI Leadership and the Rosenstein / the DOJ were all ass-deep in protecting Hillary...and the DOJ had already told Page / McCabe the DOJ would NOT investigate / hold HRC accountable for ANYTHING...

"The Department of Justice released documents Monday outlining a slew of "security violations" and flagrantly "unprofessional conduct" by anti-Trump ex-FBI agent Peter Strzok — including his alleged practice of keeping sensitive FBI documents on his unsecured personal electronic devices, even as his wife gained access to his cellphone"

Proving ponce again that Obama ran the most criminal Presidential administration in US history, the DOJ's revelation that Stzok kept classified data on personal devices confirms the already proven fact that most Cabinet members, Agency Dire tors, and Deep State members regularly violated US security rules, regulations, and laws by illegally using and conducting business on personal devices to avoid FOIA & Federal Records Act compliance.

It is already recorded / proven fact that Obama set the record with his administration for criminal non-compliance with both the FOIA and FRA. The information in newly released documents continue to show exactly who was guilty of doing so.

*** Just before the 2016 Presidential election the FBI released a public statement reporting they had found THOUSANDS of official subpoenaed documents on HRC's personal server, that she had tried and failed to destroy to hide from the FBI, that Hillary had never turned in as required by the law for archival.

*** Days before the election the FBI announced the investigation of HRC had been re-opened - this was because FBI agents discovered that Hillary's aide - Huma Abedin - had ILLEGALLY downloaded copies of ALL (thousands) of HRC's e-mails and documents onto her and her convicted sex crime perv's husband's personal laptop. Comey reluctantly declared the investigation had re-opened because his field agents concerned about this forced him to....although Comey and Rosenstein quickly shut it down, ignoring the crimes that had been exposed to protect Hillary. THIS is supported by the testimony of former GBI Agent page who testified that the DOJ personally informed her and former FBI Deputy Director McCabe that the DOJ had no interest or intent of opening a criminal case against Hillary Clinton.

Even President Obama was exposed for having had a personal e-mail account and an alias with which he conducted business, to include e-mailing HRC's personal e-mail. Despite LYING to the American people and claiming he only found out about Hillary's server/e-mail from the press, evidence shows Barry had been e-mailing her for quite a while using his own e-mail/alias. Deeper investigations uncovered evidence that most of Obama's Cabinet and administration members violated / fot around the FOIA & FRA by using personal servers, e-mails, and aliases.

Strzok, the leading Counter-Intelligence Operations expert in the US, has been exposed as having been in charge of running the Counter-Intelligence Op against President Trump for Obama and his administration. Evidence shows he worked with NSA Director Clapper and FBI Director Brennan in helping to write both the Intel Community Assessment and Intel Community Report based on the known false Russian-authored Counter-Intel propaganda delivered by known Trump-hating liar and foreign spy Steele.

DOJ outlines slew of Strzok 'security violations,' says wife learned of affair through unsecured phone


Clapper begins literally every sentence with the phrase, "Obama told me to..."

Bartender: "what'll it be?"
Clapper: "Obama told me to order a scotch"
"The Department of Justice released documents Monday outlining a slew of "security violations" and flagrantly "unprofessional conduct" by anti-Trump ex-FBI agent Peter Strzok — including his alleged practice of keeping sensitive FBI documents on his unsecured personal electronic devices, even as his wife gained access to his cellphone"

Proving ponce again that Obama ran the most criminal Presidential administration in US history, the DOJ's revelation that Stzok kept classified data on personal devices confirms the already proven fact that most Cabinet members, Agency Dire tors, and Deep State members regularly violated US security rules, regulations, and laws by illegally using and conducting business on personal devices to avoid FOIA & Federal Records Act compliance.

It is already recorded / proven fact that Obama set the record with his administration for criminal non-compliance with both the FOIA and FRA. The information in newly released documents continue to show exactly who was guilty of doing so.

*** Just before the 2016 Presidential election the FBI released a public statement reporting they had found THOUSANDS of official subpoenaed documents on HRC's personal server, that she had tried and failed to destroy to hide from the FBI, that Hillary had never turned in as required by the law for archival.

*** Days before the election the FBI announced the investigation of HRC had been re-opened - this was because FBI agents discovered that Hillary's aide - Huma Abedin - had ILLEGALLY downloaded copies of ALL (thousands) of HRC's e-mails and documents onto her and her convicted sex crime perv's husband's personal laptop. Comey reluctantly declared the investigation had re-opened because his field agents concerned about this forced him to....although Comey and Rosenstein quickly shut it down, ignoring the crimes that had been exposed to protect Hillary. THIS is supported by the testimony of former GBI Agent page who testified that the DOJ personally informed her and former FBI Deputy Director McCabe that the DOJ had no interest or intent of opening a criminal case against Hillary Clinton.

Even President Obama was exposed for having had a personal e-mail account and an alias with which he conducted business, to include e-mailing HRC's personal e-mail. Despite LYING to the American people and claiming he only found out about Hillary's server/e-mail from the press, evidence shows Barry had been e-mailing her for quite a while using his own e-mail/alias. Deeper investigations uncovered evidence that most of Obama's Cabinet and administration members violated / fot around the FOIA & FRA by using personal servers, e-mails, and aliases.

Strzok, the leading Counter-Intelligence Operations expert in the US, has been exposed as having been in charge of running the Counter-Intelligence Op against President Trump for Obama and his administration. Evidence shows he worked with NSA Director Clapper and FBI Director Brennan in helping to write both the Intel Community Assessment and Intel Community Report based on the known false Russian-authored Counter-Intel propaganda delivered by known Trump-hating liar and foreign spy Steele.

DOJ outlines slew of Strzok 'security violations,' says wife learned of affair through unsecured phone

Unlike the current attorney general for his president?

equal protection of the law is expressed in our Constitutions.
"The DOJ was seeking to dismiss Strzok’s lawsuit claiming he was unfairly fired and deserves to be reinstated as chief of the counterespionage division at the FBI. In its filing, the DOJ included an August 2018 letter to Strzok from the DOJ's Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR), which said in part that Strzok had engaged in a "dereliction of supervisory responsibility" by failing to investigate the potentially classified Hillary Clinton emails that had turned up on an unsecured laptop belonging to Anthony Weiner as the 2016 election approached.

The situation became so dire,
OPR said, that a case agent in New York told federal prosecutors there that he was "scared" and "paranoid" that "somebody was not acting appropriately" and that "somebody was trying to bury this."

...which we all know unquestionably the Obama administration did, protecting Hillary from Indictment, again, supported by former FBI agent Page's testimony.

"The New York prosecutors then immediately relayed their concerns to the DOJ, effectively going over Strzok's head — and leading, eventually, to then-FBI Director James Comey's fateful announcement just prior to Election Day that emails possibly related to the Clinton probe had been located on Weiner's laptop.

Too bad Comey / the FBI Leadership and the Rosenstein / the DOJ were all ass-deep in protecting Hillary...and the DOJ had already told Page / McCabe the DOJ would NOT investigate / hold HRC accountable for ANYTHING...

"The New York prosecutors then immediately relayed their concerns to the DOJ, effectively going over Strzok's head — and leading, eventually, to then-FBI Director James Comey's fateful announcement just prior to Election Day that emails possibly related to the Clinton probe had been located on Weiner's laptop.

And that in a nutshell is the deluded Left's complaint with Comey.
But - he had to do it, because the FBI in NY didn't get the memo to bury the Clinton Corruption.
He had to announce it and then dismiss it .
Unlike the current attorney general for his president?.

As the Democrats continue to put on display their continuous 4-year effort to affect a political coup based on ZERO evidence, ZERO crimes, ZERO witnesses, Conspiracy, Sedition, and Treason, the current US IG, US AG and US Prosecutor Durham have been doing what the Democrats have refused to do - acknowledge and investigate real evidence of Democrat crimes.

Democrats continue to accuse this President and Republicans of doing what evidence proves Obama and Democrats have done and are still doing. The Schiff coup hearings have been their latest publicly-viewed disaster, once again demonstrating they have no crime, no evidence of crime, no whistleblower, and no witnesses, as everyone they have brought to testify 1 thing in common - no one witnessed anything. and the funniest / most pathetic thing is that Schiff's own witness testified that the only ones who should be investigated are the Bidens, especially since he was warned of a conflict of interest by the State Dept and gave a videotaped confession of extorting the Ukraine PM to protect his son.

equal protection of the law is expressed in our Constitutions.
You mean like how the Democrats:
- Engaged in Sedition, perjury, facilitated/run coup attempt after coup attempt based on zero crime, zero evidence of crimes, known false Russian-authored counter-intel propaganda provided by a foreign spy

- Knowingly committed FISA-Court Abuses to illegally spy on the President as Obama did to US citizens / reporters / the media / US Senators / USSC Justices...

- Illegally colluded not only with foreign spies and Russians but also corrupt former Ukraine officials to get dirt on Trump to use to alter and control the 2016 election

- Have declared the President, like Kavanaugh, to be 'Guilty until Proven Innocent', denying the President hios Constitutional Rights to face his accuser, to be present ./ have his lawyer present during court hearings instead of being forbidden - along with the GOP - to attend the hidden/closed-door Inquisition

- Running a Kangaroo Court that violates the accused's Rights to face their accuser,ask any question he likes of his accusers, and to call whatever witnesses he wants?

Schiff and the Democrats are putting on for the American people to see what 'Socialist Justice' and the Rule of 'Law'' would be under their Socialist Democrat rule rather than what is afforded / provided under our current existing Constitution and Rule of Law, both of which they are rejecting / violating in their televised treasonous Trump/America-hating circus.

Oh Look.....Donald Trump!
Strzok is following the Dem playbook - accuse the other side of doing what you are guilty of.

Proving ponce again that Obama ran the most criminal Presidential administration in US history,


Exactly how many members of the Obama administration were ever convicted of anything?

Oh I know you Trumpettes count every accusation when it comes to Obama- and ignore every accusation when it comes to Trump- but some actual numbers
Obama - 8yrs in office. zero criminal indictments, zero convictions and zero prison sentences.

Bush, George W. - 8yrs in office. 16 criminal indictments. 16 convictions. 9 prison sentences.
Clinton - 8yrs in office. 2 criminal indictments. one conviction. one prison sentence. that's right nearly 8yrs of investigations. tens of millions spent and 30yrs of claiming them the most corrupt ever and there was exactly one person convicted of a crime.
Bush, George H. W. - 4yrs in office. one indictment. one conviction. one prison sentence.
Reagan - 8yrs in office. 26 criminal indictments. 16 convictions. 8 prison sentences.
Carter - 4yrs in office. one indictment. zero convictions and zero prison sentences.
Ford - 4yrs in office. one indictment and one conviction. one prison sentence.
Nixon - 6yrs in office. 76 criminal indictments. 55 convictions. 15 prison sentences.
Johnson - 5yrs in office. zero indictments. zero convictions. zero prison sentences.

Trump: 3 years in office. 1 criminal indictment, one criminal conviction, sentencing pending.

So far Trump has 100% more of his administration convicted of crimes than Obama did.

But hey- if truth was what you valued- you wouldn't be supporting your Orange Messiah.
*** Just before the 2016 Presidential election the FBI released a public statement reporting they had found THOUSANDS of official subpoenaed documents on HRC's personal server, that she had tried and failed to destroy to hide from the FBI, that Hillary had never turned in as required by the law for archival.


Well that isn't exactly the FBI statement- was it?

"In connection with an unrelated case, the FBI has learned of the existence of emails that appear pertinent to the investigation," Comey wrote the chairmen. "I am writing to inform you that the investigative team briefed me on this yesterday, and I agreed that the FBI should take appropriate investigative steps designed to allow investigators to review these emails to determine whether they contain classified information, as well as to assess their importance to our investigation."
The Democrats are scared Schifless over the US IG's report because they know it is going to blow the criminal Obama administration, his DOJ, NSA, CIA, FBI, and the Deep State Intel Community wide open, exposing the biggest criminal scandal in US history. It is going to reveal the depth and breath of their Conspiracy, Sedition, Treason...their vast number of crimes committed....their colluding with foreign spies and foreign entities / governments to set the Trump team up, get 'dirt' on Trump and his team to take down members of his team while attempting to take him down, and in an attempt to alter / control a US Presidential election.

As reported, US IG Horowitz turned his report in to the US AG...who then gave it back with the specific request of the US IG to SIMPLIFY the findings by SPELLINNG OUT EXACTLY WHAT CRIMES WERE COMMITTED AND BY make it easy for the American people to read and understand as well as to make it easier for the prosecutorial divisions within the DOJ to use that information to begin indicting those involved.

For those paying attention.....Rosenstein, Clapper, Brennan, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Lynch, Rice, and others have gone silent and are keeping extremely profiles. They KNOW what they did and exactly what Horowitz, Barr, and Durham have on them. For those NOT in denial and who have NOT refused to accept the massive amount of evidence already exposed, they/you have already seen enough to easily piece together a nearly complete story of what was done.

The Conspirators and traitors can only hope that the same willingness to make deals on both sides of the aisle to allow them to escape indictment, criminal charges, and prison time as there was in the past still exists and that US AG Barr will allow such deals to be made, if he is determined to finally make someone pay for the last 4 years of undeniable crimes / sedition / treason.

Strzok, for example, is SCREWED. Illegal possession, storage, handling of classified, texts that amount to admissions of guilt - substantiated by other evidence that includes documents, his own phone, testimony - to include that of his old / previous adulterous FBI partner / lover Page, etc....

Comey, if Barr so chooses, if F*ed. Aside from admitting he leaked classified information on the purpose with the intent of that information getting to the press, being reported, initiating a pre-planned Obama administration prepared Special Counsel investigation that would remove the newly elected President of the United States from office because, in his own words, 'He had to save the United States' - an admission of initiating / facilitating a political coup against the President / Govt of the United States....and so much more (FISA Court Abuses...)

D-Adama Schiff:
Schiff intentionally, willfully engaged in acts of Sedition NUMEROUS times in the last 4 years - intentionally falsely claiming for 2+ years to have direct evidence of crimes committed by the President in an attempt to create a rebellion / opposition to the President that would call for his un-warranted removal from office...intentionally knowingly attempting to present a personally-authored fictitious account of the President's phone call with the Ukraine PM as EVIDENCE of a crime by the President...for the same exact reason - to affect the removal / overthrow of the President of the United States from office. And lets not forget his admission of leaking classified he and his committee continue to leak classified information like a screen door on a submarine.

The idea of spending Christmas / New Years in PRISION is suddenly becoming all too real for a LOT of Democrats / Liberals.
*** Just before the 2016 Presidential election the FBI released a public statement reporting they had found THOUSANDS of official subpoenaed documents on HRC's personal server, that she had tried and failed to destroy to hide from the FBI, that Hillary had never turned in as required by the law for archival.


Well that isn't exactly the FBI statement- was it?"
Yes. The FBI stated they had recovered documents from Hillary's server that had been deleted, that these documents were official govt documents that had not been submitted to the govt for archival.

Nice try. What you wrote was NOT the public announcement made by a representative of the FBI at the time, the FBI agent heading up the investigation, NOT Comey.

Comey also, answering questions from GOP Rep Gowdy under oath before Congress admitted that Hillary had lied to Congress earlier, that she had used a personal server to house classified documents and e-mails, that she had sent/received classified documents, that she had deleted subpoenaed documents, that she had used MULTIOPLE devices - not 1, that those devices and been illegally destroyed, that sim cards had been removed and kept rather than turned in IAW the subpoena......

Add in the testimony pof former FBI Agt and conspirator Page whose testimony implicated / confirmed criminal activity by Strzok, McCabe, Comey, Clapper, Brennan, Rosenstein, and others....

Add in these latest documents that show Prosecutors had evidence - already substantiated by Page - that Strzok and others were sitting on the evidence of Hillary crimes and wanted no part in opening up a real criminal investigation against her.

Snowflakes attempt to demand each individual piece of evidence be isolated and try to debunk it, seeking to avoid how many pother pieces of undeniable evidence substantiates the others, building a tight, undeniable case against the criminal co-conspiring treasonous Democrats.

Barr and Durhamis going to brun the Obama administration / Deep State down.....
Exactly how many members of the Obama administration were ever convicted of anything?. must be one of Jonathon Gruber's favorite 'stupid sheep'. :p

You keep embarrassingly attempting to use this hollow statement as some sort of defense of Obama's most criminal administration in US history and in defense of his already proven criminals....continuously avoiding the fact that Barry had assembled a core of corrupt, criminal, treasonous Cabinet members / Agency Directors who Obama protected, protected each other, and protected Barry's criminal ass.

During his administration Obama set a record for criminal non-compliance with the FOIA and the Federal Records Act.
He was found Guilty of violating Federal Judges' orders 3 times.
He was found to have violated the US Constitution at least twice by the USSC,
He admitted to violating the US Constitution at least once.

Despite claiming his administration was scandal free, Barry illegally ran weapons to terrorists - to include Al Qaeda (who slaughtered 3,000 Americans) and ISIS - and Mexican Drug Cartels. These crimes led directly to the deaths of US citizens.

With the help of his criminal Cabinet and Agency Directors he illegally weaponized the IRS and used it against American citizens who legally opposed his re-election....he was exposed for having illegally spied onus citizens, reporters, the media, US Senators, USSC Justices, opposing party Presidential nominees...and a newly elected President.

And when the fecal matter did hit the oscillating rotator, his loyal band of criminals made sure Barry did not take the hit, that they took the 'spear'...and he, in turn, protected them from legal repercussions (indictment / prison):
-- The Director of the IRS, Koskinen, was caught perpetrating Felony perjury under oath before Congress about the illegal use of Obama's IRS to target Americans during his re-election bid. The IRS issued a statement kepot quiet by the MSM about how the IRS was sorry for targeting Americans...and Koskinen was protected from indictment for Perjury.

During the Obama Fast and Furious scandal, Obama US AG and Presidential 'ass protector' repeatedly violated Congressional subpoenas demanding the release of information / official documents to protect Obama- something snowflakes are ignorant of or choose to NOT remember. AG Holder was also caught perpetrating several Felony counts of Perjury. The GOP demanded he be held accountable. Holder's hand-picked DOJ staff refused to indict their boss, and Obama protected him from other attempts to have him indicted. His crimes were so egregious, however, that Congress - to include democrats - that they voted to Censure Holder, making him the 1st Presidential Cabinet Member /US AG in US history to be Censured,. Despite not getting a conviction thanks to Obama's criminal self-protecting administration, Holder still made history for being a criminal.

Obama's NSA Director Clapper appeared before Congress and lied under oath - TWICE, committing Felony counts of Perjury by lying about Obama illegally spying on Americans. It quickly was revealed, and to prevent Clapper from being indicted the 1st time the Democrats quickly called him back to testify so he could 'amend' his testimony. The 2nd time he did it, Obama and his DOJ just dragged out doing nothing until the statute of limitations had expired.

Obama's CIA Director, a notorious criminal, had his crimes splashed all over the news...briefly...before the MSM attempted to cover it ... and the illegal deal cut to protect him from indictment / prison ... up. (Too bad it can and has been found on-line for the world to see.) Brennan was caught lying under oath numerous times about numerous things, but it was his Felony Perjury before Congress declaring he was not / had not illegally spied on the US senate that wound him up in hot water, almost in prison. Brennan testified that he and his CIA were definitely NOT spying on US Senators and their aides....except evidence to the contrary quickly came out. TO PROGTECT HIM / PREVENT BRENNAN FROM BEING INDEICTED AND GOING TO PRISON, a deal was cut that consisted of Brennan having to appear before Congress, admitting he had committed Perjury, admitting he had illegally spied on US Senators, and promised to NEVER engage in illegal espionage again....bwuhahahaha. We all know how THAT turned out.
-- More recently Brennan was caught illegally spying on Trump, committing Felony Perjury under oath by claiming he knew nothing about the criminal / false Trump Dossier...except official documents prove he worked on it with Strzok to write the ICA and ICR that was the basis for the FISA Court Warrants AND had briefed select members of Congress on the Dossier

Lynch, Rice, Rosenstein, Comey, McCabe, Strzok.....all proven dirty / criminals. The US IG recommended Comey, McCabe, & Strzok for indictment based on evidence of their crimes, Comey is being investigated for Perjury, and the entire coup participants are under investigation for already proven crimes, to include sedition and treason.

It isn't hard to escape / prevent indictment, charges, and prison when you own the WH, the DOJ, NSA, CIA, FBI, and Deep State Intel Community, as Barry proved.

In contrast, the Democrats have not produced in 4 years of coup attempts any crime, any evidence of crime, any whistle blower, no witnesses - because no one has witnessed anything, no indictments, no charges, and no convictions of Trump or any of his associates for any crimes accused of in 'Collusion Delusion 1.0: Russia', 'Collusion Delusion 2.0: Ukraine', etc.....

The Dems' constant rabid pursuit of overthrowing President Trump has always begun the same way - their falsely accusing the President of committing the crimes they have done / are doing. Case in point, the latest Dem coup attempt is based on the false accusation that the President bribed / extorted the Ukraine PM....but the only evidence of anyone doing that is former VP Biden's videotaped confession.

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